function action_add_template_vars($theme) { $username = Options::get('freshsurf__username'); $password = Options::get('freshsurf__password'); $count = Options::get('freshsurf__count'); if ($username != '' && $password != '') { if (Cache::has('freshsurf__' . $username)) { $response = Cache::get('freshsurf__' . $username); } else { $request = new RemoteRequest("https://{$username}:{$password}@" . self::BASE_URL . "posts/recent?count={$count}", 'GET', 20); $request->execute(); $response = $request->get_response_body(); Cache::set('freshsurf__' . $username, $response); } $delicious = @simplexml_load_string($response); if ($delicious instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { $theme->delicious = $delicious; } else { $theme->delicious = @simplexml_load_string('<posts><post href="#" description="Could not load feed from delicious. Is username/password correct?"/></posts>'); Cache::expire('freshsurf__' . $username); } } else { $theme->delicious = @simplexml_load_string('<posts></posts>'); } }
/** * Post a status to service * @param string $svcurl Catenation of user server, API endpoints * @param string $notice The new status to post **/ public function post_status($svcurl, $notice, $name, $pw) { $request = new RemoteRequest($svcurl, 'POST'); $request->add_header(array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode("{$name}:{$pw}"))); $request->set_body('source=habari&status=' . urlencode($notice)); $request->execute(); }
private function get_incoming_links() { $links = array(); try { $search = new RemoteRequest('' . Site::get_url('habari')); $search->set_timeout(5); $result = $search->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw $result; } $response = $search->get_response_body(); if (mb_detect_encoding($response, 'UTF-8', true)) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { //<!-- need favicon discovery and caching here: img class="favicon" src="" alt="favicon" / --> $links[] = array('href' => (string) $entry->link['href'], 'title' => (string) $entry->title); } } else { EventLog::log(_t('The response had non-UTF-8 characters'), 'err', 'plugin'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $links['error'] = $e->getMessage(); } return $links; }
public function fetch() { $remote_archive = new RemoteRequest($this->url); if (Error::is_error($remote_archive->execute())) { throw new Exception('Could not fetch archive at ' . $this->url); } // we should also check content-disposition for filename and the url as fallbacks. // some crazy people like to send application/octet-stream, weirdos! foreach (split("\n", $remote_archive->get_response_headers()) as $line) { if (substr_compare($line, 'Content-Type', 0, 12, true) == 0) { $content_type = $line; break; } } /* Get the MIME type and character set */ preg_match('@Content-Type:\\s+([\\w/\\-+]+)(;\\s+charset=(\\S+))?@i', $content_type, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $mime = $matches[1]; } else { throw new Exception('Could not determine archive type'); } $file = HabariPackages::tempnam(); if (!file_put_contents($file, $remote_archive->get_response_body(), LOCK_EX)) { throw new Exception('Please make the directory ' . dirname($file) . ' writeable by the server'); } $this->md5 = md5_file($file); $this->set_archive_reader($mime, $file); unset($remote_archive); }
/** * Return a user's favorited video feed * * @param string YouTube username * * @return ?? * */ public static function favorites($user) { $url = self::YOUTUBE_BASE . 'users/' . $user . '/favorites'; $call = new RemoteRequest($url); $call->set_timeout(5); $result = $call->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw $result; } $response = $call->get_response_body(); try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); $videos = array(); foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $video = array(); $video['id'] = $entry->id; $video['url'] = self::flash_url($entry); $video['thumbnail_url'] = self::thumbnail_url($entry); $video['title'] = self::title($entry); $videos[] = $video; } return new YouTube($videos); } catch (Exception $e) { Session::error('Currently unable to connect to YouTube.', 'YouTube API'); // Utils::debug($url, $response); return false; } }
