Example #1
 public static function handleError()
     $response = new \stdClass();
     $response->action = null;
     $response->redirect_route = null;
     $response->callable_handle = null;
     $response->html = null;
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     if ($f3->get('ERROR.code') == '404') {
         $model = new \Redirect\Admin\Models\Routes();
         // lets find a proper redirection, if exists
         $path = substr($model->inputFilter()->clean($f3->hive()['PATH'], 'string'), 1);
         $redirect = null;
         $route = $model->setState('filter.url.alias', $path)->getItem();
         if (!empty($route->id)) {
             // count the number of times a redirect is hit and track the date of the last hit
             $route->hits = (int) $route->hits + 1;
             $route->last_hit = \Dsc\Mongo\Metastamp::getDate('now');
             $redirect = trim($route->{'url.redirect'});
         } else {
             // TODO add a config option to disable this
             $new_route = new \Redirect\Admin\Models\Routes();
             $new_route->set('url.alias', $path);
             $new_route->hits = 1;
             $new_route->last_hit = \Dsc\Mongo\Metastamp::getDate('now');
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // couldn't save for some reason
                 // add it to Logger?
         // don't redirect if the path and redirect are the same to prevent recursion
         if (!empty($redirect) && $path != $redirect) {
             // if the string doesn't begin with /, make sure it does
             if (strpos($redirect, '/') !== 0) {
                 $redirect = '/' . $redirect;
             $response->action = 'redirect';
             $response->redirect_route = $redirect;
         } else {
             // use default error route specified by user in Redirect::Settings
             $settings = \Redirect\Admin\Models\Settings::fetch();
             $default_redirect = $settings->{'general.default_error_404'};
             if (!empty($default_redirect) && $path != $default_redirect) {
                 // if the string doesn't begin with /, make sure it does
                 if (strpos($default_redirect, '/') !== 0) {
                     $default_redirect = '/' . $default_redirect;
                 $response->action = 'redirect';
                 $response->redirect_route = $default_redirect;
             } else {
                 // let f3 default error handler handle it since the user didn't specify a default 404 redirect
                 $response->action = false;
     } else {
         // let f3 default error handler handle all other error types
         $response->action = false;
     // clear any system error messages if the response is redirect
     // so that the user doesn't get displayed "invalid item" notices
     if ($response->action == 'redirect') {
         $messages = \Dsc\System::instance()->getMessages();
     return $response;