  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/serializable.serialize.php
 public function serialize()
     // prepare code
     $file = new SplFileObject($this->reflection->getFileName());
     $file->seek($this->reflection->getStartLine() - 1);
     $code = '';
     while ($file->key() < $this->reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $code .= $file->current();
     $start = strpos($code, 'function');
     $code = substr($code, $start, strpos($code, '}') - $start + 1);
     // prepare variables
     $variables = [];
     $index = stripos($code, 'use');
     // if 'use' keyword found
     if (false !== $index) {
         // get the names of the variables inside the use statement
         $start = strpos($code, '(', $index) + 1;
         $end = strpos($code, ')', $start);
         $use_variables = explode(',', substr($code, $start, $end - $start));
         $static_variables = $this->reflection->getStaticVariables();
         // keep only the variables that appeared in both scopes
         foreach ($use_variables as $variable) {
             $variable = trim($variable, '$&');
             $variables[$variable] = $static_variables[$variable];
     return serialize(['code' => $code, 'variables' => $variables]);
Example #2
 public function view()
     $services = array();
     $bindings = Core::getBindings();
     foreach ($bindings as $name => $binding) {
         /** @var \Closure $binding */
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($binding['concrete']);
         $static = $reflection->getStaticVariables();
         $className = null;
         if (!isset($static['concrete'])) {
             try {
                 $class = Core::make($name);
                 $className = get_class($class);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         } else {
             $className = $static['concrete'];
         if ($className !== null && $className !== get_class($this)) {
             if ($className[0] !== '\\') {
                 $className = '\\' . $className;
             $services[$name] = array('class' => $className);
     $this->set('services', $services);
Example #3
 public function parse(&$variable)
     if (!$variable instanceof Closure) {
         return false;
     $this->name = 'Closure';
     $reflection = new ReflectionFunction($variable);
     $ret = array('Parameters' => array());
     if ($val = $reflection->getParameters()) {
         foreach ($val as $parameter) {
             // todo http://php.net/manual/en/class.reflectionparameter.php
             $ret['Parameters'][] = $parameter->name;
     if ($val = $reflection->getStaticVariables()) {
         $ret['Uses'] = $val;
     if (method_exists($reflection, 'getClousureThis') && ($val = $reflection->getClosureThis())) {
         $ret['Uses']['$this'] = $val;
     if ($val = $reflection->getFileName()) {
         $this->value = Kint::shortenPath($val) . ':' . $reflection->getStartLine();
     return $ret;
Example #4
  * Returns an associative array containing this function's static variables
  * and their values
  * @return array<sting,mixed> This function's static variables
 public function getStaticVariables()
     if ($this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction) {
         return $this->reflectionSource->getStaticVariables();
     } else {
         return parent::getStaticVariables();
Example #5
function dumpFuncInfo($name)
    $funcInfo = new ReflectionFunction($name);
 public function render()
     $file = '<?php namespace PHPSTORM_META { $STATIC_METHOD_TYPES = array(\\Core::make(\'\') => array(' . PHP_EOL;
     $legacyHelpers = array();
     $bindings = Core::getBindings();
     foreach ($bindings as $name => $binding) {
         /** @var \Closure $binding */
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($binding['concrete']);
         $static = $reflection->getStaticVariables();
         $className = null;
         if (!isset($static['concrete'])) {
             try {
                 $class = Core::make($name);
                 if (is_object($class)) {
                     $className = get_class($class);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         } else {
             $className = $static['concrete'];
         if ($className !== null && $className !== get_class($this)) {
             if ($className[0] !== '\\') {
                 $className = '\\' . $className;
             $file .= '\'' . $name . '\' instanceof ' . $className . ',' . PHP_EOL;
             if (substr($name, 0, 7) === 'helper/') {
                 $legacyHelpers[substr($name, 7)] = $className;
     $app = Core::make('app');
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($app);
     $instances = $reflection->getProperty("instances");
     // :)
     foreach ($instances->getValue($app) as $name => $instance) {
         if (!isset($bindings[$name])) {
             $className = get_class($instance);
             $file .= '\'' . $name . '\' instanceof ' . $className . ',' . PHP_EOL;
     $file .= '), \\Loader::helper(\'\') => array(';
     foreach ($legacyHelpers as $legacyHelper => $className) {
         $file .= '\'' . $legacyHelper . '\' instanceof ' . $className . ',' . PHP_EOL;
     $file .= '), \\Package::getByHandle(\'\') => array(';
     $packages = \Package::getAvailablePackages(false);
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
         /** @var \Package $package */
         $file .= '\'' . $package->getPackageHandle() . '\' instanceof \\' . get_class($package) . ',' . PHP_EOL;
     $file .= '));}';
     return $file;
Example #7
 public function makeId(\Closure $callback)
     $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($callback);
     $file = new \SplFileObject($ref->getFileName());
     $file->seek($ref->getStartLine() - 1);
     $content = '';
     while ($file->key() < $ref->getEndLine()) {
         $content .= $file->current();
     return sha1(json_encode(array($content, $ref->getStaticVariables(), $ref->getFileName(), $ref->getStartLine() - 1, $ref->getEndLine())));
  * Get the variables used by the Closure.