public function filter_rssblocks_update($success, $force = false) { EventLog::log('Running rrsblocks update'); $blocks = DB::get_results('SELECT b.* FROM {blocks} b WHERE b.type = ?', array('rssblock'), 'Block'); Plugins::act('get_blocks', $blocks); $success = true; foreach ($blocks as $block) { $cachename = array('rssblock', md5($block->feed_url)); if ($force || Cache::expired($cachename)) { $r = new RemoteRequest($block->feed_url); $r->set_timeout(10); $r->execute(); $feed = $r->get_response_body(); try { if (is_string($feed)) { new SimpleXMLElement($feed); // This throws an exception if the feed isn't valid Cache::set($cachename, $feed, 3600, true); } } catch (Exception $e) { $success = false; } } } Session::notice('ran rssblocks update'); return $success; }
/** * Execute the request. Populates result field. */ public function execute() { $rr = new RemoteRequest($this->url, 'POST'); $rr->add_header('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8'); $rr->set_body($this->request_body); // should throw an error on failure $rr->execute(); // in that case, we should never get here $this->result = xmlrpc_decode($rr->get_response_body()); }
/** * Perform a check of all beaconids. * Notifies update_check plugin hooks when checking so that they can add their beaconids to the list. * @return array An array of update beacon information for components that have updates * @throws Exception */ public static function check() { try { // get a local version of the instance to save typing $instance = self::instance(); // load beacons self::register_beacons(); // setup the remote request $request = new RemoteRequest(self::UPDATE_URL, 'POST'); // add all the beacon versions as parameters $request->set_params(Utils::array_map_field($instance->beacons, 'version')); // we're not desperate enough to wait too long $request->set_timeout(5); // execute the request $result = $request->execute(); // grab the body of the response, which has our xml in it $update_data = $request->get_response_body(); // i don't know why we hold the XML in a class variable, but we'll keep doing that in this rewrite $instance->update = new SimpleXMLElement($update_data); foreach ($instance->update as $beacon) { $beacon_id = (string) $beacon['id']; $beacon_url = (string) $beacon['url']; $beacon_type = isset($beacon['type']) ? (string) $beacon['type'] : 'addon'; // do we have this beacon? if not, don't process it // even though we POST all our beacons to the update script right now, it still hands back the whole list if (empty($instance->beacons[$beacon_id])) { continue; } // add the beacon's basic info $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['id'] = $beacon_id; $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['url'] = $beacon_url; $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['type'] = $beacon_type; foreach ($beacon->update as $update) { // pick out and cast all the values from the XML $u = array('severity' => (string) $update['severity'], 'version' => (string) $update['version'], 'date' => isset($update['date']) ? (string) $update['date'] : '', 'url' => isset($update['url']) ? (string) $update['url'] : '', 'text' => (string) $update); // if the remote update info version is newer... we want all newer versions if (version_compare($u['version'], $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['version']) > 0) { // if this version is more recent than all the other versions if (!isset($instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['latest_version']) || version_compare($u['version'], $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['latest_version']) > 0) { // set this as the latest version $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['latest_version'] = $u['version']; } // add the version to the list $instance->beacons[$beacon_id]['updates'][$u['version']] = $u; } } } // return an array of beacons that have updates return array_filter($instance->beacons, array('Update', 'filter_unchanged')); } catch (Exception $e) { // catches any RemoteRequest errors or XML parsing problems, etc. // bubble up throw $e; } }
