public function evaluate($configFiles)
     $routeDefinitions = $this->parse($configFiles);
     $routes = array();
     $limit = count($this->routes) > 0;
     foreach ($routeDefinitions as $name => $route) {
         // we only load routes defined in the app.yml from
         if ($limit && !in_array($this->getOriginalName($name), $this->routes)) {
         $r = new ReflectionClass($route[0]);
         if ($r->isSubclassOf('sfRouteCollection')) {
             $route[1][0]['requirements']['sw_app'] = $this->app;
             $route[1][0]['requirements']['sw_host'] = $this->host;
             $collection_route = $r->newInstanceArgs($route[1]);
             foreach ($collection_route->getRoutes() as $name => $route) {
                 $routes[$this->app . '.' . $name] = new swEncapsulateRoute($route, $this->host, $this->app);
         } else {
             $route[1][2]['sw_app'] = $this->app;
             $route[1][2]['sw_host'] = $this->host;
             $routes[$name] = new swEncapsulateRoute($r->newInstanceArgs($route[1]), $this->host, $this->app);
     return $routes;
Example #2
 public static function getModuleInstanceByTypeAndName($sType, $sName)
     if (!$sName) {
         throw new Exception("Exception in Module::getModuleInstanceByTypeAndName(): module name is empty");
     $sClassName = self::getClassNameByTypeAndName($sType, $sName);
     if (!self::isModuleEnabled($sType, $sName)) {
         throw new Exception("Exception in Module::getModuleInstanceByTypeAndName(): tried to instanciate disabled module {$sType}.{$sName}");
     $aArgs = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);
     $oClass = new ReflectionClass($sClassName);
     if ($sClassName::isSingleton()) {
         if (!isset(self::$SINGLETONS[$sClassName])) {
             try {
                 self::$SINGLETONS[$sClassName] = $oClass->newInstanceArgs($aArgs);
             } catch (ReflectionException $ex) {
                 self::$SINGLETONS[$sClassName] = $oClass->newInstance();
         return self::$SINGLETONS[$sClassName];
     try {
         return $oClass->newInstanceArgs($aArgs);
         //Does not work in PHP < 5.1.3
     } catch (ReflectionException $ex) {
         return $oClass->newInstance();
         //Does not work in PHP < 5.1.3
Example #3
  * 调用具体的业务逻辑接口,通常来说是项目中的
  *      controller,也可以RPC调用
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Simple\Application\Game\Cycle\Exception\GameCycleException
 public function toCall(Request $request)
     $head = $request->getHeader();
     $module = ucfirst($head[0]);
     $action = $head[1];
     // TODO 获取类的命名空间
     $cls = new \ReflectionClass(APP_TOP_NAMESPACE . '\\Controller\\' . $module . 'Controller');
     $instance = null;
     if ($cls->hasMethod('__init__')) {
         $initMethod = $cls->getMethod('__init__');
         if ($initMethod->isPublic() == true) {
             $instance = $cls->newInstanceArgs(array());
             $initMethod->invokeArgs($instance, array());
     $method = $cls->getMethod($action);
     if ($method->isPublic() == false) {
         throw new GameCycleException('无法调用接口:' . $module . '.' . $action);
     if ($instance == null) {
         $instance = $cls->newInstanceArgs(array());
     $ret = $method->invokeArgs($instance, array($request));
     if ($ret instanceof Response === false) {
         throw new GameCycleException('接口返回的对象必须为:Response对象。');
     return $ret;
Example #4
  * @param array|null $args
  * @return object
 function invoke(array $args = null)
     if ($args !== null) {
         return $this->reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($args);
     return $this->reflectionClass->newInstance();
Example #5
File: dice.php Project: kvox/TVSS
 public function create($component, array $args = [], $forceNewInstance = false, $share = [])
     if (!$forceNewInstance && isset($this->instances[$component])) {
         return $this->instances[$component];
     if (empty($this->cache[$component])) {
         $rule = $this->getRule($component);
         $class = new \ReflectionClass($rule->instanceOf ? $rule->instanceOf : $component);
         $constructor = $class->getConstructor();
         $params = $constructor ? $this->getParams($constructor, $rule) : null;
         $this->cache[$component] = function ($args) use($component, $rule, $class, $constructor, $params, $share) {
             if ($rule->shared) {
                 if ($constructor) {
                     try {
                         $this->instances[$component] = $object = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
                         $constructor->invokeArgs($object, $params($args, $share));
                     } catch (\ReflectionException $r) {
                         $this->instances[$component] = $object = $class->newInstanceArgs($params($args, $share));
                 } else {
                     $this->instances[$component] = $object = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
             } else {
                 $object = $params ? $class->newInstanceArgs($params($args, $share)) : new $class->name();
             if ($rule->call) {
                 foreach ($rule->call as $call) {
                     $class->getMethod($call[0])->invokeArgs($object, call_user_func($this->getParams($class->getMethod($call[0]), $rule), $this->expand($call[1])));
             return $object;
     return $this->cache[$component]($args);
Example #6
 public static function create($arg1, $arg2 = null)
     if ($arg1 instanceof AbstractValidator) {
         return $arg1;
     if (is_array($arg1) && !isset($arg1['class'])) {
         return self::createGroup($arg1);
     if (is_string($arg1)) {
         $class = $arg1;
         $options = $arg2;
     } else {
         $class = $arg1['class'];
         if (isset($arg1['options'])) {
             $options = $arg1['options'];
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     if (isset($options)) {
         $validator = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($options);
     } else {
         $validator = $reflection->newInstanceArgs();
     return $validator;
Example #7
  * Populates a set of models with the data from end user.
