Example #1
 public function testAdd() {
     $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     $profiler->add(0.02503434, 'My 1st action');
     $profiler->add(0.02303434, 'My 2nd action');
     $profiler->add(0.12003434, 'My 3rd action');
     $profiler->add(0.62003434, 'My 4th action', true, 10);
     $profiler->add(0.40003434, 'My 5th action', true);
     $actions = $profiler->getProfile();
     $this->assertEqual($actions[0]['time'], '0.620');
     $this->assertEqual($actions[0]['action'], 'My 4th action');
     $this->assertEqual($actions[0]['num_rows'], 10);
     $this->assertEqual($profiler->total_queries, 2);
 public function authControl()
     $webapp = Webapp::getInstance();
     $owner_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO');
     $owner = $owner_dao->getByEmail($this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
     /* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
         // add config js to header
         $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
         $pobj = $webapp->getPluginObject($active_plugin);
         $p = new $pobj();
         $this->addToView('body', $p->renderConfiguration($owner));
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     } else {
         $pld = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginDAO');
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $installed_plugins = $pld->getInstalledPlugins($config->getValue("source_root_path"));
         $this->addToView('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);
     /* End plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if (isset($_POST['changepass']) && $_POST['changepass'] == 'Change password' && isset($_POST['oldpass']) && isset($_POST['pass1']) && isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
         $origpass = $owner_dao->getPass($this->getLoggedInUser());
         if (!$this->app_session->pwdCheck($_POST['oldpass'], $origpass)) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Old password does not match or empty.");
         } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.");
         } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New password must be at least 5 characters. " . "Your password has not been changed.");
         } else {
             $cryptpass = $this->app_session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']);
             $owner_dao->updatePassword($this->getLoggedInUser(), $cryptpass);
             $this->addSuccessMessage("Your password has been updated.");
     if ($owner->is_admin) {
         $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $owners = $owner_dao->getAllOwners();
         foreach ($owners as $o) {
             $instances = $instance_dao->getByOwner($o, true);
         $this->addToView('owners', $owners);
     return $this->generateView();
  * @param string $channel
  * @return mixed|void
 public function send($channel = '')
     $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     $messages = $profiler->getMilestones();
     $started = $profiler->getTimeStart();
     if (count($messages) > 0) {
         // @TODO more options: db, log, email? extend!
         switch ($channel) {
             case 'dump':
                 print $this->format($messages, $started);
             case 'hidden':
                 print '<!--' . $this->format($messages, $started) . '-->';
             case 'none':
                 // fall through to default
             // fall through to default
                 // do nothing
  * Generates plugin page options markup - Calls parent::generateView()
  * @return str view markup
 protected function generateView()
     // if we have some p[lugin option elements defined
     // render them and add to the parent view...
     if (count($this->option_elements) > 0) {
         $view_mgr = new ViewManager();
         // assign data
         $view_mgr->assign('option_elements', $this->option_elements);
         $view_mgr->assign('option_elements_json', json_encode($this->option_elements));
         $view_mgr->assign('option_headers', $this->option_headers);
         $view_mgr->assign('option_not_required', $this->option_not_required);
         $view_mgr->assign('option_not_required_json', json_encode($this->option_not_required));
         $view_mgr->assign('option_required_message', $this->option_required_message);
         $view_mgr->assign('option_required_message_json', json_encode($this->option_required_message));
         $view_mgr->assign('option_select_multiple', $this->option_select_multiple);
         $view_mgr->assign('option_select_visible', $this->option_select_visible);
         $view_mgr->assign('plugin_id', $this->plugin_id);
         $view_mgr->assign('user_is_admin', $this->isAdmin());
         $options_markup = '';
         if ($this->profiler_enabled) {
             $view_start_time = microtime(true);
             $options_markup = $view_mgr->fetch(self::OPTIONS_TEMPLATE);
             $view_end_time = microtime(true);
             $total_time = $view_end_time - $view_start_time;
             $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
             $profiler->add($total_time, "Rendered view (not cached)", false);
         } else {
             $options_markup = $view_mgr->fetch(self::OPTIONS_TEMPLATE);
         $this->addToView('options_markup', $options_markup);
     return parent::generateView();
 public function authControl()
     $webapp = Webapp::getInstance();
     $owner_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO');
     $invite_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InviteDAO');
     $owner = $owner_dao->getByEmail($this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
