/** * 返回登录 */ public function callback() { require_once COMMON_LIB_PATH . "QqConnect/API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $callback = $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); $user = K("user")->field("uid,username,password,qqau,userlock,uuid,usergroup")->where(array("qqau" => $openid))->find(); session("qqau", $openid); if (empty($user["qqau"])) { //首次登录或没有绑定账号 $qc = new QC($callback, $openid); $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); session("UserInfo", $arr["nickname"]); go("Passport/Qqlogin/index"); } elseif ($user["qqau"] == $openid) { //数据库比对正确 if ($user["userlock"] == 1) { $this->error("您已经被锁定,请联系管理员!"); } //$this->eve_exp($user["uid"]); $loginData = array("logintime" => time(), "loginip" => ip::getClientIp(), "qqau" => $openid); M("user")->where(array("uid" => $user["uid"]))->save($loginData); // p($_POST); session("username", $user["username"]); session("uid", $user["uid"]); session("uuid", $user["uuid"]); session("usergroup", $user["usergroup"]); $this->success("登录成功!正在跳转...", U(__WEB__)); } }
public function callbackAction() { $mediaqqmodel = new Media_QQModel($this->_basemodel, $this->_qqparam); $app_id = isset($_REQUEST['app_id']) ? trim($_REQUEST['app_id']) : '69948denMVMoBujYGLSFGUHbkvP7E3'; $mediaqq = $mediaqqmodel->getApp($app_id); $APPID = $mediaqq['APPID'] && $mediaqq['APPKEY'] ? $mediaqq['APPID'] : $mediaqq['def_APPID']; $APPKEY = $mediaqq['APPID'] && $mediaqq['APPKEY'] ? $mediaqq['APPKEY'] : $mediaqq['def_APPKEY']; $redirect_uri = $this->_qqparam['redirect_uri'] . '?app_id=' . $mediaqq['app_id']; $state = md5($mediaqq['app_key']); $qcinit = new QQAPI_YafQQConnetAPI(); $qc = new QC(); $access_token = $qc->qq_callback($APPID, $redirect_uri, $APPKEY); echo $access_token . '----------'; $openid = $qc->get_openid($access_token); echo $openid . '---------'; $qqUser = $qc->my_get_userinfo($access_token, $openid, $APPID); if ($qqUser && $qqUser->nickname) { $media_user_id = $mediaqqmodel->saveUser($openid, $qqUser, $APPID); if ($media_user_id) { $usertokentime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + Yaf_Application::app()->getConfig()->application->usertokentime); $login_token = $mediaqqmodel->saveAccessToken($app_id, $access_token, $openid, $media_user_id, $usertokentime); if ($login_token) { $url = $mediaqq['token_url']; $concat = '&'; if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { $concat = '?'; } $url .= $concat . "token={$login_token}"; header("Location:{$url}"); } } } exit; }
public function callback() { es_session::start(); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/api_login/qqv2/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $access_token = $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); $use_info_keysArr = array("access_token" => $access_token, "openid" => $openid, "oauth_consumer_key" => $this->api['config']['app_key']); $use_info_url = "https://graph.qq.com/user/get_user_info"; $graph_use_info_url = $qc->urlUtils->combineURL($use_info_url, $use_info_keysArr); $response = $qc->urlUtils->get_contents($graph_use_info_url); $arr = array(); $arr = json_decode($response, true); $msg['field'] = 'qq_id'; $msg['id'] = $openid; $msg['name'] = $arr["nickname"]; es_session::set("api_user_info", $msg); $user_data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where qq_id = '" . $openid . "' and qq_id <> '' and is_effect=1 and is_delete=0"); if ($user_data) { $user_current_group = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_group where id = " . intval($user_data['group_id'])); $user_group = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_group where score <=" . intval($user_data['score']) . " order by score desc"); if ($user_current_group['score'] < $user_group['score']) { $user_data['group_id'] = intval($user_group['id']); } es_session::set("user_info", $user_data); $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user set login_ip = '" . get_client_ip() . "',login_time= " . TIME_UTC . ",group_id=" . intval($user_data['group_id']) . " where id =" . $user_data['id']); es_session::delete("api_user_info"); app_recirect_preview(); } else { $this->create_user(); app_redirect(APP_ROOT . "/"); } }