  * This method is mainly used to collect tabular data input.
  * The data to be loaded for each model is `$data[formName][index]`, where `formName`
  * refers to the sort name of model class, and `index` the index of the model in the `$data` array.
  * If `$formName` is empty, `$data[index]` will be used to populate each model.
  * The data being populated to each model is subject to the safety check by [[setAttributes()]].
  * @param string $class Model class name.
  * @param array $data the data array. This is usually `$_POST` or `$_GET`, but can also be any valid array
  * supplied by end user.
  * @param string $formName the form name to be used for loading the data into the models.
  * If not set, it will use the sort name of called class.
  * @param Model[] $origin original models to be populated. It will be check using `$keys` with supplied data.
  * If same then will be used for result model.
  * @param array $options Option to model
  * - scenario for model.
  * - arguments The parameters to be passed to the class constructor as an array.
  * @return boolean|Model[] whether at least one of the models is successfully populated.
 public static function createMultiple($class, $data, $formName = null, &$origin = [], $options = [])
     $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     $args = isset($options['arguments']) ? $options['arguments'] : [];
     if ($formName === null) {
         /* @var $model Model */
         $model = empty($args) ? new $class() : $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
         $formName = $model->formName();
     if ($formName != '') {
         $data = isset($data[$formName]) ? $data[$formName] : null;
     if ($data === null) {
         return false;
     $models = [];
     foreach ($data as $i => $row) {
         $model = null;
         if (isset($origin[$i])) {
             $model = $origin[$i];
         } else {
             $model = empty($args) ? new $class() : $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
         if (isset($options['scenario'])) {
             $model->scenario = $options['scenario'];
         $model->load($row, '');
         $models[$i] = $model;
     return $models;
  * Test the Notice->similar_to(<Notice>) method
  * @test
  * @dataProvider providerSimilarTo
 public function testSimilarTo($args_one, $args_two, $expected)
     $reflected = new ReflectionClass('Notice');
     $notice_one = $reflected->newInstanceArgs($args_one);
     $notice_two = $reflected->newInstanceArgs($args_two);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $notice_one->similar_to($notice_two));
Example #9
 public function testGetAllowed()
     $options = new ParserOptions();
     $options->allowed_tags = ['noparse', 'code', 'img'];
     $method = $this->reflectionClass->getMethod('getAllowed');
     $this->parser = $this->reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs([$options]);
     $this->assertEquals(['code', 'img', 'noparse'], $method->invoke($this->parser));
Example #10
  * Construct new class by class name
  * @param string $className class that want to be constructed.
  * @param array $args Constructor params if exist
  * @return object Constructed Class
 public static function constructClass($className, array $args = array())
     $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($className);
     if ($reflector->hasMethod('__construct') && count($args) > 0) {
         return $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
     return $reflector->newInstanceArgs();
  * @param array $args
  * @return \IntlDateFormatter
 protected static function createInstance(array $args = array())
     if (!self::$reflection) {
         self::$reflection = new \ReflectionClass('IntlDateFormatter');
     $instance = self::$reflection->newInstanceArgs($args);
     self::checkInternalClass($instance, '\\IntlDateFormatter', $args);
     return $instance;
Example #12
  * Метод формирует экземпляр класса на основе строки.
  * После будет применён фильтр, если он есть.
