Example #1
 public function delCache($request)
     if (isset($request['del_preview_map']) && $request['del_preview_map'] == 'T') {
     if (isset($request['del_preview_photo']) && $request['del_preview_photo'] == 'T') {
     if (isset($request['del_temp_files']) && $request['del_temp_files'] == 'T') {
         R3EcoGisCacheHelper::removeMapOutputFiles(null, true);
     return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR);
Example #2
  * Ajax request to submit data
  * @param array $request   the request
  * @return array           ajax format status
 public function submitFormData($request)
     $errors = array();
     $db = ezcDbInstance::get();
     $auth = R3AuthInstance::get();
     if ($this->act != 'add' && !defined('UNIT_TEST_MODE')) {
         // Security check
     $request['bu_id'] = $request['id'];
     if (isset($request['mu_name'])) {
         $request['mu_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_name'], $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'));
     if (isset($request['fr_name'])) {
         $request['fr_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getFractionIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_id'], $request['fr_name']);
     if (isset($request['st_name'])) {
         $request['st_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getStreetIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_id'], $request['st_name']);
     if ($this->act != 'del') {
         $errors = $this->checkFormData($request);
         if ($auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_REQUIRED') == 'T' && trim($request['bu_code']) == '') {
             $errors['bu_code'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il campo "Codice edificio" è obbligatorio'));
         if (isset($request['mu_name']) && $request['mu_name'] != '' && $request['mu_id'] == '') {
             $errors['mu_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il comune immesso non è stato trovato'));
         if (isset($request['fr_name']) && $request['fr_name'] != '' && $request['fr_id'] == '') {
             $errors['fr_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('La frazione immessa non è stata trovata'));
         if (isset($request['st_name']) && $request['st_name'] != '' && $request['st_id'] == '') {
             $errors['st_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('La strada immessa non è stata trovata'));
         if ($request['bu_usage_weeks'] > 52) {
             $errors['bu_usage_weeks'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Numero di settimane massimo inseribile: 52'));
         if ($auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_UNIQUE') == 'T' && !$this->checkBuildingCodeUnique($request['mu_id'], $request['bu_code'], $request['id'])) {
             $errors['bu_code'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il campo "Codice edificio" non è univoco'));
         if ($this->act == 'mod') {
             // Check compatibility between action and building purpose use
             $this->checkBuildingPurposeUseCompatibility($request['id'], $request['bpu_id'], $errors);
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors);
     } else {
         $deleteIDs = array();
         // Array che contiene l'elenco delle immagini da cancellare (processato dopo il commit per evitare perdita di dati!)
         if ($this->act != 'del') {
             $id = $this->applyData($request);
             // Update compatibility between action and building purpose use
             $this->updateBuildingPurposeUseCompatibility($request['id'], $request['bpu_id']);
             // Delete photo marked as delete
             foreach ($this->getOldImagesIDs($id, null) as $photoID) {
                 if (isset($request["photo_{$photoID}_delete"]) || isset($request["label_{$photoID}_delete"]) || isset($request["thermography_{$photoID}_delete"])) {
                     $deleteIDs[] = $photoID;
             // Save images
             $uploads = array('bu_photo' => 'photo', 'bu_label' => 'label', 'bu_thermography' => 'thermography');
             foreach ($uploads as $upload => $kind) {
                 if (isset($_FILES[$upload])) {
                     $tot = count($_FILES[$upload]['name']);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $tot; $i++) {
                         if ($_FILES[$upload]['error'][$i] == 0) {
                             $deleteIDs = array_merge($deleteIDs, $this->getOldImagesIDs($id, $kind));
                             $doc_file_id = $this->getDocFileId();
                             $this->addFile($_FILES[$upload]['name'][$i], 'building', $kind, $doc_file_id, $_FILES[$upload]['tmp_name'][$i]);
