  * @return array
 protected function read()
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->query->execute() as $result) {
         if (isset($result[$this->documentColumn])) {
             $data[] = array('category' => $this->category, 'document' => $result[$this->documentColumn]);
     return $data;
Example #2
  * Generate the items in this map. This is used by
  * getItems() if the items have not been generated already.
 protected function genItems()
     if (!isset($this->items)) {
         $this->items = new DataObjectSet();
         $items = $this->query->execute();
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $className = isset($item['RecordClassName']) ? $item['RecordClassName'] : $item['ClassName'];
             if (!$className) {
                 user_error('SQLMap query could not retrieve className', E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->items->push(new $className($item));
	static function all_votes_count() {
		$query = new SQLQuery(
			"Choice BETWEEN 1 AND 5");
		return $query->execute()->value();
 public function ChartData()
     $chartData = array();
     $list = ArrayList::create(array());
     $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
     $sqlQuery->selectField('COUNT(*)', 'CountInOneDay');
     $sqlQuery->addWhere('"Created" >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)');
     $result = $sqlQuery->execute();
     if (count($result)) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $date = date('j M Y', strtotime($row['Created']));
             if (!isset($chartData[$date])) {
                 $chartData[$date] = $row['CountInOneDay'];
     if (count($chartData)) {
         foreach ($chartData as $x => $y) {
             $list->push(ArrayData::create(array('XValue' => $x, 'YValue' => $y)));
     return $list;
 public function run($request)
     $confirm = $request->getVar('run') ? true : false;
     $force = $request->getVar('force') ? true : false;
     $since = $request->getVar('older');
     if (!$since) {
         echo "Please specify an 'older' param with a date older than which to prune (in strtotime friendly format)<br/>\n";
     $since = strtotime($since);
     if (!$since) {
         echo "Please specify an 'older' param with a date older than which to prune (in strtotime friendly format)<br/>\n";
     if ($since > strtotime('-3 months') && !$force) {
         echo "To cleanup data more recent than 3 months, please supply the 'force' parameter as well as the run parameter, swapping to dry run <br/>\n";
         $confirm = false;
     $since = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $since);
     $items = DataChangeRecord::get()->filter('Created:LessThan', $since);
     $max = $items->max('ID');
     echo "Pruning records older than {$since} (ID {$max})<br/>\n";
     if ($confirm && $max) {
         $query = new SQLQuery('*', 'DataChangeRecord', '"ID" < \'' . $max . '\'');
     } else {
         echo "Dry run performed, please supply the run=1 parameter to actually execute the deletion!<br/>\n";
 public function getPopularInteractions($interactionType, $itemClass, $days, $number = 10)
     $since = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-{$days} days"));
     // Execute an SQL query so we can group by and count.
     $interactions = UserInteraction::get()->filter(array('Type' => $interactionType, 'ItemClass' => $itemClass, 'Created:GreaterThan' => $since));
     $interactionType = Convert::raw2sql($interactionType);
     $itemClass = Convert::raw2sql($itemClass);
     $subs = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($itemClass);
     $subs[] = $itemClass;
     if ($i = array_search('ErrorPage', $subs)) {
     $in = "'" . implode("','", $subs) . "'";
     $query = new SQLQuery('*', 'UserInteraction', "Type = '{$interactionType}' AND ItemClass IN ({$in}) AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), Created) <= {$days}", 'Views DESC, Title ASC', 'Title', '', $number);
     $query->selectField('COUNT(Title)', 'Views');
     $results = $query->execute();
     $container = ArrayList::create();
     // The array list will need to be populated with objects so the template accepts it.
