Example #1
  * Returns a Suitable ContentRouter Object based upon the URL Pattern
  * The Caller needs to extract the engine from the Router through the appropiate Getter
  * the Validate the Engine then Run the Engine
  * $engine = $router->engine();
  * $engine->check(); or $engine->validate();
  * $engine->run();
 public function decide()
     $projectName = null;
     // issue #31 https://github.com/neel/bong/issues/31
     $urlparts = strlen(trim($this->url, "/")) ? explode('/', trim($this->url, "/")) : array();
     //Slash The Url
     $reqUrlParts = explode('/', trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/"));
     $urlroot = '/' . implode('/', array_slice($reqUrlParts, 0, count($reqUrlParts) - count($urlparts)));
     MemPool::instance()->set("bong.url.root", $urlroot);
      * URL with Default Project:
      * controllername
      * controllername/methodname
      * controllerName.extension/methodName
      * image.png
      * The Extension could be anything like dbg, mc, static, sync etc..
      * URL with default / non default Project Name
      * ~projectName/controllername
      * ~projectName/controllername/methodname
      * ~projectName/controllerName.extension/methodName
      * ~projectName/image.png
     $projectExt = null;
     if (count($urlparts) && substr_count($urlparts[0], '~') == 1) {
         $projectName = substr(array_shift($urlparts), 1);
         if (substr_count($projectName, '.') == 1) {
             $parts = explode('.', $projectName);
             $projectName = $parts[0];
             $projectExt = $parts[1];
     } elseif (count($urlparts) && substr_count($urlparts[0], '~') > 1) {
         throw new MalformedUrlException();
     } else {
         $projectName = Fstab::instance()->defaultProjectName();
     if (Fstab::instance()->projectExists($projectName)) {
         $projectLocation = Fstab::instance()->projectLocation($projectName);
         if ($projectLocation && is_dir($projectLocation)) {
             if (is_readable($projectLocation)) {
                 MemPool::instance()->set("bong.project.current", $projectName);
             } else {
                 throw new ProjectDirNotReadableException($projectName . '');
         } else {
             throw new ProjectDirNotFoundException($projectName . '');
     } else {
         throw new ProjectNotFoundException($projectName . '');
     $urlbase = '/' . implode('/', array_slice($reqUrlParts, 0, count($reqUrlParts) - count($urlparts)));
     MemPool::instance()->set("bong.url.base", $urlbase);
     $urlExtracted = '/' . implode('/', $urlparts);
     //{ Start FSM Handling
      * Now if invoked /~project.fsm
      * load the fsm display
     if ($projectExt == 'fsm') {
         return RouterFactory::produce('FSMRouter');
     //} end FSM Handling
     $patterns = array('resource.local' => Conf::instance()->evaluate('urlpatterns.resource.local'), 'resource.sys' => Conf::instance()->evaluate('urlpatterns.resource.sys'), 'service.app' => Conf::instance()->evaluate('urlpatterns.service.app'), 'service.spirit' => Conf::instance()->evaluate('urlpatterns.service.spirit'));
     $type = 'mvc';
     foreach ($patterns as $key => $pattern) {
         //echo ">> {$urlExtracted} => $pattern\n";
         assert('!empty($pattern)' . "/*{$key} => {$pattern}*/");
         if (preg_match($pattern, $urlExtracted, $m)) {
             //echo ">>\tMatched!\n";
             $type = $key;
     MemPool::instance()->set("bong.router.pattern", $type);
     /* AbstractContentRouter*  */
     $router = null;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'resource.local':
         case 'resource.sys':
             $router = RouterFactory::produce('ResourceRouter');
         case 'service.app':
             $router = RouterFactory::produce('AppServiceRouter');
         case 'service.spirit':
             $router = RouterFactory::produce('SpiritServiceRouter');
         case 'mvc':
             $router = RouterFactory::produce('MVCRouter');
      * $router = RouterFactory::produce($key);
      * $router->route();
      * -- in Router --
      * AbstractContentEngine* $this->engine = $this->engine();
      * -- in AbstractContentRouter::engine() --
      * return EngineFactory::produce($key);
      * -- Another Style --
      * Factory::Router::produce()
      * Factory::Engine::produce()
     return $router;