  * DBのバージョンを取得する.
  * @param string $dsn データソース名
  * @return string データベースのバージョン
 function sfGetDBVersion($dsn = "")
     $objQuery = new SC_Query($this->getDSN($dsn), true, true);
     list($db_type) = split(":", $dsn);
     $val = $objQuery->getOne("select version()");
     return "MySQL " . $val;
  * DBのバージョンを取得する.
  * @param string $dsn データソース名
  * @return string データベースのバージョン
 function sfGetDBVersion($dsn = "")
     $objQuery = new SC_Query($this->getDSN($dsn), true, true);
     list($db_type) = split(":", $dsn);
     $val = $objQuery->getOne("select version()");
     $arrLine = split(" ", $val);
     return $arrLine[0] . " " . $arrLine[1];
 function lfProductClassPage()
     $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
     $this->arrHidden = $_POST;
     $this->arrHidden['select_class_id1'] = "";
     $this->arrHidden['select_class_id2'] = "";
     $arrClass = $objDb->sfGetIDValueList("dtb_class", 'class_id', 'name');
     // 規格分類が登録されていない規格は表示しないようにする。
     $arrClassCatCount = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetClassCatCount();
     if (count($arrClass) > 0) {
         foreach ($arrClass as $key => $val) {
             if ($arrClassCatCount[$key] > 0) {
                 $this->arrClass[$key] = $arrClass[$key];
     // 商品名を取得
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $product_name = $objQuery->getOne("SELECT name FROM dtb_products WHERE product_id = ?", array($_POST['product_id']));
     $this->arrForm['product_name'] = $product_name;
Example #4
     * カテゴリ数の登録を行う.
     * @param SC_Query $objQuery SC_Query インスタンス
     * @param boolean $is_force_all_count 全カテゴリの集計を強制する場合 true
     * @return void
    function sfCountCategory($objQuery = NULL, $is_force_all_count = false)
        $objProduct = new SC_Product_Ex();
        if ($objQuery == NULL) {
            $objQuery =& SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance();
        $is_out_trans = false;
        if (!$objQuery->inTransaction()) {
            $is_out_trans = true;
        $sql_where = 'alldtl.del_flg = 0 AND alldtl.status = 1';
        // 在庫無し商品の非表示
        if (NOSTOCK_HIDDEN === true) {
            $sql_where_dtl = 'stock_max >= 1 OR stock_unlimited_max = 1';
            $from = $objProduct->alldtlSQL($sql_where_dtl);
        } else {
            $from = " dtb_products as alldtl ";
        // 各カテゴリに所属する商品の数を集計。集計対象には子カテゴリを含まない。
        if (!$is_force_all_count) {
            $arrCategoryCountOld = $objQuery->select('category_id,product_count', 'dtb_category_count');
        } else {
            $arrCategoryCountOld = array();
        $sql = <<<__EOS__
            SELECT T1.category_id, count(T2.category_id) as product_count
            FROM dtb_category AS T1
                LEFT JOIN dtb_product_categories AS T2
                    ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id
                LEFT JOIN {$from}
                    ON T2.product_id = alldtl.product_id
            WHERE {$sql_where}
            GROUP BY T1.category_id, T2.category_id
        $arrCategoryCountNew = $objQuery->getAll($sql);
        // 各カテゴリに所属する商品の数を集計。集計対象には子カテゴリを「含む」。
        $arrOld = array();
        foreach ($arrCategoryCountOld as $item) {
            $arrOld[$item['category_id']] = $item['product_count'];
        $arrNew = array();
        foreach ($arrCategoryCountNew as $item) {
            $arrNew[$item['category_id']] = $item['product_count'];
        $arrDiffCategory_id = array();
        foreach ($arrNew as $cid => $count) {
            if ($arrOld[$cid] != $count) {
                $arrDiffCategory_id[] = $cid;
        foreach ($arrOld as $cid => $count) {
            if ($arrNew[$cid] != $count && $count > 0) {
                $arrDiffCategory_id[] = $cid;
        if (count($arrDiffCategory_id) == 0) {
            if ($is_out_trans) {
        $arrDiffCategory_id = array_unique($arrDiffCategory_id);
        //dtb_category_countの更新 差分のあったカテゴリだけ更新する。
        foreach ($arrDiffCategory_id as $cid) {
            $sqlval = array();
            $sqlval['create_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
            $sqlval['product_count'] = (string) $arrNew[$cid];
            if ($sqlval['product_count'] == "") {
                $sqlval['product_count'] = (string) '0';
            if (isset($arrOld[$cid])) {
                $objQuery->update('dtb_category_count', $sqlval, 'category_id = ?', array($cid));
            } else {
                if ($is_force_all_count) {
                    $ret = $objQuery->update('dtb_category_count', $sqlval, 'category_id = ?', array($cid));
                    if ($ret > 0) {
                $sqlval['category_id'] = $cid;
                $objQuery->insert('dtb_category_count', $sqlval);
        $arrTgtCategory_id = array();
        foreach ($arrDiffCategory_id as $parent_category_id) {
            $arrTgtCategory_id[] = $parent_category_id;
            $arrParentID = $this->sfGetParents('dtb_category', 'parent_category_id', 'category_id', $parent_category_id);
            $arrTgtCategory_id = array_merge($arrTgtCategory_id, $arrParentID);
        $arrTgtCategory_id = array_unique($arrTgtCategory_id);
        //dtb_category_total_count 集計処理開始
