Example #1
  * 执行指定的动作
  * @return mixed
 function execute($action_name, array $args = array())
     $action_method = "action{$action_name}";
     // 执行指定的动作方法
     QLog::log('EXECUTE ACTION: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $action_method . '()', QLog::DEBUG);
     $this->_view['_MSG'] = $this->_app->getFlashMessage();
     Q::replaceIni('OrderAvailable', true);
     Q::replaceIni('isAdmin', false);
     if ($this->_user) {
         if (in_array($this->_user->user_mail, Q::ini('appini/managers'))) {
             Q::replaceIni('isAdmin', true);
     $this->_view['_UDI'] = QContext::instance()->requestUDI(false);
     $response = call_user_func_array(array($this, $action_method), $args);
     if (is_null($response) && is_array($this->_view)) {
         // 如果动作没有返回值,并且 $this->view 不为 null,
         // 则假定动作要通过 $this->view 输出数据
         $config = array('view_dir' => $this->_getViewDir());
         $response = new $this->_view_class($config);
     } elseif ($response instanceof $this->_view_class) {
     return $response;
Example #2
 public static function queryKeywordWithPrefix($prefix = '', $limit = 10)
     global $db;
     $keyword_quoted = $db->quote($prefix . "%");
     $sql = "SELECT `keyword` as itemName FROM `keyword` \n\t\t\tWHERE `keyword` like {$keyword_quoted}\n\t\t\tORDER BY keyword\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . intval($limit);
     $keyword_list = $db->getAll($sql);
     QLog::log("KeywordModel::queryKeywordWithPrefix({$prefix},{$limit})->sql: " . $sql . " -> list: " . json_encode($keyword_list));
     return $keyword_list;
Example #3
 public static function queryYamaiWithTypeAndPrefix($which, $prefix = '', $limit = 10)
     global $db;
     if (!in_array($which, array('yamai_type', 'yamai_system', 'yamai_name'))) {
         return false;
     $keyword_quoted = $db->quote($prefix . "%");
     $sql = "SELECT distinct `{$which}` as itemName FROM yamai \n\t\t\tWHERE `{$which}` like {$keyword_quoted} \n\t\t\tLIMIT " . intval($limit);
     $list = $db->getAll($sql);
     QLog::log("YamaiModel::queryYamaiWithTypeAndPrefix({$which},{$prefix},{$limit})->sql: " . $sql . " -> list: " . json_encode($list));
     return $list;
  * 执行指定的动作
  * @return mixed
 function execute($action_name, array $args = array())
     $action_method = "action{$action_name}";
     // 执行指定的动作方法
     QLog::log('EXECUTE ACTION: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $action_method . '()', QLog::DEBUG);
     $response = call_user_func_array(array($this, $action_method), $args);
     if (is_null($response) && is_array($this->_view)) {
         // 如果动作没有返回值,并且 $this->view 不为 null,
         // 则假定动作要通过 $this->view 输出数据
         $config = array('view_dir' => $this->_getViewDir());
         $response = new $this->_view_class($config);
     return $response;
 function actionMigrationOut()
     try {
         $db = QDB::getConn();
     } catch (QException $ex) {
         QLog::log($ex->getMessage(), QLog::ERR);
     echo '正在迁移,请稍后...<br/>';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         QLog::log('正在迁出数据:' . $i);
         echo $i . '<br/>';
     return '迁出成功';
Example #6
 public function Send()
     if (!$this->blnErrorFlag) {
         $this->blnErrorFlag = true;
         $objEmailMessage = new QEmailMessage($this->strFromAddress, $this->strToAddress, $this->strSubject, $this->strBody);
         $objEmailMessage->Cc = $this->strCcAddress;
         $objEmailMessage->Bcc = $this->strBccAddress;
         try {
         } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
             QLog::Log('Email Failed to Send #' . $this->intId);
             $this->strErrorMessage = $objExc->getMessage();
Example #7
 public function getOne($sql)