/** * @todo the server should return all versions and let hpm decide which version to take */ public static function update_packages($repo) { $client = new RemoteRequest($repo, 'GET'); if (Error::is_error($client->execute())) { return false; } try { $packages = $client->get_response_body(); //Utils::debug( $packages ); $packages = new SimpleXMLElement($packages); $package_list = array(); foreach ($packages->package as $package) { if (!$package['guid'] || !$package->versions) { continue; } $new_package = (array) $package->attributes(); $new_package = $new_package['@attributes']; $new_package['description'] = strval($package->description); $versions = array(); //Utils::debug($package->versions); foreach ($package->versions->version as $version) { $version = (array) $version->attributes(); $version = $version['@attributes']; if (isset($version['habari_version']) && self::is_compatible($version['habari_version'])) { $versions[$version['version']] = $version; } } //Utils::debug( $new_package, $versions ); uksort($versions, create_function('$a,$b', 'return version_compare($b,$a);')); $version = current($versions); if ($version) { $new_package = array_merge($version, $new_package); if ($old_package = HabariPackage::get($new_package['guid'])) { if (isset($new_package['version']) && version_compare($new_package['version'], $old_package->version, '>')) { if ($old_package->status == 'installed') { $new_package['status'] = 'upgrade'; } DB::update(DB::table('packages'), $new_package, array('guid' => $new_package['guid'])); $package_list[] = $old_package->id; } else { $package_list[] = $old_package->id; } } else { DB::insert(DB::table('packages'), $new_package); $package_list[] = DB::last_insert_id(); } } } Options::set('hpm__repo_version', Version::get_habariversion()); return $package_list; } catch (Exception $e) { Utils::debug($e); return false; } }
private static function get_external_content($url) { // Get PHP serialized object from Flickr $call = new RemoteRequest($url); $call->set_timeout(5); $result = $call->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw Error::raise(_t('Unable to contact Flickr.', 'flickrfeed')); } return $call->get_response_body(); }
private static function get_external_content($url) { // Get JSON content via Delicious API $call = new RemoteRequest($url); $call->set_timeout(5); $result = $call->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw new Exception(_t('Unable to contact Delicious.', 'deliciousfeed')); } return $call->get_response_body(); }
private static function get_external_content($url) { // Get JSON content via Twitter API $call = new RemoteRequest($url); $call->set_timeout(5); $result = $call->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw Error::raise(_t('Unable to contact Twitter.', 'twitterlitte')); } return $call->get_response_body(); }
function call($method, $args = array()) { $args = array_merge(array('method' => $method, 'api_key' => $this->key), $args); ksort($args); $args = array_merge($args, array('api_sig' => $this->sign($args))); ksort($args); if ($method == 'upload') { $req = curl_init(); $args['api_key'] = $this->key; $photo = $args['photo']; $args['photo'] = '@' . $photo; curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_URL, $this->uploadendpoint); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); // curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize($photo)); // Sign and build request parameters curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $args); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->conntimeout); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $this->_http_body = curl_exec($req); if (curl_errno($req)) { throw new Exception(curl_error($req)); } curl_close($req); $xml = simplexml_load_string($this->_http_body); $this->xml = $xml; return $xml; } else { $url = $this->endpoint . implode('&', $this->encode($args)); $call = new RemoteRequest($url); $call->set_timeout(5); try { $result = $call->execute(); } catch (RemoteRequest_Timeout $t) { Session::error('Currently unable to connect to Flickr.', 'flickr API'); return false; } catch (Exception $e) { // at the moment we're using the same error message, though this is more catastrophic Session::error('Currently unable to connect to Flickr.', 'flickr API'); return false; } $response = $call->get_response_body(); try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); return $xml; } catch (Exception $e) { Session::error('Unable to process Flickr response.', 'flickr API'); return false; } } }
function shrink($url) { $service = ''; $request = new RemoteRequest($service . urlencode($url), 'GET'); $result = $request->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw $result; } $data = $request->get_response_body(); if (Error::is_error($data)) { throw $data; } return $data; }
