  * Initializes the QForm rendering process
  * @param bool $blnDisplayOutput Whether the output is to be printed (true) or simply returned (false)
  * @return null|string
  * @throws QCallerException
 public function RenderBegin($blnDisplayOutput = true)
     // Ensure that RenderBegin() has not yet been called
     switch ($this->intFormStatus) {
         case QFormBase::FormStatusUnrendered:
         case QFormBase::FormStatusRenderBegun:
         case QFormBase::FormStatusRenderEnded:
             throw new QCallerException('$this->RenderBegin() has already been called');
             throw new QCallerException('FormStatus is in an unknown status');
     // Update FormStatus and Clear Included JS/CSS list
     $this->intFormStatus = QFormBase::FormStatusRenderBegun;
     // Prepare for rendering
     QApplicationBase::$ProcessOutput = false;
     $strOutputtedText = trim(ob_get_contents());
     if (strpos(strtolower($strOutputtedText), '<body') === false) {
         $strToReturn = '<body>';
         $this->blnRenderedBodyTag = true;
     } else {
         $strToReturn = '';
     QApplicationBase::$ProcessOutput = true;
     // Iterate through the form's ControlArray to Define FormAttributes and additional JavaScriptIncludes
     $this->strFormAttributeArray = array();
     foreach ($this->GetAllControls() as $objControl) {
         // Form Attributes?
         if ($objControl->FormAttributes) {
             $this->strFormAttributeArray = array_merge($this->strFormAttributeArray, $objControl->FormAttributes);
     if (is_array($this->strCustomAttributeArray)) {
         $this->strFormAttributeArray = array_merge($this->strFormAttributeArray, $this->strCustomAttributeArray);
     // Create $strFormAttributes
     $strFormAttributes = '';
     foreach ($this->strFormAttributeArray as $strKey => $strValue) {
         $strFormAttributes .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $strKey, $strValue);
     if ($this->strCssClass) {
         $strFormAttributes .= ' class="' . $this->strCssClass . '"';
     // Setup Rendered HTML
     $strToReturn .= sprintf('<form method="post" id="%s" action="%s"%s>', $this->strFormId, htmlentities(QApplication::$RequestUri), $strFormAttributes);
     $strToReturn .= "\r\n";
     if (!self::$blnStylesRendered) {
         $strToReturn .= $this->RenderStyles(false, false);
     // Perhaps a strFormModifiers as an array to
     // allow controls to update other parts of the form, like enctype, onsubmit, etc.
     // Return or Display
     if ($blnDisplayOutput) {
         if (!QApplication::$CliMode) {
             print $strToReturn;
         return null;
     } else {
         if (!QApplication::$CliMode) {
             return $strToReturn;
         } else {
             return '';
Example #2
 protected function RenderBegin($blnDisplayOutput = true)
     // Ensure that RenderBegin() has not yet been called
     switch ($this->intFormStatus) {
         case QFormBase::FormStatusUnrendered:
         case QFormBase::FormStatusRenderBegun:
         case QFormBase::FormStatusRenderEnded:
             throw new QCallerException('$this->RenderBegin() has already been called');
             throw new QCallerException('FormStatus is in an unknown status');
     // Update FormStatus and Clear Included JS/CSS list
     $this->intFormStatus = QFormBase::FormStatusRenderBegun;
     $this->strIncludedJavaScriptFileArray = array();
     $this->strIncludedStyleSheetFileArray = array();
     // Figure out initial list of JavaScriptIncludes
     $strJavaScriptArray = $this->ProcessJavaScriptList('_core/qcodo.js, _core/logger.js, _core/event.js, _core/post.js, _core/control.js');
     if (!$strJavaScriptArray) {
         $strJavaScriptArray = array();
     // Figure out initial list of StyleSheet includes
     $strStyleSheetArray = array();
     // Iterate through the form's ControlArray to Define FormAttributes and additional JavaScriptIncludes
     $this->strFormAttributeArray = array();
     foreach ($this->GetAllControls() as $objControl) {
         // Include any JavaScripts?  The control would have a
         // comma-delimited list of javascript files to include (if applicable)
         if ($strScriptArray = $this->ProcessJavaScriptList($objControl->JavaScripts)) {
             $strJavaScriptArray = array_merge($strJavaScriptArray, $strScriptArray);
         // Include any StyleSheets?  The control would have a
         // comma-delimited list of stylesheet files to include (if applicable)
         if ($strScriptArray = $this->ProcessStyleSheetList($objControl->StyleSheets)) {
             $strStyleSheetArray = array_merge($strStyleSheetArray, $strScriptArray);
         // Form Attributes?