     $stmt = $this->pdo->query($sql);
     if ($stmt === false) {
         QLog::log("STMT GET FALSE FOR SQL: " . $sql);
         throw new Exception("STMT GET FALSE FOR SQL: " . $sql, -1);
     $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
     if ($rows) {
         $row = $rows[0];
         if ($row) {
             return $row[0];
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #8
 public function execute($sql, $inputarr = null)
     if (!$this->isConnected()) {
     $sth = $this->_conn->prepare($sql);
     if ($this->_log_enabled) {
         QLog::log($sql, QLog::DEBUG);
     $result = $sth->execute((array) $inputarr);
     if (false === $result) {
         $error = $sth->errorInfo();
         $this->_last_err = $error[2];
         $this->_last_err_code = $error[1];
         $this->_has_failed_query = true;
         throw new QDB_Exception($sql, $this->_last_err, $this->_last_err_code);
     $this->_lastrs = $sth;
     if ('select' == strtolower(substr($sql, 0, 6))) {
         return new QDB_Result_Pdo($this->_lastrs, $this->_fetch_mode);
     } else {
         return $this->affectedRows();
Example #9
 public static function searchKeywords($keywords = array())
     global $db;
     if (empty($keywords)) {
         return false;
     $keywords_in_sql = "'" . implode("','", $keywords) . "'";
     $sql = "SELECT keyword_id FROM keyword WHERE keyword in ({$keywords_in_sql})";
     $keyword_id_list = $db->getColumn($sql);
     QLog::log("KYStoreModel::searchKeywords(" . implode(',', $keywords) . ") -> sql: " . $sql . " -> " . implode(',', $keyword_id_list));
     if (empty($keyword_id_list) || count($keyword_id_list) != count($keywords)) {
         return false;
     $yamai_list = null;
     foreach ($keyword_id_list as $keyword_id) {
         $sql = "SELECT yamai_id FROM yamai_keyword yk \n\t\t\t\tWHERE yk.keyword_id={$keyword_id} and yk.relation_score>0\n\t\t\t";
         if ($yamai_list !== null) {
             $sql .= " and yk.yamai_id in (" . implode(",", $yamai_list) . ") ";
         $yamai_list_once = $db->getColumn($sql);
         QLog::log("KYStoreModel::searchKeywords once for {$keyword_id} -> sql: " . $sql . " -> list: " . implode(',', $yamai_list_once));
         if ($yamai_list === null) {
             $yamai_list = $yamai_list_once;
         } else {
             $yamai_list = array_intersect($yamai_list, $yamai_list_once);
         QLog::log("KYStoreModel::searchKeywords intersect list: " . implode(',', $yamai_list));
         if (empty($yamai_list)) {
             return false;
     $sql = "SELECT y.*,group_concat('',k.keyword) keyword_list FROM yamai y\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN yamai_keyword yk ON y.yamai_id=yk.yamai_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN keyword k ON k.keyword_id=yk.keyword_id\n\t\t\tWHERE y.yamai_id in (" . implode(',', $yamai_list) . ") \n\t\t\tGROUP BY y.yamai_id\n\t\t";
     $list = $db->getAll($sql);
     QLog::log("KYStoreModel::searchKeywords find details -> sql: " . $sql . " -> " . implode(',', $keyword_id_list));
     return $list;
Example #10
  * 执行一个查询,返回一个查询对象或者 boolean 值,出错时抛出异常
  * $sql 是要执行的 SQL 语句字符串,而 $inputarr 则是提供给 SQL 语句中参数占位符需要的值。
  * 如果执行的查询是诸如 INSERT、DELETE、UPDATE 等不会返回结果集的操作,
  * 则 execute() 执行成功后会返回 true,失败时将抛出异常。
  * 如果执行的查询是 SELECT 等会返回结果集的操作,
  * 则 execute() 执行成功后会返回一个 DBO_Result 对象,失败时将抛出异常。
  * QDB_Result_Abstract 对象封装了查询结果句柄,而不是结果集。
  * @param string $sql
  * @param array $inputarr
  * @return QDB_Result_Abstract
 function execute($sql, $inputarr = null)
     if (is_array($inputarr)) {
         $sql = $this->_fakebind($sql, $inputarr);
     if (!$this->_conn) {
     $this->_lastrs = @pg_query($this->_conn, $sql);
