if (!$current_User->check_perm('blog_item_type_' . $item_type_perm_level, 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) { unset($item_type_perm_levels[$i]); } } $item_type_perm_levels[] = '-1'; // to restrict all item types if no one is allowed $SQL->WHERE('ityp_perm_level IN ( ' . $DB->quote($item_type_perm_levels) . ' )'); // Create result set: $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'editityp_'); $Results->title = T_('Change Post Type'); if ($edited_Item->ID > 0) { $close_url = $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&action=edit&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&restore=1&p=' . $edited_Item->ID; } else { $close_url = $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&action=new&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&restore=1'; } $Results->global_icon(T_('Do NOT change the type'), 'close', $close_url); /** * Callback to make post type name depending on post type id */ function get_name_for_itemtype($ityp_ID, $name) { global $admin_url, $edited_Item, $from_tab; $current = $edited_Item->ityp_ID == $ityp_ID ? ' ' . T_('(current)') : ''; $from_tab_param = empty($from_tab) ? '' : '&from_tab=' . $from_tab; $duplicated_item_param = get_param('p') > 0 ? '&p=' . get_param('p') : ''; return '<strong><a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&action=update_type&post_ID=' . $edited_Item->ID . '&ityp_ID=' . $ityp_ID . $from_tab_param . $duplicated_item_param . '&' . url_crumb('item') . '">' . $name . '</a></strong>' . $current; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('ID'), 'order' => 'ityp_ID', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => '%conditional( "' . $edited_Item->ityp_ID . '" == #ityp_ID#, "info shrinkwrap", "shrinkwrap" )%', 'td' => '$ityp_ID$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'ityp_name', 'td' => '%get_name_for_itemtype( #ityp_ID#, #ityp_name# )%', 'td_class' => '%conditional( "' . $edited_Item->ityp_ID . '" == #ityp_ID#, "info", "" )%'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Template name'), 'order' => 'ityp_template_name', 'td' => '%conditional( #ityp_template_name# == "", "", #ityp_template_name#.".*.php" )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'center %conditional( "' . $edited_Item->ityp_ID . '" == #ityp_ID#, " info", "" )%'); // Display results:
return $regions_count; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Regions'), 'td_class' => 'center', 'td' => '%country_regions_count( #ctry_ID# )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Default Currency'), 'td_class' => 'center', 'order' => 'curr_code', 'td' => '$curr_shortcut$ $curr_code$'); /* * ACTIONS TD: */ function ctry_td_actions($ctry_enabled, $ctry_ID) { $r = ''; $redirect_ctrl = param('ctrl', 'string', 'countries'); if ($ctry_enabled == true) { $r .= action_icon(T_('Disable the country!'), 'deactivate', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&action=disable_country&ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&redirect_ctrl=' . $redirect_ctrl . '&' . url_crumb('country'))); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Enable the country!'), 'activate', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&action=enable_country&ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&redirect_ctrl=' . $redirect_ctrl . '&' . url_crumb('country'))); } $r .= action_icon(T_('Edit this country...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&action=edit')); $r .= action_icon(T_('Duplicate this country...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&action=new')); $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this country!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('country'))); return $r; } if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td' => '%ctry_td_actions( #ctry_enabled#, #ctry_ID# )%', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new country ...'), 'new', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&action=new'), T_('New country') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } $Results->display(); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit')) { // Check permission to edit Country: // Print JS to edit a country status echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.country_status_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=country_status_edit&' . url_crumb('country'), 'options' => ctry_status_titles(), 'new_field_name' => 'new_status', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( this ).attr( "id" )', 'ID_name' => 'ctry_ID', 'colored_cells' => true)); }
{ global $dispatcher; $r = ''; if ($city_enabled == true) { $r .= action_icon(T_('Disable the city!'), 'deactivate', regenerate_url('action', 'action=disable_city&city_ID=' . $city_ID . '&' . url_crumb('city'))); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Enable the city!'), 'activate', regenerate_url('action', 'action=enable_city&city_ID=' . $city_ID . '&' . url_crumb('city'))); } $r .= action_icon(T_('Edit this city...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('action', 'city_ID=' . $city_ID . '&action=edit')); $r .= action_icon(T_('Duplicate this city...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('action', 'city_ID=' . $city_ID . '&action=new')); $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this city!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('action', 'city_ID=' . $city_ID . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('city'))); return $r; } if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td' => '%city_td_actions( #city_enabled#, #city_ID# )%', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new city ...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=new'), T_('New city') . ' »', 3, 4); $Results->global_icon(T_('Import cities from CSV file ...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=csv'), T_('Import CSV') . ' »', 3, 4); } $Results->display(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( '#c' ).change( function () { // Load option list with regions for seleted country jQuery.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: '<?php echo get_samedomain_htsrv_url(); ?> anon_async.php', data: 'action=get_regions_option_list&mode=load_subregions&ctry_id=' + jQuery( this ).val(), success: function( result )
// Create result set: $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE ivc_ID, ivc_code, ivc_expire_ts, ivc_source, ivc_grp_ID, grp_name, grp_level'); $SQL->FROM('T_users__invitation_code'); $SQL->FROM_add('INNER JOIN T_groups ON grp_ID = ivc_grp_ID'); $count_SQL = new SQL(); $count_SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT( ivc_ID )'); $count_SQL->FROM('T_users__invitation_code'); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'ivc_', '-D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $count_SQL->get()); $Results->title = T_('Invitation codes') . get_manual_link('invitation-codes-list'); /* * Table icons: */ if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) { // create new group link $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new invitation code...'), 'new', '?ctrl=invitations&action=new', T_('Add invitation code') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('ID'), 'order' => 'ivc_ID', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '$ivc_ID$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Expires'), 'order' => 'ivc_expire_ts', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '$ivc_expire_ts$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Group'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'order' => 'grp_name', 'td' => '$grp_name$ ($grp_level$)'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Code'), 'order' => 'ivc_code', 'td' => $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false) ? '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=invitations&action=edit&ivc_ID=$ivc_ID$"><b>$ivc_code$</b></a>' : '$ivc_code$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Code'), 'order' => 'ivc_code', 'td' => '<a href="' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'register.php?invitation=$ivc_code$">' . T_('Link') . '</a>'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Source'), 'order' => 'ivc_source', 'td' => '$ivc_source$'); if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) { function ivc_actions(&$row) { $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this invitation code...