static function createFormLink(&$parser, $params, $parserFunctionName)
     // Set defaults.
     $inFormName = $inLinkStr = $inExistingPageLinkStr = $inLinkType = $inTooltip = $inQueryStr = $inTargetName = '';
     if ($parserFunctionName == 'queryformlink') {
         $inLinkStr = wfMessage('runquery')->text();
     $inCreatePage = false;
     $classStr = '';
     $inQueryArr = array();
     $targetWindow = '_self';
     // assign params
     // - support unlabelled params, for backwards compatibility
     // - parse and sanitize all parameter values
     foreach ($params as $i => $param) {
         $elements = explode('=', $param, 2);
         // set param_name and value
         if (count($elements) > 1) {
             $param_name = trim($elements[0]);
             // parse (and sanitize) parameter values
             $value = trim($parser->recursiveTagParse($elements[1]));
         } else {
             $param_name = null;
             // parse (and sanitize) parameter values
             $value = trim($parser->recursiveTagParse($param));
         if ($param_name == 'form') {
             $inFormName = $value;
         } elseif ($param_name == 'link text') {
             $inLinkStr = $value;
         } elseif ($param_name == 'existing page link text') {
             $inExistingPageLinkStr = $value;
         } elseif ($param_name == 'link type') {
             $inLinkType = $value;
         } elseif ($param_name == 'query string') {
             // Change HTML-encoded ampersands directly to
             // URL-encoded ampersands, so that the string
             // doesn't get split up on the '&'.
             $inQueryStr = str_replace('&', '%26', $value);
             parse_str($inQueryStr, $arr);
             $inQueryArr = self::array_merge_recursive_distinct($inQueryArr, $arr);
         } elseif ($param_name == 'tooltip') {
             $inTooltip = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences($value);
         } elseif ($param_name == 'target') {
             $inTargetName = $value;
         } elseif ($param_name == null && $value == 'popup') {
             $classStr = 'popupformlink';
         } elseif ($param_name == null && $value == 'new window') {
             $targetWindow = '_blank';
         } elseif ($param_name == null && $value == 'create page') {
             $inCreatePage = true;
         } elseif ($param_name !== null) {
             $value = urlencode($value);
             parse_str("{$param_name}={$value}", $arr);
             $inQueryArr = self::array_merge_recursive_distinct($inQueryArr, $arr);
     // Not the most graceful way to do this, but it is the
     // easiest - if this is the #formredlink function, just
     // ignore whatever values were passed in for these params.
     if ($parserFunctionName == 'formredlink') {
         $inLinkType = $inTooltip = null;
     // If "red link only" was specified, and a target page was
     // specified, and it exists, just link to the page.
     if ($inTargetName != '') {
         $targetTitle = Title::newFromText($inTargetName);
         $targetPageExists = $targetTitle != '' && $targetTitle->exists();
     } else {
         $targetPageExists = false;
     if ($parserFunctionName == 'formredlink' && $targetPageExists) {
         if ($inExistingPageLinkStr == '') {
             return Linker::link($targetTitle);
         } else {
             return Linker::link($targetTitle, $inExistingPageLinkStr);
     // The page doesn't exist, so if 'create page' was
     // specified, create the page now.
     if ($parserFunctionName == 'formredlink' && $inCreatePage && $inTargetName != '') {
         $targetTitle = Title::newFromText($inTargetName);
         SFFormLinker::createPageWithForm($targetTitle, $inFormName);
     if ($parserFunctionName == 'queryformlink') {
         $formSpecialPage = SpecialPageFactory::getPage('RunQuery');
     } else {
         $formSpecialPage = SpecialPageFactory::getPage('FormEdit');
     if ($inFormName == '') {
         $query = array('target' => $inTargetName);
         $link_url = $formSpecialPage->getTitle()->getLocalURL($query);
     } elseif (strpos($inFormName, '/') == true) {
         $query = array('form' => $inFormName, 'target' => $inTargetName);
         $link_url = $formSpecialPage->getTitle()->getLocalURL($query);
     } else {
         $link_url = $formSpecialPage->getTitle()->getLocalURL() . "/{$inFormName}";
         if (!empty($inTargetName)) {
             $link_url .= "/{$inTargetName}";
         $link_url = str_replace(' ', '_', $link_url);
     $hidden_inputs = "";
     if (!empty($inQueryArr)) {
         // Special handling for the buttons - query string
         // has to be turned into hidden inputs.
         if ($inLinkType == 'button' || $inLinkType == 'post button') {
             $query_components = explode('&', http_build_query($inQueryArr, '', '&'));
             foreach ($query_components as $query_component) {
                 $var_and_val = explode('=', $query_component, 2);
                 if (count($var_and_val) == 2) {
                     $hidden_inputs .= Html::hidden(urldecode($var_and_val[0]), urldecode($var_and_val[1]));
         } else {
             $link_url .= strstr($link_url, '?') ? '&' : '?';
             $link_url .= str_replace('+', '%20', http_build_query($inQueryArr, '', '&'));
     if ($inLinkType == 'button' || $inLinkType == 'post button') {
         $formMethod = $inLinkType == 'button' ? 'get' : 'post';
         $str = Html::rawElement('form', array('action' => $link_url, 'method' => $formMethod, 'class' => $classStr, 'target' => $targetWindow), '<button ' . Html::expandAttributes(array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => $inLinkStr)) . '>' . $inLinkStr . '</button>' . $hidden_inputs);
     } else {
         // If a target page has been specified but it doesn't
         // exist, make it a red link.
         if (!empty($inTargetName)) {
             if (!$targetPageExists) {
                 $classStr .= " new";
             // If no link string was specified, make it
             // the name of the page.
             if ($inLinkStr == '') {
                 $inLinkStr = $inTargetName;
         $str = Html::rawElement('a', array('href' => $link_url, 'class' => $classStr, 'title' => $inTooltip, 'target' => $targetWindow), $inLinkStr);
     return $str;