  * @return array
 public function getVariables()
     if (!$this->getUseIndex()) {
         return array();
     $staticVariables = $this->reflection->getStaticVariables();
     // When looping through the variables, we will only take the variables that are
     // specified in the use clause, and will not take any other static variables
     // that may be used by the Closures, allowing this to re-create its state.
     $usedVariables = array();
     foreach ($this->getUseClauseVariables() as $variable) {
         $variable = trim($variable, ' $&');
         $usedVariables[$variable] = $staticVariables[$variable];
     return $usedVariables;
Example #9
 public static function unwrap(\Closure $closure)
     $reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionFunction($closure);
     if (substr($reflectionFunction->getName(), -1) === '}') {
         $vars = $reflectionFunction->getStaticVariables();
         return isset($vars['_callable_']) ? $vars['_callable_'] : $closure;
     } else {
         if ($obj = $reflectionFunction->getClosureThis()) {
             return [$obj, $reflectionFunction->getName()];
         } else {
             if ($class = $reflectionFunction->getClosureScopeClass()) {
                 return [$class->getName(), $reflectionFunction->getName()];
     return $reflectionFunction->getName();
 private function verifyCallbackJob($callback, LinkTarget $expectedTitle, $expectedUserId, callable $notificationTimestampCondition)
     $this->assertInternalType('callable', $callback);
     $callbackReflector = new ReflectionFunction($callback);
     $vars = $callbackReflector->getStaticVariables();
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('job', $vars);
     $this->assertInstanceOf(ActivityUpdateJob::class, $vars['job']);
     /** @var ActivityUpdateJob $job */
     $job = $vars['job'];
     $this->assertEquals($expectedTitle->getDBkey(), $job->getTitle()->getDBkey());
     $this->assertEquals($expectedTitle->getNamespace(), $job->getTitle()->getNamespace());
     $jobParams = $job->getParams();
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('type', $jobParams);
     $this->assertEquals('updateWatchlistNotification', $jobParams['type']);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('userid', $jobParams);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedUserId, $jobParams['userid']);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('notifTime', $jobParams);
  * Format static (used) variable names.
