public function getProrule($seller_id = 0) { $proRuleObj = new ProRule(999999999, $seller_id); $proRuleObj->isGiftOnce = false; $proRuleObj->isCashOnce = false; return $proRuleObj->getInfo(); }
public function getProrule() { $proRuleObj = new ProRule(999999999); $proRuleObj->isGiftOnce = false; $proRuleObj->isCashOnce = false; return $proRuleObj->getInfo(); }
/** * @brief查看订单 */ public function order_show() { //获得post传来的值 $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $data = array(); if ($order_id) { $order_show = new Order_Class(); $data = $order_show->getOrderShow($order_id); if ($data) { //获得折扣前的价格 $rule = new ProRule($data['real_amount']); $this->result = $rule->getInfo(); //获取地区 $areas_id = $data['province'] . ',' . $data['city'] . ',' . $data['area']; $tb_area = new IModel('areas'); $area_info = $tb_area->query('area_id in (' . $areas_id . ')'); $data['area_addr'] = $area_info[0]['area_name'] . ' ' . $area_info[1]['area_name'] . ' ' . $area_info[2]['area_name']; $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('order_show', false); } } if (!$data) { $this->redirect('order_list'); } }
/** * @brief查看订单 */ public function order_show() { //获得post传来的值 $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $data = array(); if ($order_id) { $order_show = new Order_Class(); $data = $order_show->getOrderShow($order_id); if ($data) { //获得折扣前的价格 $rule = new ProRule($data['real_amount']); $this->result = $rule->getInfo(); //获取地区 $data['area_addr'] = join(' ', area::name($data['province'], $data['city'], $data['area'])); $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('order_show', false); } } if (!$data) { $this->redirect('order_list'); } }
public function order_show() { //获得post传来的值 $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $tab = IReq::get('tab'); $data = array(); if (!empty($order_id)) { $order_show = new Order_Class(); $data = $order_show->get_order_show($order_id); if (count($data) > 0) { //获得折扣前的价格 $rule = new ProRule($data['real_amount']); $this->result = $rule->getInfo(); $data['tab'] = $tab; $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('order_show', false); } } if (count($data) == 0) { $this->redirect('order_list'); } }
/** * @brief 计算商品价格 * @param Array $buyInfo ,购物车格式 * @return array or bool */ public function goodsCount($buyInfo) { $this->sum = 0; //原始总额(优惠前) $this->final_sum = 0; //应付总额(优惠后) $this->weight = 0; //总重量 $this->reduce = 0; //减少总额 $this->count = 0; //总数量 $this->promotion = array(); //促销活动规则文本 $this->proReduce = 0; //促销活动规则优惠额 $this->point = 0; //增加积分 $this->exp = 0; //增加经验 $this->isFreeFreight = false; //是否免运费 $user_id = $this->user_id; $group_id = $this->group_id; $goodsList = array(); $productList = array(); /*开始计算goods和product的优惠信息 , 会根据条件分析出执行以下哪一种情况: *(1)查看此商品(货品)是否已经根据不同会员组设定了优惠价格; *(2)当前用户是否属于某个用户组中的成员,并且此用户组享受折扣率; *(3)优惠价等于商品(货品)原价; */ //获取商品或货品数据 /*Goods 拼装商品优惠价的数据*/ if (isset($buyInfo['goods']['id']) && $buyInfo['goods']['id']) { //购物车中的商品数据 $goodsIdStr = join(',', $buyInfo['goods']['id']); $goodsObj = new IModel('goods as go'); $goodsList = $goodsObj->query(' in (' . $goodsIdStr . ')', ', as goods_id,go.img,go.sell_price,go.point,go.weight,go.store_nums,go.exp,go.goods_no,0 as product_id'); //开始优惠情况判断 foreach ($goodsList as $key => $val) { //检查库存 if ($buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['goods_id']]['count'] <= 0 || $buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['goods_id']]['count'] > $val['store_nums']) { return "商品:" . $val['name'] . "购买数量超出库存,请重新调整购买数量"; } $groupPrice = $this->getGroupPrice($val['goods_id'], 'goods'); $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] = $groupPrice === null ? 