         if ($objControl->FormAttributes) {
             $this->strFormAttributeArray = array_merge($this->strFormAttributeArray, $objControl->FormAttributes);
     // Create $strFormAttributes
     $strFormAttributes = '';
     foreach ($this->strFormAttributeArray as $strKey => $strValue) {
         $strFormAttributes .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $strKey, $strValue);
     QApplicationBase::$ProcessOutput = false;
     $strOutputtedText = strtolower(trim(ob_get_contents()));
     if (strpos($strOutputtedText, '<body') === false) {
         $strToReturn = '<body>';
         $this->blnRenderedBodyTag = true;
     } else {
         $strToReturn = '';
     QApplicationBase::$ProcessOutput = true;
     if ($this->strCssClass) {
         $strFormAttributes .= ' class="' . $this->strCssClass . '"';
     // Setup Rendered HTML
     $strToReturn .= sprintf('<form method="post" id="%s" action="%s"%s>', $this->strFormId, QApplication::$RequestUri, $strFormAttributes);
     $strToReturn .= "\r\n";
     // Include javascripts that need to be included
     foreach ($strJavaScriptArray as $strScript) {
         $strToReturn .= sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%s/%s"></script>', __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __JS_ASSETS__, $strScript);
         $strToReturn .= "\r\n";
     // Include styles that need to be included
     foreach ($strStyleSheetArray as $strScript) {
         $strToReturn .= sprintf('<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "%s/%s";</style>', __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __CSS_ASSETS__, $strScript);
         $strToReturn .= "\r\n";
     // Perhaps a strFormModifiers as an array to
     // allow controls to update other parts of the form, like enctype, onsubmit, etc.
     // Return or Display
     if ($blnDisplayOutput) {
         print $strToReturn;
         return null;
     } else {
         return $strToReturn;
Example #3
  * Initializes the QForm rendering process
  * @param bool $blnDisplayOutput Whether the output is to be printed (true) or simply returned (false)
  * @return null|string
  * @throws QCallerException
 public function RenderBegin($blnDisplayOutput = true)
     // Ensure that RenderBegin() has not yet been called
     switch ($this->intFormStatus) {
         case QFormBase::FormStatusUnrendered:
         case QFormBase::FormStatusRenderBegun:
         case QFormBase::FormStatusRenderEnded:
             throw new QCallerException('$this->RenderBegin() has already been called');
             throw new QCallerException('FormStatus is in an unknown status');
     // Update FormStatus and Clear Included JS/CSS list
     $this->intFormStatus = QFormBase::FormStatusRenderBegun;
     $this->strIncludedStyleSheetFileArray = array();
     // Figure out initial list of StyleSheet includes
     $strStyleSheetArray = array();
     // Iterate through the form's ControlArray to Define FormAttributes and additional JavaScriptIncludes
     $this->strFormAttributeArray = array();
     foreach ($this->GetAllControls() as $objControl) {
         // Include any StyleSheets?  The control would have a
         // comma-delimited list of stylesheet files to include (if applicable)
         if ($strScriptArray = $this->ProcessStyleSheetList($objControl->StyleSheets)) {
             $strStyleSheetArray = array_merge($strStyleSheetArray, $strScriptArray);
         // Form Attributes?
         if ($objControl->FormAttributes) {
             $this->strFormAttributeArray = array_merge($this->strFormAttributeArray, $objControl->FormAttributes);
     if (is_array($this->strCustomAttributeArray)) {
         $this->strFormAttributeArray = array_merge($this->strFormAttributeArray, $this->strCustomAttributeArray);
     // Create $strFormAttributes
     $strFormAttributes = '';
     foreach ($this->strFormAttributeArray as $strKey => $strValue) {
         $strFormAttributes .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', $strKey, $strValue);
     QApplicationBase::$ProcessOutput = false;
     $strOutputtedText = strtolower(trim(ob_get_contents()));
     if (strpos($strOutputtedText, '<body') === false) {
         $strToReturn = '<body>';
         $this->blnRenderedBodyTag = true;
     } else {
         $strToReturn = '';
     QApplicationBase::$ProcessOutput = true;
     if ($this->strCssClass) {
         $strFormAttributes .= ' class="' . $this->strCssClass . '"';
     // Setup Rendered HTML
     $strToReturn .= sprintf('<form method="post" id="%s" action="%s"%s>', $this->strFormId, htmlentities(QApplication::$RequestUri), $strFormAttributes);
     $strToReturn .= "\r\n";
     // In order to make ui-themes workable, move the jquery.css to the end of list.
     // It should override any rules that it can override.
     foreach ($strStyleSheetArray as $strScript) {
         if (__JQUERY_CSS__ == $strScript) {
             $strStyleSheetArray[$strScript] = $strScript;
     // Include styles that need to be included
     foreach ($strStyleSheetArray as $strScript) {
         $strToReturn .= sprintf('<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "%s";</style>', $this->GetCssFileUri($strScript));
         $strToReturn .= "\r\n";
     // Perhaps a strFormModifiers as an array to
     // allow controls to update other parts of the form, like enctype, onsubmit, etc.
     // Return or Display
     if ($blnDisplayOutput) {
         if (!QApplication::$CliMode) {
             print $strToReturn;
         return null;
     } else {
         if (!QApplication::$CliMode) {
             return $strToReturn;
         } else {
             return '';