/** * Returns the log-log interpolated or extrapolated y-values using the * supplied x- and y-value arrays. * * @param xs x-values of some function * @param ys y-values of some function * @param x value at which to find y * @return the log-log interpolated y-values */ public static function findLogLogYArrays($xs, $ys, $x) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($x); $i++) { $y[] = RTGM_Util::findLogLogY($xs, $ys, $x[$i]); } return $y; }
/** * Maked the internal iterative RTGM calculation. * * @throws {Exception} * if internal RTGM calculation exceeds the maximum iterations */ public function calculate() { $this->_resetJsonStructure(); // uniform hazard ground motion $uhgm = RTGM_Util::findLogLogX($this->hazCurve->xs, $this->hazCurve->ys, $this->afe4uhgm); $this->jsonStructure['uhgm'] = $uhgm; $this->rtgmIters = array(); $this->riskIters = array(); // For adequate discretization of fragility curves... $upsampHazCurve = $this->logResample($this->hazCurve, $uhgm); $this->jsonStructure['upsampledHazardCurve'] = $upsampHazCurve; $this->jsonStructure['originalHCMin'] = min($this->hazCurve->xs); $this->jsonStructure['originalHCMax'] = max($this->hazCurve->xs); $errorRatio = NAN; // Iterative calculation of RTGM for ($i = 0; $i < self::MAX_ITERATIONS; $i++) { $this->_newJsonIteration(); $rtgmTmp; $riskTmp; if ($i == 0) { $rtgmTmp = $uhgm; } else { if ($i == 1) { $rtgmTmp = $this->rtgmIters[0] * $errorRatio; } else { $rtgmTmp = RTGM_Util::findLogLogY($this->riskIters, $this->rtgmIters, $this->target_risk); } } // Generate fragility curve corresponding to current guess for RTGM $fc = new FragilityCurve($rtgmTmp, $upsampHazCurve, $this->beta); $this->_pushJsonIteration('pdf', $fc->getPdf()->ys); $this->_pushJsonIteration('cdf', $fc->getCdf()->ys); /* Calculate risk using fragility curve generated above & upsampled hazard curve. */ $riskTmp = $this->riskIntegral($fc->getPdf(), $upsampHazCurve); // Check risk calculated above against target risk $errorRatio = $this->checkRiskAgainstTarget($riskTmp); $this->riskIters[] = $riskTmp; $this->rtgmIters[] = $rtgmTmp; $this->_pushJsonIteration('rtgm', $rtgmTmp); // Exit if ratio of calculated and target risks is within tolerance if ($errorRatio == 1) { break; } // If number of iterations has reached specified maximum, exit loop if ($i == self::MAX_ITERATIONS) { throw new Exception("RTGM: max # iterations reached: " . self::MAX_ITERATIONS); } } if ($errorRatio != 1) { $this->rtgm = NAN; } else { $this->rtgm = $this->rtgmIters[count($this->rtgmIters) - 1]; } $this->jsonStructure['rtgm'] = $this->rtgm; $this->riskCoeff = $this->rtgm / $uhgm; $this->jsonStructure['riskCoefficient'] = $this->riskCoeff; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->riskIters); $i++) { $this->riskIters[$i] = $this->riskIters[$i] / $this->target_risk; } }
$rtgmTmp = 24.000128833913; $riskTmp = 0.009838107787837501; $target_risk = -log(1 - 0.01) / 50; $uhgm = 0.6753857172769; $usampling_factor = 1.05; $rtgm = new RTGM($xs, $ys, Frequency::SA_1P00, 0.8); // RGTM_Util method tests $a = array(1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0); notify('Binary search found', 2, RTGM_Util::binary_search($a, 5.0)); notify('Binary search not found', -4, RTGM_Util::binary_search($a, 6.0)); notify('Build Sequence', 178, count(RTGM_Util::buildSequence(log($min_sa), log($xs[count($xs) - 1]), log($usampling_factor), true))); notify('Build Sequence Inf/NaN', 0, count(RTGM_Util::buildSequence(INF, NAN, 1, true))); $a2 = array(1, 2, 3); notify('Exp', array(2.718281828459, 7.3890560989307, 20.085536923188), RTGM_Util::exp($a2)); notify('Find Log Log X', $uhgm, RTGM_Util::findLogLogX($xs, $ys, $afe4uhgm)); notify('Find Log Log Y', $afe4uhgm, RTGM_Util::findLogLogY($xs, $ys, $uhgm)); notify('Log Normal Cumulative Prob', 0.012893887361471, RTGM_Util::logNormalCumProb(1.3, 1.6, 0.6)); notify('Log Normal Cumulative Prob (0)', 0.0, RTGM_Util::logNormalCumProb(0.0, 1.6, 0.6)); notify('Log Normal Density', 0.042613954514149, RTGM_Util::logNormalDensity(1.3, 1.6, 0.6)); notify('Log Normal Density (0)', 0.0, RTGM_Util::logNormalDensity(0.0, 1.6, 0.6)); $a3 = array(1, 2, 3); notify('Multiply', array(3, 8, 15), RTGM_Util::multiply($a3, array(3, 4, 5))); $a4 = array(10, 20, 30); notify('Scale', array(1, 2, 3), RTGM_Util::scale($a4, 0.1)); notify('Trapz', $riskTmp, RTGM_Util::trapz($xs, $ys)); // Statistics method tests notify('ErfInv', 0.47693627620447, Statistics::erfInv(0.5)); notify('InverseCumulativeProbabilty', 0.67448975019608, Statistics::inverseCumulativeProbability(0.75)); notify('InverseCumulativeProbabilty (3 args)', 2.0046938501176, Statistics::inverseCumulativeProbability(0.75, 1.6, 0.6)); try { Statistics::inverseCumulativeProbability(2.5);