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=invitations&ivc_ID=' . $row->ivc_ID . '&action=edit')) . action_icon(T_('Duplicate this invitation code...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=invitations&ivc_ID=' . $row->ivc_ID . '&action=new')) . action_icon(T_('Delete this invitation code!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=invitations&ivc_ID=' . $row->ivc_ID . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('invitation'))); return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%ivc_actions( {row} )%'); }
* Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}. * * @license http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html GNU General Public License (GPL) * * @package admin * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author efy-asimo: Attila Simo. * * @version $Id: _broken_posts.view.php 3328 2013-03-26 11:44:11Z yura $ */ if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) { die('Please, do not access this page directly.'); } $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('post_ID, post_title, post_main_cat_ID, post_canonical_slug_ID'); $SQL->FROM('T_items__item'); $SQL->WHERE('post_main_cat_ID NOT IN (SELECT cat_ID FROM T_categories )'); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'broken_posts_'); $Results->title = T_('Broken items with no matching category'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Cancel!'), 'close', regenerate_url('action')); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Item ID'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'small center', 'order' => 'post_ID', 'td' => '$post_ID$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Title'), 'th_class' => 'nowrap', 'order' => 'post_title', 'td' => '$post_title$', 'td_class' => 'small'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Main Cat ID'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'order' => 'post_main_cat_ID', 'td' => '$post_main_cat_ID$', 'td_class' => 'small center'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Canoncical Slug ID'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'order' => 'post_canonical_slug_ID', 'td' => '$post_canonical_slug_ID$', 'td_class' => 'small center'); $Results->display(array('page_url' => regenerate_url('blog,ctrl,action,results_' . $Results->param_prefix . 'page', 'action=' . param_action() . '&' . url_crumb('tools')))); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', true) && $Results->get_num_rows()) { // display Delete link $redirect_to = regenerate_url('action', 'action=del_broken_posts&' . url_crumb('tools')); echo '<p>[<a href="' . $redirect_to . '">' . T_('Delete these posts') . '</a>]</p>'; }
/** * Display the edited items results table * * @param array Params */ function items_edited_results_block($params = array()) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge(array('edited_User' => NULL, 'results_param_prefix' => 'actv_postedit_', 'results_title' => T_('Posts edited by the user'), 'results_no_text' => T_('User has not edited any posts')), $params); if (!is_logged_in()) { // Only logged in users can access to this function return; } global $current_User; if (!$current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) { // Check minimum permission: return; } $edited_User = $params['edited_User']; if (!$edited_User) { // No defined User, probably the function is calling from AJAX request $user_ID = param('user_ID', 'integer', 0); if (empty($user_ID)) { // Bad request, Exit here return; } $UserCache =& get_UserCache(); if (($edited_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false)) === false) { // Bad request, Exit here return; } } global $DB; param('user_tab', 'string', '', true); param('user_ID', 'integer', 0, true); $edited_versions_SQL = new SQL(); $edited_versions_SQL->SELECT('DISTINCT( iver_itm_ID )'); $edited_versions_SQL->FROM('T_items__version'); $edited_versions_SQL->WHERE('iver_edit_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID)); $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('*'); $SQL->FROM('T_items__item '); $SQL->WHERE('( ( post_lastedit_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID) . ' ) OR ( post_ID IN ( ' . $edited_versions_SQL->get() . ' ) ) )'); $SQL->WHERE_and('post_creator_user_ID != ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID)); // Create result set: $edited_items_Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $params['results_param_prefix'], 'D'); $edited_items_Results->Cache =& get_ItemCache(); $edited_items_Results->title = $params['results_title']; $edited_items_Results->no_results_text = $params['results_no_text']; // Get a count of the post which current user can delete $deleted_posts_edited_count = count($edited_User->get_deleted_posts('edited')); if ($edited_items_Results->total_rows > 0 && $deleted_posts_edited_count > 0) { // Display actino icon to delete all records if at least one record exists & current user can delete at least one item created by user $edited_items_Results->global_icon(sprintf(T_('Delete all post edited by %s'), $edited_User->login), 'delete', '?ctrl=user&user_tab=activity&action=delete_all_posts_edited&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), ' ' . T_('Delete all'), 3, 4); } // Initialize Results object items_results($edited_items_Results, array('field_prefix' => 'post_', 'display_ord' => false, 'display_history' => false)); if (is_ajax_content()) { // init results param by template name if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) { debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!'); } $edited_items_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']); } $display_params = array('before' => '<div class="results" style="margin-top:25px" id="edited_posts_result">'); $edited_items_Results->display($display_params); if (!is_ajax_content()) { // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>'; } }
} $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Help'), 'td_class' => 'nowrap', 'td' => '% plugin_results_td_help( {Obj} ) %'); /* * ACTIONS TD: */ function plugin_results_td_actions($Plugin) { $r = ''; if ($Plugin->status == 'enabled') { $r .= action_icon(T_('Disable the plugin!'), 'deactivate', 'admin.php?ctrl=plugins&action=disable_plugin&plugin_ID=' . $Plugin->ID); } elseif ($Plugin->status != 'broken') { $r .= action_icon(T_('Enable the plugin!'), 'activate', 'admin.php?ctrl=plugins&action=enable_plugin&plugin_ID=' . $Plugin->ID); } $r .= $Plugin->get_edit_settings_link(); $r .= action_icon(T_('Un-install this plugin!'), 'delete', 'admin.php?ctrl=plugins&action=uninstall&plugin_ID=' . $Plugin->ID); return $r; } if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td' => '% plugin_results_td_actions( {Obj} ) %', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); } // Action icons: if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit')) { // Display action link to reload plugins: $Results->global_icon(T_('Reload events and codes for installed plugins.'), 'reload', regenerate_url('action', 'action=reload_plugins'), T_('Reload plugins'), 3, 4); } $Results->global_icon(T_('Install new plugin...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=list_available'), T_('Install new'), 3, 4); // if there happened something with a plugin_ID, apply fadeout to the row: $highlight_fadeout = empty($edit_Plugin) || !is_object($edit_Plugin) ? array() : array('plug_ID' => array($edit_Plugin->ID)); $Results->display(NULL, $highlight_fadeout); unset($Results); // free memory
