Example #1
function RebuildToolkitEnvironment()
    define('TOOLKITENV', 'toolkit');
    $oConfig = new Config(APPCONF . 'production' . '/' . ITOP_CONFIG_FILE);
    $oToolkitConfig = clone $oConfig;
    $oToolkitConfig->ChangeModulesPath('production', TOOLKITENV);
    if (file_exists(APPROOT . 'data/production.delta.xml')) {
        copy(APPROOT . 'data/production.delta.xml', APPROOT . 'data/toolkit.delta.xml');
    $oEnvironment = new RunTimeEnvironment(TOOLKITENV);
Example #2
 $sPHPVersion = phpversion();
 $sOSVersion = PHP_OS;
 $sWebServerVersion = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
 $sModules = implode(', ', get_loaded_extensions());
 // Get the datamodel directory
 $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT ModuleInstallation WHERE name="datamodel"');
 $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter, array('installed' => false));
 // Most recent first
 $oLastInstall = $oSet->Fetch();
 $sLastInstallDate = $oLastInstall->Get('installed');
 $sDataModelVersion = $oLastInstall->Get('version');
 $aDataModelInfo = json_decode($oLastInstall->Get('comment'), true);
 $sDataModelSourceDir = $aDataModelInfo['source_dir'];
 require_once APPROOT . 'setup/runtimeenv.class.inc.php';
 $sCurrEnv = utils::GetCurrentEnvironment();
 $oRuntimeEnv = new RunTimeEnvironment($sCurrEnv);
 $aAvailableModules = $oRuntimeEnv->AnalyzeInstallation(MetaModel::GetConfig(), array(APPROOT . $sDataModelSourceDir, APPROOT . 'extensions'));
 require_once APPROOT . 'setup/setuputils.class.inc.php';
 $aLicenses = SetupUtils::GetLicenses();
 $aItopSettings = array('cron_max_execution_time', 'timezone');
 $aPHPSettings = array('memory_limit', 'max_execution_time', 'upload_max_filesize', 'post_max_size');
 $aMySQLSettings = array('max_allowed_packet', 'key_buffer_size', 'query_cache_size');
 $aMySQLStatuses = array('Key_read_requests', 'Key_reads');
 if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) {
     $aPHPSettings[] = 'suhosin.post.max_vars';
     $aPHPSettings[] = 'suhosin.get.max_value_length';
 $aMySQLVars = array();
 foreach (CMDBSource::QueryToArray('SHOW VARIABLES') as $aRow) {
     $aMySQLVars[$aRow['Variable_name']] = $aRow['Value'];
 public static function GetApplicationVersion($oWizard)
     require_once APPROOT . '/setup/moduleinstaller.class.inc.php';
     $oConfig = new Config();
     $aParamValues = array('db_server' => $oWizard->GetParameter('db_server', ''), 'db_user' => $oWizard->GetParameter('db_user', ''), 'db_pwd' => $oWizard->GetParameter('db_pwd', ''), 'db_name' => $oWizard->GetParameter('db_name', ''), 'db_prefix' => $oWizard->GetParameter('db_prefix', ''), 'source_dir' => '');
     $oConfig->UpdateFromParams($aParamValues, null);
     $oProductionEnv = new RunTimeEnvironment();
     return $oProductionEnv->GetApplicationVersion($oConfig);
Example #4
    $oP->add("<h1>Data Model Toolkit</h1>\n");
    define('TOOLKITENV', 'toolkit');
    // Compile the current code into the environment 'toolkit'
    // The environment will be rebuilt in case of refresh (if refreshing a view relying on this environment)
    $oConfig = new Config(APPCONF . 'production/' . ITOP_CONFIG_FILE);
    if ($oConfig->Get('source_dir') == '') {
        throw new Exception('Missing entry source_dir from the config file');
    $oToolkitConfig = clone $oConfig;
    $oToolkitConfig->ChangeModulesPath('production', TOOLKITENV);
    $oEnvironment = new RunTimeEnvironment(TOOLKITENV);
    $oP->add("<!-- tabs -->\n<div id=\"tabbedContent\" class=\"light\">\n");
    $oP->add("<li><a href=\"#tab_0\" class=\"tab\"><span>Data Model Consistency</span></a></li>\n");
    $oP->add("<li><a href=\"#tab_1\" class=\"tab\"><span>iTop update</span></a></li>\n");
    $oP->add("<li><a href=\"#tab_2\" class=\"tab\"><span>Data Integrity</span></a></li>\n");
    $oP->add("<li><a href=\"#tab_3\" class=\"tab\"><span>Translations / Dictionnary</span></a></li>\n");
    $oP->add("<div id=\"tab_0\">");
    $oP->add("<div id=\"tab_1\">");
 public function RestoreFromZip($sZipFile, $sEnvironment = 'production')
     $this->LogInfo("Starting restore of " . basename($sZipFile));
     $oZip = new ZipArchiveEx();
     $res = $oZip->open($sZipFile);
     // Load the database
     $sDataDir = tempnam(SetupUtils::GetTmpDir(), 'itop-');
     // I need a directory, not a file...
