Example #1
  * Processes an HTML attribute value and strips dangerous protocols from URLs.
  * @param string $string
  *   The string with the attribute value.
  * @return string
  *   Cleaned up and HTML-escaped version of $string.
 public static function filterBadProtocol($string)
     // Get the plain text representation of the attribute value (i.e. its
     // meaning).
     $string = Html::decodeEntities($string);
     return SafeMarkup::checkPlain(static::stripDangerousProtocols($string));
Example #2
  * Encodes special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.
  * @param string $text
  *   The text to be checked or processed.
  * @return string
  *   An HTML safe version of $text, or an empty string if $text is not
  *   valid UTF-8.
  * @deprecated in Drupal 8.x-dev, will be removed before Drupal 8.0.
  *   Use \Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup::checkPlain() instead.
 public static function checkPlain($text)
     return SafeMarkup::checkPlain($text);
Example #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function orderView(OrderInterface $order)
     $build = array();
     // Add the hidden span for the CC details if possible.
     $account = \Drupal::currentUser();
     if ($account->hasPermission('view cc details')) {
         $rows = array();
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_type'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Card type') . ': ' . SafeMarkup::checkPlain($order->payment_details['cc_type']);
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_owner'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Card owner') . ': ' . SafeMarkup::checkPlain($order->payment_details['cc_owner']);
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_number'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Card number') . ': ' . uc_credit_display_number($order->payment_details['cc_number']);
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_start_month']) && !empty($order->payment_details['cc_start_year'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Start date') . ': ' . $order->payment_details['cc_start_month'] . '/' . $order->payment_details['cc_start_year'];
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_exp_month']) && !empty($order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Expiration') . ': ' . $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'] . '/' . $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'];
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_issue'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Issue number') . ': ' . SafeMarkup::checkPlain($order->payment_details['cc_issue']);
         if (!empty($order->payment_details['cc_bank'])) {
             $rows[] = t('Issuing bank') . ': ' . SafeMarkup::checkPlain($order->payment_details['cc_bank']);
         $build['cc_info'] = array('#prefix' => '<a href="#" onclick="jQuery(this).hide().next().show();">' . t('Show card details') . '</a><div style="display: none;">', '#markup' => implode('<br />', $rows), '#suffix' => '</div>');
         // Add the form to process the card if applicable.
         if ($account->hasPermission('process credit cards')) {
             $build['terminal'] = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm('uc_credit_order_view_form', $order->id());
     return $build;
  * Formats the address for display based on the country's address format.
  * @return
  *   A formatted string containing the address.
 public function __toString()
     $variables = array('!company' => $this->company, '!first_name' => $this->first_name, '!last_name' => $this->last_name, '!street1' => $this->street1, '!street2' => $this->street2, '!city' => $this->city, '!postal_code' => $this->postal_code);
     $country = \Drupal::service('country_manager')->getCountry($this->country);
     if ($country) {
         $variables += array('!zone_code' => $this->zone ?: t('N/A'), '!zone_name' => isset($country->getZones()[$this->zone]) ? $country->getZones()[$this->zone] : t('Unknown'), '!country_name' => t($country->getName()), '!country_code2' => $country->id(), '!country_code3' => $country->getAlpha3());
         $format = implode("\r\n", $country->getAddressFormat());
     } else {
         $variables += array('!zone_code' => t('N/A'), '!zone_name' => t('Unknown'), '!country_name' => t('Unknown'), '!country_code2' => t('N/A'), '!country_code3' => t('N/A'));
         $format = "!company\r\n!first_name !last_name\r\n!street1\r\n!street2\r\n!city, !zone_code !postal_code\r\n!country_name_if";
     if (uc_store_default_country() != $this->country) {
         $variables['!country_name_if'] = $variables['!country_name'];
         $variables['!country_code2_if'] = $variables['!country_code2'];
         $variables['!country_code3_if'] = $variables['!country_code3'];
     } else {
         $variables['!country_name_if'] = '';
         $variables['!country_code2_if'] = '';
         $variables['!country_code3_if'] = '';
     $address = SafeMarkup::checkPlain(strtr($format, $variables));
     $address = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $address);
     $address = preg_replace("/\n +\n/", "\n", $address);
     $address = trim($address, "\n");
     if (\Drupal::config('uc_store.settings')->get('capitalize_address')) {
         $address = Unicode::strtoupper($address);
     // <br> instead of <br />, because Twig will change it to <br> anyway and it's nice
     // to be able to test the Raw output.
     return nl2br($address, FALSE);