$count_SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(emadr_ID)'); $count_SQL->FROM('T_email__address'); if (!empty($email)) { // Filter by email $email = utf8_strtolower($email); $SQL->WHERE_and('emadr_address LIKE ' . $DB->quote($email)); $count_SQL->WHERE_and('emadr_address LIKE ' . $DB->quote($email)); } if (!empty($statuses)) { // Filter by statuses $SQL->WHERE_and('emadr_status IN (' . $DB->quote($statuses) . ')'); $count_SQL->WHERE_and('emadr_status IN (' . $DB->quote($statuses) . ')'); } $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'emadr_', '---D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $count_SQL->get()); $Results->title = T_('Email addresses') . get_manual_link('email-addresses'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new email address...'), 'new', $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&action=blocked_new', T_('Add an email address') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); /** * Callback to add filters on top of the result set * * @param Form */ function filter_email_blocked(&$Form) { $Form->text_input('email', get_param('email'), 40, T_('Email')); $statuses = emadr_get_status_titles(); foreach ($statuses as $status_value => $status_title) { // Display the checkboxes to filter by status $Form->checkbox('statuses[]', in_array($status_value, get_param('statuses')), $status_title, '', '', $status_value); } } $Results->filter_area = array('callback' => 'filter_email_blocked', 'presets' => array('all' => array(T_('All'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&statuses[]=unknown&statuses[]=redemption&statuses[]=warning&statuses[]=suspicious1&statuses[]=suspicious2&statuses[]=suspicious3&statuses[]=prmerror&statuses[]=spammer'), 'errors' => array(T_('Errors'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&statuses[]=warning&statuses[]=suspicious1&statuses[]=suspicious2&statuses[]=suspicious3&statuses[]=prmerror&statuses[]=spammer'), 'attention' => array(T_('Need Attention'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&statuses[]=redemption&statuses[]=warning&statuses[]=suspicious3')));
// We have permission to modify: function order_actions(&$row) { global $userfields_group_sides; $r = ''; if (in_array($row->ufdf_ID, $userfields_group_sides['first'])) { // First record, no change ordering, print blank icon $r .= get_icon('move_down', 'noimg'); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Move up'), 'move_up', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=move_up&' . url_crumb('userfield'))); } if (in_array($row->ufdf_ID, $userfields_group_sides['last'])) { // Last record, no change ordering, print blank icon $r .= get_icon('move_down', 'noimg'); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Move down'), 'move_down', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=move_down&' . url_crumb('userfield'))); } return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Order'), 'td' => '%order_actions( {row} )%', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); function fld_actions(&$row) { $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this user field...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=edit')) . action_icon(T_('Duplicate this user field...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=new')) . action_icon(T_('Delete this user field!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('userfield'))); return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%fld_actions( {row} )%'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new user field...'), 'new', '?ctrl=userfields&action=new', T_('New user field') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new user field group...'), 'new', '?ctrl=userfieldsgroups&action=new', T_('New user field group') . ' »', 3, 4); } // Display results: $Results->display();
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Destination'), 'td' => '%display_link()%'); if ($current_User->check_perm('files', 'view', false, $blog)) { function file_actions($link_ID) { /** * @var File */ global $current_File; global $LinkOwner, $current_User; $r = ''; if (isset($current_File) && $current_User->check_perm('files', 'view', false, $current_File->get_FileRoot())) { if ($current_File->is_dir()) { $title = T_('Locate this directory!'); } else { $title = T_('Locate this file!'); } $r = $current_File->get_linkedit_link($LinkOwner->type, $LinkOwner->get_ID(), get_icon('locate', 'imgtag', array('title' => $title)), $title) . ' '; } if ($LinkOwner->check_perm('edit', false)) { // Check that we have permission to edit LinkOwner object: $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this link!'), 'unlink', regenerate_url('ctrl,p,itm_ID,action', 'ctrl=links&link_ID=' . $link_ID . '&action=unlink&' . url_crumb('link'))); } return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%file_actions( #link_ID# )%'); } if ($current_User->check_perm('files', 'view', false, $blog) && $LinkOwner->check_perm('edit')) { // Check that we have permission to edit LinkOwner object: $Results->global_icon(T_('Link a file...'), 'link', url_add_param($Blog->get_filemanager_link(), 'fm_mode=link_object&link_type=' . $LinkOwner->type . '&link_object_ID=' . $LinkOwner->get_ID()), T_('Attach files'), 3, 4); } $Results->display();
$Form->text_input('ip_address', get_param('ip_address'), 40, T_('IP address')); } $Results->filter_area = array('callback' => 'filter_email_blocked', 'presets' => array('all' => array(T_('All'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&tab3=ipranges'))); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('ID'), 'td' => '$aipr_ID$', 'order' => 'aipr_ID', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Status'), 'td' => $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit') ? '<a href="#" rel="$aipr_status$">%aipr_status_title( #aipr_status# )%</a>' : '%aipr_status_title( #aipr_status# )%', 'td_class' => 'iprange_status_edit', 'order' => 'aipr_status', 'extra' => array('style' => 'background-color: %aipr_status_color( "#aipr_status#" )%;', 'format_to_output' => false)); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('IP Range Start'), 'td' => $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit') ? '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&tab3=ipranges&iprange_ID=$aipr_ID$&action=iprange_edit">%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4start# )%</a>' : '%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4start# )%', 'order' => 'aipr_IPv4start'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('IP Range End'), 'td' => $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit') ? '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&tab3=ipranges&iprange_ID=$aipr_ID$&action=iprange_edit">%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4end# )%</a>' : '%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4end# )%', 'order' => 'aipr_IPv4end'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('User count'), 'td' => '$aipr_user_count$', 'order' => 'aipr_user_count'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Block count'), 'td' => '$aipr_block_count$', 'order' => 'aipr_block_count'); // Get additional columns from the Plugins $Plugins->trigger_event('GetAdditionalColumnsTable', array('table' => 'ipranges', 'column' => 'aipr_IPv4start', 'Results' => $Results)); if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) { // Check permission to edit IP ranges: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => action_icon(TS_('Edit this IP range...'), 'properties', $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&tab3=ipranges&iprange_ID=$aipr_ID$&action=iprange_edit') . action_icon(T_('Delete this IP range!