public function callback() { require 'QQ/API/qqConnectAPI.php'; //引进qqapi 接口 $qc = new \QC(); $acs = $qc->qq_callback(); //获取access-token 和openid $oid = $qc->get_openid(); $qc = new \QC($acs, $oid); $uinfo = $qc->get_user_info(); //获取用户信息 $user = M('user'); $list = $user->where("openid='" . $oid . "' and status = 1")->find(); if ($list) { session('userid', $list['id']); session('username', $list['nickname']); session('userphone', $list['mobile']); session('userimg', $list['headpic']); //var_dump($list);die(); echo "<script>window.close();window.opener.location.reload()</script>"; exit; //$this->redirect('Index/index', '', 0, '页面跳转中...'); } else { session('openid', $oid); session('uinfo', $uinfo); session('sign', array('name' => 'QQ账号', 'code' => 1)); echo "<script>window.close();window.opener.location.href='" . U('User/threepartlogin') . "'</script>"; exit; } }
public function qqcallback() { Vendor('Oauth.QC#class'); $qc = new \QC(); $token = $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); if (!$token || !$openid) { $this->error('操作失败'); } // 重新实例化 QC类 $qc = new \QC($token, $openid); $uinfo = $qc->get_user_info(); $this->user_model = D('user'); $user = $this->user_model->field('id,email,password')->where(array('qq_token' => $token, 'qq_openid' => $openid))->find(); // echo $this->user_model->getLastSql(); if ($user['id'] > 0) { // 登录用户 if ($this->user_model->login($user['id'], $user['email'], $user['password'])) { //TODO:跳转到登录前页面 $this->success('登录成功!', session('rebackurl')); } else { $this->error($model->getError()); } } else { session('avatar', $uinfo['figureurl_qq_2']); session('openid', $openid); session('token', $token); session('uname', $uinfo['nickname']); session('oatype', 'qq_'); //print_r($uinfo); $this->redirect('join'); } }
public function callback() { vendor('QQApi.qqConnectAPI'); $qc = new \QC(); $access_token = $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); $data['data'] = serialize(array('access_token' => $access_token, 'openid' => $openid)); M('post_log')->add($data); //注册会员信息 //查看此openid是否存在 $map['username'] = $openid; $detail = D('User')->where($map)->find(); $userid = $detail['userid']; $nickname = $detail['nickname']; if (!$detail) { //获取用户信息 $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); M('post_log')->add(array('data' => serialize($arr))); $info['username'] = $openid; $info['nickname'] = $nickname = $arr['nickname']; $userid = D('User')->add($info); } if ($userid) { //保存session session('userid', $userid); //保存cookie用户信息 cookie('userid', $userid); cookie('nickname', $nickname); cookie('userid', $userid); redirect(U('Shenma/user')); } /* $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); var_dump($arr);exit; */ }
public function qqcallback() { require_once "./QQ/API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new \QC(); echo $qc->qq_callback(); echo $qc->get_openid(); var_dump($qc); }
public function getUserInfo() { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(ISession::get('access_token'), ISession::get('openid'), $this->apiId); $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); $userInfo['id'] = ISession::get('openid'); $userInfo['name'] = isset($arr['nickname']) ? $arr['nickname'] : ''; return $userInfo; }
public function login() { define('QQ_LOGIN_APPID', $this->config->get('qq_login_appid')); define('QQ_LOGIN_APPKEY', $this->config->get('qq_login_appkey')); define('QQ_CALLBACK_URI', HTTP_SERVER . 'catalog/controller/api/qq_callback.php'); require_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'library/qq/qqConnectAPI.php'; $qc = new QC(); $qc->qq_login(); }
public function qq_callback() { require_once "./public/Library/qqAuth/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); //echo $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); $nickname = $arr["nickname"]; //TODO 注册登录操作 }
/** * QQ回调地址 * */ public function actionQq_callback() { require_once Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext') . "/OAuth/qq/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $access_token = $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); $qc = new QC($access_token, $openid); $user_info = $qc->get_user_info(); //查看是否已绑定 $bind = OAuthQQ::model()->findByPk($openid); //数据 $data = array('type' => 'qq', 'access_token' => $access_token, 'openid' => $openid, 'uid' => $bind ? $bind->uid : 0, 'username' => $user_info['nickname'], 'avatar' => $user_info['figureurl_2']); //绑定注册 $this->bind_register($bind, $data); }
function QQ_callback() { $cb_arr = array(); $qc = new QC(); $access_token = $qc->qq_callback(); //DE89B12F418C136D96F62898CBC4705E $openid = $qc->get_openid(); //B8C02925F80EE3B4462B86E7868DAC1D //echo $access_token; //echo $openid; $qc1 = new QC($access_token, $openid); $userinfo_arr = $qc1->get_user_info(); $nickname = $userinfo_arr["nickname"]; $cb_arr = array('access_token' => $access_token, 'openid' => $openid, 'nick' => $nickname); return $cb_arr; }
