setTabView() public method

Define & select the current tab in the tab menu. Sets $this->_CurrentTab.
Since: 2.0.0
public setTabView ( string $CurrentTab, string $View = '', string $Controller = 'Profile', string $Application = 'Dashboard' )
$CurrentTab string Name of tab to highlight.
$View string View name. Defaults to index.
$Controller string Controller name. Defaults to Profile.
$Application string Application name. Defaults to Dashboard.
Example #1
  * Creates virtual 'Discussions' method in ProfileController.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @package Vanilla
  * @param ProfileController $Sender ProfileController.
 public function profileController_discussions_create($Sender, $UserReference = '', $Username = '', $Page = '', $UserID = '')
     // Tell the ProfileController what tab to load
     $Sender->getUserInfo($UserReference, $Username, $UserID);
     $Sender->_setBreadcrumbs(t('Discussions'), userUrl($Sender->User, '', 'discussions'));
     $Sender->setTabView('Discussions', 'Profile', 'Discussions', 'Vanilla');
     $Sender->CountCommentsPerPage = c('Vanilla.Comments.PerPage', 30);
     list($Offset, $Limit) = offsetLimit($Page, c('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 30));
     $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
     $Discussions = $DiscussionModel->getByUser($Sender->User->UserID, $Limit, $Offset, false, Gdn::session()->UserID);
     $CountDiscussions = $Offset + $DiscussionModel->LastDiscussionCount + 1;
     $Sender->DiscussionData = $Sender->setData('Discussions', $Discussions);
     // Build a pager
     $PagerFactory = new Gdn_PagerFactory();
     $Sender->Pager = $PagerFactory->getPager('MorePager', $Sender);
     $Sender->Pager->MoreCode = 'More Discussions';
     $Sender->Pager->LessCode = 'Newer Discussions';
     $Sender->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
     $Sender->Pager->configure($Offset, $Limit, $CountDiscussions, userUrl($Sender->User, '', 'discussions') . '?page={Page}');
     // Deliver JSON data if necessary
     if ($Sender->deliveryType() != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL && $Offset > 0) {
         $Sender->setJson('LessRow', $Sender->Pager->toString('less'));
         $Sender->setJson('MoreRow', $Sender->Pager->toString('more'));
         $Sender->View = 'discussions';
     // Set the HandlerType back to normal on the profilecontroller so that it fetches it's own views
     $Sender->HandlerType = HANDLER_TYPE_NORMAL;
     // Do not show discussion options
     $Sender->ShowOptions = false;
     if ($Sender->Head) {
         // These pages offer only duplicate content to search engines and are a bit slow.
         $Sender->Head->addTag('meta', array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'noindex,noarchive'));
     // Render the ProfileController
Example #2
  * Creates addons tab ProfileController.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @package Vanilla
  * @param ProfileController $Sender
 public function profileController_addons_create($Sender)
     $UserReference = val(0, $Sender->RequestArgs, '');
     $Username = val(1, $Sender->RequestArgs, '');
     // Tell the ProfileController what tab to load
     $Sender->getUserInfo($UserReference, $Username);
     $Sender->setTabView('Addons', 'Profile', 'Addon', 'Addons');
     $Offset = 0;
     $Limit = 100;
     $AddonModel = new AddonModel();
     $ResultSet = $AddonModel->getWhere(array('UserID' => $Sender->User->UserID), 'DateUpdated', 'desc', $Limit, $Offset);
     $Sender->setData('Addons', $ResultSet);
     $NumResults = $AddonModel->getCount(array('InsertUserID' => $Sender->User->UserID));
     // Set the HandlerType back to normal on the profilecontroller so that it fetches it's own views
     $Sender->HandlerType = HANDLER_TYPE_NORMAL;
     // Render the ProfileController