        $arrUpdateData = array();
        foreach ($arrTgtCategory_id as $category_id) {
            $arrval = array();
            list($tmp_where, $tmp_arrval) = $this->sfGetCatWhere($category_id);
            if ($tmp_where != "") {
                $sql_where_product_ids = "product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_product_categories WHERE " . $tmp_where . ")";
                $arrval = array_merge((array) $tmp_arrval, (array) $tmp_arrval);
            } else {
                $sql_where_product_ids = '0<>0';
                // 一致させない
            $where = "({$sql_where}) AND ({$sql_where_product_ids})";
            $from = $objProduct->alldtlSQL($sql_where_product_ids);
            $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$from} WHERE {$where} ";
            $arrUpdateData[$category_id] = $objQuery->getOne($sql, $arrval);
        // 更新対象だけを更新。
        foreach ($arrUpdateData as $cid => $count) {
            $sqlval = array();
            $sqlval['create_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
            $sqlval['product_count'] = $count;
            if ($sqlval['product_count'] == "") {
                $sqlval['product_count'] = (string) '0';
            $ret = $objQuery->update('dtb_category_total_count', $sqlval, 'category_id = ?', array($cid));
            if (!$ret) {
                $sqlval['category_id'] = $cid;
                $ret = $objQuery->insert('dtb_category_total_count', $sqlval);
        // トランザクション終了処理
        if ($is_out_trans) {
     * Page のプロセス.
     * @return void
    function process()
        $objQuery = new SC_Query();
        $objView = new SC_AdminView();
        $objSess = new SC_Session();
        // 認証可否の判定
        $arrActive = array("0" => "稼働", "1" => "非稼働");
        $arrQuestion = array("0" => "使用しない", "1" => "テキストエリア", "2" => "テキストボックス", "3" => "チェックボックス", "4" => "ラジオボタン");
        $result = $objQuery->select('*, cast(create_date as date) as disp_date', 'dtb_question', 'del_flg = 0 ORDER BY question_id');
        $this->list_data = $result;
        if (!isset($_GET['mode'])) {
            $_GET['mode'] = "";
        // アンケートを作成ボタン押下時
        if ($_GET['mode'] == 'regist') {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST["question"]); $i++) {
                $_POST['question'][$i]['name'] = mb_convert_kana(trim($_POST['question'][$i]['name']), "K");
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($_POST['question'][$i]['option']); $j++) {
                    $_POST['question'][$i]['option'][$j] = mb_convert_kana(trim($_POST['question'][$i]['option'][$j]));
            $error = $this->lfErrCheck();
            if (!$error) {
                // 新規登録
                if (!is_numeric($_POST['question_id'])) {
                    $value = serialize($_POST);
                    if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
                        $question_id = $objQuery->nextval('dtb_question', 'question_id');
                    $sql_val = array('question' => $value, 'question_name' => $_POST['title'], 'question_id' => $question_id, 'create_date' => 'now()');
                    $objQuery->insert('dtb_question', $sql_val);
                    $this->MESSAGE = "登録が完了しました";
                    if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") {
                        $question_id = $objQuery->nextval('dtb_question', 'question_id');
                    $this->QUESTION_ID = $question_id;
                    $this->reload(null, true);
                    // 編集
                } else {
                    $value = serialize($_POST);
                    $sql_val = array('question' => $value, 'question_name' => $_POST['title']);
                    $objQuery->update('dtb_question', $sql_val, 'question_id = ?', array($_POST['question_id']));
                    $this->MESSAGE = "編集が完了しました";
                    $this->QUESTION_ID = $_POST['question_id'];
                    $this->reload(null, true);
            } else {
                $this->ERROR = $error;
                $this->QUESTION_ID = $_REQUEST['question_id'];
                $this->ERROR_COLOR = $this->lfGetErrColor($error, ERR_COLOR);
            // 削除ボタン押下時
        } elseif ($_GET['mode'] == 'delete' && SC_Utils_Ex::sfCheckNumLength($_GET['question_id'])) {
            $sqlval = array('del_flg' => 1);
            $objQuery->update('dtb_question', $sqlval, 'question_id = ?', array($_GET['question_id']));
            $this->reload(null, true);
            // CSVダウンロードボタン押下時
        } elseif ($_GET['mode'] == 'csv' && SC_Utils_Ex::sfCheckNumLength($_GET['question_id'])) {
            require_once CLASS_EX_PATH . "helper_extends/SC_Helper_CSV_Ex.php";
            $objCSV = new SC_Helper_CSV_Ex();
            $head = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetCSVList($this->arrCVSTITLE);
            $sql = <<<__EOS__
                    FROM dtb_question_result
                        LEFT JOIN dtb_question
                            ON dtb_question_result.question_id = dtb_question.question_id
                    WHERE 0=0
                        AND dtb_question_result.del_flg = 0
                        AND dtb_question_result.question_id = ?