/** * Perform a check of all beaconids. * Notifies update_check plugin hooks when checking so that they can add their beaconids to the list. * @return array An array of update beacon information for components that have updates */ public static function check() { try { $instance = self::instance(); if (count($instance->beacons) == 0) { Update::add('Habari', '7a0313be-d8e3-11db-8314-0800200c9a66', Version::get_habariversion()); Plugins::act('update_check'); } $request = new RemoteRequest(UPDATE_URL, 'POST'); $request->set_params(array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a["version"];'), $instance->beacons)); $request->set_timeout(10); $result = $request->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw $result; } $updatedata = $request->get_response_body(); if (Error::is_error($updatedata)) { throw $updatedata; } $instance->update = new SimpleXMLElement($updatedata); foreach ($instance->update as $beacon) { $beaconid = (string) $beacon['id']; foreach ($beacon->update as $update) { // Do we have this beacon? If not, don't process it. if (empty($instance->beacons[$beaconid])) { continue; } // If the remote update info version is newer... if (version_compare($update['version'], $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['version']) > 0) { // If this version is more recent than all other newer versions... if (empty($instance->beacons[$beaconid]['latest_version']) || version_compare((string) $update['version'], $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['latest_version']) > 0) { $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['latest_version'] = (string) $update['version']; } if (isset($instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity'])) { $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity'][] = (string) $update['severity']; array_unique($instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity']); } else { $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity'] = array((string) $update['severity']); } $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['url'] = (string) $beacon['url']; $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['changes'][(string) $update['version']] = (string) $update; } } } return array_filter($instance->beacons, array('Update', 'filter_unchanged')); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e; } }
private function call($action, DefensioParams $params) { $client = new RemoteRequest($this->build_url($action), 'POST'); $client->set_postdata($params->get_post_data()); if ($client->execute()) { if (self::get_http_status($client->get_response_headers()) == '401') { throw new Exception('Invalid/Unauthorized API Key'); } $response = new DefensioResponse($client->get_response_body()); unset($client); return $response; } else { throw new Exception('Server Not Responding'); } }
public function shorten($url) { $params = array('login' => $this->username, 'apiKey' => $this->apiKey, 'format' => $this->format, 'longUrl' => $url); $reqUrl = $this->endpoint . '/shorten?' . http_build_query($params); $call = new RemoteRequest($reqUrl); $call->set_timeout(5); $result = $call->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw $result; } $response = $call->get_response_body(); $data = json_decode($response); if ($data === null) { throw new Exception("Could not communicate with API"); } return $data; }
/** * Allow method overloading for this class. * This method allows any method name to be called on this object. The method * called is the method called via RPC, within the scope defined in $this->scope. * * @param string $fname The function name to call * @param array $args An array of arguments that were called with the function * @return array The result array */ public function __call($fname, $args) { if ($this->scope != '') { $rpc_method = "{$this->scope}.{$fname}"; } else { $rpc_method = $fname; } $rpx = new SimpleXMLElement('<methodCall/>'); $rpx->addChild('methodName', $rpc_method); if (count($args) > 0) { $params = $rpx->addchild('params'); foreach ($args as $arg) { $param = $params->addchild('param'); XMLRPCUtils::encode_arg($param, $arg); } } $request = new RemoteRequest($this->entrypoint, 'POST'); $request->add_header('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8'); $request->set_body($rpx->asXML()); $request->execute(); if ($request->executed()) { $response = $request->get_response_body(); // @todo this should use the MultiByte class, not directly call mb_string functions $enc = mb_detect_encoding($response); $responseutf8 = mb_convert_encoding($response, 'UTF-8', $enc); try { // @todo this should use libxml_use_internal_errors() instead of trying to hide the PHP warning see the plugin info parsing code for an example $bit = ini_get('error_reporting'); error_reporting($bit && !E_WARNING); $responsexml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseutf8); error_reporting($bit); $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//params/param/value'); if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) { $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//fault/value'); if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) { throw new Exception(_t('Invalid XML response.')); } } return XMLRPCUtils::decode_args($responsestruct); } catch (Exception $e) { //Utils::debug( $response, $e ); error_reporting($bit); return false; } } }