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('iprange_ID,action', 'iprange_ID=$aipr_ID$&action=iprange_delete&' . url_crumb('iprange')))); } $Results->global_icon(T_('Add a new IP range...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=iprange_new'), T_('New IP range') . ' »', 3, 4); $Results->display(); if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) { // Check permission to edit IP ranges: ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function() { jQuery( '.iprange_status_edit' ).editable( htsrv_url + 'async.php?action=iprange_status_edit&<?php echo url_crumb('iprange'); ?> ', { data : function( value, settings ) { value = ajax_debug_clear( value );
* ACTIONS TD: */ function plugin_results_td_actions($Plugin) { global $admin_url; $r = ''; if ($Plugin->status == 'enabled') { $r .= action_icon(T_('Disable the plugin!'), 'deactivate', $admin_url . '?ctrl=plugins&action=disable_plugin&plugin_ID=' . $Plugin->ID . '&' . url_crumb('plugin')); } elseif ($Plugin->status != 'broken') { $r .= action_icon(T_('Enable the plugin!'), 'activate', $admin_url . '?ctrl=plugins&action=enable_plugin&plugin_ID=' . $Plugin->ID . '&' . url_crumb('plugin')); } $r .= $Plugin->get_edit_settings_link(); $r .= action_icon(T_('Un-install this plugin!'), 'delete', $admin_url . '?ctrl=plugins&action=uninstall&plugin_ID=' . $Plugin->ID . '&' . url_crumb('plugin')); return $r; } if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td' => '% plugin_results_td_actions( {Obj} ) %', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); } // Action icons: if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit')) { // Display action link to reload plugins: $Results->global_icon(T_('Reload events and codes for installed plugins.'), 'reload', regenerate_url('action', 'action=reload_plugins') . '&' . url_crumb('plugin'), T_('Reload plugins'), 3, 4); } $Results->global_icon(T_('Install new plugin...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=list_available'), T_('Install new'), 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); // if there happened something with a plugin, apply fadeout to the row: $highlight_fadeout = empty($fadeout_id) ? array() : array('plug_ID' => array($fadeout_id)); $Results->display(NULL, $highlight_fadeout); unset($Results); // free memory //Flush fadeout $Session->delete('fadeout_id');
/** * Display all blogs results table * * @param array Params */ function blogs_all_results_block($params = array()) { // Make sure we are not missing any param: $params = array_merge(array('results_param_prefix' => 'blog_', 'results_title' => T_('List of Collections configured on this system') . get_manual_link('site-collection-list'), 'results_no_text' => T_('No blog has been created yet!'), 'results_no_perm_text' => T_('Sorry, you have no permission to edit/view any blog\'s properties.')), $params); if (!is_logged_in()) { // Only logged in users can access to this function return; } global $current_User; if (is_ajax_content()) { $order_action = param('order_action', 'string'); if ($order_action == 'update') { // Update an order to new value $new_value = (int) param('new_value', 'string', 0); $order_data = param('order_data', 'string'); $order_obj_ID = (int) str_replace('order-blog-', '', $order_data); if ($order_obj_ID > 0) { // Update blog order $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache(); if ($updated_Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($order_obj_ID, false)) { if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', false, $updated_Blog->ID)) { // Check permission to edit this Blog $updated_Blog->set('order', $new_value); $updated_Blog->dbupdate(); $BlogCache->clear(); } } } } } $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('T_blogs.*, user_login'); $SQL->FROM('T_blogs INNER JOIN T_users ON blog_owner_user_ID = user_ID'); if (!$current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'view')) { // We do not have perm to view all blogs... we need to restrict to those we're a member of: $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0' . ' AND blog_ID = bloguser_blog_ID' . ' AND bloguser_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID . ' )' . ' LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0' . ' AND blog_ID = bloggroup_blog_ID' . ' AND bloggroup_group_ID = ' . $current_User->grp_ID . ' )'); $SQL->WHERE('blog_owner_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID . ' OR bloguser_ismember <> 0' . ' OR bloggroup_ismember <> 0'); $no_results = $params['results_no_perm_text']; } else { $no_results = $params['results_no_text']; } // Create result set: $blogs_Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $params['results_param_prefix'], '---------A'); $blogs_Results->Cache =& get_BlogCache(); $blogs_Results->title = $params['results_title']; $blogs_Results->no_results_text = $no_results; if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'create')) { global $admin_url; $blogs_Results->global_icon(T_('New Collection') . '...', 'new', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=collections&action=new'), T_('New Collection') . '...', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } // Initialize Results object blogs_results($blogs_Results); if (is_ajax_content()) { // init results param by template name if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) { debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!'); } $blogs_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']); } $blogs_Results->display(NULL, 'session'); if (!is_ajax_content()) { // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>'; } }
/** * @var LinkOwner */ global $LinkOwner; global $mode; if ($mode != 'upload') { // If not opearting in a popup opened from post edit screen: $Form = new Form(NULL, 'fm_links', 'post', 'fieldset'); $Form->begin_form('fform'); $Form->hidden_ctrl(); $SQL = $LinkOwner->get_SQL(); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'link_'); $view_link_title = $LinkOwner->translate('View this xxx...'); $Results->title = sprintf(T_('Files linked to «%s»'), '<a href="' . $LinkOwner->get_view_url() . '" title="' . $view_link_title . '">' . $LinkOwner->get('title') . '</a>'); if ($LinkOwner->check_perm('edit', false)) { $Results->global_icon($LinkOwner->translate('Edit this xxx...'), 'edit', $LinkOwner->get_edit_url(), T_('Edit')); } // Close link mode and continue in File Manager (remember the Item_ID though): $Results->global_icon(T_('Quit link mode!'), 'close', regenerate_url('fm_mode')); // TYPE COLUMN: function file_type(&$row) { global $LinkOwner, $current_File; $Link = $LinkOwner->get_link_by_link_ID($row->link_ID); // Instantiate a File object for this line $current_File = $Link->get_File(); // Return Link tag return $Link->get_preview_thumb(); } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('File'), 'order' => 'link_ID', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%file_type( {row} )%'); // PATH COLUMN:
$CountSQL = new SQL(); $CountSQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(emblk_ID)'); $CountSQL->FROM('T_email__blocked'); if (!empty($email)) { // Filter by email $SQL->WHERE_and('emblk_address LIKE ' . $DB->quote($email)); $CountSQL->WHERE_and('emblk_address LIKE ' . $DB->quote($email)); } if (!empty($statuses)) { // Filter by statuses $SQL->WHERE_and('emblk_status IN (' . $DB->quote($statuses) . ')'); $CountSQL->WHERE_and('emblk_status IN (' . $DB->quote($statuses) . ')'); } $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'emblk_', '---D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $CountSQL->get()); $Results->title = T_('Email addresses'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new email address...'), 'new', $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&action=blocked_new', T_('Add an email address') . ' »', 3, 4); /** * Callback to add filters on top of the result set * * @param Form */ function filter_email_blocked(&$Form) { $Form->text_input('email', get_param('email'), 40, T_('Email')); $statuses = emblk_get_status_titles(); foreach ($statuses as $status_value => $status_title) { // Display the checkboxes to filter by status $Form->checkbox('statuses[]', in_array($status_value, get_param('statuses')), $status_title, '', '', $status_value); } } $Results->filter_area = array('callback' => 'filter_email_blocked', 'presets' => array('all' => array(T_('All'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&statuses[]=unknown&statuses[]=warning&statuses[]=suspicious1&statuses[]=suspicious2&statuses[]=suspicious3&statuses[]=prmerror&statuses[]=spammer'), 'errors' => array(T_('Errors'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&statuses[]=warning&statuses[]=suspicious1&statuses[]=suspicious2&statuses[]=suspicious3&statuses[]=prmerror&statuses[]=spammer'), 'attention' => array(T_('Need Attention'), $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&tab=blocked&statuses[]=warning&statuses[]=suspicious3')));
$s = param('s', 'string', '', true); if (!empty($s)) { $select_SQL->WHERE_and('CONCAT_WS( " ", u.user_login, u.user_firstname, u.user_lastname, u.user_nickname, msg_text ) LIKE "%' . $DB->escape($s) . '%"'); $count_SQL->FROM('T_messaging__message mm LEFT OUTER JOIN T_users u ON u.user_ID = mm.msg_author_user_ID'); $count_SQL->WHERE('mm.msg_thread_ID = ' . $edited_Thread->ID); $count_SQL->WHERE_and('CONCAT_WS( " ", u.user_login, u.user_firstname, u.user_lastname, u.user_nickname, msg_text ) LIKE "%' . $DB->escape($s) . '%"'); } else { $count_SQL->FROM('T_messaging__message'); $count_SQL->WHERE('msg_thread_ID = ' . $edited_Thread->ID); } // Create result set: $Results = new Results($select_SQL->get(), 'msg_', '', 0, $count_SQL->get()); $Results->Cache =& get_MessageCache(); $Results->title = $params['messages_list_title']; if (is_admin_page()) { $Results->global_icon(T_('Cancel!'), 'close', '?ctrl=threads'); } /** * Callback to add filters on top of the result set * * @param Form */ function filter_messages(&$Form) { $Form->text('s', get_param('s'), 30, T_('Search'), '', 255); } $Results->filter_area = array('submit_title' => T_('Filter messages'), 'callback' => 'filter_messages', 'presets' => array('all' => array(T_('All'), get_dispctrl_url('messages', 'thrd_ID=' . $edited_Thread->ID)))); /* * Author col: */ /**
// We have permission to modify: function order_actions(&$row) { global $userfields_group_sides; $r = ''; if (in_array($row->ufdf_ID, $userfields_group_sides['first'])) { // First record, no change ordering, print blank icon $r .= get_icon('move_down', 'noimg'); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Move up'), 'move_up', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=move_up&' . url_crumb('userfield'))); } if (in_array($row->ufdf_ID, $userfields_group_sides['last'])) { // Last record, no change ordering, print blank icon $r .= get_icon('move_down', 'noimg'); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Move down'), 'move_down', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=move_down&' . url_crumb('userfield'))); } return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Order'), 'td' => '%order_actions( {row} )%', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); function fld_actions(&$row) { $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this user field...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=edit')) . action_icon(T_('Duplicate this user field...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=new')) . action_icon(T_('Delete this user field!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=userfields&ufdf_ID=' . $row->ufdf_ID . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('userfield'))); return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%fld_actions( {row} )%'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new user field...'), 'new', '?ctrl=userfields&action=new', T_('New user field') . ' »', 3, 4); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new user field group...'), 'new', '?ctrl=userfieldsgroups&action=new', T_('New user field group') . ' »', 3, 4); } // Display results: $Results->display();
* * @package admin */ if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) { die('Please, do not access this page directly.'); } global $blog, $admin_url, $rsc_url; global $Session; $perm_options_edit = $current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false); /** * View funcs */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/_stats_view.funcs.php'; // Create query: $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('gcat_ID, gcat_name, gcat_color'); $SQL->FROM('T_track__goalcat'); // Create result set: $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'gcats_', '-A'); $Results->Cache =& get_GoalCategoryCache(); $Results->title = T_('Goal categories') . get_manual_link('goal-category-settings'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('ID'), 'order' => 'gcat_ID', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '$gcat_ID$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'gcat_name', 'td' => $perm_options_edit ? '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=goals&tab3=cats&action=cat_edit&blog=' . $blog . '&gcat_ID=$gcat_ID$" style="color:$gcat_color$;font-weight:bold">$gcat_name$</a>' : '<b style="color:$gcat_color$">$gcat_name$</b>'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Color'), 'order' => 'gcat_color', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '$gcat_color$', 'extra' => array('style' => 'color:#gcat_color#')); if ($perm_options_edit) { // We have permission to modify: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%action_icon( "' . T_('Edit this goal category...') . '", "edit", "' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=goals&tab3=cats&action=cat_edit&blog=' . $blog . '&gcat_ID=#gcat_ID#" )%' . '%action_icon( "' . T_('Copy this goal category...') . '", "copy", "' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=goals&tab3=cats&action=cat_copy&blog=' . $blog . '&gcat_ID=#gcat_ID#" )%' . '~conditional( #gcat_ID# > 1, \'%action_icon( "' . T_('Delete this goal category...') . '", "delete", "' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=goals&tab3=cats&action=cat_delete&blog=' . $blog . '&gcat_ID=#gcat_ID#&' . url_crumb('goalcat') . '" )%\', "" )~'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new goal category...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=cat_new'), T_('New goal category') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } // Display results: $Results->display();
( grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID AND bloggroup_blog_ID = ' . $edited_Blog->ID . ' )'); $SQL->ORDER_BY('bloggroup_ismember DESC, *, grp_name, grp_ID'); if (!empty($keywords)) { $SQL->add_search_field('grp_name'); $SQL->WHERE_keywords($keywords, 'AND'); } // Display wide layout: ?> <div id="userlist_wide" class="clear"> <?php $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'collgroup_'); if (!empty($keywords)) { // Display a button to reset the filters $Results->global_icon(T_('Reset all filters!'), 'reset_filters', $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&tab=permgroup&blog=' . $Blog->ID, T_('Reset filters'), 3, 3, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-warning')); } // Tell the Results class that we already have a form for this page: $Results->Form =& $Form; $Results->title = T_('Group permissions') . get_manual_link('advanced-group-permissions'); $Results->filter_area = array('submit' => 'actionArray[filter1]', 'callback' => 'filter_collobjectlist', 'url_ignore' => 'results_collgroup_page,keywords1,keywords2', 'presets' => array('all' => array(T_('All users'), regenerate_url('action,results_collgroup_page,keywords1,keywords2', 'action=edit')))); /* * Grouping params: */ $Results->group_by = 'bloggroup_ismember'; $Results->ID_col = 'grp_ID'; /* * Group columns: */ $Results->grp_cols[] = array('td_colspan' => 0, 'td' => '~conditional( #bloggroup_ismember#, \'' . format_to_output(T_('Members'), 'htmlattr') . '\', \'' . format_to_output(T_('Non members'), 'htmlattr') . '\' )~'); /*
// No calc the counts $sql_select = ''; } // Create result set: $SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE dom_name, dom_status, dom_type' . $sql_select); $SQL->GROUP_BY('dom_ID'); $count_SQL = new SQL(); $count_SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT( DISTINCT dom_ID )'); $count_SQL->FROM($SQL->get_from('')); $count_SQL->WHERE($SQL->get_where('')); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'refdom_', '---D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $count_SQL->get()); if ($current_User->check_perm('stats', 'edit')) { // Current user has a permission to create new domain global $tab_from; $tab_from_param = empty($tab_from) ? '' : '&tab_from=' . $tab_from; $Results->global_icon(T_('Add domain'), 'new', $admin_url . '?ctrl=stats&tab=domains&tab3=' . $tab3 . '&action=domain_new' . $tab_from_param . (empty($blog) ? '' : '&blog=' . $blog), T_('Add domain') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } /** * Callback to add filters on top of the result set * * @param Form */ function filter_basedomains(&$Form) { global $blog, $dtyp_normal, $dtyp_searcheng, $dtyp_aggregator, $dtyp_email, $dtyp_unknown; $Form->text_input('dname', get_param('dname'), 20, T_('Domain name'), '', array('maxlength' => 250)); $Form->checkbox('dtyp_normal', $dtyp_normal, T_('Regular sites')); $Form->checkbox('dtyp_searcheng', $dtyp_searcheng, T_('Search engines')); $Form->checkbox('dtyp_aggregator', $dtyp_aggregator, T_('Feed aggregators')); $Form->checkbox('dtyp_email', $dtyp_email, T_('Email domains')); $Form->checkbox('dtyp_unknown', $dtyp_unknown, T_('Unknown'));
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Anon. contact form submits'), 'td' => '$aipr_contact_email_count$', 'order' => 'aipr_contact_email_count', 'default_dir' => 'D'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Block count'), 'td' => '$aipr_block_count$', 'order' => 'aipr_block_count', 'default_dir' => 'D'); // Get additional columns from the Plugins $Plugins->trigger_event('GetAdditionalColumnsTable', array('table' => 'ipranges', 'column' => 'aipr_IPv4start', 'Results' => $Results)); if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) { // Check permission to edit IP ranges: /** * Get actions links for IP range * * @param integer IP range ID * @param string Current tab value * @return string HTML links to edit and delete IP range */ function antispam_ipranges_actions($aipr_ID, $tab_param) { global $admin_url; // A link to edit IP range $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this IP range...'), 'properties', $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam' . $tab_param . '&tab3=ipranges&iprange_ID=' . $aipr_ID . '&action=iprange_edit'); // A link to delete IP range $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this IP range!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('iprange_ID,action', 'iprange_ID=' . $aipr_ID . '&action=iprange_delete&' . url_crumb('iprange'))); return $r; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%antispam_ipranges_actions( #aipr_ID#, "' . $tab_param . '" )%'); } $Results->global_icon(T_('Add a new IP range...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=iprange_new'), T_('New IP range') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); $Results->display(); if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) { // Check permission to edit IP ranges: // Print JS to edit status of IP range echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.iprange_status_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=iprange_status_edit&' . url_crumb('iprange'), 'options' => aipr_status_titles(), 'new_field_name' => 'new_status', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( ":first", jQuery( this ).parent() ).text()', 'ID_name' => 'iprange_ID', 'colored_cells' => true)); }
if (!empty($datestart)) { // Filter by start date $timestart_value = empty($timestart) ? '00:00:00' : $timestart; $SQL->WHERE_and('( ctsk_start_datetime >= ' . $DB->quote($datestart . ' ' . $timestart_value) . ' OR clog_realstart_datetime >= ' . $DB->quote($datestart . ' ' . $timestart_value) . ' )'); } if (!empty($datestop)) { // Filter by end date $timestop_value = empty($timestop) ? '23:59:59' : $timestop; $SQL->WHERE_and('( ctsk_start_datetime <= ' . $DB->quote($datestop . ' ' . $timestop_value) . ' OR clog_realstop_datetime <= ' . $DB->quote($datestop . ' ' . $timestop_value) . ' )'); } $SQL->ORDER_BY('*, ctsk_ID'); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'crontab_', '-D'); $Results->title = T_('Scheduled jobs') . get_manual_link('scheduled-jobs-list'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Refresh'), 'refresh', regenerate_url(), T_('Refresh'), 3, 4); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false, NULL)) { // Permission to edit settings: $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new scheduled job...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action,cjob_ID', 'action=new'), T_('New job') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } /** * Callback to add filters on top of the result set * * @param Form */ function filter_crontab(&$Form) { global $ctst_pending, $ctst_started, $ctst_timeout, $ctst_error, $ctst_finished; global $datestart, $timestart, $datestop, $timestop; $Form->checkbox('ctst_pending', $ctst_pending, T_('Pending')); $Form->checkbox('ctst_started', $ctst_started, T_('Started'));
* * @package admin */ if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) { die('Please, do not access this page directly.'); } global $current_User; $current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'editall', true); param_action('emptytrash', true); $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('DISTINCT(blog_ID), blog_name, count(comment_ID) as comments_number'); // select target_title for sorting $SQL->FROM('T_blogs LEFT OUTER JOIN T_categories ON blog_ID = cat_blog_ID'); $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT OUTER JOIN T_items__item ON cat_ID = post_main_cat_ID'); $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT OUTER JOIN T_comments ON post_ID = comment_item_ID'); $SQL->WHERE('comment_status = "trash"'); $SQL->GROUP_BY('blog_ID'); $count_SQL = new SQL(); $count_SQL->SELECT('COUNT( comment_ID )'); $count_SQL->FROM('T_comments'); $count_SQL->WHERE('comment_status = "trash"'); // Create result set: $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'emptytrash_', '', NULL, $count_SQL->get()); $Results->title = T_('Comment recycle bins') . ' (' . $Results->get_total_rows() . ')'; $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Blog ID'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'order' => 'blog_ID', 'td' => '$blog_ID$', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Blog name'), 'order' => 'blog_name', 'td' => '$blog_name$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Comments in recycle bin'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'order' => 'comments_number', 'td' => '$comments_number$', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => action_icon(TS_('Empty blog\'s recycle bin'), 'recycle_empty', regenerate_url('action', 'blog_ID=$blog_ID$&action=trash_delete') . '&' . url_crumb('comment'))); $Results->global_icon(T_('Cancel empty recycle bin'), 'close', regenerate_url('action', 'action=list&filter=reset'), 3, 4); echo '<p>[<a href="' . regenerate_url('action,blog_ID', 'action=trash_delete') . '&' . url_crumb('comment') . '">' . T_('Empty all blogs\' recycle bin') . '</a>]</p>'; $Results->display();
