Inheritance: extends CI_Controller
Example #1
  * Encodes a token from parameters and returns an instance of this class.
  * The encoded token can be obtained using the {@link getEncoded()} method.
  * @param Authorization $authorization the authorisation to use to create
  * this token
  * @param array $scope the scope of this token - this must be a subset
  * of the scope provided in `$authorization`
  * @param TokenSource $source if the token is created from a previous authorisation
  * code or refresh token, the ID of those artefacts
  * @param array $additional any additional data to be stored on the server for this token
  * @return RefreshToken|null 
 public static function create($authorization, $scope = array(), $source = NULL, $additional = array())
     $token = new RefreshToken();
     $token->init($authorization, $scope, Token::TTL_PERPETUAL, $source, $additional);
     $token->is_parsed = true;
     return $token;
Example #2
  * Revokes all access tokens for a give refresh token
  * @param $value refresh token value
  * @param bool $is_hashed
  * @return bool|void
 public function clearAccessTokensForRefreshToken($value, $is_hashed = false)
     $hashed_value = !$is_hashed ? Hash::compute('sha256', $value) : $value;
     $res = false;
     $cache_service = $this->cache_service;
     $this->tx_service->transaction(function () use($hashed_value, &$res, &$cache_service) {
         $refresh_token_db = DBRefreshToken::where('value', '=', $hashed_value)->first();
         if (!is_null($refresh_token_db)) {
             $access_tokens_db = DBAccessToken::where('refresh_token_id', '=', $refresh_token_db->id)->get();
             if (!count($access_tokens_db)) {
                 $res = true;
             foreach ($access_tokens_db as $access_token_db) {
                 $res = $cache_service->delete($access_token_db->value);
                 $client = $access_token_db->client()->first();
                 $res = $cache_service->deleteMemberSet($client->client_id . TokenService::ClientAccessTokenPrefixList, $access_token_db->value);
     return $res;
 public function deleteRefreshToken(RefreshToken $refreshToken)
     if (!isset($_SESSION['php-oauth-client']['refresh_token'])) {
         return false;
     foreach ($_SESSION['php-oauth-client']['refresh_token'] as $k => $t) {
         $token = unserialize($t);
         if ($refreshToken->getRefreshToken() !== $token->getRefreshToken()) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function getResponseData()
     $acessToken = AccessToken::createAccessToken(['client_id' => $this->client_id, 'user_id' => \Yii::$app->user->id, 'expires' => $this->accessTokenLifetime + time(), 'scope' => $this->scope]);
     $refreshToken = RefreshToken::createRefreshToken(['client_id' => $this->client_id, 'user_id' => \Yii::$app->user->id, 'expires' => $this->refreshTokenLifetime + time(), 'scope' => $this->scope]);
     return ['access_token' => $acessToken->access_token, 'expires_in' => $this->accessTokenLifetime, 'token_type' => $this->tokenType, 'scope' => $this->scope, 'refresh_token' => $refreshToken->refresh_token];