Example #1

require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc');
$sector = new SMR_SECTOR($player->sector_id, SmrSession::$game_id, SmrSession::$old_account_id);
//first check if there is a bar here
if (!$sector->has_bar()) {
    create_error("So two guys walk into this bar...");
//get script to include
if (isset($var["script"])) {
    $script = $var["script"];
} else {
    $script = "bar_opening.php";
//if ($script == 'bar_gambling_bet.php') create_error("Blackjack is currently outlawed, you will have to come back later.");
//get bar name
$db->query("SELECT location_name FROM location_type NATURAL JOIN location WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND sector_id = {$player->sector_id} AND location_type.location_type_id > 800 AND location_type.location_type_id < 900");
//next welcome them
if ($db->next_record()) {
    print_topic("Welcome to " . $db->f("location_name") . ".");
} else {
    print_topic("Welcome to this bar");
//include menu (not menue ;) )
include get_file_loc('menue.inc');
//get rid of drinks older than 30 mins
$time = time() - 1800;
$db->query("DELETE FROM player_has_drinks WHERE time < {$time}");
//include bar part
include get_file_loc("{$script}");