global $goal_ID; $GoalCache =& get_GoalCache(); $GoalCache->load_all(); $Form->select_object('goal_ID', $goal_ID, $GoalCache, T_('Goal'), '', true); } $Form->text_input('goal_name', get_param('goal_name'), 20, T_('Goal names starting with'), '', array('maxlength' => 50)); $Form->checkbox_basic_input('split_engines', get_param('split_engines'), T_('Split search engines')); } $today = date('Y-m-d', $localtimenow); $Results->filter_area = array('callback' => 'filter_keyphrases', 'url_ignore' => 'goal_ID,datestartinput,datestart,datestopinput,datestop,goal_name,split_engines', 'presets' => array('all' => array(T_('All'), '?ctrl=stats&tab=refsearches&tab3=keywords&blog=' . $blog), 'today' => array(T_('Today'), '?ctrl=stats&tab=refsearches&tab3=keywords&blog=' . $blog . '&datestart=' . $today . '&datestop=' . $today))); if ($split_engines) { // Search engine: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Search engine'), 'order' => 'dom_name', 'td_class' => 'nowrap', 'td' => '<a href="$hit_referer$">$dom_name$</a>', 'total' => T_('TOTAL')); } // Keywords: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Search keywords'), 'order' => 'keyp_phrase', 'td' => '%stats_search_keywords( #keyp_phrase#, 45 )%', 'total' => $sql_count . ' ' . T_('keyphrases')); // Count: if (empty($goal_ID)) { // We're not restricting to a Goal $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Unique IP hits'), 'order' => 'count', 'default_dir' => 'D', 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '$count$', 'total_class' => 'right', 'total' => $total); } else { // We ARE retsrticting to a Goal $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Goal hits'), 'order' => 'count', 'default_dir' => 'D', 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '$count$', 'total_class' => 'right', 'total' => $total); } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Refered searches'), 'order' => 'keyp_count_refered_searches', 'td' => '$keyp_count_refered_searches$', 'td_class' => 'nowrap right'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Internal searches'), 'order' => 'keyp_count_internal_searches', 'td' => '$keyp_count_internal_searches$', 'td_class' => 'nowrap right'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => '%', 'order' => 'count', 'default_dir' => 'D', 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '%percentage( #count#, ' . $total . ' )%', 'total_class' => 'right', 'total' => '100.0 %'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Cumulative'), 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '%addup_percentage( #count#, ' . $total . ' )%'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Reset counters'), 'file_delete', regenerate_url('action', 'action=reset_counters'), T_('Reset counters') . ' »', 3, 4); // Display results: $Results->display();
} $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Code'), 'td_class' => 'center', 'order' => 'rgn_code', 'td' => '<strong>$rgn_code$</strong>', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { // We have permission to modify: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'rgn_name', 'td' => '<a href="?ctrl=regions&rgn_ID=$rgn_ID$&action=edit" title="' . T_('Edit this region...') . '"><strong>$rgn_name$</strong></a>'); } else { // View only: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'rgn_name', 'td' => '$rgn_name$'); } /* * ACTIONS TD: */ function rgn_td_actions($rgn_enabled, $rgn_ID) { global $dispatcher; $r = ''; if ($rgn_enabled == true) { $r .= action_icon(T_('Disable the region!'), 'deactivate', regenerate_url('action', 'action=disable_region&rgn_ID=' . $rgn_ID . '&' . url_crumb('region'))); } else { $r .= action_icon(T_('Enable the region!'), 'activate', regenerate_url('action', 'action=enable_region&rgn_ID=' . $rgn_ID . '&' . url_crumb('region'))); } $r .= action_icon(T_('Edit this region...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('action', 'rgn_ID=' . $rgn_ID . '&action=edit')); $r .= action_icon(T_('Duplicate this region...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('action', 'rgn_ID=' . $rgn_ID . '&action=new')); $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this region!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('action', 'rgn_ID=' . $rgn_ID . '&action=delete&' . url_crumb('region'))); return $r; } if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td' => '%rgn_td_actions( #rgn_enabled#, #rgn_ID# )%', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new region...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=new'), T_('New region') . ' »', 3, 4); } $Results->display();
* * @copyright (c)2003-2015 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/} * * @package admin */ if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) { die('Please, do not access this page directly.'); } global $admin_url, $UserSettings; // Create result set: $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE ecmp_ID, ecmp_date_ts, ecmp_name, ecmp_email_title, ecmp_email_html, ecmp_email_text, ecmp_sent_ts'); $SQL->FROM('T_email__campaign'); $SQL->GROUP_BY('ecmp_ID'); $count_SQL = new SQL(); $count_SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT( ecmp_ID )'); $count_SQL->FROM('T_email__campaign'); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'emcmp_', 'D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $count_SQL->get()); $Results->title = T_('Email campaigns') . get_manual_link('email-campaigns'); if ($current_User->check_perm('emails', 'edit')) { // User must has a permission to edit emails $Results->global_icon(T_('Create new campaign') . '...', 'new', $admin_url . '?ctrl=campaigns&action=new', T_('Create new campaign') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('ID'), 'order' => 'ecmp_ID', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '$ecmp_ID$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Date'), 'order' => 'ecmp_date_ts', 'default_dir' => 'D', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'timestamp compact_data', 'td' => '%mysql2localedatetime_spans( #ecmp_date_ts#, "M-d" )%'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'ecmp_name', 'td' => '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=campaigns&action=edit&ecmp_ID=$ecmp_ID$"><b>$ecmp_name$</b></a>', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'nowrap'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Email title'), 'order' => 'ecmp_email_title', 'td' => '$ecmp_email_title$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Sent'), 'order' => 'ecmp_sent_ts', 'default_dir' => 'D', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'timestamp compact_data', 'td' => '%mysql2localedatetime_spans( #ecmp_sent_ts#, "M-d" )%'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => action_icon(T_('Edit this email campaign...'), 'properties', $admin_url . '?ctrl=campaigns&action=edit&ecmp_ID=$ecmp_ID$') . action_icon(T_('Delete this email address!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ecmp_ID,action', 'ecmp_ID=$ecmp_ID$&action=delete&' . url_crumb('campaign')))); // Display results: $Results->display();