0 : $val['sell_price'] - $groupPrice; $goodsList[$key]['count'] = $buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['goods_id']]['count']; $current_sum_all = $goodsList[$key]['sell_price'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $current_reduce_all = $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $goodsList[$key]['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; //全局统计 $this->weight += $val['weight'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->point += $val['point'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->exp += $val['exp'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $goodsList[$key]['count']; } } /*Product 拼装商品优惠价的数据*/ if (isset($buyInfo['product']['id']) && $buyInfo['product']['id']) { //购物车中的货品数据 $productIdStr = join(',', $buyInfo['product']['id']); $productObj = new IQuery('products as pro,goods as go'); $productObj->where = ' in (' . $productIdStr . ') and = pro.goods_id'; $productObj->fields = 'pro.sell_price,pro.weight, as product_id,pro.spec_array,pro.goods_id,pro.store_nums,pro.products_no as goods_no,,go.point,go.exp,go.img'; $productList = $productObj->find(); //开始优惠情况判断 foreach ($productList as $key => $val) { //检查库存 if ($buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['product_id']]['count'] <= 0 || $buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['product_id']]['count'] > $val['store_nums']) { return "货品:" . $val['name'] . "购买数量超出库存,请重新调整购买数量"; } $groupPrice = $this->getGroupPrice($val['product_id'], 'product'); $productList[$key]['reduce'] = $groupPrice === null ? 0 : $val['sell_price'] - $groupPrice; $productList[$key]['count'] = $buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['product_id']]['count']; $current_sum_all = $productList[$key]['sell_price'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $current_reduce_all = $productList[$key]['reduce'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $productList[$key]['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; //全局统计 $this->weight += $val['weight'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->point += $val['point'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->exp += $val['exp'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $productList[$key]['count']; } } $final_sum = $this->sum - $this->reduce; //总金额满足的促销规则 if ($user_id) { $proObj = new ProRule($final_sum); $proObj->setUserGroup($group_id); $this->isFreeFreight = $proObj->isFreeFreight(); $this->promotion = $proObj->getInfo(); $this->proReduce = $final_sum - $proObj->getSum(); } else { $this->promotion = array(); $this->proReduce = 0; } $this->final_sum = $final_sum - $this->proReduce; return array('final_sum' => $this->final_sum, 'promotion' => $this->promotion, 'proReduce' => $this->proReduce, 'sum' => $this->sum, 'goodsList' => array_merge($goodsList, $productList), 'count' => $this->count, 'reduce' => $this->reduce, 'weight' => $this->weight, 'freeFreight' => $this->isFreeFreight, 'point' => $this->point, 'exp' => $this->exp); }
function promotionRuleAjax() { $promotion = array(); $proReduce = 0; //总金额满足的促销规则 if ($this->user['user_id']) { $final_sum = intval(IReq::get('final_sum')); //获取 user_group $groupObj = new IModel('member as m,user_group as g'); $groupRow = $groupObj->getObj('m.user_id = ' . $this->user['user_id'] . ' and m.group_id =', 'g.*'); $groupRow['id'] = empty($groupRow) ? 0 : $groupRow['id']; $proObj = new ProRule($final_sum); $proObj->setUserGroup($groupRow['id']); $promotion = $proObj->getInfo(); $proReduce = $final_sum - $proObj->getSum(); } $result = array('promotion' => $promotion, 'proReduce' => $proReduce); echo JSON::encode($result); }
