Example #1

require_once "/Path/to/Prods/src/Prods.inc.php";
// make an iRODS account object for connection, assuming:
// username: demouser, password: demopass, server: srbbrick15.sdsc.edu, port: 1247
$account = new RODSAccount("srbbrick15.sdsc.edu", 1247, "demouser", "demopass");
//create an file object for read, assuming the path is "/tempZone/home/demouser/test_read.txt"
$myfile = new ProdsFile($account, "/tempZone/home/demouser/test_read.txt");
//create an metadata entry and associate it with the file
$meta = new RODSMeta("myname", "myvalue");
//get all metadata of the file, and print them
//the output should look like "Name: Myname | Value: myvalue"
$metadatas = $myfile->getMeta();
foreach ($metadatas as $meta) {
    echo 'Name: ' . $meta->name . " | " . $meta->value . "\n";