                             $doct_id = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeIdByCode(strtoupper("BUILDING_{$kind}"));
                             $sql = "INSERT INTO document (doc_object_id, doct_id, doc_file_id, doc_file, doc_date) VALUES ({$id}, {$doct_id}, {$doc_file_id}, " . $db->quote($_FILES[$upload]['name'][$i]) . ", NOW()) ";
             // Save map
             if (isset($request['geometryStatus']) && strtoupper($request['geometryStatus']) == 'CHANGED') {
                 $session_id = session_id();
                 $sql = "UPDATE building\n                            SET the_geom=foo.the_geom\n                            FROM (SELECT MULTI(ST_Force_2d(ST_union(ST_Buffer(the_geom, 0.0)))) AS the_geom FROM edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id='{$session_id}') AS foo\n                            WHERE bu_id={$id}";
         } else {
             $id = $this->applyData($request);
             $deleteIDs = $this->getOldImagesIDs($id, null);
             // Delete old images
         R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true));
         return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneBuilding({$id})");
Example #3
  * Ajax request to submit data
  * @param array $request   the request
  * @return array           ajax format status
 public function submitFormData($request)
     $errors = array();
     $db = ezcDbInstance::get();
     if ($this->act != 'add') {
         // Security check
     $request['sl_id'] = $request['id'];
     if ($this->act != 'del') {
         $request['mu_id'] = $this->checkFormDataForMunicipality($request, $errors);
         $errors = $this->checkFormData($request, $errors);
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors);
     } else {
         $id = $this->applyData($request);
         if (isset($request['geometryStatus']) && strtoupper($request['geometryStatus']) == 'CHANGED') {
             $session_id = session_id();
             $sql = "UPDATE street_lighting\r\n                        SET the_geom=foo.the_geom\r\n                        FROM (SELECT MULTI(ST_Force_2d(ST_union(ST_Buffer(the_geom, 0.0)))) AS the_geom FROM edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id='{$session_id}') AS foo\r\n                        WHERE sl_id={$id}";
             // Remove cache
             $sql = "UPDATE cache SET ca_expire_time=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\r\n                        WHERE ca_object_id={$id} AND cat_id=2";
         R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true));
         return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneStreetLighting({$id})");
Example #4
  * Ajax request to submit data
  * @param array $request   the request
  * @return array           ajax format status
 public function submitFormData($request)
     $errors = array();
     $db = ezcDbInstance::get();
     $request = array_merge(array('ac_object_id' => null, 'gc_id' => null), $request);
     $request['wo_id'] = null;
     $request['ac_id'] = $request['id'];
     if (isset($request['mu_name'])) {
         $request['mu_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_name'], $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'));
     if ($this->act != 'del') {
         $request['ac_green_electricity_purchase'] = forceFloat($request['ac_green_electricity_purchase_mwh'], null, '.') * 1000;
         // Convert MWh to kWh
         $request['ac_co2_reduction'] = forceFloat($request['ac_co2_reduction_tco2'], null, '.') * 1000;
         // Convert tCO2 to kCO2
         $tmpGesIdConsumption = array();
         $tmpEsIdConsumption = array();
         $tmpUdmIdConsumption = array();
         $tmpAcExpectedEnergySaving = array();
         $tmpAcExpectedEnergySavingMwh = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['es_id_consumption']); $i++) {
             if ($request['udm_id_consumption'][$i] != '' || $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] != '') {
                 $tmpGesIdConsumption[] = $request['ges_id_consumption'][$i];
                 $tmpEsIdConsumption[] = $request['es_id_consumption'][$i];
                 $tmpUdmIdConsumption[] = $request['udm_id_consumption'][$i];
                 $tmpAcExpectedEnergySaving[] = $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i];
                 $tmpAcExpectedEnergySavingMwh[] = $request['ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh'][$i];
         $request['ges_id_consumption'] = $tmpGesIdConsumption;
         $request['es_id_consumption'] = $tmpEsIdConsumption;
         $request['udm_id_consumption'] = $tmpUdmIdConsumption;
         $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'] = $tmpAcExpectedEnergySaving;