$status_icon_title = sprintf(T_('The item type is not the default for %s.'), $Blog->get('shortname')); } $status_icon = get_icon('bullet_empty_grey', 'imgtag', array('title' => $status_icon_title)); } if (isset($status_url)) { return '<a href="' . $status_url . '">' . $status_icon . '</a>'; } else { return $status_icon; } } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => sprintf(T_('Default for<br />%s'), $Blog->get('shortname')), 'order' => 'ityp_perm_level', 'td' => '%ityp_row_default( #ityp_ID# )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'center'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'ityp_name', 'td' => '%get_name_for_itemtype(#ityp_ID#, #ityp_name#)%'); function ityp_row_perm_level($level, $id) { if (ItemType::is_reserved($id)) { // It is reserved item type, Don't display perm level return ''; } $perm_levels = array('standard' => T_('Standard'), 'restricted' => T_('Restricted'), 'admin' => T_('Admin')); return isset($perm_levels[$level]) ? $perm_levels[$level] : $level; } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Perm Level'), 'order' => 'ityp_perm_level', 'td' => '%ityp_row_perm_level( #ityp_perm_level#, #ityp_ID# )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'center'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Back-office tab'), 'order' => 'ityp_backoffice_tab', 'td' => '$ityp_backoffice_tab$', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'center'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Template name'), 'order' => 'ityp_template_name', 'td' => '%conditional( #ityp_template_name# == "", "", #ityp_template_name#.".*.php" )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'center'); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { // We have permission to modify: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%get_actions_for_itemtype( #ityp_ID# )%'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new element...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=new'), T_('New Post Type') . ' »', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary')); } // Display results: $Results->display();
if ($ctst_started) { $SQL->WHERE_or('clog_status = "started"'); } if ($ctst_timeout) { $SQL->WHERE_or('clog_status = "timeout"'); } if ($ctst_error) { $SQL->WHERE_or('clog_status = "error"'); } if ($ctst_finished) { $SQL->WHERE_or('clog_status = "finished"'); } $SQL->ORDER_BY('*, ctsk_ID'); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'crontab_', '-D'); $Results->title = T_('Scheduled jobs') . get_manual_link('scheduler'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Refresh'), 'refresh', regenerate_url(), T_('Refresh'), 3, 4); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false, NULL)) { // Permission to edit settings: $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new scheduled job...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action,cjob_ID', 'action=new'), T_('New job') . ' »', 3, 4); } /** * Callback to add filters on top of the result set * * @param Form */ function filter_crontab(&$Form) { global $ctst_pending, $ctst_started, $ctst_timeout, $ctst_error, $ctst_finished; $Form->checkbox('ctst_pending', $ctst_pending, T_('Pending')); $Form->checkbox('ctst_started', $ctst_started, T_('Started')); $Form->checkbox('ctst_timeout', $ctst_timeout, T_('Timed out'));
} // Create result set: $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('T_skins__skin.*, COUNT( DISTINCT( cset_coll_ID ) ) AS nb_blogs'); $SQL->FROM('T_skins__skin LEFT JOIN T_coll_settings ON skin_ID = cset_value AND ( cset_name = "normal_skin_ID" OR cset_name = "mobile_skin_ID" OR cset_name = "tablet_skin_ID" )'); $SQL->GROUP_BY('skin_ID'); $CountSQL = new SQL(); $CountSQL->SELECT('COUNT( * )'); $CountSQL->FROM('T_skins__skin'); $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'skin_', '', NULL, $CountSQL->get()); $Results->Cache =& get_SkinCache(); $Results->title = T_('Installed skins') . get_manual_link('installed_skins'); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { // We have permission to modify: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'skin_name', 'td' => '<strong><a href="' . regenerate_url('', 'skin_ID=$skin_ID$&action=edit') . '" title="' . TS_('Edit skin properties...') . '">$skin_name$</a></strong>'); } else { // We have NO permission to modify: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Name'), 'order' => 'skin_name', 'td' => '<strong>$skin_name$</strong>'); } $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Skin type'), 'order' => 'skin_type', 'td_class' => 'center', 'td' => '$skin_type$'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Blogs'), 'order' => 'nb_blogs', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'center', 'td' => '~conditional( (#nb_blogs# > 0), #nb_blogs#, \' \' )~'); $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Skin Folder'), 'order' => 'skin_folder', 'td' => '$skin_folder$'); if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) { // We have permission to modify: $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => action_icon(TS_('Edit skin properties...'), 'properties', '%regenerate_url( \'\', \'skin_ID=$skin_ID$&action=edit\')%') . action_icon(TS_('Reload containers!'), 'reload', '%regenerate_url( \'\', \'skin_ID=$skin_ID$&action=reload&' . url_crumb('skin') . '\')%') . '~conditional( #nb_blogs# < 1, \'' . action_icon(TS_('Uninstall this skin!'), 'delete', '%regenerate_url( \'\', \'skin_ID=$skin_ID$&action=delete&' . url_crumb('skin') . '\')%') . '\', \'' . get_icon('delete', 'noimg') . '\' )~'); $Results->global_icon(T_('Install new skin...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action,blog', 'action=new'), T_('Install new'), 3, 4); } // $fadeout_array = array( 'skin_ID' => array(6) ); $fadeout_array = NULL; $Results->display(NULL, 'session');
/** * @var User */ global $current_User; /** * @var GeneralSettings */ global $Settings; global $dispatcher; $SQL = new SQL(); $SQL->SELECT('T_blogs.*, user_login'); $SQL->FROM('T_blogs INNER JOIN T_users ON blog_owner_user_ID = user_ID'); if (!$current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'view')) { // We do not have perm to view all blogs... we need to restrict to those we're a member of: $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0' . ' AND blog_ID = bloguser_blog_ID' . ' AND bloguser_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID . ' )' . ' LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0' . ' AND blog_ID = bloggroup_blog_ID' . ' AND bloggroup_group_ID = ' . $current_User->grp_ID . ' )'); $SQL->WHERE('blog_owner_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID . ' OR bloguser_ismember <> 0' . ' OR bloggroup_ismember <> 0'); $no_results = T_('Sorry, you have no permission to edit/view any blog\'s properties.'); } else { $no_results = T_('No blog has been created yet!'); } // Create result set: $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'blog_'); $Results->Cache =& get_BlogCache(); $Results->title = T_('Blog list'); $Results->no_results_text = $no_results; if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'create')) { $Results->global_icon(T_('New blog...'), 'new', url_add_param($dispatcher, 'ctrl=collections&action=new'), T_('New blog...'), 3, 4); } // Initialize Results object blogs_results($Results); $Results->display(NULL, 'session');