Example #1
 // Loop through all the email addresses we were given, creating a new
 // Req object for each one. Then piece together the bits of the output
 // we need to make the resulting web page look pretty.
 $emailAddrs = preg_split('/[;, ]+/', paramPrepare(strtolower($_POST['recipEmail'])), NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
 $wordList = array();
 $emailList = array();
 // This is the output list, separate for safety
 foreach ($emailAddrs as $re) {
     $req = new Req($theDropbox, $re);
     if ($req->formInitError() != "") {
         NSSError($req->formInitError(), "Request error");
     if (!$req->sendReqEmail()) {
         NSSError("Sending the request email failed.", "Email error");
     $wordList[] = $req->words();
     $emailList[] = $req->recipEmail();
 // Set up the output page
 //$smarty->assign('autoHome', TRUE);
 $smarty->assign('toEmail', implode(', ', $emailList));
 $smarty->assign('reqKey', implode(', ', $wordList));
 //$smarty->assign('reqKey', $req->words());