     if ($this->_log_enabled) {
         QLog::log($sql, QLog::DEBUG);
     if (is_resource($this->_lastrs)) {
         return new QDB_Result_Pgsql($this->_lastrs, $this->_fetch_mode);
     } elseif ($this->_lastrs) {
         $this->_last_err = null;
         $this->_last_err_code = null;
         return $this->_lastrs;
     } else {
         $this->_last_err = pg_errormessage($this->_conn);
         $this->_last_err_code = null;
         $this->_has_failed_query = true;
         throw new QDB_Exception($sql, $this->_last_err, $this->_last_err_code);
Example #11
  * 追加日志到日志缓存
  * @param string $msg
  * @param int $type
 static function log($msg, $type = self::DEBUG)
     // 如果是command,则用echo 替换 ljzhou 2015-1-28
     if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
         echo date('c') . " " . $msg . "\n";
     static $instance;
     if (is_null($instance)) {
         $instance = new QLog();
         # 对象属性设置
         $instance->_log_writer_dir = QLog::$log_dir;
         //$log_dir;//ROOT_PATH. 'admin/filelock';
         $instance->_log_cache_chunk_size = 64;
         $instance->_log_writer_filename = 'devel-' . date('ymd') . '.log';
         $instance->_log_priorities = 'EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG';
     $instance->append($msg, $type);
Example #12
 * All Hail Sinri Edogawa
 * =========================================
 * Weishop 的初始化文件
 * 反正就是初始化,搞搞数据库啊日志啊啥的
 * 绝命:2015年4月8日
 * =========================================
 * 针对新项目的修正处以【TODO】标记
require_once __DIR__ . "/../toolkit/lib_log.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../toolkit/config.php";
// Set up the logger.
// URL: such as http://XXX.com/weishop/toolkit/log/ws_20150408.log
require __DIR__ . "/../toolkit/SinriPDO.php";
global $db;
$db = new SinriPDO($deploy_level, $username, $password, $host, $port, $database, $charset);
function getRequest($name, $default = null)
    if (isset($_REQUEST[$name])) {
        return $_REQUEST[$name];
    } else {
        return $default;
function maskValue($mono, $default = '')
    if ($isset($mono)) {
        return $mono;
Example #13
  * 创建对象时,保存 many_to_many 关联
 function testCreateWithManyToMany()
     QLog::log(__METHOD__, QLog::DEBUG);
     $tags = array('PHP', 'C++', 'Java');
     $content = new Content(array('title' => 'title - ' . mt_rand(), 'author_id' => 0));
     foreach ($tags as $tag_name) {
         $content->tags[] = new Tag(array('name' => $tag_name));
     $row = $this->_queryContent($content->id());
     $this->_checkContent($row, $content);
     foreach ($tags as $offset => $tag_name) {
         $row = $this->_queryTag($tag_name);
         $this->assertType('array', $row);
         $this->_checkTag($row, $content->tags[$offset]);
     $mid_table_name = $content->getMeta()->associations['tags']->mid_table->qtable_name;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$mid_table_name} WHERE content_id = ?";
     $rowset = $this->_conn->getAll($sql, array($content->id()));
     $this->assertEquals(count($tags), count($rowset));
     $tags = array_flip($tags);
     foreach ($rowset as $row) {
Example #14
  * 构造函数
  * @param int $type
  * @param array $config
  * @param QDB_ActiveRecord_Meta $source_meta
  * @return QDB_ActiveRecord_Association_Abstract
 protected function __construct($type, array $config, QDB_ActiveRecord_Meta $source_meta)
     $this->type = $type;
     QLog::log(__METHOD__ . "({$config['mapping_name']})", QLog::DEBUG);
     foreach (self::$_init_config_keys as $key) {
         if (!empty($config[$key])) {
             $this->{$key} = $config[$key];
     $this->_init_config = $config;
     $this->source_meta = $source_meta;
Example #15
keyword_id ~ keyword
yamai_id ~ yamai_name yamai_type yamai_system