         $request['ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh'] = $tmpAcExpectedEnergySavingMwh;
         $request['esu_id_consumption'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMultipleEnergySourceUdmID($_SESSION['do_id'], $request['es_id_consumption'], $request['udm_id_consumption'], $request['mu_id']);
         $request['esu_id_production'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getEnergySourceUdmID($_SESSION['do_id'], $request['es_id_production'], $request['udm_id_production'], $request['mu_id'], true);
         $request['emo_id'] = self::getEnergyMeterObjectByID($request['mu_id'], $request['ac_object_id'], $request['gc_id']);
         if (isset($request['mu_name']) && $request['mu_name'] != '' && $request['mu_id'] == '') {
             $errors['mu_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il comune immesso non è stato trovato'));
         if (!isset($request['gc_id_parent']) || $request['gc_id_parent'] == '') {
             $errors['gc_id_parent'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il campo "Macro-settore" è obbligatorio'));
         $errors = $this->checkFormData($request, $errors);
         $selectedRelatedActions = array();
         if (isset($request['related_required_action_id'])) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['related_required_action_id']); $i++) {
                 if ($request['related_required_action_id'][$i] > 0 && in_array($request['related_required_action_id'][$i], $selectedRelatedActions)) {
                     $errors['related_required_action_' . $i] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("L'azione ") . $this->getActionName($request['related_required_action_id'][$i]) . _(" è già stata selezionata"));
                 array_push($selectedRelatedActions, $request['related_required_action_id'][$i]);
         if (isset($request['related_action_id'])) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['related_action_id']); $i++) {
                 if ($request['related_action_id'][$i] > 0 && in_array($request['related_action_id'][$i], $selectedRelatedActions)) {
                     $errors['related_action_' . $i] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("L'azione ") . $this->getActionName($request['related_action_id'][$i]) . _(" è già stata selezionata"));
                 array_push($selectedRelatedActions, $request['related_action_id'][$i]);
         if (isset($request['related_excluded_action_id'])) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['related_excluded_action_id']); $i++) {
                 if ($request['related_excluded_action_id'][$i] > 0 && in_array($request['related_excluded_action_id'][$i], $selectedRelatedActions)) {
                     $errors['related_required_action_' . $i] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("L'azione ") . $this->getActionName($request['related_excluded_action_id'][$i]) . _(" è già stata selezionata"));
                 array_push($selectedRelatedActions, $request['related_excluded_action_id'][$i]);
         if (isset($request['enable_benefit_year']) && $request['enable_benefit_year'] == 'T' && isset($request['benefit_year'])) {
             $startBenefitYear = (int) substr($request['ac_benefit_start_date'], 0, 4);
             $endBenefitYear = (int) substr($request['ac_benefit_end_date'], 0, 4);
             $lastBenefitPerc = 0;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['benefit_year']); $i++) {
                 if ($request['benefit_year'][$i] != '' && $request['benefit_year'][$i] < $startBenefitYear) {
                     $errors['benefit_year_' . $i] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => sprintf(_("L'anno del beneficio \"%s\" è antecedente al %s (anno inizio beneficio)"), $request['benefit_year'][$i], $startBenefitYear));
                 } else {
                     if ($request['benefit_year'][$i] != '' && $request['benefit_year'][$i] > $endBenefitYear) {
                         $errors['benefit_year_' . $i] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => sprintf(_("L'anno del beneficio \"%s\" è oltre al %s (anno fine beneficio)"), $request['benefit_year'][$i], $endBenefitYear));
                 if ($request['benefit_benefit'][$i] != '' && $request['benefit_benefit'][$i] < 0 || $request['benefit_benefit'][$i] != '' && $request['benefit_benefit'][$i] > 100) {
                     $errors['benefit_benefit_' . $i] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("Il valore del beneficio deve essere compreso tra 0 e 100"));
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors);
     } else {
         setLocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