     $this->addToView('logo_link', '');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('api', 'userguide/api/posts/index');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('application_settings', 'userguide/settings/application');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('users', 'userguide/settings/allaccounts');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('backup', 'install/backup');
     //process password change
     if (isset($_POST['changepass']) && $_POST['changepass'] == 'Change password' && isset($_POST['oldpass']) && isset($_POST['pass1']) && isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
         $origpass = $owner_dao->getPass($this->getLoggedInUser());
         if (!$this->app_session->pwdCheck($_POST['oldpass'], $origpass)) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Old password does not match or empty.", 'password');
         } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.", 'password');
         } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New password must be at least 5 characters. " . "Your password has not been changed.", 'password');
         } else {
             // verify CSRF token
             $cryptpass = $this->app_session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']);
             $owner_dao->updatePassword($this->getLoggedInUser(), $cryptpass);
             $this->addSuccessMessage("Your password has been updated.", 'password');
     // process invite
     if (isset($_POST['invite']) && $_POST['invite'] == 'Create Invitation') {
         // verify CSRF token
         $invite_code = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 10);
         $invite_added = $invite_dao->addInviteCode($invite_code);
         if ($invite_added == 1) {
             //invite generated and inserted
             $server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
             $invite_link = 'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . '://' . $server . THINKUP_BASE_URL . 'session/register.php?code=' . $invite_code;
             $this->addSuccessMessage("Invitation created!<br />Copy this link and send it to someone you want to " . 'invite to register on your ThinkUp installation.<br /><a href="' . $invite_link . '">' . $invite_link . '</a><br /> Good for one new registration. Expires in 7 days.', 'invite');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage("There was an error creating a new invite. Please try again.", 'invite');
     //process service user deletion
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'delete' && isset($_POST['instance_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['instance_id'])) {
         $owner_instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerInstanceDAO');
         $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $instance = $instance_dao->get($_POST['instance_id']);
         if (isset($instance)) {
             // verify CSRF token
             if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                 //delete all owner_instances
                 //delete instance
                 $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                 $this->addSuccessMessage('Account deleted.', 'account');
             } else {
                 if ($owner_instance_dao->doesOwnerHaveAccess($owner, $instance)) {
                     //delete owner instance
                     $total_deletions = $owner_instance_dao->delete($owner->id, $instance->id);
                     if ($total_deletions > 0) {
                         //delete instance if no other owners have it
                         $remaining_owner_instances = $owner_instance_dao->getByInstance($instance->id);
                         if (sizeof($remaining_owner_instances) == 0) {
                             $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                         $this->addSuccessMessage('Account deleted.', 'account');
                 } else {
                     $this->addErrorMessage('Insufficient privileges.', 'account');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage('Instance doesn\'t exist.', 'account');
     /* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
         // add config js to header
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
         $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
         $pobj = $webapp->getPluginObject($active_plugin);
         $p = new $pobj();
         $this->addToView('body', $p->renderConfiguration($owner));
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     } else {
         $pld = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginDAO');
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $installed_plugins = $pld->getInstalledPlugins($config->getValue("source_root_path"));
         $this->addToView('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);
     /* End plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if ($owner->is_admin) {
         if (!isset($instance_dao)) {
             $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $owners = $owner_dao->getAllOwners();
         foreach ($owners as $o) {
             $instances = $instance_dao->getByOwner($o, true);
         $this->addToView('owners', $owners);
         $this->addToView('public_instances', $instance_dao->getPublicInstances());
     return $this->generateView();
Example #6
  * Executes the query, with the bound values
  * @param str $sql
  * @param array $binds
  * @return PDOStatement
 protected final function execute($sql, $binds = array())
     if ($this->profiler_enabled) {
         $start_time = microtime(true);
     $sql = preg_replace("/#prefix#/", self::$prefix, $sql);
     $sql = preg_replace("/#gmt_offset#/", self::$gmt_offset, $sql);
     $stmt = self::$PDO->prepare($sql);
     if (is_array($binds) and count($binds) >= 1) {
         foreach ($binds as $key => $value) {
             if (is_int($value)) {
                 $stmt->bindValue($key, $value, PDO::PARAM_INT);
             } else {