public function __construct($appid, $appkey, $scope, $callback, $errorReport) { parent::__construct(); $this->recorder->write("appid", $appid); $this->recorder->write("appkey", $appkey); $this->recorder->write("scope", $scope); $this->recorder->write("callback", $callback); $this->recorder->write("errorReport", $errorReport); $this->keysArr = array("oauth_consumer_key" => (int) $this->recorder->readInc("appid"), "access_token" => null, "openid" => null); }
public function callback() { global_run(); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/api_login/qqv2/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $access_token = $qc->qq_callback(); $openid = $qc->get_openid(); $use_info_keysArr = array("access_token" => $access_token, "openid" => $openid, "oauth_consumer_key" => $this->api['config']['app_key']); $use_info_url = "https://graph.qq.com/user/get_user_info"; $graph_use_info_url = $qc->urlUtils->combineURL($use_info_url, $use_info_keysArr); $response = $qc->urlUtils->get_contents($graph_use_info_url); if ($response['ret'] != 0) { showErr("授权失败,错误信息:" . $response['msg']); die; } $response = json_decode($response, 1); $msg['field'] = 'qqv2_id'; $msg['id'] = $openid; $msg['name'] = $response["nickname"]; es_session::set("api_user_info", $msg); $user_data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where qqv2_id = '" . $openid . "' and qqv2_id <> '' and is_effect=1 and is_delete=0"); $is_bind = intval(es_session::get("is_bind")); if ($user_data) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user set qq_token = '" . $access_token . "',login_ip = '" . CLIENT_IP . "',login_time= " . NOW_TIME . " where id =" . $user_data['id']); es_session::delete("api_user_info"); if ($is_bind) { if (intval($user_data['id']) != intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'])) { showErr("该帐号已经被别的会员绑定过,请直接用帐号登录", 0, url("index", "uc_account")); } else { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/model/user.php"; load_user($user_data['id'], true); es_session::set("user_info", $user_data); app_redirect(url("index", "uc_account")); } } else { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/model/user.php"; auto_do_login_user($user_data['user_name'], $user_data['user_pwd'], $from_cookie = false); app_redirect(url("index", "index")); } } elseif ($is_bind == 1 && $GLOBALS['user_info']) { //当有用户身份且要求绑定时 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user set qqv2_id= '" . $msg['id'] . "', qq_token ='" . $access_token . "' where id =" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/model/user.php"; load_user($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], true); app_redirect(url("index", "uc_account")); } else { $user_info = $this->create_user(); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/model/user.php"; auto_do_login_user($user_info['user_name'], $user_info['user_pwd'], $from_cookie = false); app_redirect(url("index", "index")); } }
session_start(); function randusname($name) { $nickname = $name . '_' . rand(1000, 9999); return $nickname; } require_once "../../../include/conn.php"; require_once "../../../include/myfunction.php"; require_once "../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; require_once "../../../config.inc.php"; require_once "../../../uc_client/client.php"; $siteweb = GetSiteconfig(); $qc = new QC(); $qqcallback = $qc->qq_callback(); $qqid = $qc->get_openid(); $qc = new QC($qqcallback, $qqid); $arr = $qc->get_user_info(); if (!empty($qqcallback)) { $sql = "select * from user where qq_ua='{$qqid}'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); $usxx = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if (!empty($_SESSION['usnamese']) && !empty($usxx['qq_ua'])) { echo "<script>location='/u'</script>"; exit; } if ($count) { if (time() > $usxx['Pingbi']) { $_SESSION['usnamese'] = $usxx['name']; $_SESSION['usidse'] = $usxx['id']; $_SESSION['shua'] = 1;
$template = 'user_edit.html'; } elseif ($_view == 'password_edit') { $template = 'user_edit_password.html'; } elseif ($_view == 'activate_email') { user::activate_email($_GET['key']); $_notice = array('title' => '邮箱激活成功', 'content' => '现在可以设置一个抓取计划或者复制别人的抓取计划', 'button' => '点击这里开始', 'url' => '/'); $template = 'notice.html'; } elseif ($_view == 'weibo_login') { include 'saetv2.ex.class.php'; $sae_oauth = new SaeTOAuthV2(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY); $login_url = $sae_oauth->getAuthorizeURL(WB_CALLBACK_URL); header("Location:{$login_url}"); exit; } elseif ($_view == 'qq_login') { include INCLUDES_PATH . 'qqapi/qqConnectAPI.php'; $qc = new QC(); $qc->qq_login(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['email']) || isset($_POST['password'])) { if (isset($_POST['email'])) { if (!$_POST['email_notify']) { $_POST['email_notify'] = 'off'; } } if (isset($_POST['app_notify_pin'])) { if (!$_POST['app_notify']) { $_POST['app_notify'] = 'off'; } } $result = user::update($_POST);
