Example #1
  * Funzione per aggiungere codice javascript nel footer di 
  * wordpress con caricamento asincrono seguendo metodo google
  * @return void
 function setJavascriptPlusOne()
     // Se ho già inserito il codice javascript nella sezione footer
     // esco dalla funzione altrimenti setto la variabile e continuo
     if (self::$JavascriptPlusone) {
     } else {
         self::$JavascriptPlusone = true;
     $addLanguage = '';
     $addURLforScript = '';
     // Controllo se istanza di google plus è attiva altrimenti
     // inserisco il codice senza parametri di personalizzazione
     if ($object = self::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         // Se nel modulo di google+ è stato indicato di non caricare
         // il framework javascript di google esco dalla funzione
         if ($options->plus_system_javascript == '1') {
         // Controllo il codice lingua da associare al framework javascript
         // se viene indicato "99" prendo il codice lingua di wordpress
         if ($options->plus_language == '99') {
             $addLanguage = substr(get_bloginfo('language'), 0, 2);
         } else {
             $addLanguage = $options->plus_language;
         // Controllo se devo attivare raccomandazioni mobile e quindi aggiungere publisher id
         // in mancanza del plublisher di defaul o funzione disattivata non aggiungo niente
         if ($options->plus_enable_recommendations == '1' and $options->plus_page != '') {
             $addURLforScript = "?publisherid=" . trim($options->plus_page);
     // Codice javascript per il rendering dei componenti google plus
     $javascript = '<script type="text/javascript">';
     if ($addLanguage != '') {
         $javascript .= "window.___gcfg = {lang:'" . trim($addLanguage) . "'};";
     $javascript .= "(function() {";
     $javascript .= "var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;";
     $javascript .= "po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js" . $addURLforScript . "';";
     $javascript .= "var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);";
     $javascript .= "})();";
     $javascript .= "</script>" . "\n";
     // Esecuzione echo su footer del codice javascript generato
     echo $javascript;
Example #2
  * Function to add javascript code in the footer of wordpress
  * with asynchronous loading method according to google
 function setJavascriptPlusOne()
     // If you've already entered the Javascript code in the footer section
     // leave the partition function otherwise the variable and constant
     if (self::$JavascriptPlusone) {
     } else {
         self::$JavascriptPlusone = true;
     $addLanguage = '';
     $addURLforScript = '';
     // Check if instance of google plus is active otherwise
     // insert the code without customization parameters
     if ($object = self::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         // If in the form of Google+ has been shown not to load
         // the javascript framework of google leave the function
         if ($options->plus_system_javascript == '1') {
         // Check the language code to associate with the javascript
         // framework, if you see "99" I take the language code of wordpress
         if ($options->plus_language == '99') {
             $addLanguage = substr(get_bloginfo('language'), 0, 2);
         } else {
             $addLanguage = $options->plus_language;
         // Checking if I have to turn the recommendations of the mobile, then add publisher id
         // without the publisher's default function turned off or do not add anything
         if ($options->plus_enable_recommendations == '1' and $options->plus_page != '') {
             $addURLforScript = "?publisherid=" . trim($options->plus_page);
     // Javascript code to render the component google+
     // this method is used for asynchronous loading
     $javascript = '<script type="text/javascript">';
     if ($addLanguage != '') {
         $javascript .= "window.___gcfg = {lang:'" . trim($addLanguage) . "'};";
     $javascript .= "(function() {";
     $javascript .= "var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;";
     $javascript .= "po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js" . $addURLforScript . "';";
     $javascript .= "var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);";
     $javascript .= "})();";
     $javascript .= "</script>" . "\n";
     // Running echo on the footer of the javascript code generated
     // This code is added to a single block together with other functions
     echo $javascript;