                 $stmt->bindValue($key, $value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     try {
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $exception_details = 'Database error! ';
         if ($config->getValue('debug')) {
             $exception_details .= '<br>ThinkUp could not execute the following query:<br> ' . str_replace(chr(10), "", $stmt->queryString) . '  <br>PDOException: ' . $e->getMessage();
         } else {
             $exception_details .= '<br>To see the technical details of what went wrong, set debug = true in ThinkUp\'s config file.';
         throw new PDOException($exception_details);
     if ($this->profiler_enabled) {
         $end_time = microtime(true);
         $total_time = $end_time - $start_time;
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
         $sql_with_params = Utils::mergeSQLVars($stmt->queryString, $binds);
         $profiler->add($total_time, $sql_with_params, true, $stmt->rowCount());
     return $stmt;
 public function authControl()
     //passsswd reset validation
     $webapp = Webapp::getInstance();
     $owner_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO');
     $invite_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InviteDAO');
     $owner = $owner_dao->getByEmail($this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
     $this->addToView('logo_link', '');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('api', 'userguide/api/posts/index');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('application_settings', 'userguide/settings/application');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('users', 'userguide/settings/allaccounts');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('backup', 'install/backup');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('account', 'userguide/settings/account');
     //process password change
     if (isset($_POST['changepass']) && $_POST['changepass'] == 'Change password' && isset($_POST['oldpass']) && isset($_POST['pass1']) && isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
         // Check their old password is correct
         if (!$owner_dao->isOwnerAuthorized($this->getLoggedInUser(), $_POST['oldpass'])) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Old password does not match or empty.", 'password');
         } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.", 'password');
         } elseif (!preg_match("/(?=.{8,})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9])/", $_POST['pass1'])) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Your new password must be at least 8 characters and contain both numbers " . "and letters. Your password has not been changed.", 'password');
         } else {
             // verify CSRF token
             // Try to update the password
             if ($owner_dao->updatePassword($this->getLoggedInUser(), $_POST['pass1']) < 1) {
                 $this->addErrorMessage("Your password has NOT been updated.", 'password');
             } else {
                 $this->addSuccessMessage("Your password has been updated.", 'password');
     //reset api_key
     if (isset($_POST['reset_api_key']) && $_POST['reset_api_key'] == 'Reset API Key') {
         $api_key = $owner_dao->resetAPIKey($owner->id);
         if (!$api_key) {
             throw new Exception("Unbale to update user's api_key, something bad must have happened");
         $this->addSuccessMessage("Your API Key has been reset! Please update your ThinkUp RSS feed subscription.", 'api_key');
         $owner->api_key = $api_key;
     // process invite
     if (isset($_POST['invite']) && $_POST['invite'] == 'Create Invitation') {
         // verify CSRF token
         $invite_code = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 10);
         $invite_added = $invite_dao->addInviteCode($invite_code);
         if ($invite_added == 1) {
             //invite generated and inserted
             $server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
             $invite_link = Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'session/register.php?code=' . $invite_code;
             $this->addSuccessMessage("Invitation created!<br />Copy this link and send it to someone you want to " . 'invite to register on your ThinkUp installation.<br /><a href="' . $invite_link . '" id="clippy_12345">' . $invite_link . '</a>
               <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
                       id="clippy" >
               <param name="movie" value="' . Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'assets/flash/clippy.swf"/>
               <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
               <param name="quality" value="high" />
               <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
               <param NAME="FlashVars" value="id=clippy_12345&amp;copied=copied!&amp;copyto=copy to clipboard">
               <param name="bgcolor" value="#D5F0FC">
               <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
               <embed src="' . Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'assets/flash/clippy.swf"
                      FlashVars="id=clippy_12345&amp;copied=copied!&amp;copyto=copy to clipboard"
             <br /> Good for one new registration. Expires in 7 days.', 'invite', true);
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage("There was an error creating a new invite. Please try again.", 'invite');
     //process service user deletion
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'delete' && isset($_POST['instance_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['instance_id'])) {
         $owner_instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerInstanceDAO');
         $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $instance = $instance_dao->get($_POST['instance_id']);
         if (isset($instance)) {
             // verify CSRF token