     for ($i = 0; $i < $results->numRecords(); $i++) {
         $object = UserInteraction::create($results->record());
         if ($object->canView()) {
     return $container;
 public function __construct($controller, $name = "VariationForm")
     parent::__construct($controller, $name);
     $product = $controller->data();
     $farray = array();
     $requiredfields = array();
     $attributes = $product->VariationAttributeTypes();
     foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
         $attributeDropdown = $attribute->getDropDownField(_t('VariationForm.ChooseAttribute', "Choose {attribute} …", '', array('attribute' => $attribute->Label)), $product->possibleValuesForAttributeType($attribute));
         if ($attributeDropdown) {
             $farray[] = $attributeDropdown;
             $requiredfields[] = "ProductAttributes[{$attribute->ID}]";
     $fields = FieldList::create($farray);
     if (self::$include_json) {
         $vararray = array();
         $query = $query2 = new SQLQuery();
         $query->setSelect('ID')->setFrom('ProductVariation')->addWhere(array('ProductID' => $product->ID));
         if (!Product::config()->allow_zero_price) {
             $query->addWhere('"Price" > 0');
         foreach ($query->execute()->column('ID') as $variationID) {
             $query2->setSelect('ProductAttributeValueID')->setFrom('ProductVariation_AttributeValues')->setWhere(array('ProductVariationID' => $variationID));
             $vararray[$variationID] = $query2->execute()->keyedColumn();
         $fields->push(HiddenField::create('VariationOptions', 'VariationOptions', json_encode($vararray)));
     $requiredfields[] = 'Quantity';
  * getGateways
  * Create Gateways List - To do this we are going to fetch all
  * gateways in the Gateway DataObject and display them as
  * valid options where:
  *	a) The gateways' Enabled field is set to 1
  *	b) The gateways' checkCriteriaMet() method returns true.
  * @param Object $order Order to use.
  * @param Boolean $admin If true, replace Gateway_ with Order_Payment_ for use in the CMS.
  * @return Array
 public function getGateways($order, $admin = null)
     if ($order) {
         //Variable to hold available gateways
         $gateways = array();
         //Fetch all Enabled Couriers
         $query = new SQLQuery();
         //Result of query
         $result = $query->execute();
         //Iterate over each courier...
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             //Class of the Gateway
             $ClassName = $row["ClassName"];
             //If the criteria is met for this gateway, add it to the gateways array.
             if ($ClassName::check_criteria_met($order->ID)) {
                 if ($admin) {
                     $ClassName = str_replace("Gateway_", "Order_Payment_", $ClassName);
                 //Set the ClassName as the key and the Friendly Name as the value.
                 $gateways[$ClassName] = $row["Title"];
         return $gateways;
  * Get Class Name for Summary Fields 
  * @return String Tax class name
 public function getTaxClassName()
     if ($this->TaxClass) {
         $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery("Title");
         $sqlQuery->setFrom('TaxClasses')->addWhere('ID=' . $this->TaxClass . '');
         return $sqlQuery->execute()->value();
 public function OrganizationCount()
     $payload = function () {
         $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery("COUNT(DISTINCT(ID))", "Company", "DisplayOnSite = TRUE");
         return $sqlQuery->execute()->value();
     return EntityCounterHelper::getInstance()->EntityCount("Company", $payload);
Example #11
  * Assign a sort number when object is written
  * @see DataExtension::onBeforeWrite()
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->owner->ID && !$this->owner->SortOrder || !$this->owner->SortOrder) {
         $classes = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->owner->ClassName);
         $sql = new SQLQuery('count(ID)', array_shift($classes));
         $val = $sql->execute()->value();
         $this->owner->SortOrder = is_numeric($val) ? $val + 1 : 1;
  * Assign a sort number when object is written
  * @see DataExtension::onBeforeWrite()
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->owner->exists() || !$this->owner->SortOrder) {
         $classes = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->owner->ClassName);
         $sql = new SQLQuery('MAX("SortOrder")', '"' . array_shift($classes) . '"');
         $val = $sql->execute()->value();
         $this->owner->SortOrder = is_numeric($val) ? $val + 1 : 1;
  * @param Array - $googleMapAddressArray: an array of geographic data provided by google maps
  * @param Int - $maxRadius: maximum number of kilometers (as the bird flies) between search point defined in $googleMapAddressArray and city found.
