Example #1
 public function testAfterEnqueueEventCallbackFires()
     $callback = 'afterEnqueueEventCallback';
     $event = 'afterEnqueue';
     Resque_Event::listen($event, array($this, $callback));
     Resque::enqueue('jobs', 'Test_Job', array('somevar'));
     $this->assertContains($callback, $this->callbacksHit, $event . ' callback (' . $callback . ') was not called');
  * Register php-resque-statsd in php-resque.
  * Register all callbacks in php-resque for when a job is run. This is
  * automatically called at the bottom of this script if the appropriate
  * Resque classes are loaded.
 public static function register()
     // Core php-resque events
     Resque_Event::listen('afterEnqueue', 'ResqueStatsd::afterEnqueue');
     Resque_Event::listen('beforeFork', 'ResqueStatsd::beforeFork');
     Resque_Event::listen('afterPerform', 'ResqueStatsd::afterPerform');
     Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', 'ResqueStatsd::onFailure');
     // Add support for php-resque-scheduler
     Resque_Event::listen('afterSchedule', 'ResqueStatsd::afterSchedule');
 public function testStopListeningRemovesListener()
     $callback = 'beforePerformEventCallback';
     $event = 'beforePerform';
     Resque_Event::listen($event, array($this, $callback));
     Resque_Event::stopListening($event, array($this, $callback));
     $job = $this->getEventTestJob();
     $this->assertNotContains($callback, $this->callbacksHit, $event . ' callback (' . $callback . ') was called though Resque_Event::stopListening was called');
Example #4
 public static function __callstatic($method, $args)
     if (!self::isCallableEvent($method)) {
         if (strpos($method, 'Stop') !== false) {
             return self::stopEvent($method, $args);
         throw new PHPResqueEventException("The {$method} does not exists");
     if (!\Resque_Event::listen($method, $args)) {
         throw new PHPResqueEventException("The {$method} cannot be registered.");
  * Initialize the class and set its properties.
  * @since    1.0.0
  * @param      string    $plugin_name       The name of this plugin.
  * @param      string    $version    The version of this plugin.
 public function __construct($plugin_name, $version)
     $this->plugin_name = $plugin_name;
     $this->version = $version;
     $this->redis = new Predis\Client(['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => REDIS_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_PORT, 'password' => REDIS_PASSWORD]);
     $this->blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
     if (function_exists('get_blog_details')) {
         $details = get_blog_details($this->blog_id, 'domain', false);
         $domain = $details->domain;
         $sub_domain = explode(".", $domain)[0];
         $this->sub_domain = $sub_domain;
     Resque::setBackend(REDIS_HOST . ":" . REDIS_PORT, REDIS_DB);
     Resque_Event::listen('afterPerform', array('RooftopJob', 'afterPerform'));
 public function tearDown()
     $current_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     $id_notificacion = $this->args['id'];
     $this->db->sql('SELECT * FROM notificaciones WHERE id="' . $id_notificacion . '" AND tipo = 0');
     $results = $this->db->getResult();
     if (!empty($results[0])) {
         $data = json_decode($results[0]['data']);
         $fecha_creacion_notificacion = $results[0]['fecha_creacion'];
         $fecha_oportunidad = $this->args['fecha_oportunidad'];
         $fecha_ejecucion = $this->args['tiempo_ejecucion'];
         $tiempo = Subordinados1::get_recurrencia($fecha_creacion_notificacion, $fecha_ejecucion);
         $condicion = split(" ", $tiempo);
         echo 'poner notificaciones en redis' . PHP_EOL;
         switch ($data->tipo) {
             case 'nueva_oportunidad':
                 if ($condicion[0] >= 24 && ($condicion[1] == 'dias' || $condicion[1] == 'minutos' || $condicion[1] == 'horas')) {
                     $current_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s ') . '24 hour'));
                     $this->args['tiempo_ejecucion'] = $current_datetime;
                     $datetime = new DateTime($current_datetime, new DateTimeZone('America/Panama'));
                     ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($datetime, 'notificacion' . time(), 'Notificaciones', $this->args);
             case 'oportunidad_actualizar_etapa':
                 if ($condicion[0] > 40 && ($condicion[1] == 'dias' || $condicion[1] == 'minutos' || $condicion[1] == 'horas')) {
                     $current_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s ') . '5 day'));
                     $this->args['tiempo_ejecucion'] = $current_datetime;
                     $datetime = new DateTime($current_datetime, new DateTimeZone('America/Panama'));
                     ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($datetime, 'notificacion' . time(), 'Notificaciones', $this->args);
     Resque_Event::listen('afterPerform', function () {
         echo "Se ejecuto la tarea Notificaciones {$this->args}['id'] " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL;
     Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', function () {
         echo "Algo paso :-| ....";
Example #7