yamai_id keyword_id ~ relation_score
$act = getRequest('act');
if ($act == 'update') {
    $yamai_name = getRequest('yamai_name', '');
    $yamai_type = getRequest('yamai_type', null);
    $yamai_system = getRequest('yamai_system', null);
    $keyword = getRequest('keyword', '');
    $score = getRequest('score', 3);
    QLog::log("COMMON UPDATE: [{$yamai_name}][{$yamai_type}][{$yamai_system}]+[{$keyword}]={$score}");
    $yamai_id = YamaiModel::getYamaiId($yamai_name, $yamai_type, $yamai_system);
    $keyword_id = KeywordModel::getKeywordId($keyword);
    $afx = KYStoreModel::updateKYScore($keyword_id, $yamai_id, $score);
    QLog::log("DB RESULT: Y[{$yamai_id}]+K[{$keyword_id}]=" . ($afx === false ? 'FALSE' : $afx));
    echo json_encode(array('updated' => $afx === false ? '0' : '1'));
} elseif ($act == "list_yamai") {
    $yamai_name = getRequest('yamai_name', '');
    $yamai_type = getRequest('yamai_type', null);
    $yamai_system = getRequest('yamai_system', null);
    $limit = 0;
    $offset = 0;
    $list_of_yamai = YamaiModel::listYamai($yamai_name, $yamai_type, $yamai_system, $limit, $offset);
    echo json_encode(array('list' => $list_of_yamai === false ? array() : $list_of_yamai));
} elseif ($act == "search") {
    $keywords = getRequest('keywords', array());
    $keywords = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $keywords);
    $list_of_yamai = KYStoreModel::searchKeywords($keywords);
Example #16
 protected function btnSave_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     // Create address record(s)
     $objHomeAddress = $this->objHomeAddressValidator->CreateAddressRecord();
     if ($this->objMailingAddressValidator) {
         $objMailingAddress = $this->objMailingAddressValidator->CreateAddressRecord();
     } else {
         $objMailingAddress = null;
     if (trim($this->dtxDateOfBirth->Text)) {
         $dttDateOfBirth = $this->dtxDateOfBirth->DateTime;
     } else {
         $dttDateOfBirth = null;
     $objPerson = QApplication::$PublicLogin->ProvisionalPublicLogin->Reconcile(trim(strtolower($this->txtPassword->Text)), $this->lstQuestion->SelectedValue ? $this->lstQuestion->SelectedValue : trim($this->txtQuestion->Text), trim(strtolower($this->txtAnswer->Text)), trim($this->txtHomePhone->Text), trim($this->txtMobilePhone->Text), $objHomeAddress, $objMailingAddress, $dttDateOfBirth, $this->rblGender->SelectedValue);
     if ($objPerson->PublicLogin->Id != QApplication::$PublicLogin->Id) {
         QLog::Log(sprintf('Provisioned PublicLogin::Reconcile() matched against a Person with an existing PublicLogin: PublicLogin(%s) and Person(%s)', QApplication::$PublicLogin->Id, $objPerson->Id));
         QApplication::DisplayAlert('It appears that another registration exists with the same name and home address.  Before we can proceed, please contact ALCF Online Member Support at 650-625-1500 or records@alcf.net for more information.  Please reference PLID ' . QApplication::$PublicLogin->Id . ' when calling.');
     } else {
         // OptOut Email Flag
         if (!$this->chkBulkEmail->Checked) {
             $objPerson->CanEmailFlag = false;
         } else {
             //Upon confirmation, add them to the newletter list
             $objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken('alcfweekly');
             if ($objList) {
                 if (!$objList->IsPersonAssociated($objPerson)) {
  * Returns an string array of check information indexed by:
  * 	0:	Routing Number
  *	1:	Checking Account Number
  *	2:	Check Number
  *	3:	Amount (optional)
  * @param string $strCheckInfo
  * @return string[]
 public static function ParseCheckingInformation($strCheckInfo)
     $strCheckInfo = trim(strtoupper($strCheckInfo));