  * @return Object | false : returns a BrowseCitiesPage or false if nothing was found
 public static function get_clostest_city_page($googleMapAddressArray, $maxRadius = 500)
     $cityPage = null;
     $suburbPage = null;
     $bt = defined('DB::USE_ANSI_SQL') ? "\"" : "`";
     $existingDistance = $maxRadius + 1;
     $newDistance = $maxRadius + 1;
     $existingPage = null;
     $newPage = null;
     $radiusSelectionSQL = self::radiusDefinitionOtherTable($googleMapAddressArray[0], $googleMapAddressArray[1], "BrowseCitiesPage", "Latitude", "Longitude");
     $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
     $sqlQuery->select = array("{$bt}BrowseCitiesPage{$bt}.{$bt}ID{$bt}, " . $radiusSelectionSQL . " as distance");
     $sqlQuery->from[] = "{$bt}BrowseCitiesPage{$bt}";
     $sqlQuery->where[] = $radiusSelectionSQL . " < " . $maxRadius;
     $sqlQuery->orderby = " distance ";
     $sqlQuery->limit = "1";
     $result = $sqlQuery->execute();
     $page = null;
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $existingDistance = $row["distance"];
         $existingPage = DataObject::get_by_id("BrowseCitiesPage", $row["ID"]);
     $radiusSelectionSQL = self::radiusDefinitionOtherTable($googleMapAddressArray[0], $googleMapAddressArray[1], "cities", "Latitude", "Longitude");
     $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
     $sqlQuery->select = array("cities.CityID", $radiusSelectionSQL . " as distance");
     $sqlQuery->from[] = "{$bt}cities{$bt}";
     $sqlQuery->where[] = $radiusSelectionSQL . " < " . $maxRadius;
     $sqlQuery->orderby = " distance ";
     $sqlQuery->limit = "1";
     $result = $sqlQuery->execute();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $sameOne = false;
         if ($existingPage) {
             if ($row["CityID"] == $existingPage->HiddenDataID) {
                 $sameOne = true;
         if (!$sameOne) {
             $newPage = self::create_city_and_parents($row["CityID"]);
             $newDistance = $row["distance"];
     if ($newPage && $newDistance < $existingDistance && $newDistance < $maxRadius) {
         $cityPage = $newPage;
     } elseif ($existingPage && $existingDistance < $maxRadius) {
         $cityPage = $existingPage;
     if ($cityPage) {
         if ($cityPage->allowBrowseChildren()) {
             $suburbPage = BrowseSuburbPage::create_suburb($googleMapAddressArray, $cityPage);
     if ($suburbPage) {
         return $suburbPage;
     return $cityPage;
Example #14
  * Assign a sort number when object is written
  * @see DataExtension::onBeforeWrite()
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->owner->exists() || !$this->owner->SortOrder) {
         // get the table in the ancestry that has the SortOrder field
         $table = ClassInfo::table_for_object_field($this->owner->class, 'SortOrder');
         $sql = new SQLQuery('MAX("SortOrder")', $table);
         $val = $sql->execute()->value();
         $this->owner->SortOrder = is_numeric($val) ? $val + 1 : 1;
 public function Vendors()
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $result = new ArrayList();
     $query->setSelect('"AddonVendor"."Name"')->selectField('COUNT("Addon"."ID")' . 'Count')->setFrom('"AddonVendor"')->addLeftJoin('Addon', '"Addon"."VendorID" = "AddonVendor"."ID"')->setGroupBy('"AddonVendor"."ID"')->setOrderBy(array('"Count"' => 'DESC', '"Name"' => 'ASC'));
     foreach ($query->execute() as $row) {
         $link = Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), 'add-ons', $row['Name']);
         $result->push(new ArrayData($row + array('Link' => $link)));
     return $result;
 public function Tags()
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $result = new ArrayList();
     $query->setSelect('"AddonKeyword"."ID", "Name"')->selectField('COUNT("AddonKeywordID")', 'Count')->setFrom('AddonKeyword')->addLeftJoin('Addon_Keywords', '"AddonKeywordID" = "AddonKeyword"."ID"')->setGroupBy('"ID"')->setOrderBy(array('"Count"' => 'DESC', '"Name"' => 'ASC'));
     foreach ($query->execute() as $row) {
         $link = Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), 'add-ons', '?' . http_build_query(array('tags[]' => $row['Name'])));
         $result->push(new ArrayData($row + array('Link' => $link)));
     return $result;
Example #17
  * Gets all of the assigned identifiers in the database
  * @return array
 public static function get_metric_identifiers()
     $allowedMetrics = new SQLQuery('Identifier', 'AUCMetric');
     $result = $allowedMetrics->execute();
     $identifiers = [];
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $identifiers[] = $row['Identifier'];
     return $identifiers;
  * @return Array Map of Snippet Folder IDs
 public function snippetFoldersIncluded()
     $ids = array();
     $q = new SQLQuery();
     $q->setSelect(array('"Snippet"."ID"', '"Snippet"."FolderID"'))->setFrom('"Snippet"');
     if (!empty($this->creator)) {
         $q->setWhereAny(array("\"CreatorID\"=" . intval($this->creator)));
     foreach ($q->execute() as $row) {
         $ids[] = array('ID' => $row['FolderID']);
     return $ids;
 public function DDLValues()
     $selected_values = array();
     $owner = $_REQUEST["SurveyQuestionTemplateID"];
     if (isset($owner)) {
         $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
         $sqlQuery->setWhere("SurveyQuestionTemplateID = {$owner} AND ChildID = {$this->ID}");
         $selected_values = $sqlQuery->execute()->keyedColumn();
     return new MultiDropdownField("Values_{$this->ID}", "Values_{$this->ID}", $this->Rows()->map("ID", "Value"), $selected_values);
  * retrieves data from a DB table that is not part of the DataObject Model. 