<?php if ($_POST) { /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $ret = $qc->add_idol($_POST); echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; if ($ret['ret'] == 0) { echo "收听成功,请查看微博"; } else { echo "收听失败,请开启调试查看原因"; } } else { //load view require_once "add_idol.html"; }
/** * 获取腾讯微博偶像列表 * 具体接口:http://wiki.open.qq.com/wiki/website/get_idollist * */ public static function getWeiboIdolList($paramArr) { $options = array('openId' => '', 'accessToken' => '', 'num' => 30, 'offset' => 0, 'debug' => false); if (is_array($paramArr)) { $options = array_merge($options, $paramArr); } extract($options); $obj = new QC(self::$_APPID, $accessToken, $openId, $debug); $info = $obj->get_idollist(array("reqnum" => $num, "startindex" => $offset)); if ($info) { //字符转码 array_walk_recursive($info, "api_json_convert_encoding_u2g"); } return $info; }
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $arr = $qc->upload_pic($_POST); print_r($arr); echo '<meta charset="utf-8" />'; if ($arr['ret'] == 0) { echo "上传成功"; } else { echo "失败"; }
$selval = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT mst.Scan_type \n FROM files f \n LEFT JOIN mri_scan_type mst ON (f.AcquisitionProtocolID=mst.ID)\n WHERE f.File LIKE CONCAT('%', :FName)", array('FName' => $this->Filename)); } $this->_saveFileQC($data['QCStatus'], $selval); $this->JSON = ['success' => 'Updated file QC information']; } /** * Save the QC value to the database. Only call this after everything * has been validated * * @param string $qcval The Pass/Fail status * @param string $selval The value to set the selected field to. * * @return none */ private function _saveFileQC($qcval, $selval) { $factory = \NDB_Factory::singleton(); $DB = $factory->Database(); $FileID = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT f.FileID FROM files f\n WHERE f.File LIKE CONCAT('%', :FName)", array('FName' => $this->Filename)); $AlreadySavedQC = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files_qcstatus WHERE FileID=:FID", array('FID' => $FileID)); if ($AlreadySavedQC > 0) { $DB->update("files_qcstatus", ['QCStatus' => $qcval, 'Selected' => $selval], ['FileID' => $FileID]); } else { $DB->insert("files_qcstatus", ['QCStatus' => $qcval, 'Selected' => $selval, 'FileID' => $FileID]); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['PrintImageQC'])) { $obj = new QC($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_REQUEST['CandID'], $_REQUEST['VisitLabel'], $_REQUEST['Filename']); print $obj->toJSONString(); }
public function index() { //phpinfo(); //点击QQ登录 if (isset($_REQUEST['qq'])) { require_once "./Public/QQLogin/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $qc->qq_login(); die; } //QQ登录后返回处理 if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) { require_once "./Public/QQLogin/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $acs = $qc->qq_callback(); $oid = $qc->get_openid(); $qq_open_id = $qc->get_openid(); echo $acs . "|" . $oid; $qc = new QC($acs, $oid); $qq_user = $qc->get_user_info(); //p($qq_user);die; $username = $qq_user['nickname']; $sex = $qq_user['gender'] == '男' ? 1 : 0; $face = $qq_user['figureurl_2']; //头像处理 /*获取网络图片太忙,展示考虑 $qq_face=$qq_user['figureurl_2']; $face=date("Y_m")."/".time().".jpg"; $path="./Uploads/face/".date("Y_m"); $file="./Uploads/face/".$face; //p($file);die; if(!file_exists($path)){ //检测变量中的文件夹是否存在,如果存在,删除 mkdir($path,0777); //创建文件夹 } $qq_face=file_get_contents($qq_face); file_put_contents($file, $qq_face);*/ $user = M('user')->where(array('qq_open_id' => $qq_open_id))->find(); if (!$user) { //第一次登录,保存用户信息 $data = array('qq_open_id' => $qq_open_id, 'username' => $username, 'sex' => $sex, 'face' => $face, 'description' => $this->_post('description'), 'register_time' => time()); //p($data);die; $user_id = M('user')->add($data); if ($user_id) { session('user_id', $user_id); session('username', $username); redirect(U('Index/index')); die; } else { redirect(U('Index/index')); die; } } else { //以前登录过 if ($user['lock'] > time()) { $this->error('您已被锁定,请过段时间在试。。。'); die; } session('user_id', $user['user_id']); session('username', $user['username']); redirect(U('Index/index')); } die; } if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { redirect(U('Index/index')); die; } if (!$this->isPost()) { $this->display(); die; } $username = $this->_post('username'); $password = $this->_post('password', 'md5'); $where = array('username' => $username); $user = M('user')->where($where)->find(); p($username); p($password); //p($user);die; if ($user['lock'] == 1) { $this->error("您已被锁定,请过段时间在试。。。"); } if (!$user || $user['password'] != $password) { $this->error("用户名或者密码错误!~_~"); } session('user_id', $user['user_id']); session('username', $user['username']); redirect(__APP__); }