     if (strpos($strCheckInfo, '?') !== false) {
         QLog::Log('Cannot Read Check Info: ' . $strCheckInfo);
         return null;
     $strTokens = explode(',', $strCheckInfo);
     if (count($strTokens) == 3 || count($strTokens) == 4) {
         if (strlen($strTokens[0]) == 9 && strlen($strTokens[1]) > 4) {
             return $strTokens;
     QLog::Log('Cannot Read Check Info: ' . $strCheckInfo);
     return null;
Example #18
  * 执行指定的 Action 方法
  * @param QContext $context
  * @param array $args
  * @return mixed
 protected function _executeAction(QContext $context, array $args = array())
     // 检查是否有权限访问
     $controller_name = $context->controller_name;
     $action_name = $context->action_name;
     $namespace = $context->namespace;
     $module = $context->module_name;
     QLog::log(sprintf('Execute controller action: "%s".', $context->getRequestUDI()));
     if (!$this->checkAuthorized($controller_name, $action_name, $namespace, $module)) {
         $response = call_user_func($context->getIni('dispatcher_on_access_denied'), $context);
     } else {
         // 尝试载入控制器
         $class_name = $context->getIni('controller_class_prefix') . 'Controller_';
         if ($namespace) {
             $class_name .= ucfirst($namespace) . '_';
         $class_name .= ucfirst(str_replace('_', '', $controller_name));
         $app_config = self::getAppConfig($this->_appid);
         if ($module) {
             $dir = $app_config['ROOT_DIR'] . "/modules/{$module}/controller";
         } else {
             $dir = $app_config['ROOT_DIR'] . "/app/controller";
         if ($namespace) {
             $dir .= DS . $namespace;
         // 构造控制器对象
         try {
             $filename = $controller_name . '_controller.php';
             Q::loadClassFile($filename, array($dir), $class_name);
         } catch (QException $ex) {
             $response = call_user_func($this->context->getIni('dispatcher_on_action_not_found'), $context);
             if (is_null($response)) {
                 $response = '';
         if (!isset($response)) {
             $controller = new $class_name($this, $context);
             /* @var $controller QController_Abstract */
             if ($context->isAJAX()) {
                 $controller->view = null;
             $response = $controller->_execute($args);
     if (is_object($response) && method_exists($response, 'execute')) {
         $response = $response->execute();
     } elseif ($response instanceof QController_Forward) {
         // 更新 flash message
         $key = $this->context->getIni('app_flash_message_key');
         $response = $this->_executeAction($response->context, $response->args);
     return $response;
Example #19
 function execute($sql, $inputarr = null)
     if (is_array($inputarr)) {
         $sql = $this->_fakebind($sql, $inputarr);
     if ($this->_log_enabled) {
         QLog::log('[DB EXECUTE] ' . str_replace("\n", ' ', $sql), QLog::DEBUG);
     if (!$this->_conn) {
     $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn);
     if (is_resource($result)) {
         return new QDB_Result_Mysql($result, $this->_fetch_mode);
     } elseif ($result) {
         $this->_last_err = null;
         $this->_last_err_code = null;
         return $result;
     } else {
         $this->_last_err = mysql_error($this->_conn);
         $this->_last_err_code = mysql_errno($this->_conn);
         $this->_has_failed_query = true;
         if ($this->_last_err_code == 1062) {
             throw new QDB_Exception_DuplicateKey($sql, $this->_last_err, $this->_last_err_code);
         } else {
             throw new QDB_Exception($sql, $this->_last_err, $this->_last_err_code);
Example #20
  * Merges two records together.
