if (!isset($_POST['state']) || $_POST['state'] == '') {
            throw new fValidationException('Status field is required.');
        $newStatus = filter_var($_POST['state'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        $reason = filter_var($_POST['reason'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        if ($newStatus != $project->getState() && $project->canTransitionStates($project->getState(), $newStatus)) {
            if ($reason != '') {
                $reason = ' with the reason \'' . $reason . "'";
            // log the update
            $project->submitLog('Status changed to ' . $project->getState() . $reason, $user->getId());
            if ($project->getState() != 'Archived') {
                // send to mailing list
                $project->submitMailingList('Status changed to ' . $project->getState() . $reason . " by " . htmlspecialchars($user->getFullName()));
                // inform the owner
                $project->submitEmailToOwner("Dear {$projectUser->getFullName()},<br/><br/>" . "This is an automatic email to let you know your project {$project->getName()} has been updated with status {$project->getState()}{$reason}.<br/><br/>" . "If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change you can discuss this with members on the <a href=\"{$project->getMailingListURL()}\">Mailing List</a>.<br/><br/>" . "Best,<br/>Monkeys in the machine");
    } catch (fValidationException $e) {
        echo $e->printMessage();
    } catch (fSQLException $e) {
        echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">An unexpected error occurred, please try again later</div>';

if ($user->getId() == $project->getUserId() && ($project->getState() == 'Pending Approval' || $project->getState() == 'Unapproved')) {
     } else {
         $auto = false;
         $logDetails = "Request updated";
         $initial = false;
     $project->submitLog($logDetails, $user->getId());
     // post to Google Groups
     $projectUser = new User($project->getUserId());
     $message = '<strong>' . $project->getName() . "</strong><br>\n" . "https://london.hackspace.org.uk/storage/" . $project->getId() . "<br>\n" . "by <a href=\"https://london.hackspace.org.uk/members/member.php?id=" . $project->getUserId() . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($projectUser->getFullName()) . "</a><br>\n" . $project->outputDates() . "<br>\n" . $project->outputDuration() . ' ' . $project->outputLocation() . "<br>\n<br>\n" . nl2br(stripslashes($project->getDescription())) . "<br>\n<br>\n";
     if ($auto && !$project->isShortTerm()) {
         $message .= "<strong>***If no one replies to this topic the request will be automatically approved within " . $project->automaticApprovalDuration() . " days.***</strong>";
     $project->submitMailingList($message, $initial);
     // is this a short term request? If so automatically approve it
     if ($project->isShortTerm()) {
         // log the update
         $logmsg = 'Short term storage detected, status automatically changed to ' . $project->getState();
         $project->submitLog($logmsg, false);
 } catch (fValidationException $e) {
     echo $e->printMessage();
 } catch (fSQLException $e) {
     echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">An unexpected error occurred, please try again later</div>';