public function install() { $id = $this->xGetString('id'); $name = $this->xGetString('name'); if (SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id) && !SPRequest::bool('force')) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('TEMPLATE_INST_DUPLICATE', $name) . ' ' . Sobi::Txt('FORCE_TPL_UPDATE', Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'extensions.install', 'force' => 1, 'root' => basename($this->root) . '/' . basename($this->xmlFile))))); } $requirements = $this->xGetChilds('requirements/*'); if ($requirements && $requirements instanceof DOMNodeList) { SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.requirements')->check($requirements); } $language = $this->xGetChilds('language/file'); $folder = @$this->xGetChilds('language/@folder')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($language && $language instanceof DOMNodeList && $language->length) { $langFiles = array(); foreach ($language as $file) { $adm = false; if ($file->attributes->getNamedItem('admin')) { $adm = $file->attributes->getNamedItem('admin')->nodeValue == 'true' ? true : false; } $langFiles[$file->attributes->getNamedItem('lang')->nodeValue][] = array('path' => Sobi::FixPath("{$this->root}/{$folder}/" . trim($file->nodeValue)), 'name' => $file->nodeValue, 'adm' => $adm); } SPFactory::CmsHelper()->installLang($langFiles, false, true); } $path = SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id, 'front', false); if (SPRequest::bool('force')) { /** @var $from SPDirectory */ $from = SPFactory::Instance('', $this->root); $from->moveFiles($path); } else { if (!SPFs::move($this->root, $path)) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_MOVE_DIRECTORY', $this->root, $path)); } } if (!SPRequest::bool('force')) { $section = $this->xGetChilds('install'); if ($section instanceof DOMNodeList && $section->length) { $this->section($id); } } //05 Oct 2015 Kishore $exec = $this->xGetString('exec'); if ($exec && SPFs::exists($path . DS . $exec)) { include_once "{$path}/{$exec}"; } /** @var $dir SPDirectory */ $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', $path); $zip = array_keys($dir->searchFile('.zip', false)); if (count($zip)) { foreach ($zip as $file) { SPFs::delete($file); } } Sobi::Trigger('After', 'InstallTemplate', array($id)); $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install')); $dir->deleteFiles(); return Sobi::Txt('TP.TEMPLATE_HAS_BEEN_INSTALLED', array('template' => $name)); }
/** * Move files from directory to given path * @param string $target - target path * @return array */ public function moveFiles($target) { $this->iterator(); $log = array(); foreach ($this->_dirIterator as $child) { if (!$child->isDot() && !SPFs::exists(Sobi::FixPath($target . DS . $child->getFileName()))) { if (SPFs::move($child->getPathname(), Sobi::FixPath($target . DS . $child->getFileName()))) { $log[] = Sobi::FixPath($target . DS . $child->getFileName()); } } } return $log; }
public function install() { $id = $this->xGetString('id'); $name = $this->xGetString('name'); if (SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id) && !SPRequest::bool('force')) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('TEMPLATE_INST_DUPLICATE', $name) . ' ' . Sobi::Txt('FORCE_TPL_UPDATE', Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'extensions.install', 'force' => 1, 'root' => basename($this->root) . '/' . basename($this->xmlFile))))); } $requirements = $this->xGetChilds('requirements/*'); if ($requirements && $requirements instanceof DOMNodeList) { SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.requirements')->check($requirements); } $path = SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id, 'front', false); if (SPRequest::bool('force')) { /** @var $from SPDirectory */ $from = SPFactory::Instance('', $this->root); $from->moveFiles($path); } else { if (!SPFs::move($this->root, $path)) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_MOVE_DIRECTORY', $this->root, $path)); } } if (!SPRequest::bool('force')) { $section = $this->xGetChilds('install'); if ($section instanceof DOMNodeList && $section->length) { $this->section($id); } } $exec = $this->xGetString('exec'); if ($exec && SPFs::exists($this->root . DS . $exec)) { include_once "{$this->root}/{$exec}"; } /** @var $dir SPDirectory */ $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', $path); $zip = array_keys($dir->searchFile('.zip', false)); if (count($zip)) { foreach ($zip as $file) { SPFs::delete($file); } } Sobi::Trigger('After', 'InstallTemplate', array($id)); $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install')); $dir->deleteFiles(); return Sobi::Txt('TP.TEMPLATE_HAS_BEEN_INSTALLED', array('template' => $name)); }