  * @param Person $objPersonMergeWith
  * @param boolean $blnUseThisDetails boolean on whether to use this person's Person object details, or if false, use the PersonMergeWith's
 public function MergeWith(Person $objPersonMergeWith, $blnUseThisDetails)
     QLog::Log(sprintf('Merging %s (ID %s) with %s (ID %s) - %s', $this->Name, $this->Id, $objPersonMergeWith->Name, $objPersonMergeWith->Id, $blnUseThisDetails ? 'left' : 'right'));
     // Household Participation Records
     if ($this->HouseholdAsHead && $objPersonMergeWith->HouseholdAsHead) {
         $this->HouseholdAsHead->MergeHousehold($objPersonMergeWith->HouseholdAsHead, $this);
     } else {
         if ($this->HouseholdAsHead) {
             // Go through each MergeWith HouseholdParticipation -- Throw if it's another household, Delete if it's this Household-as-Head
             foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetHouseholdParticipationArray() as $objHouseholdParticipation) {
                 if ($objHouseholdParticipation->HouseholdId != $this->HouseholdAsHead->Id) {
                     throw new QCallerException('Cannot merge this head of household with a person record that exists in other households');
                 } else {
         } else {
             if ($objHousehold = $objPersonMergeWith->HouseholdAsHead) {
                 // Go through each of this's HouseholdParticipation -- Throw if it's another household, Delete if it's MergeWith's Household-as-Head
                 foreach ($this->GetHouseholdParticipationArray() as $objHouseholdParticipation) {
                     if ($objHouseholdParticipation->HouseholdId != $objPersonMergeWith->HouseholdAsHead->Id) {
                         throw new QCallerException('Cannot merge MergeWith head of household with this person record which exists in other households');
                     } else {
                 $objHousehold->HeadPerson = $this;
                 $objParticipation = HouseholdParticipation::LoadByPersonIdHouseholdId($objPersonMergeWith->Id, $objHousehold->Id);
                 $objParticipation->PersonId = $this->Id;
             } else {
                 // Otherwise: members of multiple households! but head of none
                 foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetHouseholdParticipationArray() as $objHouseholdParticipation) {
                     if (HouseholdParticipation::LoadByPersonIdHouseholdId($this->Id, $objHouseholdParticipation->HouseholdId)) {
                     } else {
                         $objHouseholdParticipation->PersonId = $this->Id;
     if (!$blnUseThisDetails) {
         $this->FirstName = $objPersonMergeWith->FirstName;
         $this->MiddleName = $objPersonMergeWith->MiddleName;
         $this->LastName = $objPersonMergeWith->LastName;
         $this->MailingLabel = $objPersonMergeWith->MailingLabel;
         $this->PriorLastNames = $objPersonMergeWith->PriorLastNames;
         $this->Nickname = $objPersonMergeWith->Nickname;
         $this->Title = $objPersonMergeWith->Title;
         $this->Suffix = $objPersonMergeWith->Suffix;
         $this->Gender = $objPersonMergeWith->Gender;
         $this->DateOfBirth = $objPersonMergeWith->DateOfBirth;
         $this->DobYearApproximateFlag = $objPersonMergeWith->DobYearApproximateFlag;
         $this->DobGuessedFlag = $objPersonMergeWith->DobGuessedFlag;
         $this->Age = $objPersonMergeWith->Age;
         $this->DeceasedFlag = $objPersonMergeWith->DeceasedFlag;
         $this->DateDeceased = $objPersonMergeWith->DateDeceased;
     // Attributes
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetAttributeValueArray() as $objAttributeValue) {
         // Check for double-defined attributes
         if ($objDoubleDefinedAttribute = AttributeValue::LoadByAttributeIdPersonId($objAttributeValue->AttributeId, $this->Id)) {
             if ($blnUseThisDetails) {
             } else {
                 $objAttributeValue->PersonId = $this->Id;
             // Nothing double-defined -- just move it over!