             if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                 //delete all owner_instances
                 //delete instance
                 $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                 $this->addSuccessMessage('Account deleted.', 'account');
             } else {
                 if ($owner_instance_dao->doesOwnerHaveAccessToInstance($owner, $instance)) {
                     //delete owner instance
                     $total_deletions = $owner_instance_dao->delete($owner->id, $instance->id);
                     if ($total_deletions > 0) {
                         //delete instance if no other owners have it
                         $remaining_owner_instances = $owner_instance_dao->getByInstance($instance->id);
                         if (sizeof($remaining_owner_instances) == 0) {
                             $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                         $this->addSuccessMessage('Account deleted.', 'account');
                 } else {
                     $this->addErrorMessage('Insufficient privileges.', 'account');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage('Instance doesn\'t exist.', 'account');
     /* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
         // add config js to header
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
         $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
         $pobj = $webapp->getPluginObject($active_plugin);
         $p = new $pobj();
         $this->addToView('body', $p->renderConfiguration($owner));
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     } else {
         $plugin_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginDAO');
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $installed_plugins = $plugin_dao->getInstalledPlugins();
         $this->addToView('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);
     /* End plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if ($owner->is_admin) {
         if (!isset($instance_dao)) {
             $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $owners = $owner_dao->getAllOwners();
         foreach ($owners as $o) {
             $instances = $instance_dao->getByOwner($o, true);
         $this->addToView('owners', $owners);
         $this->addToView('public_instances', $instance_dao->getPublicInstances());
     $whichphp = @exec('which php');
     $php_path = !empty($whichphp) ? $whichphp : 'php';
     $email = $this->getLoggedInUser();
     $rss_crawl_url = Utils::getApplicationURL() . sprintf('crawler/rss.php?un=%s&as=%s', urlencode($email), $owner->api_key);
     $this->addToView('rss_crawl_url', $rss_crawl_url);
     $cli_crawl_command = 'cd ' . THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH . 'crawler/;export THINKUP_PASSWORD=yourpassword; ' . $php_path . ' crawl.php ' . $email;
     $this->addToView('cli_crawl_command', $cli_crawl_command);
     //help link
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('rss', 'userguide/datacapture');
     return $this->generateView();
Example #8
  * Invoke the controller
  * Always use this method, not control(), to invoke the controller.
  * @TODO show get 500 error template on Exception
  * (if debugging is true, pass the exception details to the 500 template)
 public function go()
     try {
         // are we in need of a database migration?
         $classname = get_class($this);
         if ($classname != 'InstallerController' && $classname != 'BackupController' && UpgradeDatabaseController::isUpgrading($this->isAdmin(), $classname)) {
             $option_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OptionDAO');
             return $this->generateView();
         } else {
             $results = $this->control();
             if ($this->profiler_enabled && !isset($this->json_data) && strpos($this->content_type, 'text/javascript') === false && strpos($this->content_type, 'text/csv') === false) {
                 $end_time = microtime(true);
                 $total_time = $end_time - $this->start_time;
                 $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
                 $profiler->add($total_time, "total page execution time, running " . $profiler->total_queries . " queries.");
                 $this->addToView('profile_items', $profiler->getProfile());
                 return $results . $this->generateView();
             } else {
                 return $results;
     } catch (ControllerAuthException $e) {
         $this->addToView('error_type', get_class($e));
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $message = 'You must <a href="' . $config->getValue('site_root_path') . 'session/login.php">log in</a> to do this.';
         $this->addErrorMessage($message, null, true);
         return $this->generateView();
     } catch (ConfigurationException $e) {
         $this->addToView('error_type', get_class($e));
         $message = 'ThinkUp\'s configuration file does not exist! Try <a href="' . Utils::getSiteRootPathFromFileSystem() . 'install/">installing ThinkUp.</a>';
         $this->addErrorMessage($message, null, true);
         return $this->generateView();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->addToView('error_type', get_class($e));
         $disable_xss = false;
         // if we are an installer exception, don't filter XSS, we have markup, and we trust this content
         if (get_class($e) == 'InstallerException') {
             $disable_xss = true;
         $this->addErrorMessage($e->getMessage(), null, $disable_xss);
         return $this->generateView();
 public function authControl()
     $webapp = Webapp::getInstance();
     $owner_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO');
     $owner = $owner_dao->getByEmail($this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
     //proces password change