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $setting = array("reqnum" => 10, "startindex" => 0); $ret = $qc->get_fanslist($setting); // show result if ($ret['ret'] == 0) { echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; require_once "get_fanslist.html"; } else { echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; echo "获取失败,请开启调试查看原因"; }
function QQ_login() { $qc = new QC(); $qc->qq_login(); }
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once("../../API/qqConnectAPI.php"); $qc = new QC(); $setting = array( "reqnum" => 10,//请求获取的听众个数。取值范围为1-30。 "startindex" => 0//开始 ); $ret = $qc->get_idollist($setting); // show result if($ret['ret'] == 0){ echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; require_once("get_idollist.html"); }else{ echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; echo "获取失败,请开启调试查看原因"; }
<?php require_once "../../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $qc->qq_login(); echo $qc->qq_callback(); echo $qc->get_openid();
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $ret = $qc->get_tenpay_addr(); // show result if ($ret['ret'] == 0) { echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; require_once "get_tenpay_addr.html"; } else { echo "<meta charset='utf-8' />"; echo "获取失败,请开启调试查看原因"; }
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $_POST['img'] = urlencode($_POST['img']); $ret = $qc->add_t($_POST); ?> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <?php if ($ret['ret'] == 0) { echo "成功"; } else { echo "失败"; }
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $arr = $qc->add_album($_POST); ?> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <?php if ($arr['ret'] == 0) { echo "创建成功,请到空间相册查看您的相册"; } else { echo "创建失败"; }
<?php /* *调用接口代码 * **/ require_once "../../API/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new QC(); $_POST['title'] = urlencode($_POST['title']); $_POST['title'] = urlencode($_POST['content']); $ret = $qc->add_one_blog($_POST); ?> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <?php if ($ret['ret'] == 0) { echo "成功"; } else { echo "失败"; }
public function qq_sucsess() { session_start(); define('M_ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $ss = M_ROOT; $str = str_replace("\\", "/", $ss); include_once $str . "/API/qq/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qc = new \QC(); $atid = $qc->qq_callback(); $opid = $qc->get_openid(); $opid = (string) $opid; $state = I('state'); $_SESSION['state'] = $state; $qc = new \QC($atid, $opid); // 重新带参地new一次否则会丢失信息 $user_model = D('yuser'); $find = $user_model->field('uid,username,nickname,figureurl,userpic')->where(' openid=' . '"' . $opid . '"')->find(); if (empty($find)) { $info = $qc->__call('get_user_info'); } if (!empty($info)) { $data = array('username' => $info['nickname'], 'nickname' => $info['nickname'], 'sex' => $info['gender'], 'province' => $info['province'], 'city' => $info['city'], 'year' => $info['year'], 'figureurl' => $info['figureurl_qq_2'], 'openid' => $opid, 'tokenid' => $atid, 'addtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'loginip' => get_client_ip(), 'status' => 1); if ($id = $user_model->add($data)) { $user = $user_model->field('uid,username,figureurl,userpic')->where('uid=' . $id)->find(); $picName = $find['userpic']; $picInfo = pathinfo($picName); $find['userpic'] = $picInfo['filename'] . '70.' . $picInfo['extension']; $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $this->redirect('/Index', '登录成功,正在跳转到首页', 0); } } else { $picName = $find['userpic']; $picInfo = pathinfo($picName); $find['userpic'] = $picInfo['filename'] . '70.' . $picInfo['extension']; $qiandao = $user_model->getQiandao($find['uid']); $find['qiandao'] = $qiandao; $data = array('lastlogin' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'uid' => session('user.uid')); $user_model->save($data); $_SESSION['user'] = $find; $this->redirect('/Index', '登录成功,正在跳转到首页', 0); } }