public function fetch_yahoo_tags($text) { $appID = 'UZuNQnrV34En.c9itu77sQrdjp.FQU81t8azZeE5YmWjRkP9wVlPg.CPIc8eLZT68GI-'; $context = $text; $request = new RemoteRequest('', 'POST'); $request->set_params(array('appid' => $appID, 'context' => $context)); $tags = array(); // Utils::debug($request->execute()); if (!is_object($request->execute())) { $response = $request->get_response_body(); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); foreach ($xml->Result as $tag) { $tags[] = strval($tag); } } return $tags; }
/** * Executes all cron jobs in the DB if there are any to run. * * @param boolean $async If true, allows execution to continue by making an asynchronous request to a cron URL */ static function run_cron($async = false) { // check if it's time to run crons, and if crons are already running. $next_cron = HabariDateTime::date_create(Options::get('next_cron', 1)); $time = HabariDateTime::date_create(); if ($next_cron->int > $time->int || Options::get('cron_running') && Options::get('cron_running') > microtime(true)) { return; } // cron_running will timeout in 10 minutes // round cron_running to 4 decimals $run_time = microtime(true) + 600; $run_time = sprintf("%.4f", $run_time); Options::set('cron_running', $run_time); if ($async) { // Timeout is really low so that it doesn't wait for the request to finish $cronurl = URL::get('cron', array('time' => $run_time, 'asyncronous' => Utils::crypt(Options::get('GUID')))); $request = new RemoteRequest($cronurl, 'GET', 1); try { $request->execute(); } catch (RemoteRequest_Timeout $e) { // the request timed out - we knew that would happen } catch (Exception $e) { // some other error occurred. log it. EventLog::log($e->getMessage(), 'err', 'crontab', 'habari', $e); } } else { // @todo why do we usleep() and why don't we just call act_poll_cron()? usleep(5000); if (Options::get('cron_running') != $run_time) { return; } $time = HabariDateTime::date_create(); $crons = DB::get_results('SELECT * FROM {crontab} WHERE start_time <= ? AND next_run <= ? AND active != ?', array($time->sql, $time->sql, 0), 'CronJob'); if ($crons) { foreach ($crons as $cron) { $cron->execute(); } } EventLog::log(_t('CronTab run completed.'), 'debug', 'crontab', 'habari', $crons); // set the next run time to the lowest next_run OR a max of one day. $next_cron = DB::get_value('SELECT next_run FROM {crontab} ORDER BY next_run ASC LIMIT 1', array()); Options::set('next_cron', min(intval($next_cron), $time->modify('+1 day')->int)); Options::set('cron_running', false); } }
/** * Allow method overloading for this class. * This method allows any method name to be called on this object. The method * called is the method called via RPC, within the scope defined in $this->scope. * * @param string $fname The function name to call * @param array $args An array of arguments that were called with the function * @return array The result array */ public function __call($fname, $args) { if ($this->scope != '') { $rpc_method = "{$this->scope}.{$fname}"; } else { $rpc_method = $fname; } $rpx = new SimpleXMLElement('<methodCall/>'); $rpx->addChild('methodName', $rpc_method); if (count($args) > 0) { $params = $rpx->addchild('params'); foreach ($args as $arg) { $param = $params->addchild('param'); XMLRPCUtils::encode_arg($param, $arg); } } $request = new RemoteRequest($this->entrypoint, 'POST'); $request->add_header('Content-Type: text/xml'); $request->set_body($rpx->asXML()); $request->execute(); if ($request->executed()) { $response = $request->get_response_body(); $enc = mb_detect_encoding($response); $responseutf8 = mb_convert_encoding($response, 'UTF-8', $enc); try { $bit = ini_get('error_reporting'); error_reporting($bit && !E_WARNING); $responsexml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseutf8); error_reporting($bit); $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//params/param/value'); if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) { $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//fault/value'); if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) { throw new Exception(_t('Invalid XML response.')); } } return XMLRPCUtils::decode_args($responsestruct); } catch (Exception $e) { //Utils::debug($response, $e); error_reporting($bit); return false; } } }
