CheckForLogout(); // Are we cancelling? If so, there is nothing to do. CheckForCancel('performanceReport.php'); // Define Local values $menuCategory = PERFORMANCE_REPORT_MENU_ITEM; $pageTitle = PERFORMANCE_REPORT_MENU_ITEM; $helpPage = 'HelpDocs/performance_report.htm'; $pageName = 'PerformanceReportPage'; $formName = 'PerformanceReportForm'; $homePage = NULL; $confirmationMsg = ""; $errorMsg = ""; $mapProfileResult = new MapProfileResult(); $mapResources; $displayManager = new DisplayProfileResultManager(); $recentSettings = new RecentSettings(); //this user-defined sort function is according to the design function CompareMapName($a, $b) { $strA = $a["ShortNames"]; $strB = $b["ShortNames"]; $strALength = strlen($strA); $strBLength = strlen($strB); $length = 0; if ($strALength >= $strBLength) { $length = $strBLength; } else { $length = $strALength; } if (0 == $strALength) { return 0;
$newXmlFileName = "profilingmapxml/" . $newXmlFileId . ".xml"; $fp = fopen($newXmlFileName, "w"); fwrite($fp, $profilingResourceContent); fclose($fp); //put the file name in the session $_SESSION["ProfilingResultFile"] = $newXmlFileName; //read the result into the DOM $resultSource = new DOMDocument(); $resultSource->load($newXmlFileName); $mapProfileResult->ReadFromXML($resultSource); $mapProfileResult->GetBaseLayerCount(); } CheckMapExist(); GetProfilingResults(); $displayManager->mapProfileResult = $mapProfileResult; $recentSettings = new RecentSettings(); $recentSettings->SaveRecentSettings($mapResourceId, $centerPoint, $scale); //set cookie //save the recent setting in the cookie, so next time the user open //the page will restore the last time setting //it will expire in 1 month setcookie("c_mapResourceId", $mapResourceId, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); setcookie("c_centerPoint", $centerPoint, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); setcookie("c_scale", $scale, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); } catch (MgException $e) { CheckForFatalMgException($e); $errorMsg = $e->GetExceptionMessage(); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorMsg = $e->getMessage(); } ?>