<?php include "libSBML.php"; if ($argc < 3) { echo "Usage: echoSBML input-filename output-filename"; exit(1); } $reader = new SBMLReader(); $doc = $reader->readSBMLFromFile($argv[1]); if ($doc->getErrorLog()->getNumFailsWithSeverity(LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR) > 0) { $doc->printErrors(); } else { $writer = new SBMLWriter(); $writer->writeSBML($doc, $argv[2]); } ?>
</apply> </math>'; $astMath = libsbml::readMathMLFromString($mathXMLString); $kl->setMath($astMath); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates local Parameter objects inside the KineticLaw object. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a Parameter ("kcat") $para = $kl->createParameter(); $para->setId("kcat"); $para->setValue(0.1); $para->setUnits("per_second"); // Returns the created SBMLDocument object. // The returned object must be explicitly deleted by the caller, // otherwise a memory leak will happen. return $sbmlDoc; } // create example model $sbmlDoc = createExampleEnzymaticReaction(); // check consistency $sbmlDoc->checkConsistency(); if ($sbmlDoc->getErrorLog()->getNumFailsWithSeverity(LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR) > 0) { echo "file is not valid!"; $sbmlDoc->printErrors(); } // write file $writer = new SBMLWriter(); $writer->writeSBML($sbmlDoc, "enzymaticreaction.xml"); ?>