  * @return object
 private function getInst(array $row)
     if ($this->constructorParams) {
         $args = $this->constructorParams;
         $args[] = $row;
         return $this->RC->newInstanceArgs($args);
     } else {
         return $this->RC->newInstance($row);
Example #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function create(array $arguments = [])
     if (empty($arguments[0])) {
         $arguments[0] = $this->createEntity();
     if (!$this->modelClassReflection) {
         $this->modelClassReflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->modelClassName);
     return $this->modelClassReflection->newInstanceArgs($arguments);
Example #14
  * @param $class
  * @param $args
  * @return object
 private static function instantiate($class, $args)
     //BOOOOO, this produces a parse error on less than 5.6.0
     //        if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.6.0') !== -1) {
     //            $instance = new $class(...$args);
     //        } else {
     $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     $instance = $args === null || $args === false ? $reflect->newInstanceArgs() : $reflect->newInstanceArgs($args);
     //        }
     return $instance;
Example #15
 public function create($class, array $args = array())
     $this->validate($class, $args);
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     if ($reflection->getConstructor()) {
         $object = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($args);
     } else {
         $object = $reflection->newInstanceArgs();
     return $object;
Example #16
  * @param string $interface
  * @param array $params
  * @return object
 public function make($interface, array $params = array())
     if ($this->has($interface) === false) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You should register {$interface} in the Factory first.");
     $reflected = new \ReflectionClass($this->map[$interface]);
     if (empty($params)) {
         return $reflected->newInstanceArgs();
     return $reflected->newInstanceArgs($params);
Example #17
  * @param OutputInterface $output The output interface
  * @param integer         $level  The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered
  * @param Boolean         $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not
 public function __construct(OutputInterface $output, $level = Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true)
     parent::__construct($level, $bubble);
     $this->output = $output;
     foreach ($this->styleMap as $name => $styles) {
         $style = new \ReflectionClass('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Formatter\\OutputFormatterStyle');
         $this->output->getFormatter()->setStyle($name, $style->newInstanceArgs($styles));
         if ($this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
             $this->output->getErrorOutput()->getFormatter()->setStyle($name, $style->newInstanceArgs($styles));
  * Instantiates an object using a string formatted according to the Google
  * Analytics API's syntax.
  * @param string $filters
  * @return Google\Analytics\GaDataFilterCollection
 public static function createFromString($filters)
     $andFilters = \PFXUtils::explodeUnescaped(self::OP_AND, $filters);
     $andCollections = array();
     $reflector = new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
     foreach ($andFilters as $andFilter) {
         $orFilters = \PFXUtils::explodeUnescaped(self::OP_OR, $andFilter);
         $orFilterInstances = array();
         foreach ($orFilters as $orFilter) {
             $orFilterInstances[] = new GaDataConditionalExpression($orFilter);
         $andCollections[] = $reflector->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array(self::OP_OR), $orFilterInstances));
     return $reflector->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array(self::OP_AND), $andCollections));
Example #19
 public static function load($model, $id = null, $params = array(), $host = null)
     $storage_object = null;
     $reflect = new \ReflectionClass(self::getClass($model));
     if (sizeof($params)) {
         $storage_object = $reflect->newInstanceArgs($params);
     } else {
         $storage_object = $reflect->newInstanceArgs();
     if (in_array('Empathy\\MVC\\Entity', class_parents($storage_object))) {
         self::connectModel($storage_object, $host);
     return $storage_object;
Example #20
  * Creates a new instance for the class
 public static function createInstance($className, $args = [])
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($className);
     if ($reflection->implementsInterface('App\\Interfaces\\SingletonInterface')) {
         if (isset(self::$singletones[$className])) {
             return self::$singletones[$className];
         } else {
             $instance = $args ? $reflection->newInstanceArgs($args) : $reflection->newInstance();
             self::$singletones[$className] = $instance;
     } else {
         $instance = $args ? $reflection->newInstanceArgs($args) : $reflection->newInstance();
     return $instance;
Example #21
 public function configureService($serviceName, array $settings)
     $this->app[$serviceName] = $this->app->share(function (WebApplication $app) use($settings) {
         $class = new \ReflectionClass($settings['class']);
         $arguments = array();
         $deps = isset($settings['deps']) ? $settings['deps'] : array();
         foreach ($deps as $key) {
             if (is_string($key) && preg_match('/^%(.+)%$/', $key, $matches)) {
                 $key = $matches[1];
                 $value = $this->app[$key];
             } else {
                 $value = $key;
             $arguments[] = $value;
         $instance = $class->newInstanceArgs($arguments);
         if (isset($settings['set'])) {
             foreach ($settings['set'] as $field => $value) {
                 if (is_string($value) && preg_match('/^%(.+)%$/', $value, $matches)) {
                     $value = $matches[1];
                     $value = $this->app[$value];
                 $method = 'set' . ucwords(preg_replace('/_+/', ' ', strtolower($field)));
                 $method = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $method);
         return $instance;
  * Creates and returns a new instance of the data item.
