Example #1
# Script 4.4 - rectangle1.php
/*  This page uses the Rectangle class.
 *  This page shows a bunch of information about a rectangle.
// Include the class definition:
require 'Rectangle.php';
// Define the necessary variables:
$width = 42;
$height = 7;
// Print a little introduction:
echo "<h4>With a width of {$width} and a height of {$height}...</h4>";
// Create a new object:
$r = new Rectangle();
// Assign the rectangle dimensions:
$r->setSize($width, $height);
// Print the area:
echo '<p>The area of the rectangle is ' . $r->getArea() . '</p>';
// Print the perimeter:
echo '<p>The perimeter of the rectangle is ' . $r->getPerimeter() . '</p>';
// Is this a square?
echo '<p>This rectangle is ';
if ($r->isSquare()) {
    echo 'also';
} else {
    echo 'not';
echo ' a square.</p>';
// Delete the object: