  * Adds a default parameter for this CLI call.  DefaultIdentifier will be alphanumeric with underscores in all caps.
  * Because default parameters are required, there is no default value to specify.
  * Note that since defualt parameters MUST be passed in, there is no short or long (-x or --xxx) identifiers associated with them.
  * The identifier specified is simply for internal use.  Processing of default identifiers are done in the order they are added
  * to the class.  So for example, if default identifiers are added in the following way:
  * 	$this->AddDefaultParameter('USERNAME', QCliParameterType::String, 'Your Username');
  * 	$this->AddDefaultParameter('PASSWORD', QCliParameterType::String, 'Your Possword');
  * 	$this->AddDefaultParameter('PATH_TO_FILE', QCliParameterType::Path, 'Path to the given file');
  * then the call to the CLI must follow with USERNAME PASSWORD PATH_TO_FILE.
  * @param string $strDefaultIdentifier
  * @param QCliParameterType $intCliParameterType
  * @param string $strHelpText
  * @return void
 public function AddDefaultParameter($strDefaultIdentifier, $intCliParameterType, $strHelpText)
     // Cleanup the Identifier, and throw in invalid
     try {
         $strDefaultIdentifier = QCliParameterProcessor::CleanDefaultIdentifier($strDefaultIdentifier);
     } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
         throw $objExc;
     // Ensure DefaultIdentifier is not already in use
     if ($strDefaultIdentifier && array_key_exists($strDefaultIdentifier, $this->strDefaultIdentifierArray)) {
         throw new QCallerException('DefaultIdentifier already in use: ' . $strDefaultIdentifier);
     // Get the ValueIndex for this flag, and set the value to false
     $intIndex = count($this->mixDefaultValueArray);
     $this->mixDefaultValueArray[$intIndex] = null;
     $this->intDefaultParameterTypeArray[$intIndex] = $intCliParameterType;
     $this->strDefaultHelpTextArray[$intIndex] = $strHelpText;
     $this->strDefaultIdentifierArray[$intIndex] = $strDefaultIdentifier;