public function LatestTweetsList($limit = '5')
     $conf = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     if (empty($conf->TwitterName) || empty($conf->TwitterConsumerKey) || empty($conf->TwitterConsumerSecret) || empty($conf->TwitterAccessToken) || empty($conf->TwitterAccessTokenSecret)) {
         return new ArrayList();
     $cache = SS_Cache::factory('LatestTweets_cache');
     if (!($results = unserialize($cache->load(__FUNCTION__)))) {
         $results = new ArrayList();
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmhOAuth/tmhOAuth.php';
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmhOAuth/tmhUtilities.php';
         $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $conf->TwitterConsumerKey, 'consumer_secret' => $conf->TwitterConsumerSecret, 'user_token' => $conf->TwitterAccessToken, 'user_secret' => $conf->TwitterAccessTokenSecret, 'curl_ssl_verifypeer' => false));
         $code = $tmhOAuth->request('GET', $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/statuses/user_timeline'), array('screen_name' => $conf->TwitterName, 'count' => $limit));
         $tweets = $tmhOAuth->response['response'];
         $json = new JSONDataFormatter();
         if (($arr = $json->convertStringToArray($tweets)) && is_array($arr) && isset($arr[0]['text'])) {
             foreach ($arr as $tweet) {
                 try {
                     $here = new DateTime(SS_Datetime::now()->getValue());
                     $there = new DateTime($tweet['created_at']);
                     $date = $there->Format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $date = 0;
                 $results->push(new ArrayData(array('Text' => nl2br(tmhUtilities::entify_with_options($tweet, array('target' => '_blank'))), 'Date' => SS_Datetime::create_field('SS_Datetime', $date))));
         $cache->save(serialize($results), __FUNCTION__);
     return $results;
 public function _getRSS()
     $allItems = ArrayList::create();
     $feeds = $this->widget->RSSFeeds->getValues();
     if ($feeds && count($feeds)) {
         foreach ($feeds as $feedUrl) {
             $feed = new RestfulService($feedUrl, 1800);
             $request = $feed->request();
             // Make sure the request ended up being a success.
             if (substr($request->getStatusCode(), 0, 1) == '2') {
                 $XML = $request->simpleXML($request->getBody());
                 $objects = $this->recursiveXML($XML);
                 $output = null;
                 // Make sure the XML is valid RSS.
                 if (isset($objects['channel']['item'])) {
                     $output = $objects['channel']['item'];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($objects['entry'])) {
                         $output = $objects['entry'];
                 if ($output) {
                     // Transform the XML into a structure that templating can parse.
                     $output = ArrayList::create($output);
                     foreach ($output as $child) {
                         // the foreach triggers the conversion to ArrayData - we're going to grab them
                         // into the main array list now
                         // and add a Time field for sorting later
                         $date = $child->pubDate ? $child->pubDate : $child->updated;
                         $child->pubTime = strtotime($date);
                         $child->ItemDate = SS_Datetime::create_field('SS_Datetime', $child->pubTime);
                         $link = $child->link;
                         if ($link instanceof ArrayData) {
                             $link = $link->toMap();
                             $child->link = $link['@attributes']['href'];
     return $allItems->sort('pubTime', 'DESC');