                    ORDER BY dtb_question_result.result_id ASC
            $list_data = $objQuery->getAll($sql, array($_GET['question_id']));
            $data = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_data); $i++) {
                // 各項目をCSV出力用に変換する。
                $data .= $objCSV->lfMakeCSV($list_data[$i]);
            // CSVを送信する
            SC_Utils_Ex::sfCSVDownload($head . $data);
            // 初回表示 or 編集ボタン押下時
        } else {
            if (!isset($_GET['question_id'])) {
                $_GET['question_id'] = "";
            if (is_numeric($_GET['question_id'])) {
                $sql = "SELECT question FROM dtb_question WHERE question_id = ?";
                $result = $objQuery->getOne($sql, array($_GET['question_id']));
                if ($result) {
                    $_POST = unserialize($result);
                    $this->QUESTION_ID = $_GET['question_id'];
        $this->cnt_question = 6;
        $this->arrActive = $arrActive;
        $this->arrQuestion = $arrQuestion;
        //---- ページ表示
Example #6
     * SC_Queryインスタンスに設定された検索条件をもとに対象商品数を取得する.
     * 検索条件は, SC_Query::setWhere() 関数で設定しておく必要があります.
     * @param SC_Query $objQuery SC_Query インスタンス
     * @param array $arrVal 検索パラメーターの配列
     * @return array 対象商品ID数
    function findProductCount(&$objQuery, $arrVal = array())
        $table = <<<__EOS__
                 dtb_products AS alldtl
            JOIN dtb_product_categories AS T2
              ON alldtl.product_id = T2.product_id
            JOIN dtb_category
              ON T2.category_id = dtb_category.category_id
        $sql_base = $objQuery->getSql('alldtl.product_id', $table);
        return $objQuery->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM ( {$sql_base} ) as t", $arrVal);
Example #7
 function lfErrorCheck($array)
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objErr = new SC_CheckError($array);
     $objErr->doFunc(array("仮登録ID", 'id'), array("EXIST_CHECK"));
     if (!EregI("^[[:alnum:]]+\$", $array["id"])) {
         $objErr->arrErr["id"] = "無効なURLです。メールに記載されている本会員登録用URLを再度ご確認ください。";
     if (!$objErr->arrErr["id"]) {
         $sql = "SELECT customer_id FROM dtb_customer WHERE secret_key = ? AND status = 1 AND del_flg = 0";
         $result = $objQuery->getOne($sql, array($array["id"]));
         if (!is_numeric($result)) {
             $objErr->arrErr["id"] = "※ 既に会員登録が完了しているか、無効なURLです。<br>";
             return $objErr->arrErr;
     return $objErr->arrErr;
 function getBreadcrumbByCategoryId($category_id)
     $arrBreadcrumb = array();
     // 正当性チェック
     if (!SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($category_id) || SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsZeroFilling($category_id) || !SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfIsRecord('dtb_category', 'category_id', (array) $category_id, 'del_flg = 0')) {
         $this->current_name = '全商品';
         return array();
     // 指定されたカテゴリIDを元に正しいカテゴリIDを取得する。
     $arrCategory_id = SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfGetCategoryId('', $category_id);
     if (empty($arrCategory_id)) {
         $this->current_name = '全商品';
         return array();
     // 商品が属するカテゴリIDを縦に取得
     $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
     $arrCatID = $objDb->sfGetParents("dtb_category", "parent_category_id", "category_id", $arrCategory_id[0]);
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $index_no = 0;
     foreach ($arrCatID as $val) {
         // カテゴリー名称を取得
         $sql = "SELECT category_name FROM dtb_category WHERE category_id = ?";
         $arrVal = array($val);
         $CatName = $objQuery->getOne($sql, $arrVal);
         if ($val != $category_id) {
             $arrBreadcrumb[$index_no]['category_name'] = $CatName;
             $arrBreadcrumb[$index_no]['category_id'] = $val;
         } else {
             $this->current_name = $CatName;
     return $arrBreadcrumb;