     if (isset($_POST['changepass']) && $_POST['changepass'] == 'Change password' && isset($_POST['oldpass']) && isset($_POST['pass1']) && isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
         $origpass = $owner_dao->getPass($this->getLoggedInUser());
         if (!$this->app_session->pwdCheck($_POST['oldpass'], $origpass)) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Old password does not match or empty.");
         } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.");
         } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New password must be at least 5 characters. " . "Your password has not been changed.");
         } else {
             $cryptpass = $this->app_session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']);
             $owner_dao->updatePassword($this->getLoggedInUser(), $cryptpass);
             $this->addSuccessMessage("Your password has been updated.");
     //process account deletion
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'delete' && isset($_POST['instance_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['instance_id'])) {
         $owner_instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerInstanceDAO');
         $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $instance = $instance_dao->get($_POST['instance_id']);
         if (isset($instance)) {
             if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                 //delete all owner_instances
                 //delete instance
                 $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                 $this->addSuccessMessage('Account deleted.');
             } else {
                 if ($owner_instance_dao->doesOwnerHaveAccess($owner, $instance)) {
                     //delete owner instance
                     $total_deletions = $owner_instance_dao->delete($owner->id, $instance->id);
                     if ($total_deletions > 0) {
                         //delete instance if no other owners have it
                         $remaining_owner_instances = $owner_instance_dao->getByInstance($instance->id);
                         if (sizeof($remaining_owner_instances) == 0) {
                             $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                         $this->addSuccessMessage('Account deleted.');
                 } else {
                     $this->addErrorMessage('Insufficient privileges.');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage('Instance doesn\'t exist.');
     /* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
         // add config js to header
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
         $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
         $pobj = $webapp->getPluginObject($active_plugin);
         $p = new $pobj();
         $this->addToView('body', $p->renderConfiguration($owner));
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     } else {
         $pld = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginDAO');
         $config = Config::getInstance();
         $installed_plugins = $pld->getInstalledPlugins($config->getValue("source_root_path"));
         $this->addToView('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);
     /* End plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if ($owner->is_admin) {
         if (!isset($instance_dao)) {
             $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $owners = $owner_dao->getAllOwners();
         foreach ($owners as $o) {
             $instances = $instance_dao->getByOwner($o, true);
         $this->addToView('owners', $owners);
     return $this->generateView();
  * Invoke the controller
  * Always use this method, not control(), to invoke the controller.
  * @TODO show get 500 error template on Exception
  * (if debugging is true, pass the exception details to the 500 template)
 public function go()
     try {
         $results = $this->control();
         if ($this->profiler_enabled && !isset($this->json_data) && strpos($this->content_type, 'text/javascript') === false) {
             $end_time = microtime(true);
             $total_time = $end_time - $this->start_time;
             $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
             $profiler->add($total_time, "total page execution time, running " . $profiler->total_queries . " queries.");
             $this->addToView('profile_items', $profiler->getProfile());
             return $results . $this->generateView();
         } else {
             return $results;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //Explicitly set TZ (before we have user's choice) to avoid date() warning about using system settings
         $content_type = $this->content_type;
         if (strpos($content_type, ';') !== FALSE) {
             $content_type = array_shift(explode(';', $content_type));
         switch ($content_type) {
             case 'application/json':
             case 'text/plain':
         $this->addToView('error_type', get_class($e));
         return $this->generateView();
 public function authControl()
     $owner_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerDAO');
     $invite_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InviteDAO');
     $owner = $owner_dao->getByEmail($this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
     $this->addToView('notification_options', $this->notification_frequencies);
     $this->addToView('tz_list', Installer::getTimeZoneList());
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('api', 'userguide/api/posts/index');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('application_settings', 'userguide/settings/application');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('users', 'userguide/settings/allaccounts');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('backup', 'install/backup');
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('account', 'userguide/settings/account');
