Example #1
 public function check_version()
     global $pagenow;
     if ($pagenow == "admin-ajax.php" || $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == "customize" && isset($_GET['theme']) && !empty($_GET['theme'])) {
     $saveVer = Redux_Helpers::major_version(get_option('redux_version_upgraded_from'));
     $curVer = Redux_Helpers::major_version(ReduxFramework::$_version);
     $compare = false;
     if (Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost()) {
         $compare = true;
     } else {
         if (class_exists('ReduxFrameworkPlugin')) {
             $compare = true;
         } else {
             $redux = ReduxFrameworkInstances::get_all_instances();
             if (is_array($redux)) {
                 foreach ($redux as $panel) {
                     if ($panel->args['dev_mode'] == 1) {
                         $compare = true;
     if ($compare) {
         $redirect = false;
         if (empty($saveVer)) {
             $redirect = true;
             // First time
         } else {
             if (version_compare($curVer, $saveVer, '>')) {
                 $redirect = true;
                 // Previous version
         if ($redirect && !defined('WP_TESTS_DOMAIN')) {
             add_action('init', array($this, 'do_redirect'));
 public function check_version()
     global $pagenow;
     if ($pagenow == "admin-ajax.php" || $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == "customize" && isset($_GET['theme']) && !empty($_GET['theme'])) {
     $saveVer = Redux_Helpers::major_version(get_option('redux_version_upgraded_from'));
     $curVer = Redux_Helpers::major_version(ReduxFramework::$_version);
     $compare = false;
     if (Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost()) {
         $compare = true;
     } else {
         if (class_exists('ReduxFrameworkPlugin')) {
             $compare = true;
         } else {
             $redux = ReduxFrameworkInstances::get_all_instances();
             foreach ($redux as $panel) {
                 if ($panel->args['dev_mode'] == 1) {
                     $compare = true;
     if ($compare) {
         $redirect = false;
         if (empty($saveVer)) {
             $redirect = true;
             // First time
         } else {
             if (version_compare($curVer, $saveVer, '>')) {
                 $redirect = true;
                 // Previous version
         if ($redirect) {
             //wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( 'tools.php?page=redux-about' ) );
Example #3
  * Set default options on admin_init if option doesn't exist
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @access      public
  * @return      void
 private function _default_cleanup()
     // Fix the global variable name
     if ($this->args['global_variable'] == "" && $this->args['global_variable'] !== false) {
         $this->args['global_variable'] = str_replace('-', '_', $this->args['opt_name']);
     // Force dev_mode on WP_DEBUG = true and if it's a local server
     if (Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost() || Redux_Helpers::isWpDebug()) {
         if ($this->args['dev_mode'] != true) {
             $this->args['update_notice'] = false;
         $this->dev_mode_forced = true;
         $this->args['dev_mode'] = true;
         if (isset($this->args['forced_dev_mode_off']) && $this->args['forced_dev_mode_off'] == true) {
             $this->dev_mode_forced = false;
             $this->args['dev_mode'] = false;
     // Auto create the page_slug appropriately
     if (empty($this->args['page_slug'])) {
         if (!empty($this->args['display_name'])) {
             $this->args['page_slug'] = sanitize_html_class($this->args['display_name']);
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->args['page_title'])) {
                 $this->args['page_slug'] = sanitize_html_class($this->args['page_title']);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($this->args['menu_title'])) {
                     $this->args['page_slug'] = sanitize_html_class($this->args['menu_title']);
                 } else {
                     $this->args['page_slug'] = str_replace('-', '_', $this->args['opt_name']);
     if (isset($this->args['customizer_only']) && $this->args['customizer_only'] == true) {
         $this->args['menu_type'] = 'hidden';
         $this->args['customizer'] = true;
         $this->args['admin_bar'] = false;
         $this->args['allow_sub_menu'] = false;
     // Check if the Airplane Mode plugin is installed
     if (class_exists('Airplane_Mode_Core')) {
         $airplane = Airplane_Mode_Core::getInstance();
         if (method_exists($airplane, 'enabled')) {
             if ($airplane->enabled()) {
                 $this->args['use_cdn'] = false;
         } else {
             if ($airplane->check_status() == 'on') {
                 $this->args['use_cdn'] = false;
Example #4
  * Class Constructor. Defines the args for the theme options class
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @param       array $sections   Panel sections.
  * @param       array $args       Class constructor arguments.
  * @param       array $extra_tabs Extra panel tabs. // REMOVE
  * @return \ReduxFramework
 public function __construct($sections = array(), $args = array(), $extra_tabs = array())
     // Disregard WP AJAX 'heartbeat'call.  Why waste resources?
     if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'heartbeat') {
         // Hook, for purists.
         if (!has_action('redux/ajax/heartbeat')) {
             do_action('redux/ajax/heartbeat', $this);
         // Buh bye!
     // Pass parent pointer to function helper.
