echo "TOKEN =>>> " . print_r($response->response->token, true) . "<br/>";
    echo "<br/>UPDATING A TOKEN<br/>";
    $response = $api->editToken($tokenId, "Mail token new", false, false);
    echo print_r($response, true) . "<br/>";
    echo "UPDATED TOKEN =>>> " . print_r($response->response->token, true) . "<br/>";
    echo "<br/>GETTING A LIST OF TOKENS<br/>";
    // gets a list of tokens descending (10 records starting from 'offset' parameter)
    $response = $api->getTokens(0);
    echo print_r($response, true) . "<br/>";
    echo "TOKENS =>>> " . print_r($response->response->tokens, true) . "<br/>";
    echo "<br/>GETTING A QUANTITY OF TOKENS<br/>";
    $response = $api->getTokensQuantity();
    echo print_r($response, true) . "<br/>";
    $quantity = $response->response->quantity;
    echo "TOKENS QUANTITY =>>> " . $quantity . "<br/>";
    echo "<br/>UNASSIGNING TOKEN WITH ID = " . $tokenId . " FROM USER, WHICH HAS THIS TOKEN<br/>";
    // unassigns token from user
    $response = $api->unassignToken($tokenId);
    echo print_r($response, true) . "<br/>";
    echo "<br/>DELETING A TOKEN<br/>";
    $response = $api->deleteToken($tokenId);
    echo print_r($response, true) . "<br/>";
    $tokenId = $response->response->token->id;
    echo "ID OF THE DELETED TOKEN =>>> " . $tokenId . "<br/>";
} catch (ProtectimusApiException $e) {
    echo "<br/><br/>";
    echo "Error code => " . $e->errorCode . "<br/>";
    echo "Error message => " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
    echo "Developer message => " . (!empty($e->developerMessage) ? $e->developerMessage : "") . "<br/>";
    echo $e->getTraceAsString();