     //process password change
     if (isset($_POST['changepass']) && $_POST['changepass'] == 'Change password' && isset($_POST['oldpass']) && isset($_POST['pass1']) && isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
         // Check their old password is correct
         if (!$owner_dao->isOwnerAuthorized($this->getLoggedInUser(), $_POST['oldpass'])) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Password is incorrect.", 'password');
         } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.", 'password');
         } elseif (!preg_match("/(?=.{8,})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9])/", $_POST['pass1'])) {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Your new password must be at least 8 characters and contain both numbers " . "and letters. Your password has not been changed.", 'password');
         } else {
             // verify CSRF token
             // Try to update the password
             if ($owner_dao->updatePassword($this->getLoggedInUser(), $_POST['pass1']) < 1) {
                 $this->addErrorMessage("Your password has NOT been updated.", 'password');
             } else {
                 $this->addSuccessMessage("Your password has been updated.", 'password');
     //reset api_key
     if (isset($_POST['reset_api_key']) && $_POST['reset_api_key'] == 'Reset API Key') {
         $api_key = $owner_dao->resetAPIKey($owner->id);
         if (!$api_key) {
             throw new Exception("Unbale to update user's api_key, something bad must have happened");
         $this->addSuccessMessage("Your API Key has been reset! Please update your ThinkUp RSS feed subscription.", 'api_key');
         $owner->api_key = $api_key;
     // process invite
     if (isset($_POST['invite']) && $_POST['invite'] == 'Create Invitation') {
         // verify CSRF token
         $invite_code = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 10);
         $invite_added = $invite_dao->addInviteCode($invite_code);
         if ($invite_added == 1) {
             //invite generated and inserted
             $invite_link = Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'session/register.php?code=' . $invite_code;
             $this->addSuccessMessage("Invitation created!<br />Copy this link and send it to someone you want to " . 'invite to register on your ThinkUp installation.<br /><a href="' . $invite_link . '" id="clippy_12345">' . $invite_link . '</a>
               <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
                       id="clippy" >
               <param name="movie" value="' . Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'assets/flash/clippy.swf"/>
               <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
               <param name="quality" value="high" />
               <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
               <param NAME="FlashVars" value="id=clippy_12345&amp;copied=copied!&amp;copyto=copy to clipboard">
               <param name="bgcolor" value="#D5F0FC">
               <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
               <embed src="' . Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'assets/flash/clippy.swf"
                      FlashVars="id=clippy_12345&amp;copied=copied!&amp;copyto=copy to clipboard"
             <br /> Good for one new registration. Expires in 7 days.', 'invite', true);
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage("There was an error creating a new invite. Please try again.", 'invite');
     //process service user deletion
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Delete' && isset($_POST['instance_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['instance_id']) && !isset($_POST['hashtag_id']) && !isset($_POST['new_hashtag_name'])) {
         $owner_instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OwnerInstanceDAO');
         $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $instancehashtag_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceHashtagDAO');
         $hashtagpost_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('HashtagPostDAO');
         $hashtag_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('HashtagDAO');
         $instance = $instance_dao->get($_POST['instance_id']);
         $message = '';
         if (isset($instance)) {
             // verify CSRF token
             if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                 //Retrieve this instance's saved searches
                 $instances_hashtags = $instancehashtag_dao->getByInstance($instance->id);
                 $deleted_searches = 0;
                 foreach ($instances_hashtags as $instance_hashtag) {
                     $hashtag_id = $instance_hashtag->hashtag_id;
                     $deleted_searches += $instancehashtag_dao->delete($instance_hashtag->instance_id, $hashtag_id);
                     //Continue deletions if no other owner has saved this search
                     if (!$instancehashtag_dao->isHashtagSaved($hashtag_id)) {
                         $deleted_searchposts = $hashtagpost_dao->deleteHashtagsPostsByHashtagID($hashtag_id);
                         $deleted_hashtag = $hashtag_dao->deleteHashtagByID($hashtag_id);
                 //delete all owner_instances
                 //delete instance
                 $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                 $this->addSuccessMessage('Account ' . ($deleted_searches > 0 ? 'and its saved searches ' : '') . 'deleted.', 'account');
             } else {
                 if ($owner_instance_dao->doesOwnerHaveAccessToInstance($owner, $instance)) {
                     //delete owner instance
                     $total_deletions = $owner_instance_dao->delete($owner->id, $instance->id);
                     if ($total_deletions > 0) {