     // Here is the directory
     $oZip->extractTo($sDataDir, 'itop-dump.sql');
     $sDataFile = $sDataDir . '/itop-dump.sql';
     // Update the code
     $sDeltaFile = APPROOT . 'data/' . $sEnvironment . '.delta.xml';
     if ($oZip->locateName('delta.xml') !== false) {
         // Extract and rename delta.xml => <env>.delta.xml;
         file_put_contents($sDeltaFile, $oZip->getFromName('delta.xml'));
     } else {
     if (is_dir(APPROOT . 'data/production-modules/')) {
         SetupUtils::rrmdir(APPROOT . 'data/production-modules/');
     if ($oZip->locateName('production-modules/') !== false) {
         $oZip->extractDirTo(APPROOT . 'data/', 'production-modules/');
     $sConfigFile = APPROOT . 'conf/' . $sEnvironment . '/config-itop.php';
     @chmod($sConfigFile, 0770);
     // Allow overwriting the file
     $oZip->extractTo(APPROOT . 'conf/' . $sEnvironment, 'config-itop.php');
     @chmod($sConfigFile, 0444);
     // Read-only
     $oEnvironment = new RunTimeEnvironment($sEnvironment);
  * Get the installed modules (only the installed ones)	
 protected function GetMFModulesToCompile($sSourceEnv, $sSourceDir)
     $sSourceDirFull = APPROOT . $sSourceDir;
     if (!is_dir($sSourceDirFull)) {
         throw new Exception("The source directory '{$sSourceDirFull}' does not exist (or could not be read)");
     $aDirsToCompile = array($sSourceDirFull);
     if (is_dir(APPROOT . 'extensions')) {
         $aDirsToCompile[] = APPROOT . 'extensions';
     $aRet = array();
     // Determine the installed modules
     $oSourceConfig = new Config(APPCONF . $sSourceEnv . '/' . ITOP_CONFIG_FILE);
     $oSourceEnv = new RunTimeEnvironment($sSourceEnv);
     $aAvailableModules = $oSourceEnv->AnalyzeInstallation($oSourceConfig, $aDirsToCompile);
     // Do load the required modules
     $oFactory = new ModelFactory($aDirsToCompile);
     $aModules = $oFactory->FindModules();
     foreach ($aModules as $foo => $oModule) {
         $sModule = $oModule->GetName();
         if (array_key_exists($sModule, $aAvailableModules)) {
             if ($aAvailableModules[$sModule]['version_db'] != '') {
                 $aRet[] = $oModule;
     $sDeltaFile = APPROOT . 'data/' . $this->sTargetEnv . '.delta.xml';
     if (file_exists($sDeltaFile)) {
         $oDelta = new MFDeltaModule($sDeltaFile);
         $aRet[] = $oDelta;
     return $aRet;
Example #7
 $sPHPVersion = phpversion();
 $sOSVersion = PHP_OS;
 $sWebServerVersion = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
 $sModules = implode(', ', get_loaded_extensions());
 // Get the datamodel directory
 $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT ModuleInstallation WHERE name="datamodel"');
 $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter, array('installed' => false));
 // Most recent first
 $oLastInstall = $oSet->Fetch();
 $sLastInstallDate = $oLastInstall->Get('installed');
 $sDataModelVersion = $oLastInstall->Get('version');
 $aDataModelInfo = json_decode($oLastInstall->Get('comment'), true);
 $sDataModelSourceDir = $aDataModelInfo['source_dir'];
 require_once APPROOT . 'setup/runtimeenv.class.inc.php';
 $sCurrEnv = utils::GetCurrentEnvironment();
 $oRuntimeEnv = new RunTimeEnvironment($sCurrEnv);
 $aSearchDirs = array(APPROOT . $sDataModelSourceDir);
 if (file_exists(APPROOT . 'extensions')) {
     $aSearchDirs[] = APPROOT . 'extensions';
 $sExtraDir = APPROOT . 'data/' . $sCurrEnv . '-modules/';
 if (file_exists($sExtraDir)) {
     $aSearchDirs[] = $sExtraDir;
 $aAvailableModules = $oRuntimeEnv->AnalyzeInstallation(MetaModel::GetConfig(), $aSearchDirs);
 require_once APPROOT . 'setup/setuputils.class.inc.php';
 $aLicenses = SetupUtils::GetLicenses();
 $aItopSettings = array('cron_max_execution_time', 'timezone');