  * @since 1.8
  * @return SMWDataItem
 public function newInstance()
     $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($this->getClass());
     $args = func_get_args();
     $instance = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
     return $instance;
  * Resolves the target of the route and returns a callable.
  * @param mixed $target
  * @param array $construct_args
  * @throws RuntimeException If the target is not callable
  * @return callable
 private static function getCallable($target, array $construct_args)
     if (is_string($target)) {
         //is a class "classname::method"
         if (strpos($target, '::') === false) {
             $class = $target;
             $method = '__invoke';
         } else {
             list($class, $method) = explode('::', $target, 2);
         if (!class_exists($class)) {
             throw new RuntimeException("The class {$class} does not exists");
         $fn = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
         if (!$fn->isStatic()) {
             $class = new \ReflectionClass($class);
             $instance = $class->hasMethod('__construct') ? $class->newInstanceArgs($construct_args) : $class->newInstance();
             $target = [$instance, $method];
     //if it's callable as is
     if (is_callable($target)) {
         return $target;
     throw new RuntimeException('The route target is not callable');
Example #24
  * Creates an object instance of the requested class, optionally passing additional constructor arguments
  * @param $requestedClass
  * @param ...$arguments
  * @return mixed|object
 public final function getInstance($requestedClass, ...$arguments)
     if (isset($this->singletons[$requestedClass])) {
         return $this->singletons[$requestedClass];
     $useSingleton = false;
     // Check for singletons first as they should trump previous registrations of non
     // singleton mappings.
     if (isset($this->concreteClassMappings['_' . $requestedClass])) {
         $class = $this->concreteClassMappings['_' . $requestedClass];
         $useSingleton = true;
     } elseif (isset($this->concreteClassMappings[$requestedClass])) {
         $class = $this->concreteClassMappings[$requestedClass];
     } else {
         $class = $requestedClass;
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     if ($reflection->isAbstract()) {
         throw new ClassMappingException($class);
     $constructor = $reflection->getConstructor();
     if ($constructor == null) {
         // No defined constructor so exit simply with a new instance.
         $instance = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($arguments);
     } else {
         $instance = $this->generateInstanceFromConstructor($reflection, $constructor, $arguments);
     if ($useSingleton) {
         $this->singletons[$requestedClass] = $instance;
     return $instance;
Example #25
  * Factory method for create object of agent class.
  * Bitrix calls this method to run agent. Your agents should be registered through
  * `\Notamedia\ConsoleJedi\Agent\AgentTask`. All arguments from this method should
  * be duplicated in the object constructor:
  * `agent($arg1, …, $arg2)` → `__construct($arg1, …, $arg2)`.
  * @return static
  * @see AgentTask
 public static function agent()
     static::$constructorArgs = func_get_args();
     static::$agentMode = true;
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
     return $reflection->newInstanceArgs(static::$constructorArgs);
Example #26
 public static function resolve($type, $constructorArguments = [])
     $resolvedClass = self::getResolvedClassName($type);
     if ($resolvedClass === null) {
         throw new exceptions\ResolutionException("Could not resolve dependency {$type}");
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($resolvedClass);
     if ($reflection->isAbstract()) {
         throw new exceptions\ResolutionException("Abstract class {$reflection->getName()} cannot be instantiated. " . "Please provide a binding to an implementation.");
     $constructor = $reflection->getConstructor();
     $instanceParameters = [];
     if ($constructor != null) {
         $parameters = $constructor->getParameters();
         foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
             $class = $parameter->getClass();
             if (isset($constructorArguments[$parameter->getName()])) {
                 $instanceParameters[] = $constructorArguments[$parameter->getName()];
             } else {
                 $instanceParameters[] = $class ? self::resolve($class->getName()) : null;
     return $reflection->newInstanceArgs($instanceParameters);
Example #27
  * Constructor
  * @param string|object $base_class Class name of the base class, or an instance
  * @param array $constructor_args (Optional) Arguments to pass to the constructor of the base class
  * @param array $constants (Optional) Constants to override
 public function __construct($base_class, array $constructor_args = array(), array $constants = array())
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) {
         trigger_error(get_class() . ': This class requires PHP version 5.3 or higher.', E_USER_ERROR);
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     if (is_object($base_class) && count($constructor_args)) {
         throw new Mollie_Testing_Exception('Unused constructor arguments for passed instance of "' . get_class($base_class) . '".');
     // If it's an instance, just accept it
     if (is_object($base_class)) {
         $this->_base_class = $base_class;
     } elseif (!class_exists($base_class)) {
         throw new Mollie_Testing_Exception("Base class '{$base_class}' does not exist.");
     } else {
         $ref = new ReflectionClass($base_class);
         if ($ref->isAbstract()) {
             $ref = new ReflectionClass($this->createDerivedClass($base_class));
         if ($ref->getConstructor() && count($constructor_args) < $ref->getConstructor()->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
             throw new Mollie_Testing_Exception($ref->getConstructor()->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() . " constructor arguments required for '{$base_class}::__construct(...)'.");
         $this->_base_class = sizeof($constructor_args) ? $ref->newInstanceArgs($constructor_args) : $ref->newInstance();
Example #28
  * Loads the given file and then creates a new instance of the class name
  * given (the intention being that the class was inside the file).