                         //delete instance if no other owners have it
                         $remaining_owner_instances = $owner_instance_dao->getByInstance($instance->id);
                         $deleted_searches = 0;
                         if (sizeof($remaining_owner_instances) == 0) {
                             //Retrieve this instance's saved searches
                             $instances_hashtags = $instancehashtag_dao->getByInstance($instance->id);
                             foreach ($instances_hashtags as $instance_hashtag) {
                                 $hashtag_id = $instance_hashtag->hashtag_id;
                                 $deleted_searches += $instancehashtag_dao->delete($instance_hashtag->instance_id, $hashtag_id);
                                 //Continue deletions if no other owner has saved this search
                                 if (!$instancehashtag_dao->isHashtagSaved($hashtag_id)) {
                                     $deleted_searchposts = $hashtagpost_dao->deleteHashtagsPostsByHashtagID($hashtag_id);
                                     $deleted_hashtag = $hashtag_dao->deleteHashtagByID($hashtag_id);
                             $instance_dao->delete($instance->network_username, $instance->network);
                         $this->addSuccessMessage('Account ' . ($deleted_searches > 0 ? 'and its saved searches ' : '') . 'deleted.', 'account');
                 } else {
                     $this->addErrorMessage('Insufficient privileges.', 'account');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage('Instance doesn\'t exist.', 'account');
     //process hashtag deletion
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Delete' && isset($_POST['hashtag_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['hashtag_id']) && isset($_POST['instance_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['instance_id'])) {
         $instancehashtag_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceHashtagDAO');
         $hashtag_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('HashtagDAO');
         $hashtagpost_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('HashtagPostDAO');
         $hashtag_id = $_POST['hashtag_id'];
         $instance_id = $_POST['instance_id'];
         $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $instance = $instance_dao->get($instance_id);
         if (isset($instance)) {
             $instances_hashtags_deleted = $instancehashtag_dao->delete($instance_id, $hashtag_id);
             if (!$instancehashtag_dao->isHashtagSaved($hashtag_id)) {
                 $deleted_searchposts = $hashtagpost_dao->deleteHashtagsPostsByHashtagID($hashtag_id);
                 $deleted_hashtag = $hashtag_dao->deleteHashtagByID($hashtag_id);
             $message = "Deleted saved search.";
             $this->addSuccessMessage($message, 'account');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage('Instance doesn\'t exist.', 'account');
     //process service user hashtag addition
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Save search' && isset($_POST['new_hashtag_name']) && $_POST['new_hashtag_name'] != '' && isset($_POST['instance_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['instance_id'])) {
         $instancehashtag_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceHashtagDAO');
         $hashtag_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('HashtagDAO');
         $instance_id = $_POST['instance_id'];
         $new_hashtag_name = $_POST['new_hashtag_name'];
         //Check if $new_hashtag_name is an individual word (no spaces)
         if (strpos($new_hashtag_name, " ") === false) {
             $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
             $instance = $instance_dao->get($instance_id);
             if (isset($instance)) {
                 $hashtag = $hashtag_dao->getHashtag($new_hashtag_name, $instance->network);
                 if (!isset($hashtag)) {
                     $hashtag_id = $hashtag_dao->insertHashtag($new_hashtag_name, $instance->network);
                     $row_inserted = $instancehashtag_dao->insert($instance_id, $hashtag_id);
                     $message = "Saved search for " . $new_hashtag_name . ".";
                     $this->addSuccessMessage($message, 'account');
                 } else {
                     $row_inserted = $instancehashtag_dao->insert($instance_id, $hashtag->id);
                     $message = "Saved search for " . $new_hashtag_name . ".";
                     $this->addSuccessMessage($message, 'account');
             } else {
                 $this->addErrorMessage('Instance doesn\'t exist.', 'account');
         } else {
             $this->addErrorMessage('You can only search for an individual keyword or hashtag, not a phrase. ' . 'Please try again.', 'account');
     //process change to notification frequency
     if (isset($_POST['updatefrequency'])) {
         $new_freq = isset($_POST['notificationfrequency']) ? $_POST['notificationfrequency'] : null;
         $updates = 0;
         if ($new_freq && isset($this->notification_frequencies[$new_freq])) {
             $updates = $owner_dao->setEmailNotificationFrequency($this->getLoggedInUser(), $new_freq);
         if ($updates > 0) {
             // Update the user in the view to match
             $owner->email_notification_frequency = $new_freq;
             $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
             $this->addSuccessMessage('Your email notification frequency has been updated.', 'notifications');
     //process change to timezone
     if (isset($_POST['updatetimezone'])) {
         $new_tz = isset($_POST['timezone']) ? $_POST['timezone'] : null;
         $updates = 0;
         if (isset($new_tz)) {
             $possible_timezones = timezone_identifiers_list();
             if (in_array($new_tz, $possible_timezones)) {