  * @param \Closure $value
  * @return string
 protected function formatStaticVariables(\Closure $value)
     $r = new \ReflectionFunction($value);
     $used = $r->getStaticVariables();
     if (empty($used)) {
         return '';
     $names = array_map(array($this, 'formatParamName'), array_keys($used));
     return sprintf(self::USE_FMT, implode(', ', $names));
Example #12

function dummy()
    static $a = array();
class Test
    const A = 0;
    public function func()
        static $a = array(self::A => 'a');
$reflect = new ReflectionFunction("dummy");
$reflect = new ReflectionMethod('Test', 'func');
Example #13
  * Dump an object
  * @param   mixed         $var    Variable to dump
  * @param   KObjectConfig $config The configuration options
  * @param   integer       $level  Current recursion level (internal usage only)
  * @return  string
 protected function _dumpObject($var, KObjectConfig $config, $level = 0)
     $fields = $this->_getObjectVars($var);
     if ($var instanceof Closure) {
         $rc = new ReflectionFunction($var);
         $fields = array();
         foreach ($rc->getParameters() as $param) {
             $fields[] = '$' . $param->getName();
         $fields = array('file' => $rc->getFileName(), 'line' => $rc->getStartLine(), 'variables' => $rc->getStaticVariables(), 'parameters' => implode(', ', $fields));
     if ($var instanceof SplFileInfo) {
         $fields = array('path' => $var->getPathname());
     if ($var instanceof SplObjectStorage) {
         $fields = array();
         foreach (clone $var as $obj) {
             $fields[] = array('object' => $obj, 'data' => $var[$obj]);
     if ($var instanceof KObjectInterface) {
     if ($var instanceof KObjectManager) {
         $fields = array();
     if ($var instanceof KObjectConfigInterface) {
         $fields = $var->toArray();
     $result = '';
     $result .= '<span class="koowa-dump-object">' . get_class($var) . '</span>';
     if ($var instanceof KObjectInterface) {
         $result .= '<span class="koowa-dump-identifier">(' . $var->getIdentifier() . ')</span>';
     $result .= '<span class="koowa-dump-hash">#' . substr(md5(spl_object_hash($var)), 0, 4) . '</span>';
     static $list = array();
     if (!empty($fields)) {
         if (!in_array($var, $list, true)) {
             if ($level < $config->object_depth || $var instanceof Closure) {
                 $collapsed = $level ? count($var) >= 7 : false;
                 $result = '<span class="koowa-toggle' . ($collapsed ? ' koowa-collapsed' : '') . '">' . $result . '</span>';
                 $result .= '<div' . ($collapsed ? ' class="koowa-collapsed"' : '') . '>';
                 $list[] = $var;
                 foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
                     $vis = '';
                     if ($key[0] === "") {
                         $vis = ' <span class="koowa-dump-visibility">' . ($key[1] === '*' ? 'protected' : 'private') . '</span>';
                         $key = substr($key, strrpos($key, "") + 1);
                     $result .= '<span class="koowa-dump-indent">   ' . str_repeat('|  ', $level) . '</span>';
                     $result .= '<span class="koowa-dump-key">' . (preg_match('#^\\w+\\z#', $key) ? $key : $this->getTemplate()->escape($key)) . '</span> ' . $vis . ' => ';
                     $result .= $this->_dumpVar($value, $config, $level + 1);
                 $result .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $result .= ' { ... }' . "\n";
         } else {
             $result .= ' { <i>RECURSION</i> }' . "\n";
     } else {
         $result .= "\n";
     return $result;
  * cache function result and return it
  * @param $function closure to cache 
  * @return object     
 public function cacheFun($function)
     if ($this->getConfig('debug') && !is_callable($function)) {
         echo "no valid function";
     $r = new ReflectionFunction($function);
     $id = null;
     foreach ($r->getStaticVariables() as $key => $var) {
         if ($key == 'key') {
             $id = $var;
     if (is_object($id)) {
         $id = $this->getIDfromOjb($id);
     if ($id == null && $this->getConfig('debug')) {
         echo "no caching key";
         return $function();
     $cachefile = $this->getConfig('cacheDir') . '/' . utf8_decode($id);
     $cachetime = $this->getConfig('cacheTime');
     if (file_exists($cachefile) && time() - $cachetime < fileatime($cachefile)) {
         $ser = file_get_contents($cachefile);
         $val = bzdecompress(unserialize($ser));
         return $val;
     } else {
         $value = $function();
         $ser = serialize(bzcompress($value));
         file_put_contents($cachefile, $ser);
         return $value;
     if ($this->getConfig('debug')) {
         echo "no caching";
Example #15
  * Get a memory usage breakdown
  * @return array
 function getMemoryBreakdown()
     $memStats = array();
     foreach ($GLOBALS as $name => $value) {
         $memStats['$' . $name] = strlen(serialize($value));
     $classes = get_declared_classes();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $rc = new ReflectionClass($class);
         $props = $rc->getStaticProperties();
         $memStats[$class] = strlen(serialize($props));
         $methods = $rc->getMethods();
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             $memStats[$class] += strlen(serialize($method->getStaticVariables()));
     $functions = get_defined_functions();
     foreach ($functions['user'] as $function) {
         $rf = new ReflectionFunction($function);
         $memStats["{$function}()"] = strlen(serialize($rf->getStaticVariables()));
     return $memStats;
Example #16
  * @return array
 private static function exportClosure(\Closure $obj)
     $rc = new \ReflectionFunction($obj);
     $res = array();
     foreach ($rc->getParameters() as $param) {
         $res[] = '$' . $param->getName();
     return array('file' => $rc->getFileName(), 'line' => $rc->getStartLine(), 'variables' => $rc->getStaticVariables(), 'parameters' => implode(', ', $res));
Example #17
echo "ReflectionFunction(2):";
$rf = new ReflectionFunction('foo');
echo "ReflectionFunction(3):";
echo "---- ReflectionMethod ----\n";
$rf = new ReflectionMethod('Bar', 'foo');
echo "ReflectionMethod(1):";
echo "ReflectionMethod(2):";
$rf = new ReflectionFunction('foo');
echo "ReflectionMethod(3):";
echo "---- ReflectionClosure ----\n";
$rf = new ReflectionFunction($foo);
echo "ReflectionFunction(1-closure):";
echo "ReflectionFunction(2-closure):";
$rf = new ReflectionFunction($foo);
echo "ReflectionFunction(3-closure):";
  * This method gets invoked before a test method is invoked, and before
  * the setUp() method is called.