public function filter_send_mail($handled, $mail) { if (!$handled) { $headers = array('Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: application/json', 'X-Postmark-Server-Token: ' . Options::get('postmark__apikey')); $data = array('To' => $mail['to'], 'subject' => $mail['subject'], 'TextBody' => $mail['message'], 'From' => $mail['headers']['From']); $rr = new RemoteRequest('', 'POST'); $rr->set_body(json_encode($data)); $rr->add_headers($headers); try { $rr->execute(); EventLog::log(_t('Send message to %s via Postmark', array($mail['to'])), 'info', 'default', null, array($data, $headers)); Session::notice(var_export($rr->get_response_headers(), 1)); } catch (Exception $e) { EventLog::log(_t('Failed to send message to %s via Postmark', array($mail['to'])), 'err', 'default', null, array($e->getMessage(), $data, $headers)); Session::error('There was a problem sending your message. Please contact the site administrators directly.'); } } return true; }
/** * Execute a call to the Picasa Service * * @param $url string The destination url * @param $args array Optional Extra arguments * @param $post_data Optional Post data * @return mixed false on error or xml string */ public function call($url, $args = array(), $post_data = '') { $token = Options::get('picasa_token_' . User::identify()->id); $default_args = array('method' => 'GET'); $args = array_merge($default_args, $args); $request = new RemoteRequest($url, $args['method']); // set authorisation header $request->add_header(array("Authorization" => "AuthSub token=" . $token)); // add extra headers if (isset($args['http_headers'])) { foreach ($args['http_headers'] as $key => $value) { $request->add_header(array($key => $value)); } } if ($post_data != '') { $request->set_body($post_data); } $request->set_timeout(30); // execute request $result = $request->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { return $result; } // get the response if executed if ($request->executed()) { $response = $request->get_response_body(); } if (!$response) { return Error::raise('API call failure', E_USER_WARNING); } // parse the result try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); return $xml; } catch (Exception $e) { Session::error('Currently unable to connect to the Picasa API.', 'Picasa API'); return false; } }
/** * Executes all cron jobs in the DB if there are any to run. * * @param boolean $async If true, allows execution to continue by making an asynchronous request to a cron URL */ static function run_cron($async = false) { // check if it's time to run crons, and if crons are already running. $next_cron = HabariDateTime::date_create(Options::get('next_cron')); $time = HabariDateTime::date_create(); if ($next_cron->int > $time->int || Options::get('cron_running') && Options::get('cron_running') > microtime(true)) { return; } // cron_running will timeout in 10 minutes // round cron_running to 4 decimals $run_time = microtime(true) + 600; $run_time = sprintf("%.4f", $run_time); Options::set('cron_running', $run_time); if ($async) { // Timeout is really low so that it doesn't wait for the request to finish $cronurl = URL::get('cron', array('time' => $run_time, 'asyncronous' => Utils::crypt(Options::get('guid')))); $request = new RemoteRequest($cronurl, 'GET', 1); $request->execute(); } else { usleep(5000); if (Options::get('cron_running') != $run_time) { return; } $time = HabariDateTime::date_create(); $crons = DB::get_results('SELECT * FROM {crontab} WHERE start_time <= ? AND next_run <= ?', array($time->sql, $time->sql), 'CronJob'); if ($crons) { foreach ($crons as $cron) { $cron->execute(); } } // set the next run time to the lowest next_run OR a max of one day. $next_cron = DB::get_value('SELECT next_run FROM {crontab} ORDER BY next_run ASC LIMIT 1', array()); Options::set('next_cron', min(intval($next_cron), $time->modify('+1 day')->int)); Options::set('cron_running', false); } }