         } else {
             $objAttributeValue->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Comments
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetCommentArray() as $objComment) {
         $objComment->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Memberships
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetMembershipArray() as $objMembership) {
         $objMembership->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Communication Lists
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetCommunicationListArray() as $objCommList) {
         if (!$this->IsCommunicationListAssociated($objCommList)) {
     // Head Shots
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetHeadShotArray() as $objHeadShot) {
         $objHeadShot->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Group Participation
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetGroupParticipationArray() as $objGroupParticipation) {
         $objGroupParticipation->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // NameItemAssn
     // Marrriage Records
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetMarriageArray() as $objMarriage) {
         $this->CreateMarriageWith($objMarriage->MarriedToPerson, $objMarriage->DateStart, $objMarriage->DateEnd, $objMarriage->MarriageStatusTypeId);
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetMarriageAsMarriedToArray() as $objMarriage) {
         $this->CreateMarriageWith($objMarriage->Person, $objMarriage->DateStart, $objMarriage->DateEnd, $objMarriage->MarriageStatusTypeId);
     // Family Relationships
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetRelationshipArray() as $objRelationship) {
         if (!Relationship::LoadByPersonIdRelatedToPersonId($this->Id, $objRelationship->RelatedToPersonId)) {
             $this->AddRelationship($objRelationship->RelatedToPerson, $objRelationship->RelationshipTypeId);
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetRelationshipAsRelatedToArray() as $objRelationship) {
         if (!Relationship::LoadByPersonIdRelatedToPersonId($this->Id, $objRelationship->PersonId)) {
             $this->AddRelationship($objRelationship->Person, $objRelationship->RelationshipTypeId);
     // Phones
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetPhoneArray() as $objContact) {
         $objContact->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Addresses
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetAddressArray() as $objContact) {
         $objContact->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Email
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetEmailArray() as $objContact) {
         $objContact->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Other Contact Info
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetOtherContactInfoArray() as $objContact) {
         $objContact->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Checking Account Lookups
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetCheckingAccountLookupArray() as $objCheckingAccount) {
         if (!$this->IsCheckingAccountLookupAssociated($objCheckingAccount)) {
     // Stewardship Contributions
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetStewardshipContributionArray() as $objStewardship) {
         $objStewardship->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Stewardship Pledges
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetStewardshipPledgeArray() as $objPledge) {
         // Check for double-defined pledge
         if ($objDoubleDefinedPledge = StewardshipPledge::LoadByPersonIdStewardshipFundId($this->Id, $objPledge->StewardshipFundId)) {
             if ($blnUseThisDetails) {
             } else {
                 $objPledge->PersonId = $this->Id;
             // Nope, just move it over like normal
         } else {
             $objPledge->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Online Donations
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetOnlineDonationArray() as $objOnlineDonation) {
         $objOnlineDonation->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Public Login
     if ($objPublicLogin = $objPersonMergeWith->PublicLogin) {
         $objPublicLogin->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Events and Classes