public function save(&$attr) { static $lang = null; static $defLang = null; if (!$lang) { $lang = Sobi::Lang(); $defLang = Sobi::DefLang(); } $file = SPRequest::file('spfieldsopts', 'tmp_name'); if ($file) { $data = parse_ini_file($file, true); } elseif (is_string($attr['options'])) { $data = parse_ini_string($attr['options'], true); } else { $data = null; } $options = $this->parseOptsFile($data); if (!count($options) && count($attr['options'])) { $p = 0; $hold = array(); foreach ($attr['options'] as $o) { if (is_numeric($o['id'])) { $o['id'] = $this->nid . '_' . $o['id']; } if (isset($o['id'])) { $i = 0; $oid = $o['id']; while (isset($hold[$oid])) { $oid = $o['id'] . '_' . ++$i; } $options[] = array('id' => $oid, 'name' => $o['name'], 'parent' => null, 'position' => ++$p); $hold[$oid] = $oid; } } } if (count($options)) { unset($attr['options']); $optionsArr = array(); $labelsArr = array(); $optsIds = array(); $defLabelsArr = array(); $duplicates = false; foreach ($options as $i => $option) { /* check for doubles */ foreach ($options as $pos => $opt) { if ($i == $pos) { continue; } if ($option['id'] == $opt['id']) { $option['id'] = $option['id'] . '_' . substr((string) microtime(), 2, 8) . rand(1, 100); $duplicates = true; } } $optionsArr[] = array('fid' => $this->id, 'optValue' => $option['id'], 'optPos' => $option['position'], 'optParent' => $option['parent']); $defLabelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $defLang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id); $labelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $lang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id); $optsIds[] = $option['id']; } if ($duplicates) { SPFactory::message()->warning('FIELD_WARN_DUPLICATE_OPT_ID'); } $db = SPFactory::db(); /* try to delete the existing labels */ try { $db->delete('spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id)); $db->delete('spdb_language', array('oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id, '!sKey' => $optsIds)); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_STORE_FIELD_OPTIONS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* insert new values */ try { $db->insertArray('spdb_field_option', $optionsArr); $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $labelsArr, true); if ($defLang != $lang) { $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $defLabelsArr, false, true); } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_SELECTED_OPTIONS', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } if (!isset($attr['params'])) { $attr['params'] = array(); } $myAttr = $this->getAttr(); $properties = array(); if (count($myAttr)) { foreach ($myAttr as $property) { $properties[$property] = isset($attr[$property]) ? $attr[$property] : null; } } $this->sets['field.options'] = SPFactory::Instance('types.array')->toINIString($data); /** handle upload of new definition file */ $XMLFile = SPRequest::file('select-list-dependency', 'tmp_name'); if ($XMLFile && file_exists($XMLFile)) { $XMLFileName = SPRequest::file('select-list-dependency', 'name'); if (SPFs::getExt($XMLFileName) == 'zip') { $arch = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.archive'); $name = str_replace('.zip', null, $XMLFileName); $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name, 'front', false); $c = 0; while (SPFs::exists($path)) { $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name . '_' . ++$c, 'front', false); } $arch->upload($XMLFile, $path . '/' . $XMLFileName); $arch->extract($path); $files = scandir($path); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $defFile) { switch (SPFs::getExt($defFile)) { case 'xml': $properties['dependencyDefinition'] = $defFile; SPFs::move($path . '/' . $defFile, SOBI_PATH . '/etc/fields/select-list/' . $defFile); break; case 'ini': $defLang = explode('.', $defFile); $defLang = $defLang[0]; if (file_exists(SOBI_ROOT . '/language/' . $defLang)) { SPFs::move($path . '/' . $defFile, SOBI_ROOT . '/language/' . $defLang . '/' . $defFile); } break; } } } } elseif (SPFs::getExt($XMLFileName) == 'xml') { if (SPFs::upload($XMLFile, SOBI_PATH . '/etc/fields/select-list/' . $XMLFileName)) { $properties['dependencyDefinition'] = $XMLFileName; } } } /** if we use it - let's transform the XML file */ if ($properties['dependency'] && $properties['dependencyDefinition']) { $this->parseDependencyDefinition($properties['dependencyDefinition']); } $attr['params'] = $properties; }
/** * @param $name * @return bool */ public function rename($name) { $filename = SPFs::getFileName($this->_filename); $new = str_replace($filename, $name, $this->_filename); if (SPFs::move($this->_filename, $new)) { $this->_filename = $new; return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Install language file * @param string $lang * @param bool $force * @param bool $move * @return array */ public static function installLang($lang, $force = true, $move = false) { $log = array(); if (count($lang)) { foreach ($lang as $language => $files) { $language = str_replace('_', '-', $language); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $target = $file['adm'] ? implode('/', array(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'language', $language)) : implode('/', array(SOBI_ROOT, 'language', $language)); if ($force || SPFs::exists($target)) { $iFile = $target . '/' . trim($file['name']); $log[] = $iFile; $move ? SPFs::move(Sobi::FixPath($file['path']), $iFile) : SPFs::copy(Sobi::FixPath($file['path']), $iFile); } } } } } return $log; }