     Redux_Functions::$_parent = $this;
     // Set values
     $this->args = wp_parse_args($args, $this->args);
     if (empty($this->args['transient_time'])) {
         $this->args['transient_time'] = 60 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS;
     if (empty($this->args['footer_credit'])) {
         $this->args['footer_credit'] = '<span id="footer-thankyou">' . sprintf(__('Options panel created using %1$s', 'redux-framework'), '<a href="' . esc_url($this->framework_url) . '" target="_blank">' . __('Redux Framework', 'redux-framework') . '</a> v' . self::$_version) . '</span>';
     if (empty($this->args['menu_title'])) {
         $this->args['menu_title'] = __('Options', 'redux-framework');
     if (empty($this->args['page_title'])) {
         $this->args['page_title'] = __('Options', 'redux-framework');
      * filter 'redux/args/{opt_name}'
      * @param  array $args ReduxFramework configuration
     $this->args = apply_filters("redux/args/{$this->args['opt_name']}", $this->args);
      * filter 'redux/options/{opt_name}/args'
      * @param  array $args ReduxFramework configuration
     $this->args = apply_filters("redux/options/{$this->args['opt_name']}/args", $this->args);
     // Do not save the defaults if we're on a live preview!
     if ($GLOBALS['pagenow'] == "customize" && isset($_GET['theme']) && !empty($_GET['theme'])) {
         $this->args['save_defaults'] = false;
     if (!empty($this->args['opt_name'])) {
          * SHIM SECTION
          * Old variables and ways of doing things that need correcting.  ;)
          * */
         // Variable name change
         if (!empty($this->args['page_cap'])) {
             $this->args['page_permissions'] = $this->args['page_cap'];
         if (!empty($this->args['page_position'])) {
             $this->args['page_priority'] = $this->args['page_position'];
         if (!empty($this->args['page_type'])) {
             $this->args['menu_type'] = $this->args['page_type'];
         // Get rid of extra_tabs! Not needed.
         if (is_array($extra_tabs) && !empty($extra_tabs)) {
             foreach ($extra_tabs as $tab) {
                 array_push($this->sections, $tab);
         // Move to the first loop area!
          * filter 'redux-sections'
          * @deprecated
          * @param  array $sections field option sections
         $this->sections = apply_filters('redux-sections', $sections);
         // REMOVE LATER
          * filter 'redux-sections-{opt_name}'
          * @deprecated
          * @param  array $sections field option sections
         $this->sections = apply_filters("redux-sections-{$this->args['opt_name']}", $this->sections);
         // REMOVE LATER
          * filter 'redux/options/{opt_name}/sections'
          * @param  array $sections field option sections
         $this->sections = apply_filters("redux/options/{$this->args['opt_name']}/sections", $this->sections);
          * Construct hook
          * action 'redux/construct'
          * @param object $this ReduxFramework
         do_action('redux/construct', $this);
         // Set the default values
         // Internataionalization
         $this->filesystem = new Redux_Filesystem($this);
         //set redux upload folder
         // Register extra extensions
         // Grab database values
         // Tracking
         if (true != Redux_Helpers::isTheme(__FILE__) || true == Redux_Helpers::isTheme(__FILE__) && !$this->args['disable_tracking']) {
         // Options page
         add_action('admin_menu', array($this, '_options_page'));
         // Add a network menu
         if ($this->args['database'] == "network" && $this->args['network_admin']) {
             add_action('network_admin_menu', array($this, '_options_page'));
         // Admin Bar menu
         add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, '_admin_bar_menu'), $this->args['admin_bar_priority']);
         // Register setting
         add_action('admin_init', array($this, '_register_settings'));
         // Display admin notices in dev_mode
         if (true == $this->args['dev_mode']) {
             require_once self::$_dir . 'inc/debug.php';
             $this->debug = new ReduxDebugObject($this);
             if (true == $this->args['update_notice']) {
                 add_action('admin_init', array($this, '_update_check'));
         // Display admin notices
         add_action('admin_notices', array($this, '_admin_notices'), 99);
         // Check for dismissed admin notices.
         add_action('admin_init', array($this, '_dismiss_admin_notice'), 9);
         // Enqueue the admin page CSS and JS
         if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == $this->args['page_slug']) {
             add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, '_enqueue'), 1);
         // Output dynamic CSS
         // Frontend: Maybe enqueue dynamic CSS and Google fonts
         if (empty($this->args['output_location']) || in_array('frontend', $this->args['output_location'])) {
             add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, '_output_css'), 150);
             add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, '_enqueue_output'), 150);
         // Login page: Maybe enqueue dynamic CSS and Google fonts
         if (in_array('login', $this->args['output_location'])) {
             add_action('login_head', array(&$this, '_output_css'), 150);
             add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, '_enqueue_output'), 150);
         // Admin area: Maybe enqueue dynamic CSS and Google fonts
         if (in_array('admin', $this->args['output_location'])) {
             add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, '_output_css'), 150);
             add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, '_enqueue_output'), 150);
         add_action('wp_print_scripts', array($this, 'vc_fixes'), 100);
         add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'vc_fixes'), 100);
         if ($this->args['database'] == "network" && $this->args['network_admin']) {
             add_action('network_admin_edit_redux_' . $this->args['opt_name'], array($this, 'save_network_page'), 10, 0);
             add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'network_admin_bar'), 999);
         // Ajax saving!!!