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetSignupEntryArray() as $objSignupEntry) {
         $objSignupEntry->PersonId = $this->Id;
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetSignupEntryAsSignupByArray() as $objSignupEntry) {
         $objSignupEntry->SignupByPersonId = $this->Id;
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetClassRegistrationArray() as $objClassRegistration) {
         $objClassRegistration->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Stewardship Post Line Items
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetStewardshipPostLineItemArray() as $objStewardship) {
         $objStewardship->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Email Message Route
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetEmailMessageRouteArray() as $objEmailMessageRoute) {
         $objEmailMessageRoute->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Search Query
     foreach ($objPersonMergeWith->GetSearchQueryArray() as $objSearchQuery) {
         $objSearchQuery->PersonId = $this->Id;
     // Final Refresh/Cleanup
Example #21
  * 初始化应用程序设置
 protected function _initConfig()
     QLog::log(__METHOD__, QLog::DEBUG);
     // 载入配置文件
     if ($this->_app_config['CONFIG_CACHED']) {
          * 从缓存载入配置文件内容
         // 构造缓存服务对象
         $backend = $this->_app_config['CONFIG_CACHE_BACKEND'];
         $settings = isset($this->_app_config['CONFIG_CACHE_SETTINGS'][$backend]) ? $this->_app_config['CONFIG_CACHE_SETTINGS'][$backend] : null;
         $cache = new $backend($settings);
         // 载入缓存内容
         $cache_id = $this->_app_config['APPID'] . '_app_config';
         $config = $cache->get($cache_id);
         if (!empty($config)) {
     // 没有使用缓存,或缓存数据失效
     $config = self::loadConfigFiles($this->_app_config);
     if ($this->_app_config['CONFIG_CACHED']) {
         $cache->set($cache_id, $config);
Example #22
  * This will submit a NVP Request to paypal and return the repsonse
  * or NULL if there was a connection error.
  * @param string[] $strNvpRequestArray a structured array containing the NVP Request
  * @return string[] a structured array based on the NVP Response, or NULL if there was a connection error
 protected static function PaymentGatewaySubmitRequest($strNvpRequestArray)
     $strLogFile = 'paypal_' . QDateTime::NowToString('YYYY-MM-DD');
     $strLogHash = substr(md5(microtime()), 0, 8);
     $objCurl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_URL, PAYPAL_ENDPOINT);
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false);
     // Turning off the server and peer verification (TrustManager Concept)
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     // Add Credentials to NVP-based Request for submitting to server
     $strNvpRequestArray['PARTNER'] = PAYPAL_PARTNER;
     $strNvpRequestArray['USER'] = PAYPAL_USER;
     $strNvpRequestArray['VENDOR'] = PAYPAL_VENDOR;
     $strNvpRequestArray['PWD'] = PAYPAL_PASSWORD;
     $strNvpRequest = self::FormatNvp($strNvpRequestArray);
     // First, we Sanitize NVP Request for Logging and then log it
     $strNvpRequestToLog = $strNvpRequestArray;
     $strNvpRequestToLog['PARTNER'] = 'xxxxx';
     $strNvpRequestToLog['USER'] = '******';
     $strNvpRequestToLog['VENDOR'] = 'xxxxx';
     $strNvpRequestToLog['PWD'] = 'xxxxx';
     if (array_key_exists('ACCT', $strNvpRequestToLog)) {
         $intLength = strlen($strNvpRequestToLog['ACCT']);
         $strNvpRequestToLog['ACCT'] = str_repeat('x', $intLength - 4) . substr($strNvpRequestToLog['ACCT'], $intLength - 4);
     QLog::Log($strLogHash . ' - ' . self::FormatNvp($strNvpRequestToLog), QLogLevel::Normal, $strLogFile);
     // Setting the entire NvpRequest as POST FIELD to curl
     curl_setopt($objCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $strNvpRequest);
     // Getting response from server
     $strResponse = @curl_exec($objCurl);
     if ($strResponse) {
         $arrToReturn = self::DeformatNvp($strResponse);
         QLog::Log($strLogHash . ' - ' . var_export($arrToReturn, true), QLogLevel::Normal, $strLogFile);
         return $arrToReturn;
     } else {
         QLog::Log($strLogHash . ' - ' . 'ERROR', QLogLevel::Normal, $strLogFile);
         return null;