 protected function getDataFromTable($tableName, $where = null, $orderby = null)
     $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
     $sqlQuery->select = array('*');
     $sqlQuery->from = array($tableName);
     if ($where) {
         $sqlQuery->where = array($where);
     if ($orderby) {
         $sqlQuery->orderby = $orderby;
     $result = $sqlQuery->execute();
     return $result;
 public function run($request)
     $query = new SQLQuery("*", "Payment");
     foreach ($query->execute() as $record) {
         if ($this->migrationRequired($record)) {
     if ($this->count > 0) {
         echo "Successfully migrated {$this->count} payments";
     } else {
         echo "No migration needed";
  * @return Array Map of Snippet Folder IDs
 public function snippetFoldersIncluded()
     $ids = array();
     $q = new SQLQuery();
     $q->setSelect(array('"Snippet"."ID"', '"Snippet"."FolderID"'))->setFrom('"Snippet"');
     if (!empty($this->tag)) {
         $SQL_val = Convert::raw2sql($this->tag);
         $q->setWhereAny(array("\"Tags\" LIKE '{$SQL_val},%' OR \"Tags\" LIKE '%,{$SQL_val}' OR \"Tags\" LIKE '%,{$SQL_val},%' OR \"Tags\" LIKE '{$SQL_val}'"));
     foreach ($q->execute() as $row) {
         $ids[] = array('ID' => $row['FolderID']);
     return $ids;
 public function Articles()
     $filterID = $this->ExcludeTag()->ID;
     $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
     //$sqlQuery->addLeftJoin('HailTag_Articles','HailTag_Articles.HailArticleID = HailArticleID');
     //$sqlQuery->addWhere('HailTag_Articles.HailTagID = ' . intval($this->Tag()->ID));
     $sqlQuery->addWhere('HailTagID = ' . intval($filterID));
     $map = $sqlQuery->execute()->map();
     $articles_ids = array_keys($map);
     $List = parent::Articles()->exclude('ID', $articles_ids);
     return $List;
Example #24
 public function ArchiveDates()
     $list = ArrayList::create();
     $stage = Versioned::current_stage();
     $query = new SQLQuery(array());
     $query->selectField("DATE_FORMAT(`Date`,'%Y_%M_%m')", "DateString")->setFrom("ArticlePage_{$stage}")->setOrderBy("Date", "ASC")->setDistinct(true);
     $result = $query->execute();
     if ($result) {
         while ($record = $result->nextRecord()) {
             list($year, $monthName, $monthNumber) = explode('_', $record['DateString']);
             $list->push(ArrayData::create(array('Year' => $year, 'MonthName' => $monthName, 'MonthNumber' => $monthNumber, 'Link' => $this->Link("date/{$year}/{$monthNumber}"), 'ArticleCount' => ArticlePage::get()->where("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(`Date`,'%Y%m') = '{$year}{$monthNumber}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ParentID = {$this->ID}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t")->count())));
     return $list;
  * If the total order spend exceeds the defined minimum spend value, make courier available. 
 public static function check_criteria_met($order_no)
     //This method will be called statically and is not the Controller ($this) so store the database fields in $conf.
     $conf = DataObject::get_one(get_class());
     //Fetch the total price for all products in the given order
     $product = new SQLQuery();
     $product->setFrom("Order_Items")->addWhere("(`OrderID`=" . $order_no . ")");
     $result = $product->execute();
     $total_spend = 0;
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $total_spend = $total_spend + $row["Price"] * $row["Quantity"];
     //If the total spend exceeds the defined minimum spend value, make courier available.
     return $total_spend >= $conf->MinSpend ? true : false;
  * Count the total number of items in this order and multiple
  * them by the item flat rate as defined in this couriers
  * settings.
 public static function calculate_shipping_total($order_no)
     //This method will be called statically and is not the Controller ($this) so store the database fields in $conf.
     $conf = DataObject::get_one(get_class());
     //Count the total number of items in this order.