 $aPHPSettings = array('memory_limit', 'max_execution_time', 'upload_max_filesize', 'post_max_size');
 $aMySQLSettings = array('max_allowed_packet', 'key_buffer_size', 'query_cache_size');
 $aMySQLStatuses = array('Key_read_requests', 'Key_reads');
 protected static function DoCreateConfig($sMode, $sModulesDir, $sDBServer, $sDBUser, $sDBPwd, $sDBName, $sDBPrefix, $sUrl, $sLanguage, $aSelectedModules, $sTargetEnvironment, $bOldAddon, $sSourceDir, $sPreviousConfigFile, $sDataModelVersion, $sGraphvizPath)
     $aParamValues = array('mode' => $sMode, 'db_server' => $sDBServer, 'db_user' => $sDBUser, 'db_pwd' => $sDBPwd, 'db_name' => $sDBName, 'new_db_name' => $sDBName, 'db_prefix' => $sDBPrefix, 'application_path' => $sUrl, 'language' => $sLanguage, 'graphviz_path' => $sGraphvizPath, 'selected_modules' => implode(',', $aSelectedModules));
     $bPreserveModuleSettings = false;
     if ($sMode == 'upgrade') {
         try {
             $oOldConfig = new Config($sPreviousConfigFile);
             $oConfig = clone $oOldConfig;
             $bPreserveModuleSettings = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // In case the previous configuration is corrupted... start with a blank new one
             $oConfig = new Config();
     } else {
         $oConfig = new Config();
         // To preserve backward compatibility while upgrading to 2.0.3 (when tracking_level_linked_set_default has been introduced)
         // the default value on upgrade differs from the default value at first install
         $oConfig->Set('tracking_level_linked_set_default', LINKSET_TRACKING_NONE, 'first_install');
     // Migration: force utf8_unicode_ci as the collation to make the global search
     // NON case sensitive
     // Final config update: add the modules
     $oConfig->UpdateFromParams($aParamValues, $sModulesDir, $bPreserveModuleSettings);
     if ($bOldAddon) {
         // Old version of the add-on for backward compatibility with pre-2.0 data models
         $oConfig->SetAddons(array('user rights' => 'addons/userrights/userrightsprofile.db.class.inc.php'));
     $oConfig->Set('source_dir', $sSourceDir);
     // Have it work fine even if the DB has been set in read-only mode for the users
     $iPrevAccessMode = $oConfig->Get('access_mode');
     $oConfig->Set('access_mode', ACCESS_FULL);
     // Record which modules are installed...
     $oProductionEnv = new RunTimeEnvironment($sTargetEnvironment);
     $oProductionEnv->InitDataModel($oConfig, true);
     // load data model and connect to the database
     $aAvailableModules = $oProductionEnv->AnalyzeInstallation(MetaModel::GetConfig(), APPROOT . $sModulesDir);
     if (!$oProductionEnv->RecordInstallation($oConfig, $sDataModelVersion, $aSelectedModules, $sModulesDir)) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to record the installation information");
     // Restore the previous access mode
     $oConfig->Set('access_mode', $iPrevAccessMode);
     // Make sure the root configuration directory exists
     if (!file_exists(APPCONF)) {
         chmod(APPCONF, 0770);
         // RWX for owner and group, nothing for others
         SetupPage::log_info("Created configuration directory: " . APPCONF);
     // Write the final configuration file
     $sConfigFile = APPCONF . ($sTargetEnvironment == '' ? 'production' : $sTargetEnvironment) . '/' . ITOP_CONFIG_FILE;
     $sConfigDir = dirname($sConfigFile);
     @chmod($sConfigDir, 0770);
     // RWX for owner and group, nothing for others
     // try to make the final config file read-only
     @chmod($sConfigFile, 0444);
     // Read-only for owner and group, nothing for others
     // Ready to go !!
     require_once APPROOT . 'core/dict.class.inc.php';