/** * Update a Process register in DB, if the process doesn't exist with the same * uid of the $row['PRO_UID'] parameter the function creates a new one based * on the $row parameter data. * * @param $row array parameter with the process data * @return $oProcess Process object */ public function updateProcessRow ($row) { $oProcess = new Process(); if ($oProcess->processExists( $row['PRO_UID'] )) { $oProcess->update( $row ); } else { $oProcess->create( $row ); } }
public function createProcess($aData) { try { $oProcess = new Process(); return $oProcess->create($aData); } catch (Exception $oError) { throw $oError; } }
$wp_config_path = $world->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/wp-config.php"; $wp_config_code = file_get_contents($wp_config_path); $world->move_files('wp-content', 'my-content'); $world->add_line_to_wp_config($wp_config_code, "define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/my-content' );"); $world->move_files('my-content/plugins', 'my-plugins'); $world->add_line_to_wp_config($wp_config_code, "define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/my-plugins' );"); file_put_contents($wp_config_path, $wp_config_code); }); $steps->Given('/^download:$/', function ($world, TableNode $table) { foreach ($table->getHash() as $row) { $path = $world->replace_variables($row['path']); if (file_exists($path)) { // assume it's the same file and skip re-download continue; } \Process::create(\WP_CLI\Utils\esc_cmd('curl -sSL %s > %s', $row['url'], $path))->run_check(); } }); $steps->Given('/^save (STDOUT|STDERR)( [\'].+[^\'])? as \\{(\\w+)\\}$/', function ($world, $stream, $output_filter, $key) { if ($output_filter) { $output_filter = '/' . trim(str_replace('%s', '(.+[^\\b])', $output_filter), "' ") . '/'; if (false !== preg_match($output_filter, $world->result->{$stream}, $matches)) { $output = array_pop($matches); } else { $output = ''; } } else { $output = $world->result->{$stream}; } $world->variables[$key] = trim($output, "\n"); });
<?php use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode, Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode; function invoke_proc($proc, $mode, $subdir = null) { $map = array('run' => 'run_check', 'try' => 'run'); $method = $map[$mode]; return $proc->{$method}($subdir); } $steps->When('/^I (run|try) `([^`]+)`$/', function ($world, $mode, $cmd) { $cmd = $world->replace_variables($cmd); $world->result = invoke_proc($world->proc($cmd), $mode); }); $steps->When("/^I (run|try) `([^`]+)` from '([^\\s]+)'\$/", function ($world, $mode, $cmd, $subdir) { $cmd = $world->replace_variables($cmd); $world->result = invoke_proc($world->proc($cmd), $mode, $subdir); }); $steps->When('/^I (run|try) the previous command again$/', function ($world, $mode) { if (!isset($world->result)) { throw new \Exception('No previous command.'); } $proc = Process::create($world->result->command, $world->result->cwd, $world->result->env); $world->result = invoke_proc($proc, $mode); });
//#30 $t->isa_ok($e, 'Exception', 'remove() returns error when UID is not defined'); //#31 //$t->is ( $e->getMessage(), "This row doesn't exist!", "remove() This row doesn't exist!" ); $t->todo($e->getMessage() . " <> The row ''in table Process doesn't exist! " . " line 213"); } //remove with $fields $Fields['PRO_UID'] = $proUid; try { $obj = new Process(); $res = $obj->remove($Fields); //#32 $t->is($res, NULL, "remove() remove row {$proUid}"); } catch (Exception $e) { //#14 $t->isa_ok($e, 'PropelException', 'remove() return error ' . $e->getMessage()); } //remove with $proUid $obj = new Process(); $proUid = $obj->create('1'); try { $obj = new Process(); $res = $obj->remove($proUid); //#33 $t->is($res, NULL, "remove() remove row {$proUid}"); } catch (Exception $e) { //#14 $t->isa_ok($e, 'PropelException', 'remove() return error ' . $e->getMessage()); } $t->todo('Test to verify if delete works correctly :p ...'); $t->todo('how can I change dynamically the Case Title based in a definition, right now the case title is the same as the process title. We need another field in process to have the case title definition');
public function download_wp($subdir = '') { $dest_dir = $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/{$subdir}"; if ($subdir) { mkdir($dest_dir); } Process::create(Utils\esc_cmd("cp -r %s/* %s", self::$cache_dir, $dest_dir))->run_check(); // disable emailing mkdir($dest_dir . '/wp-content/mu-plugins'); copy(__DIR__ . '/../extra/no-mail.php', $dest_dir . '/wp-content/mu-plugins/no-mail.php'); }