/** * Send a single Pingback * @param string $source_uri The URI source of the ping (here) * @param string $target_uri The URI destination of the ping (there, the site linked to in the content) * @param Post $post The post object that is initiating the ping, used to track the pings that were sent * @todo If receive error code of already pinged, add to the successful. */ public function send_pingback( $source_uri, $target_uri, $post = NULL ) { // RemoteRequest makes it easier to retrieve the headers. try { $rr = new RemoteRequest( $target_uri ); $rr->execute(); if ( ! $rr->executed() ) { return false; } } catch ( Exception $e ) { // log the pingback error EventLog::log( _t( 'Unable to retrieve target, can\'t detect pingback endpoint. (Source: %1$s | Target: %2$s)', array( $source_uri, $target_uri ) ), 'err', 'Pingback' ); return false; } $headers = $rr->get_response_headers(); $body = $rr->get_response_body(); // Find a Pingback endpoint. if ( isset( $headers['X-Pingback'] ) ) { $pingback_endpoint = $headers['X-Pingback']; } elseif ( preg_match( '/<link rel="pingback" href="([^"]+)" ?\/?'.'>/is', $body, $matches ) ) { $pingback_endpoint = $matches[1]; } else { // No Pingback endpoint found. return false; } try { $response = XMLRPCClient::open( $pingback_endpoint )->pingback->ping( $source_uri, $target_uri ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { EventLog::log( _t( 'Invalid Pingback endpoint - %1$s (Source: %2$s | Target: %3$s)', array( $pingback_endpoint, $source_uri, $target_uri ) ), 'err', 'Pingback' ); return false; } if ( isset( $response->faultString ) ) { EventLog::log( _t( 'Pingback error: %1$s - %2$s (Source: %3$s | Target: %4$s)', array( $response->faultCode, $response->faultString, $source_uri, $target_uri ) ), 'err', 'Pingback' ); return false; } else { // The pingback has been registered and is stored as a successful pingback. if ( is_object( $post ) ) { if ( isset( $post->info->pingbacks_successful ) ) { $pingbacks_successful = $post->info->pingbacks_successful; $pingbacks_successful[]= $target_uri; $post->info->pingbacks_successful = $pingbacks_successful; } else { $post->info->pingbacks_successful = array( $target_uri ); } $post->info->commit(); } return true; } }
/** * AWS ItemLookup * * @access private * @param string $asin * @return string */ private function item_lookup($asin) { $url = 'http://ecs.amazonaws.' . Options::get('amazon__country') . '/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService&AWSAccessKeyId=' . $this->access_key . '&Operation=ItemLookup&ResponseGroup=Large&ItemId=' . $asin; $associate_tag = Options::get('amazon__associate_tag'); if (!empty($associate_tag)) { $url .= '&AssociateTag=' . $associate_tag; } $request = new RemoteRequest($url, 'GET'); if ($request->execute() === false) { return false; } return $request->get_response_body(); }
/** * Get the brightkite feed for our user_id **/ private function load_bk_info($params = array()) { $cache_name = $this->class_name . '__' . md5(serialize($params)); if (Cache::has($cache_name)) { // Read from the cache return Cache::get($cache_name); } else { // Time to fetch it. $url = '' . $params['user_id'] . '.json'; try { $call = new RemoteRequest($url); $call->set_timeout(5); $result = $call->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw Error::raise(_t('Unable to contact Brightkite.', $this->class_name)); } $response = $call->get_response_body(); // Decode the JSON $bkdata = json_decode($response, true); if (!is_array($bkdata)) { // Response is not JSON throw Error::raise(_t('Response is not correct, maybe Brightkite server is down or API changed.', $this->class_name)); } // Do cache Cache::set($cache_name, $bkdata, $params['cache_expiry']); return $bkdata; } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } }
$rr->set_params( array ( 'query' => 'var', 'another' => 'variable', ) ); $res_get= $rr->execute(); if ( $res_get === TRUE ) { $results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr( $rr->get_response_body(), 0 ) ); } else { $results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $res_get, ); } $rr= new RemoteRequest( '', 'POST' ); $rr->__set_processor( $processor ); $rr->set_body( 'If you can read this, the test was successful.' ); $res_post= $rr->execute(); if ( $res_post === TRUE ) { $results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr( $rr->get_response_body(), 0 ) ); } else { $results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $res_post, ); } foreach ( $tests as $name => $group ) { print( "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n" ); foreach ( $group as $test ) { $result= eval( 'return (' . $test . ');' ); printf( "<p><strong>%s</strong> == ( %s )</p>\n", bs( $result ), var_export( $test, TRUE ) ); Utils::debug( array_shift( $results ) ); if ( ! $result ) {