  * @param  unittest.TestCase $t
  * @throws unittest.PrerequisitesNotMetError
 public function beforeTest(TestCase $t)
     if (!$this->verify()) {
         $compare = '';
         foreach ($this->compare as $f) {
             $test = '';
             $reflect = new \ReflectionFunction($f);
             // TODO: Closure reflection via XP
             foreach ($reflect->getStaticVariables() as $name => $value) {
                 $test .= ', ' . $name . '= ' . var_export($value, true);
             $compare .= ' && (' . substr($test, 2) . ')';
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Test not intended for this version (' . PHP_VERSION . ')', null, [substr($compare, 4)]);
  * Extract bound variables
  * @param ReflectionFunction The reflected function of the closure
  * @param String The string of code the closure runs
  * @return Array The variable within the use() 
 private function fetchUsedVariables(\ReflectionFunction $reflection, $code)
     $use_index = stripos($code, 'use');
     if (!$use_index) {
         return array();
     $begin = strpos($code, '(', $use_index) + 1;
     $end = strpos($code, ')', $begin);
     $vars = explode(',', substr($code, $begin, $end - $begin));
     $static_vars = $reflection->getStaticVariables();
     $used_vars = array();
     foreach ($vars as $var) {
         $var = preg_replace("/\\\$|\\&/", "", trim($var));
         if (is_callable($static_vars[$var]) && !$static_vars[$var] instanceof SerializableClosure) {
             $used_vars[$var] = new SerializableClosure($static_vars[$var]);
         } else {
             $used_vars[$var] = $static_vars[$var];
     return $used_vars;
function sayHello($name, $h)
    static $count = 0;
    return "<h{$h}>Hello, {$name}</h{$h}>";
// Обзор функции
Reflection::export(new ReflectionFunction('sayHello'));
// Создание экземпляра класса ReflectionFunction
$func = new ReflectionFunction('sayHello');
// Вывод основной информации
printf("<p>===> %s функция '%s'\n" . "     объявлена в %s\n" . "     строки с %d по %d\n", $func->isInternal() ? 'Internal' : 'User-defined', $func->getName(), $func->getFileName(), $func->getStartLine(), $func->getEndline());
// Вывод статических переменных, если они есть
if ($statics = $func->getStaticVariables()) {
    printf("<p>---> Статическая переменная: %s\n", var_export($statics, 1));
// Вызов функции
printf("<p>---> Результат вызова: ");
$result = $func->invoke("John", "1");
echo $result;
Example #21

$a = 4;
$b = 'i am a string';
function fn($c)
    return $c + 5;
$lam = function ($c) use($a, $b) {
    return $a + $c;
class C
    public static $i;
    public $j;
    public function meth($c)
        return $c + 3;
$refl = new ReflectionFunction('fn');
$refl = new ReflectionFunction($lam);
$refl = new ReflectionMethod('C', 'meth');
Example #22
  * Show reflection
  * Show reflection
  * <code>
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('BEAR_Form');  // Class
  * Panda_Debug::reflect($obj);        // Objecy
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('p');         // Function
  * </code>
  * @param string $target      target
  * @param boll   $cehckParent check parent class
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($target, $cehckParent = false)
     if (is_object($target)) {
         $target = get_class($target);
     switch (true) {
         case function_exists($target):
             $ref = new ReflectionFunction($target);
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $statics = $ref->getStaticVariables();
             if ($statics) {
                 $info['Static variables'] = $statics;
             $type = 'function';
         case class_exists($target, false):
             $ref = new ReflectionClass($target);
             $type = 'class';
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isAbstract() ? ' abstract ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isFinal() ? ' final ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isInterface() ? 'interface ' : 'class ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['modifiers'] = Reflection::getModifierNames($ref->getModifiers());