Deprecation::notification_version('1.1.0', 'deploynaut');
// *.sspak is required for data archives
$exts = Config::inst()->get('File', 'allowed_extensions');
$exts[] = 'sspak';
Config::inst()->update('File', 'allowed_extensions', $exts);
// This will ensure jobs can correctly clean themselves up on any type of failure
Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', function (Exception $exception, Resque_job $job) {
    $inst = $job->getInstance();
    if ($inst instanceof DeploynautJobInterface) {
  * The method to run after a Job is finished.
 public function tearDown()
     //Verificar si existen argumentos
     if (!empty($this->args)) {
         //Establecer variables
         self::$datetime = $this->args["datetime"];
         self::$quequename = $this->args["quequename"];
         self::$jobclassname = $this->args["jobclassname"];
         self::$id_configuracion_reporte = $this->args["idNotificacionReporte"];
     //DB Conection
     self::$db = new Database();
     ///Fecha y Hora Actual
     //$current_datetime = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), new DateTimeZone('America/Panama'))
     $current_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     //Calcular nueva fecha para programar la tarea
     //Sumarle 7 dias a la fecha de Ejecucion
     //self::$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($current_datetime. ' + 7 days'));
     self::$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($current_datetime . '+20 minute'));
     //Actualizar fecha ultima fecha de ejecucion de la tarea
     //y fecha de proxima ejcucion
     $fields = array("ultimo_tiempo_ejecucion" => $current_datetime, "proximo_tiempo_ejecucion" => self::$datetime);
     self::$db->update('configuracion_notificaciones_reportes', $fields, 'id="' . $this->args["idNotificacionReporte"] . '"');
     $result = self::$db->getResult();
     echo "Proxima Fecha de Ejecucion: " . self::$datetime . PHP_EOL;
     $horas = strtotime(self::$datetime) - strtotime($current_datetime);
     //Agendar nuevamente el job
     ResqueScheduler::enqueueIn($horas, self::$quequename, self::$jobclassname, ['datetime' => self::$datetime, 'quequename' => self::$quequename, 'jobclassname' => self::$jobclassname, 'idNotificacionReporte' => "" . $this->args["idNotificacionReporte"] . ""]);
     echo "Proxima Fecha en Horas: " . $horas . PHP_EOL;
     Resque_Event::listen('afterPerform', function () {
         //echo "Se envio el correo :)) ";
     Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', function () {
         echo "Algo paso :-| ....";

use CultuurNet\UDB3\Log\ContextEnrichingLogger;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Resque_Event::listen('beforePerform', function (Resque_Job $job) {
    /** @var \Silex\Application $app */
    $app = (require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php');
    $args = $job->getArguments();
    $context = unserialize(base64_decode($args['context']));
    $app['logger.fatal_job_error'] = new ContextEnrichingLogger($app['logger.command_bus'], array('job_id' => $job->payload['id']));
    $errorLoggingShutdownHandler = function () use($app) {
        $error = error_get_last();
        $fatalErrors = E_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR;
        $wasFatal = $fatalErrors & $error['type'];
        if ($wasFatal) {
            $app['logger.fatal_job_error']->debug('error caused job failure', ['error' => $error]);
    // Command bus service name is based on queue name + _command_bus_out.
    // Eg. Queue "event" => command bus "event_command_bus_out".
    $commandBusServiceName = getenv('QUEUE') . '_command_bus_out';
    // Allows to access the command bus in perform() of jobs that
    // come out of the queue.
  * Setup container with App
 public function setUp()
     $this->container = app();
     \Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', array($this, 'onFailure'));
Example #11

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Resque_Event::listen('beforePerform', function (Resque_Job $job) {
    /** @var \Silex\Application $app */
    $app = (require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php');
    $args = $job->getArguments();
    $context = unserialize(base64_decode($args['context']));
    // Allows to access the command bus in perform() of jobs that
    // come out of the queue.
Example #12

// Somewhere in our application, we need to register:
Resque_Event::listen('afterEnqueue', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'afterEnqueue'));
Resque_Event::listen('beforeFirstFork', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'beforeFirstFork'));
Resque_Event::listen('beforeFork', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'beforeFork'));
Resque_Event::listen('afterFork', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'afterFork'));
Resque_Event::listen('beforePerform', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'beforePerform'));
Resque_Event::listen('afterPerform', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'afterPerform'));
Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', array('My_Resque_Plugin', 'onFailure'));
class My_Resque_Plugin
    public static function afterEnqueue($class, $arguments)
        echo "Job was queued for " . $class . ". Arguments:";
    public static function beforeFirstFork($worker)
        echo "Worker started. Listening on queues: " . implode(', ', $worker->queues(false)) . "\n";
    public static function beforeFork($job)
        echo "Just about to fork to run " . $job;
    public static function afterFork($job)
        echo "Forked to run " . $job . ". This is the child process.\n";
    public static function beforePerform($job)

if (!class_exists('RooftopJob')) {
    Resque_Event::listen('afterPerform', array('RooftopJob', 'afterPerform'));
    abstract class RooftopJob
        public static function afterPerform($job)
            // always perform this after perform() is called on a RooftopJob
        public abstract function perform();

// Determine whether there is a testsession currently running, and if so - setup the persistent details for it.
 * This closure will run every time a Resque_Event is forked (just before it is forked, so it applies to the parent
 * and child process).
if (class_exists('Resque_Event') && class_exists('SSResqueRun')) {
    Resque_Event::listen('beforeFork', function ($data) {
        global $databaseConfig;
        // Reconnect to the database - this may connect to the old DB first, but is required because these processes
        // are long-lived, and MySQL connections often get closed in between worker runs. We need to connect before
        // calling {@link TestSessionEnvironment::loadFromFile()}.
        $testEnv = Injector::inst()->get('TestSessionEnvironment');
        if ($testEnv->isRunningTests()) {
        } else {