/** * Add last Twitter status, time, and image to the available template vars * @param Theme $theme The theme that will display the template **/ public function theme_twitter($theme) { $notices = array(); if (Options::get('twitter__show') && Options::get('twitter__username') != '') { $twitter_url = '' . urlencode(Options::get('twitter__username')) . '.xml'; // We only need to get a single tweet if we're hiding replies (otherwise we can rely on the maximum returned and hope there's a non-reply) if (!Options::get('twitter__hide_replies') && Options::get('twitter__limit')) { $twitter_url .= '?count=' . Options::get('twitter__limit'); } if (Cache::has('twitter_notices')) { $notices = Cache::get('twitter_notices'); } else { try { $r = new RemoteRequest($twitter_url); $r->set_timeout(10); $r->execute(); $response = $r->get_response_body(); $xml = @new SimpleXMLElement($response); // Check we've got a load of statuses returned if ($xml->getName() === 'statuses') { foreach ($xml->status as $status) { if (!Options::get('twitter__hide_replies') || strpos($status->text, '@') === false) { $notice = (object) array('text' => (string) $status->text, 'time' => (string) $status->created_at, 'image_url' => (string) $status->user->profile_image_url); $notices[] = $notice; if (Options::get('twitter__hide_replies') && count($notices) >= Options::get('twitter__limit')) { break; } } else { // it's a @. Keep going. } } if (!$notices) { $notice = (object) array('text' => 'No non-replies replies available from Twitter.', 'time' => '', 'image_url' => ''); } } else { if ($xml->getName() === 'error') { $notice = (object) array('text' => (string) $xml, 'time' => '', 'image_url' => ''); } else { $notice = (object) array('text' => 'Received unexpected XML from Twitter.', 'time' => '', 'image_url' => ''); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $notice = (object) array('text' => 'Unable to contact Twitter.', 'time' => '', 'image_url' => ''); } if (!$notices) { $notices[] = $notice; } // Cache (even errors) to avoid hitting rate limit. Cache::set('twitter_notices', $notices, Options::get('twitter__cache'), true); } } else { $notice = (object) array('text' => _t('Please set your username in the <a href="%s">Twitter plugin config</a>', array(URL::get('admin', 'page=plugins&configure=' . $this->plugin_id . '&configaction=Configure') . '#plugin_' . $this->plugin_id), 'twitter'), 'time' => '', 'image_url' => ''); $notices[] = $notice; } if (Options::get('twitter__linkify_urls') != FALSE) { foreach ($notices as $notice) { /* link to all http: */ $notice->text = preg_replace('%https?://\\S+?(?=(?:[.:?"!$&\'()*+,=]|)(?:\\s|$))%i', "<a href=\"\$0\">\$0</a>", $notice->text); /* link to usernames */ $notice->text = preg_replace("/(?<!\\w)@([\\w-_.]{1,64})/", "@<a href=\"\$1\">\$1</a>", $notice->text); /* link to hashtags */ $notice->text = preg_replace('/(?<!\\w)#((?>\\d{1,64}|)[\\w-.]{1,64})/', "<a href=\"" . Options::get('twitter__hashtags_query') . "\$1\">#\$1</a>", $notice->text); } } $theme->tweets = $notices; return $theme->fetch('tweets'); }
/** * Static helper function to quickly fetch an URL, with semantics similar to * PHP's file_get_contents. Does not support * * Returns the content on success or false if an error occurred. * * @param string $url The URL to fetch * @param bool $use_include_path whether to search the PHP include path first (unsupported) * @param resource $context a stream context to use (unsupported) * @param int $offset how many bytes to skip from the beginning of the result * @param int $maxlen how many bytes to return * @return string description */ public static function get_contents($url, $use_include_path = false, $context = null, $offset = 0, $maxlen = -1) { try { $rr = new RemoteRequest($url); if ($rr->execute() === true) { return $maxlen != -1 ? MultiByte::substr($rr->get_response_body(), $offset, $maxlen) : MultiByte::substr($rr->get_response_body(), $offset); } else { return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { // catch any exceptions to try and emulate file_get_contents() as closely as possible. // if you want more control over the errors, instantiate RemoteRequest manually return false; } }