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $info['Implements'] = $ref->getInterfaces();
             $info['Constants'] = $ref->getConstants();
             foreach ($ref->getProperties() as $prop) {
                 // ReflectionProperty クラスのインスタンスを生成する
                 $propRef = new ReflectionProperty($targetName, $prop->name);
                 if ($propRef->isPublic()) {
                     $porps[] = $prop->name;
             //            $info['Public Properties'] = $porps;
             foreach ($ref->getMethods() as $method) {
                 $methodRef = new ReflectionMethod($targetName, $method->name);
                 if ($methodRef->isPublic() || $method->isStatic()) {
                     $final = $method->isFinal() ? 'final ' : '';
                     $pubic = $method->isPublic() ? 'public ' : '';
                     $static = $method->isStatic() ? ' static ' : '';
                     $methods[] = sprintf("%s%s%s %s", $final, $pubic, $static, $method->name);
             $info['Public Methods'] = $methods;
             if ($ref->isInstantiable() && is_object($target)) {
                 $info['isInstance ?'] = $ref->isInstance($target) ? 'yes' : 'no';
             if ($parent) {
                 $info['parent'] .= $ref->getParentClass();
             $type = 'Invalid Object/Class';
             $targetName = $target;
             $info = null;
     print_a($info, "show_objects:1;label: Reflection of {$type} '{$targetName}'");
Example #23
  * Gets closure hash
  * @static
  * @param callback $closure
  * @return string
 public static function getClosureHash($closure)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($closure);
     $file = new \SplFileObject($reflection->getFileName());
     $file->seek($reflection->getStartLine() - 1);
     $content = '';
     while ($file->key() < $reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $content .= $file->current();
     return self::getObjectHash(\json_encode(array($content, $reflection->getStaticVariables())));
Example #24
 * @param Closure $closure
 * @return string
function closureHash(Closure $closure)
    $ref = new ReflectionFunction($closure);
    $file = new SplFileObject($ref->getFileName());
    $file->seek($ref->getStartLine() - 1);
    $content = '';
    while ($file->key() < $ref->getEndLine()) {
        $content .= $file->current();
    $hash = md5(json_encode([$content, $ref->getStaticVariables()]));
    return $hash;
 public function testClosureHasSameStaticVariables()
     $expected = new \ReflectionFunction($this->closure);
     $actual = new \ReflectionFunction($this->unserializeClosure()->getClosure());
     $this->assertSame($expected->getStaticVariables(), $actual->getStaticVariables());
Example #26
 private static function dumpObject(&$var, $options, $level)
     if ($var instanceof \Closure) {
         $rc = new \ReflectionFunction($var);
         $fields = array();
         foreach ($rc->getParameters() as $param) {
             $fields[] = '$' . $param->getName();
         $fields = array('file' => $rc->getFileName(), 'line' => $rc->getStartLine(), 'variables' => $rc->getStaticVariables(), 'parameters' => implode(', ', $fields));
     } elseif ($var instanceof \SplFileInfo) {
         $fields = array('path' => $var->getPathname());
     } elseif ($var instanceof \SplObjectStorage) {
         $fields = array();
         foreach (clone $var as $obj) {
             $fields[] = array('object' => $obj, 'data' => $var[$obj]);
     } else {
         $fields = (array) $var;
     static $list = array();
     $rc = $var instanceof \Closure ? new \ReflectionFunction($var) : new \ReflectionClass($var);
     $out = '<span class="nette-dump-object"' . ($rc->getFileName() ? ' data-nette-href="' . htmlspecialchars(strtr(Debugger::$editor, array('%file' => rawurlencode($rc->getFileName()), '%line' => $rc->getStartLine()))) . '"' : '') . '>' . get_class($var) . '</span> <span class="nette-dump-hash">#' . substr(md5(spl_object_hash($var)), 0, 4) . '</span>';
     if (empty($fields)) {