/** * @brief 计算商品价格 * @param Array $buyInfo ,购物车格式 * @promo string 活动类型 团购,抢购 * @active_id int 活动ID * @return array or bool */ public function goodsCount($buyInfo, $promo = '', $active_id = '') { $this->sum = 0; //原始总额(优惠前) $this->final_sum = 0; //应付总额(优惠后) $this->weight = 0; //总重量 $this->reduce = 0; //减少总额 $this->count = 0; //总数量 $this->promotion = array(); //促销活动规则文本 $this->proReduce = 0; //促销活动规则优惠额 $this->point = 0; //增加积分 $this->exp = 0; //增加经验 $this->freeFreight = array(); //商家免运费 $this->tax = 0; //商品税金 $this->seller = array(); //商家商品总额统计, 商家ID => 商品金额 $user_id = $this->user_id; $group_id = $this->group_id; $goodsList = array(); $productList = array(); //活动购买情况 if ($promo && $active_id) { $ac_type = isset($buyInfo['goods']) ? "goods" : "product"; $ac_id = current($buyInfo[$ac_type]['id']); $ac_buy_num = $buyInfo[$ac_type]['data'][$ac_id]['count']; //开启促销活动 $activeObject = new Active($promo, $active_id, $user_id, $ac_id, $ac_type, $ac_buy_num); $activeResult = $activeObject->checkValid(); if ($activeResult === true) { $typeRow = $activeObject->originalGoodsInfo; $disPrice = $activeObject->activePrice; //设置优惠价格,如果不存在则优惠价等于商品原价 $typeRow['reduce'] = $typeRow['sell_price'] - $disPrice; $typeRow['count'] = $ac_buy_num; $current_sum_all = $typeRow['sell_price'] * $ac_buy_num; $current_reduce_all = $typeRow['reduce'] * $ac_buy_num; $typeRow['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; if (!isset($this->seller[$typeRow['seller_id']])) { $this->seller[$typeRow['seller_id']] = 0; } $this->seller[$typeRow['seller_id']] += $typeRow['sum']; //全局统计 $this->weight += $typeRow['weight'] * $ac_buy_num; $this->point += $typeRow['point'] * $ac_buy_num; $this->exp += $typeRow['exp'] * $ac_buy_num; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $ac_buy_num; $this->tax += self::getGoodsTax($typeRow['sum'], $typeRow['seller_id']); $typeRow == "goods" ? $goodsList[] = $typeRow : ($productList[] = $typeRow); } else { //报错信息 return $activeResult; } } else { /*开始计算goods和product的优惠信息 , 会根据条件分析出执行以下哪一种情况: *(1)查看此商品(货品)是否已经根据不同会员组设定了优惠价格; *(2)当前用户是否属于某个用户组中的成员,并且此用户组享受折扣率; *(3)优惠价等于商品(货品)原价; */ //获取商品或货品数据 /*Goods 拼装商品优惠价的数据*/ if (isset($buyInfo['goods']['id']) && $buyInfo['goods']['id']) { //购物车中的商品数据 $goodsIdStr = join(',', $buyInfo['goods']['id']); $goodsObj = new IModel('goods as go'); $goodsList = $goodsObj->query(' in (' . $goodsIdStr . ')', ', as goods_id,go.img,go.sell_price,go.point,go.weight,go.store_nums,go.exp,go.goods_no,0 as product_id,go.seller_id'); //开始优惠情况判断 foreach ($goodsList as $key => $val) { //检查库存 if ($buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['goods_id']]['count'] <= 0 || $buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['goods_id']]['count'] > $val['store_nums']) { return "商品:" . $val['name'] . "购买数量超出库存,请重新调整购买数量"; } $groupPrice = $this->getGroupPrice($val['goods_id'], 'goods'); $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] = $groupPrice === null ? 0 : $val['sell_price'] - $groupPrice; $goodsList[$key]['count'] = $buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['goods_id']]['count']; $current_sum_all = $goodsList[$key]['sell_price'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $current_reduce_all = $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $goodsList[$key]['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; if (!isset($this->seller[$val['seller_id']])) { $this->seller[$val['seller_id']] = 0; } $this->seller[$val['seller_id']] += $goodsList[$key]['sum']; //全局统计 $this->weight += $val['weight'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->point += $val['point'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->exp += $val['exp'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->tax += self::getGoodsTax($goodsList[$key]['sum'], $val['seller_id']); } } /*Product 拼装商品优惠价的数据*/ if (isset($buyInfo['product']['id']) && $buyInfo['product']['id']) { //购物车中的货品数据 $productIdStr = join(',', $buyInfo['product']['id']); $productObj = new IQuery('products as pro,goods as go'); $productObj->where = ' in (' . $productIdStr . ') and = pro.goods_id'; $productObj->fields = 'pro.sell_price,pro.weight, as product_id,pro.spec_array,pro.goods_id,pro.store_nums,pro.products_no as goods_no,,go.point,go.exp,go.img,go.seller_id'; $productList = $productObj->find(); //开始优惠情况判断 foreach ($productList as $key => $val) { //检查库存 if ($buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['product_id']]['count'] <= 0 || $buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['product_id']]['count'] > $val['store_nums']) { return "货品:" . $val['name'] . "购买数量超出库存,请重新调整购买数量"; } $groupPrice = $this->getGroupPrice($val['product_id'], 'product'); $productList[$key]['reduce'] = $groupPrice === null ? 0 : $val['sell_price'] - $groupPrice; $productList[$key]['count'] = $buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['product_id']]['count']; $current_sum_all = $productList[$key]['sell_price'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $current_reduce_all = $productList[$key]['reduce'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $productList[$key]['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; if (!isset($this->seller[$val['seller_id']])) { $this->seller[$val['seller_id']] = 0; } $this->seller[$val['seller_id']] += $productList[$key]['sum']; //全局统计 $this->weight += $val['weight'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->point += $val['point'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->exp += $val['exp'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $productList[$key]['count']; $this->tax += self::getGoodsTax($productList[$key]['sum'], $val['seller_id']); } } //总金额满足的促销规则 if ($user_id) { //计算每个商家促销规则 foreach ($this->seller as $seller_id => $sum) { $proObj = new ProRule($sum, $seller_id); $proObj->setUserGroup($group_id); if ($proObj->isFreeFreight() == true) { $this->freeFreight[] = $seller_id; } $this->promotion = array_merge($proObj->getInfo(), $this->promotion); $this->proReduce += $sum - $proObj->getSum(); } } } $this->final_sum = $this->sum - $this->reduce - $this->proReduce; return array('final_sum' => $this->final_sum, 'promotion' => $this->promotion, 'proReduce' => $this->proReduce, 'sum' => $this->sum, 'goodsList' => array_merge($goodsList, $productList), 'count' => $this->count, 'reduce' => $this->reduce, 'weight' => $this->weight, 'point' => $this->point, 'exp' => $this->exp, 'tax' => $this->tax, 'freeFreight' => $this->freeFreight, 'seller' => $this->seller); }
/** * @brief 计算商品价格 * @param Array $buyInfo ,购物车格式 * @return array or bool */ private function goodsCount($buyInfo) { $this->weight = 0; //总重量 $this->sum = 0; //原始总额 $this->reduce = 0; //减少总额 $this->count = 0; //总量 $this->final_sum = 0; //应付总额 $this->proReduce = 0; //促销活动优惠额 $this->point = 0; //增加积分 $this->exp = 0; //增加经验 $this->isFreeFreight = false; //是否免运费 $user_id = ISafe::get('user_id'); $group_id = 0; $goodsList = array(); $productList = array(); //获取用户组ID及组的折扣率 if ($user_id != null) { $groupObj = new IModel('member as m , user_group as g'); $groupRow = $groupObj->getObj('m.user_id = ' . $user_id . ' and m.group_id =', 'g.