Example #1
 private static function Connect($dsn, $user, $password)
     self::$db = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
     self::$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     $q = new Query("set names 'utf8'");
     $q = new Query("set charset 'utf8'");
Example #2
$query = new Query($args);
$json = new Services_JSON();
$responseType = '';
$response = '';
if (array_key_exists('COMMAND', $args)) {
    $cmd = $args['COMMAND'];
    switch ($cmd) {
            $reponseType = 'text/plain';
            $response = $json->encode($query->GetLayerProperties());
            $reponseType = 'text/plain';
            $response = $json->encode($query->ToggleSpatialFilter());
            $reponseType = 'text/plain';
            $response = $json->encode($query->ShowSpatialFilter());
        case "EXECUTEQUERY":
            $reponseType = 'text/plain';
            $response = $json->encode($query->Execute());
        case "GETSELECTIONXML":
            $reponseType = 'text/xml';
            $response = $query->GetSelectionXML();
header('Content-Type: ' . $responseType);
echo $response;
Example #3
 private function getMovieList()
     $page = (int) Param("page");
     if ($page < 1 || $page > 10000) {
         $page = 1;
     if (Param("restore") === 'true' && is_object($_SESSION['lastMovieSelection'])) {
         $params = $_SESSION['lastMovieSelection'];
     } else {
         $params = new StdClass();
         $params->search = Param('search');
         $params->series = Param('series');
         $params->skipTranscoded = Param('skipTranscoded') ? 1 : 0;
         $params->skipHasCutlist = Param('skipHasCutlist') ? 1 : 0;
         $params->hpp = (int) Param('hpp') > 0 && (int) Param('hpp') <= 1000 ? (int) Param('hpp') : HPP;
     $_SESSION['lastMovieSelection'] = $params;
     $q = new Query("select title, chanid,\n\t\t\t\t             unix_timestamp(starttime) as unix,\n\t\t\t\t             filesize\n\t\t\t\t        from recorded  r\n\t\t\t\t       where deletepending = 0");
     if ($params->skipTranscoded) {
         $q->Append(" and transcoded=0");
     if (strlen($params->series) > 0) {
         $q->Append("and title = :series");
         $q->series = $params->series;
     $words = preg_split('!\\s+!', $params->search);
     $row = 0;
     foreach ($words as $v) {
         $v = trim(chop($v));
         if ($v > '') {
             $w1 = '%' . strtr($v, array('%' => '\\%')) . '%';
             $q->Append("and concat(coalesce(title, ''), ' ', coalesce(subtitle, ''), ' ', coalesce(description, '')) like :word" . $row);
             $q->Set('word' . $row, $w1);
     if ($params->skipHasCutlist) {
         $q->Append(" and not exists (select 1 from recordedmarkup m where m.chanid=r.chanid and m.starttime=r.starttime and m.type in (0,1))");
     $sort_by_size = Param('sort_by_size');
     if ($sort_by_size) {
         $q->Append(" order by filesize desc");
     } else {
         $q->Append("order by starttime desc");
     $data = array();
     $row = 0;
     $hits = 0;
     $series = array();
     $movies_to_load = array();
     $range_from = ($page - 1) * $params->hpp;
     $range_to = $page * $params->hpp;
     foreach ($q->Execute() as $v) {
         $c = new StdClass();
         $c->Chanid = $v->chanid;
         $c->Unixtime = $v->unix;
         $c->Title = $v->title;
         $c->Filesize = $v->filesize;
         $data[] = $c;
         if (!isset($series[$c->Title])) {
             $e = new StdClass();
             $e->Title = $c->Title;
             $e->NumRecordings = 0;
             $e->Filesize = 0.0;
             $e->LastRecording = 0;
             $e->Recordings = array();
             $series[$c->Title] = $e;
         $series[$c->Title]->Filesize += DoubleVal($c->Filesize);
         $series[$c->Title]->LastRecording = max($series[$c->Title]->LastRecording, $c->Unixtime);
         $series[$c->Title]->Recordings[] = $c;
         if ($row >= $range_from && $row < $range_to) {
             $key = sprintf("%d.%d", $c->Chanid, $c->Unixtime);
             $movies_to_load[$key] = $c;
     if (count($movies_to_load) > 0) {
         $q = new Query("select r.subtitle, r.description, r.chanid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t   unix_timestamp(r.starttime) as unix,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t   c.name as channel,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t   r.filesize\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t   \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  from recorded r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t\t  left join channel c on (c.chanid = r.chanid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where (\n\t\t\t                         0 = 1");
         $row = 0;
         foreach ($movies_to_load as $v) {
             $q->Set("chanid" . $row, $v->Chanid);
             $q->Set("starttime" . $row, date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v->Unixtime));
             $q->Append(sprintf(" or (r.chanid = :chanid%d and r.starttime=:starttime%s)", $row, $row));
         foreach ($q->Execute() as $v) {
             $key = sprintf("%d.%d", $v->chanid, $v->unix);
             $c = $movies_to_load[$key];
             $c->Subtitle = $v->subtitle;
             $c->Description = $v->description;
             $c->Channel = $v->channel;
             $c->Selector = $key;
             $c->Date = self::JsonDate($v->unix);
             $c->Filesize = (double) $v->filesize;
             $c->FilesizeGB = (double) sprintf("%.1f", $c->Filesize / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0);
             $c->IsSeries = $series[$c->Title]->NumRecordings > 1;
             if ($c->IsSeries) {
                 $e = new StdClass();
                 $e->NumEpisodes = $series[$c->Title]->NumRecordings;
                 $e->Filesize = $series[$c->Title]->Filesize;
                 $e->FilesizeGB = (double) sprintf("%.1f", $series[$c->Title]->Filesize / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0);
                 $c->Episodes = $e;
     $result = new StdClass();
     $result->TotalHits = $hits;
     $result->Pages = Floor(($hits + $params->hpp - 1) / $params->hpp);
     $result->CurrentPage = $page;
     $result->EntriesPerPage = $params->hpp;
     $result->Movies = array_values($movies_to_load);
     $result->PageList = array();
     $url = sprintf("?action=json&call=getMovieList&tpp=%d&search=%s&series=%s", $params->hpp, urlencode($params->search), urlencode($params->series));
     $pagelist = new Pagelist($url);
     $pagelist->HitsPerPage = $params->hpp;
     $result->BaseHREF = $url;
     $result->PageList = $pagelist->Get($result->Pages, $page);
     $result->Params = $params;
     return $this->successResult($result);
 protected function process(ViewBag $viewbag)
     $viewbag->Query = $search = Param('search') == '' ? '' : Param('search');
     if (Param('series') === null) {
         $series = isset($_COOKIE['__mc_series']) ? trim($_COOKIE['__mc_series']) : '';
         $skip_cutted = isset($_COOKIE['__mc_skip_cutted']) ? $_COOKIE['__mc_skip_cutted'] == 'J' : '';
     } else {
         $series = trim(Param('series'));
         $skip_cutted = Param('skip_cutted') == 'J';
     $viewbag->SkipCutted = $skip_cutted;
     if (Param('submit')) {
         list($chanid, $starttime) = explode(".", Param('Movie'));
         $_SESSION['SelectedMovie'] = new SelectedMovie();
         $_SESSION['SelectedMovie']->chanid = $chanid;
         $_SESSION['SelectedMovie']->starttime = $starttime;
         $this->Redirect('?rand=' . rand(0, 10000000));
     setCookie("__mc_skip_cutted", $skip_cutted ? 'J' : 'N');
     setCookie("__mc_series", $series);
     $q = new Query("select title, count(1) as cnt, sum(filesize) as size\n\t\t        from recorded r\n\t\t       where transcoded = 0\n\t\t         and deletepending = 0");
     if ($skip_cutted) {
         $q->Append("and not exists (select 1 from recordedmarkup m where m.chanid=r.chanid and m.starttime=r.starttime and m.type in (0,1))");
     $q->Append("group by title order by size desc");
     $available_series = array();
     $viewbag->Series = array();
     foreach ($q->Execute() as $v) {
         $size = sprintf("%.1f", DoubleVal($v->size) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0);
         $c = new StdClass();
         $c->Title = $v->title;
         $c->Size = $size;
         $c->Recordings = $v->cnt;
         $c->Selected = $series == $c->Title;
         $viewbag->Series[] = $c;
     $q = new Query("select *,\n\t\t             unix_timestamp(starttime) as unix\n\t\t        from recorded  r\n\t\t       where transcoded = 0\n\t\t         and deletepending = 0");
     if ($series) {
         $q->Append("and title = :series");
         $q->series = $series;
     $words = preg_split('!\\s+!', $viewbag->Query);
     $row = 0;
     foreach ($words as $v) {
         $v = trim(chop($v));
         if ($v > '') {
             $w1 = '%' . strtr($v, array('%' => '\\%')) . '%';
             $q->Append("and concat(coalesce(title, ''), ' ', coalesce(subtitle, ''), ' ', coalesce(description, '')) like :word" . $row);
             $q->Set('word' . $row, $w1);
     if ($skip_cutted) {
         $q->Append(" and not exists (select 1 from recordedmarkup m where m.chanid=r.chanid and m.starttime=r.starttime and m.type in (0,1))");
     $sort_by_size = Param('sort_by_size');
     if ($sort_by_size) {
         $q->Append(" order by filesize desc");
     } else {
         $q->Append("order by starttime desc");
     $viewbag->Movies = array();
     foreach ($q->Execute() as $item) {
         $c = new StdClass();
         $c->Value = $item->chanid . '.' . $item->unix;
         $c->Title = $item->title;
         $c->Subtitle = $item->subtitle;
         $c->Size = sprintf("%.1f", DoubleVal($item->filesize / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0));
         $c->Starttime = $item->starttime;
         $viewbag->Movies[] = $c;
Example #5
 private function findStream()
     Log::Debug("Searching stream for recording %d/%d (%s), storagegroup=%s", $this->chanid, $this->starttime, $this->moviedata->title, $this->moviedata->storagegroup);
     $q = new Query("select dirname\n                         from storagegroup \n                        where groupname = :storagegroup");
     $q->storagegroup = $this->moviedata->storagegroup;
     foreach ($q->Execute() as $v) {
         $fname = sprintf("%s/%s", $v->dirname, $this->moviedata->basename);
         Log::Debug("\tlooking for stream here: %s", $fname);
         if (is_file($fname)) {
             Log::Debug("\tfound stream here: %s", $fname);
             return $fname;
     Log::Debug("\tfailed to find stream for recording");
     return null;