         return $out . "\n";
     } elseif (in_array($var, $list, TRUE)) {
         return $out . " { <i>RECURSION</i> }\n";
     } elseif (!$options[self::DEPTH] || $level < $options[self::DEPTH] || $var instanceof \Closure) {
         $collapsed = $level ? count($fields) >= $options[self::COLLAPSE_COUNT] : $options[self::COLLAPSE];
         $out = '<span class="nette-toggle' . ($collapsed ? '-collapsed' : '') . '">' . $out . "</span>\n<div" . ($collapsed ? ' class="nette-collapsed"' : '') . '>';
         $list[] = $var;
         foreach ($fields as $k => &$v) {
             $vis = '';
             if ($k[0] === "") {
                 $vis = ' <span class="nette-dump-visibility">' . ($k[1] === '*' ? 'protected' : 'private') . '</span>';
                 $k = substr($k, strrpos($k, "") + 1);
             $out .= '<span class="nette-dump-indent">   ' . str_repeat('|  ', $level) . '</span>' . '<span class="nette-dump-key">' . (preg_match('#^\\w+\\z#', $k) ? $k : self::encodeString($k)) . "</span>{$vis} => " . self::dumpVar($v, $options, $level + 1);
         return $out . '</div>';
     } else {
         return $out . " { ... }\n";
  * Unwraps closure created by self::closure(), used i.e. by ObjectMixin in PHP < 5.4
  * @internal
  * @return callable
 public static function unwrap(\Closure $closure)
     $rm = new \ReflectionFunction($closure);
     $vars = $rm->getStaticVariables();
     return isset($vars['_callable_']) ? $vars['_callable_'] : NULL;
  * @param Closure $callback
  * @return null
  * @throws EntityValidationException
  * @throws Exception
 public function transaction(Closure $callback)
     $result = null;
     try {
         $r = new ReflectionFunction($callback);
         // reload on UOW entities that could not being on the update context
         foreach ($r->getStaticVariables() as $var) {
             if ($var instanceof IEntity && $var->getIdentifier() > 0) {
         $result = $callback($this);
     } catch (ValidationException $ex1) {
         throw new EntityValidationException($ex1->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return $result;
Example #29
  * Makes this to consume the services defined in provided container
  * @param Set $container
  * @return mixed
 public function consumeSlimContainer(Set $container)
     foreach ($container as $key => $value) {
         if ($value instanceof \Closure) {
             // Try to determin if this belongs to a singleton or not
             $refFunc = new \ReflectionFunction($value);
             // Slim singletons have a static 'object' variable
             $shared = in_array('object', $refFunc->getStaticVariables());
             $this->registerFactory($key, $value, $shared);
         } elseif (is_callable($value)) {
             // Register as non-shared factories any other callable
             $this->registerFactory($key, $value, false);
         } else {
             $this->sm->setService($key, $value);
Example #30
     return count($args) >= $n ? array_reduce(array_slice($args, $n), function ($f, $x) use($op, $curry_) {
         return call_user_func($op($f), $x);
     }, call_user_func_array($op($f), array_slice($args, 0, $n))) : function () use($args, $n, $f, &$curry_) {
         static $curried = true;
         // Used by $arity
         return $curry_(array_merge($args, func_get_args()), $n, $f);
 // Find a function's arity, even if it's curried or defined as an expression
 $arity = function ($f_) use(&$arity, $op) {
     $f = $op($f_);
     if (!is_callable($f)) {
         error("Can't get arity of {$f_}");
     $rf = new ReflectionFunction($f);
     $sv = $rf->getStaticVariables();
     // If we're defined as $f, return $f's arity
     if (isset($sv['defined'])) {
         return $arity($sv['f']);
     // If we're a curried version of $f, return $f's arity
     if (isset($sv['curried'])) {
         if (isset($sv['n']) && $sv['n']) {
             return $sv['n'] - count($sv['args']);
         if (isset($sv['f'])) {
             return $arity($sv['f']);
     // Otherwise, reflect the arity
     return $rf->getNumberOfParameters();