         add_action("wp_ajax_" . $this->args['opt_name'] . '_ajax_save', array($this, "ajax_save"));
         if ($this->args['dev_mode'] == true || Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost() == true) {
             include_once 'core/dashboard.php';
             if (!isset($GLOBALS['redux_notice_check'])) {
                 include_once 'core/newsflash.php';
                 $params = array('dir_name' => 'notice', 'server_file' => 'http://www.reduxframework.com/' . 'wp-content/uploads/redux/redux_notice.json', 'interval' => 3, 'cookie_id' => 'redux_blast');
                 new reduxNewsflash($this, $params);
                 $GLOBALS['redux_notice_check'] = 1;
      * Loaded hook
      * action 'redux/loaded'
      * @param  object $this ReduxFramework
     do_action('redux/loaded', $this);
Example #5
 private function change_demo_defaults()
     if ($this->args['dev_mode'] == true || Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost() == true) {
         if (!empty($this->args['admin_bar_links'])) {
             foreach ($this->args['admin_bar_links'] as $idx => $arr) {
                 if (is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) {
                     foreach ($arr as $x => $y) {
                         if (strpos(strtolower($y), 'redux') !== false) {
                             $msg = __('<strong>Redux Framework Notice: </strong>There are references to the Redux Framework support site in your config\'s <code>admin_bar_links</code> argument.  This is sample data.  Please change or remove this data before shipping your product.', 'redux-framework');
                             $this->display_arg_change_notice('admin', $msg);
                             $this->omit_admin_items = true;
         if (!empty($this->args['share_icons'])) {
             foreach ($this->args['share_icons'] as $idx => $arr) {
                 if (is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) {
                     foreach ($arr as $x => $y) {
                         if (strpos(strtolower($y), 'redux') !== false) {
                             $msg = __('<strong>Redux Framework Notice: </strong>There are references to the Redux Framework support site in your config\'s <code>share_icons</code> argument.  This is sample data.  Please change or remove this data before shipping your product.', 'redux-framework');
                             $this->display_arg_change_notice('share', $msg);
                             $this->omit_share_icons = true;
Example #6
  * Set default options on admin_init if option doesn't exist
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @access      public
  * @return      void
 private function _default_cleanup()
     // Fix the global variable name
     if ($this->args['global_variable'] == "" && $this->args['global_variable'] !== false) {
         $this->args['global_variable'] = str_replace('-', '_', $this->args['opt_name']);
     // Force dev_mode on WP_DEBUG = true and if it's a local server
     if (Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost() || Redux_Helpers::isWpDebug()) {
         if ($this->args['dev_mode'] != true) {
             $this->args['update_notice'] = false;
         $this->dev_mode_forced = true;
         $this->args['dev_mode'] = true;
     // Auto create the page_slug appropriately
     if (empty($this->args['page_slug'])) {
         if (!empty($this->args['display_name'])) {
             $this->args['page_slug'] = sanitize_html_class($this->args['display_name']);
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->args['page_title'])) {
                 $this->args['page_slug'] = sanitize_html_class($this->args['page_title']);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($this->args['menu_title'])) {
                     $this->args['page_slug'] = sanitize_html_class($this->args['menu_title']);
                 } else {
                     $this->args['page_slug'] = str_replace('-', '_', $this->args['opt_name']);
 * @author      Redux Framework
 * @package     ReduxFramework/Templates
 * @version:
$tip_title = __('Developer Mode Enabled', 'redux-framework');
if ($this->parent->dev_mode_forced) {
    $is_debug = false;
    $is_localhost = false;
    $debug_bit = '';
    if (Redux_Helpers::isWpDebug()) {
        $is_debug = true;
        $debug_bit = __('WP_DEBUG is enabled', 'redux-framework');
    $localhost_bit = '';
    if (Redux_Helpers::isLocalHost()) {
        $is_localhost = true;
        $localhost_bit = __('you are working in a localhost environment', 'redux-framework');
    $conjunction_bit = '';
    if ($is_localhost && $is_debug) {
        $conjunction_bit = ' ' . __('and', 'redux-framework') . ' ';
    $tip_msg = __('This has been automatically enabled because', 'redux-framework') . ' ' . $debug_bit . $conjunction_bit . $localhost_bit . '.';
} else {
    $tip_msg = __('If you are not a developer, your theme/plugin author shipped with developer mode enabled. Contact them directly to fix it.', 'redux-framework');
<div id="redux-header">
if (!empty($this->parent->args['display_name'])) {