  * An instance of the class will be set to the controller associated with
  * this loader.
  * If ommitted then the class and variable names will be presumed to be
  * the name of the file being opnened.
  * Any variables after the className are passed into the constructor of
  * the class when it is created.
  * @param file The file to open.
  * @param varName The name of the variable to set the file to, or null to omit.
  * @param className The name of the class to initialize, or null to omit.
 public function obj($file, $varName = null, $className = null)
     $last = strrpos($file, '/');
     if ($last === false) {
         $fileStr = $file;
     } else {
         $fileStr = substr($file, $last + 1);
     if ($className !== null) {
         $className = trim($className);
     if ($className === null || $className === '') {
         $className = $fileStr;
     if ($varName !== null) {
         $varName = trim($varName);
     if ($varName === null || $varName === '') {
         $varName = strtolower($className);
     // stored so models can get access to this obj
     Loader::$currentController = $this->parentObj;
     // if has parameters for the object being made
     if (func_num_args() > 3) {
         $params = array_slice(func_get_args(), 3);
         $reflection = new ReflectionClass($className);
         $obj = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($params);
     } else {
         $obj = new $className();
     Loader::$currentController = null;
     $this->parentObj->{$varName} = $obj;
     return $obj;
 public static function doLog($logmethod, array $data, &$output)
     $log = new Logger('ezperflogger');
     // constructor args for the specific handler can be set via ini
     /// @todo how to create resources instead?
     foreach (eZPerfLoggerINI::variable('MonologSettings', 'LogHandlers') as $handlerName) {
         $handlerClass = 'Monolog\\Handler\\' . $handlerName . "Handler";
         if (eZPerfLoggerINI::hasVariable('MonologSettings', 'LogHandler_' . $handlerName)) {
             $r = new ReflectionClass($handlerClass);
             $handler = $r->newInstanceArgs(eZPerfLoggerINI::variable('MonologSettings', 'LogHandler_' . $handlerName));
         } else {
             $handler = new $handlerClass();
     // the default severity level: taken from config file
     $level = (int) eZPerfLoggerINI::variable('MonologSettings', 'SeverityLevel');
     // either coalesce messages or not: taken from config file
     if (eZPerfLoggerINI::variable('MonologSettings', 'Coalescevariables') == 'enabled') {
         /// @todo allow via ini file the specification of custom formatters?
         $msg = array();
         foreach ($data as $varname => $value) {
             $msg[] = "{$varname}: {$value}";
         $log->addRecord($level, implode(', ', $msg));
     } else {
         foreach ($data as $varname => $value) {
             $log->addRecord($level, "{$varname}: {$value}");
Example #30
  * @param string $className the class to instantiate
  * @param array ...$args any number of constructor arguments
  * @return mixed
 public function instantiate($className, ...$args)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
     $instance = $class->newInstanceArgs($args);
     foreach ($this->reader->getProperties($className) as $name => $config) {
         try {
             $property = $class->getProperty($name);
         } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to read the property "%s" for class "%s"', $name, $className));
         $field = $config['field'] ? $config['field'] : $name;
         // dot notation
         if ($this->enableDotNotation && preg_match('/\\./', $field)) {
             $originalValue = $this->resolve($field, null);
         } elseif (!isset($this->data[$field])) {
         } else {
             $originalValue = $this->data[$field];
         $newValue = $this->createTypeClass($config, $originalValue)->getValue();
         $property->setValue($instance, $newValue);
     return $instance;