                 $updates = $owner_dao->setTimezone($this->getLoggedInUser(), $new_tz);
         if ($updates > 0) {
             // Update the user in the view to match
             $owner->timezone = $new_tz;
             $this->addToView('owner', $owner);
             $this->addSuccessMessage('Your time zone has been saved.', 'timezone');
     /* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if (isset($_GET['p']) && !isset($_GET['u'])) {
         // add config js to header
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
         $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
         $webapp_plugin_registrar = PluginRegistrarWebapp::getInstance();
         $pobj = $webapp_plugin_registrar->getPluginObject($active_plugin);
         $p = new $pobj();
         $this->addToView('body', $p->renderConfiguration($owner));
         $this->addToView('force_plugin', true);
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     } elseif (isset($_GET['p']) && isset($_GET['u']) && isset($_GET['n'])) {
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
         $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
         $instance_username = $_GET['u'];
         $instance_network = $_GET['n'];
         $webapp_plugin_registrar = PluginRegistrarWebapp::getInstance();
         $pobj = $webapp_plugin_registrar->getPluginObject($active_plugin);
         $p = new $pobj();
         $this->addToView('body', $p->renderInstanceConfiguration($owner, $instance_username, $instance_network));
         $this->addToView('force_plugin', true);
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
     $plugin_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginDAO');
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     $installed_plugins = $plugin_dao->getInstalledPlugins();
     $this->addToView('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);
     /* End plugin-specific configuration handling */
     if ($owner->is_admin) {
         if (!isset($instance_dao)) {
             $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO');
         $owners = $owner_dao->getAllOwners();
         foreach ($owners as $o) {
             $instances = $instance_dao->getByOwner($o, true);
         $this->addToView('owners', $owners);
         $this->addToView('public_instances', $instance_dao->getPublicInstances());
     $whichphp = @exec('which php');
     $php_path = !empty($whichphp) ? $whichphp : 'php';
     $email = $this->getLoggedInUser();
     $rss_crawl_url = Utils::getApplicationURL() . sprintf('crawler/rss.php?un=%s&as=%s', urlencode($email), $owner->api_key);
     $this->addToView('rss_crawl_url', $rss_crawl_url);
     $cli_crawl_command = 'cd ' . THINKUP_WEBAPP_PATH . 'crawler/;export THINKUP_PASSWORD=yourpassword; ' . $php_path . ' crawl.php ' . $email;
     $this->addToView('cli_crawl_command', $cli_crawl_command);
     //help link
     $this->view_mgr->addHelp('rss', 'userguide/datacapture');
     return $this->generateView();
  * Invoke the controller
  * Always use this method, not control(), to invoke the controller.
  * @TODO show get 500 error template on Exception
  * (if debugging is true, pass the exception details to the 500 template)
 public function go()
     try {
         // are we in need of a database migration?
         $classname = get_class($this);
         if ($classname != 'InstallerController' && $classname != 'BackupController' && UpgradeController::isUpgrading($this->isAdmin(), $classname)) {
             $option_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OptionDAO');
             return $this->generateView();
         } else {
             $results = $this->control();
             if ($this->profiler_enabled && !isset($this->json_data) && strpos($this->content_type, 'text/javascript') === false && strpos($this->content_type, 'text/csv') === false) {
                 $end_time = microtime(true);
                 $total_time = $end_time - $this->start_time;
                 $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
                 $profiler->add($total_time, "total page execution time, running " . $profiler->total_queries . " queries.");
                 $this->addToView('profile_items', $profiler->getProfile());
                 return $results . $this->generateView();
             } else {
                 return $results;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //Explicitly set TZ (before we have user's choice) to avoid date() warning about using system settings
         $content_type = $this->content_type;
         if (strpos($content_type, ';') !== false) {
             $exploded = explode(';', $content_type);
             $content_type = array_shift($exploded);
         switch ($content_type) {
             case 'application/json':
             case 'text/plain':
         $this->addToView('error_type', get_class($e));
         return $this->generateView();
Example #13
  * Executes the query, with the bound values
  * @param str $sql
  * @param array $binds
  * @return PDOStatement
 protected final function execute($sql, $binds = array())
     if ($this->profiler_enabled) {
         $start_time = microtime(true);
     $sql = preg_replace("/#prefix#/", $this->prefix, $sql);
     $sql = preg_replace("/#gmt_offset#/", $this->gmt_offset, $sql);
     $stmt = self::$PDO->prepare($sql);
     if (is_array($binds) and count($binds) >= 1) {
         foreach ($binds as $key => $value) {
             if (is_int($value)) {
                 $stmt->bindValue($key, $value, PDO::PARAM_INT);
             } else {
                 $stmt->bindValue($key, $value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     if ($this->profiler_enabled) {
         $end_time = microtime(true);
         $total_time = $end_time - $start_time;
         $profiler = Profiler::getInstance();
         $profiler->add($total_time, $sql, true, $stmt->rowCount());
     return $stmt;