         $id = $this->applyData($request);
         $sql = "DELETE FROM ecogis.action_catalog_energy WHERE ac_id=" . $db->quote($id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         if ($this->act != 'del') {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['esu_id_consumption']); $i++) {
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO ecogis.action_catalog_energy  (ac_id, esu_id, ace_expected_energy_saving) " . " VALUES (" . $db->quote($id, PDO::PARAM_INT) . ", " . $db->quote($request['esu_id_consumption'][$i], PDO::PARAM_INT) . ", " . $db->quote($request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i], PDO::PARAM_INT) . ")";
         $sql = "DELETE FROM ecogis.action_catalog_dependencies WHERE ac_id=" . $db->quote($id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         if ($this->act != 'del') {
             $relatedActions = array();
             if (isset($request['related_action_id'])) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['related_action_id']); $i++) {
                     array_push($relatedActions, array('related_action_id' => $request['related_action_id'][$i], 'acd_required' => 'D'));
             if (isset($request['related_required_action_id'])) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['related_required_action_id']); $i++) {
                     array_push($relatedActions, array('related_action_id' => $request['related_required_action_id'][$i], 'acd_required' => 'R'));
             if (isset($request['related_excluded_action_id'])) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['related_excluded_action_id']); $i++) {
                     array_push($relatedActions, array('related_action_id' => $request['related_excluded_action_id'][$i], 'acd_required' => 'E'));
             foreach ($relatedActions as $relatedAction) {
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO ecogis.action_catalog_dependencies  (ac_id, ac_related_id, acd_type) " . " VALUES (" . $db->quote($id, PDO::PARAM_INT) . ", " . $db->quote($relatedAction['related_action_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT) . ", " . $db->quote($relatedAction['acd_required'], PDO::PARAM_BOOL) . ")";
                 if ($relatedAction['related_action_id'] > 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM ecogis.action_catalog_benefit_year WHERE ac_id=" . $db->quote($id);
         if ($this->act != 'del') {
             if (isset($request['enable_benefit_year']) && $request['enable_benefit_year'] == 'T') {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['benefit_year']); $i++) {
                     $year = forceInteger($request['benefit_year'][$i]);
                     $benefit = forceFloat($request['benefit_benefit'][$i], null, '.');
                     if ($year > 1970 && $request['benefit_benefit'][$i] != '') {
                         $sql = "INSERT INTO ecogis.action_catalog_benefit_year  (ac_id, acby_year, acby_benefit) " . "VALUES ({$id}, {$year}, {$benefit})";
         R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true));
         if ($this->bu_id == '') {
             return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneActionCatalog({$id})");
         } else {
             return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneActionCatalogFromBuilding({$id})");
Example #5
 public static function addCacheElement($do_id, $object, $object_id, $fileName, $lang, $tollerance)
     ezcLog::getInstance()->log(__METHOD__ . "({$do_id}, {$object}, {$object_id}, {$fileName}, {$lang}, {$tollerance}) called", ezcLog::DEBUG);
     $db = ezcDbInstance::get();
     $ca_id = R3EcoGisCacheHelper::getCacheId();
     ezcLog::getInstance()->log(__METHOD__ . ": CacheID: {$ca_id}", ezcLog::INFO);
     $cat_id = $db->query("SELECT cat_id FROM cache_type WHERE cat_code=" . $db->quote(strtoupper($object)))->fetchColumn();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO cache (ca_id, do_id, ca_object_id, cat_id, ca_lang, ca_tollerance)\r\n                VALUES ({$ca_id}, {$do_id}, {$object_id}, {$cat_id}, {$lang}, " . $db->quote($tollerance) . ")";
     $path = R3_CACHE_DIR . strtolower($object) . '/' . sprintf(CACHE_MASK, $object_id / CACHE_DIR_LIMIT) . '/';
     $name = sprintf(CACHE_MASK, $object_id) . "_{$lang}_{$tollerance}" . CACHE_EXT;
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         ezcLog::getInstance()->log(__METHOD__ . ": Creating directory {$path}", ezcLog::INFO);
     if ($fileName != '') {
         ezcLog::getInstance()->log(__METHOD__ . ": Coping {$fileName} => {$path}{$name}", ezcLog::INFO);
         copy($fileName, "{$path}{$name}");
         return $ca_id;
     return false;