     $product = new SQLQuery();
     $product->setFrom("Order_Items")->addWhere("(`OrderID`=" . $order_no . ")");
     $result = $product->execute();
     $total_items = 0;
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $total_items = $total_items + $row["Quantity"];
     //Return the shipping cost.
     return $total_items * $conf->FlatRate;
 private function getCSVColumns($flexi)
     $columns = array('SubmittedBy' => 'Submitted By', 'IPAddress' => 'IP Address', 'Created' => 'Created');
     $sql = new SQLQuery();
     $sql->addLeftJoin('FlexiFormSubmission', '"FlexiFormSubmissionValue"."SubmissionID" = "FlexiFormSubmission"."ID"');
     $sql->addWhere('"FlexiFormSubmission"."FlexiFormID" = ' . $flexi->ID);
     $sql->addWhere('"FlexiFormSubmission"."FlexiFormClass" = \'' . $flexi->class . '\'');
     foreach ($sql->execute() as $row) {
         $columns['Values.' . $row['Name']] = $row['Name'];
     return $columns;
 public function EntityCount($entity_name, callable $payload_function = null)
     $cache = SS_Cache::factory('cache_entity_count');
     $result = unserialize($cache->load('var_' . $entity_name));
     if (!$result) {
         if ($payload_function == null) {
             $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery("COUNT(ID)", array($entity_name));
             $result = $sqlQuery->execute()->value();
         } else {
             $result = $payload_function();
         $cache->save(serialize($result), 'var_' . $entity_name);
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return json_encode($result);
     return $result;
  * Helper method to get content languages from the live DB table.
  * Most of the code is borrowed from the Translatable::get_live_content_languages method.
  * This method operates on "SiteTree" and makes a distinction between Live and Stage.
  * @return array
 public static function get_content_languages()
     $table = Versioned::current_stage() == 'Live' ? 'SiteTree_Live' : 'SiteTree';
     $query = new SQLQuery("Distinct \"Locale\"", "\"{$table}\"", '', '', '"Locale"');
     $dbLangs = $query->execute()->column();
     $langlist = array_merge((array) Translatable::default_locale(), (array) $dbLangs);
     $returnMap = array();
     $allCodes = array_merge(Config::inst()->get('i18n', 'all_locales'), Config::inst()->get('i18n', 'common_locales'));
     foreach ($langlist as $langCode) {
         if ($langCode && isset($allCodes[$langCode])) {
             if (is_array($allCodes[$langCode])) {
                 $returnMap[$langCode] = $allCodes[$langCode]['name'];
             } else {
                 $returnMap[$langCode] = $allCodes[$langCode];
     return $returnMap;
  * Attempt to find an old/renamed page from some given the URL as an array
  * @param array $params The array of URL, e.g. /foo/bar as array('foo', 'bar')
  * @param SiteTree $parent The current parent in the recursive flow
  * @param boolean $redirect Whether we've found an old page worthy of a redirect
  * @return string|boolean False, or the new URL
 public static function find_old_page($params, $parent = null, $redirect = false)
     $URL = Convert::raw2sql(array_shift($params));
     if (empty($URL)) {
         return false;
     if ($parent) {
         $page = SiteTree::get()->filter(array('ParentID' => $parent->ID, 'URLSegment' => $URL))->First();
     } else {
         $page = SiteTree::get()->filter(array('URLSegment' => $URL))->First();
     if (!$page) {
         // If we haven't found a candidate, lets resort to finding an old page with this URL segment
         // TODO: Rewrite using ORM syntax
         $query = new SQLQuery('"RecordID"', '"SiteTree_versions"', "\"URLSegment\" = '{$URL}' AND \"WasPublished\" = 1" . ($parent ? ' AND "ParentID" = ' . $parent->ID : ''), '"LastEdited" DESC', null, null, 1);
         $record = $query->execute()->first();
         if ($record) {
             $page = SiteTree::get()->byID($record['RecordID']);
             $redirect = true;
     if ($page && $page->canView()) {
         if (count($params)) {
             // We have to go deeper!
             $ret = self::find_old_page($params, $page, $redirect);
             if ($ret) {
                 // A valid child page was found! We can return it
                 return $ret;
             } else {
                 // No valid page found.
                 if ($redirect) {
                     // If we had some redirect to be done, lets do it. imagine /foo/action -> /bar/action, we still want this redirect to happen if action isn't a page
                     return $page->Link() . implode('/', $params);
         } else {
             // We've found the final, end all, page.
             return $page->Link();
     return false;