*'); if (!empty($groupRow)) { $group_id = $groupRow['id']; $group_discount = $groupRow['discount'] / 100; $groupPriceObj = new IModel('group_price'); } } /*开始计算goods和product的优惠信息 , 会根据条件分析出执行以下哪一种情况: *(1)查看此商品(货品)是否已经根据不同会员组设定了优惠价格; *(2)当前用户是否属于某个用户组中的成员,并且此用户组享受折扣率; *(3)优惠价等于商品(货品)原价; */ //获取商品或货品数据 /*Goods 拼装商品优惠价的数据*/ if (isset($buyInfo['goods']['id']) && !empty($buyInfo['goods']['id'])) { //购物车中的商品数据 $goodsIdStr = join(',', $buyInfo['goods']['id']); $goodsObj = new IModel('goods as go'); $goodsList = $goodsObj->query(' in (' . $goodsIdStr . ')', ',,go.list_img,go.sell_price,go.point,go.weight,go.store_nums,go.exp'); if ($group_id) { //获取 "优惠情况(1)" 中的商品优惠价格 $discountGoodsResult = array(); $discountGoodsList = $groupPriceObj->query('products_id = 0 and goods_id in(' . $goodsIdStr . ') and group_id = ' . $group_id); foreach ($discountGoodsList as $val) { $discountGoodsResult[$val['goods_id']] = $val; } } //开始优惠情况判断 foreach ($goodsList as $key => $val) { //优惠情况(1) if (isset($discountGoodsResult[$val['id']]['price'])) { $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] = $val['sell_price'] - $discountGoodsResult[$val['id']]['price']; } else { if (isset($group_discount) && $group_discount != 0) { $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] = $val['sell_price'] - $val['sell_price'] * $group_discount; } else { $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] = 0; } } $goodsList[$key]['count'] = $buyInfo['goods']['data'][$val['id']]['count']; $current_sum_all = $goodsList[$key]['sell_price'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $current_reduce_all = $goodsList[$key]['reduce'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $goodsList[$key]['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; //全局统计 $this->weight += $val['weight'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->point += $val['point'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->exp += $val['exp'] * $goodsList[$key]['count']; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $goodsList[$key]['count']; } } /*Product 拼装商品优惠价的数据*/ if (isset($buyInfo['product']['id']) && !empty($buyInfo['product']['id'])) { //购物车中的货品数据 $productIdStr = join(',', $buyInfo['product']['id']); $productObj = new IQuery('products as pro,goods as go'); $productObj->where = ' in (' . $productIdStr . ') and = pro.goods_id'; $productObj->fields = 'pro.sell_price,pro.weight,,pro.spec_array,pro.goods_id,pro.store_nums,,go.point,go.exp,go.list_img'; $productList = $productObj->find(); if ($group_id) { //获取 "优惠情况(1)" 中的商品优惠价格 $discountProductResult = array(); $discountProductList = $groupPriceObj->query('products_id in (' . $productIdStr . ') and group_id = ' . $group_id); foreach ($discountProductList as $val) { $discountProductResult[$val['goods_id']] = $val; } } //开始优惠情况判断 foreach ($productList as $key => $val) { //优惠情况(1) if (isset($discountProductResult[$val['id']]['price'])) { $productList[$key]['reduce'] = $val['sell_price'] - $discountProductResult[$val['id']]['price']; } else { if (isset($group_discount) && $group_discount != 0) { $productList[$key]['reduce'] = $val['sell_price'] - $val['sell_price'] * $group_discount; } else { $productList[$key]['reduce'] = 0; } } $productList[$key]['count'] = $buyInfo['product']['data'][$val['id']]['count']; $current_sum_all = $productList[$key]['sell_price'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $current_reduce_all = $productList[$key]['reduce'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $productList[$key]['sum'] = $current_sum_all - $current_reduce_all; //全局统计 $this->weight += $val['weight'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->point += $val['point'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->exp += $val['exp'] * $productList[$key]['count']; $this->sum += $current_sum_all; $this->reduce += $current_reduce_all; $this->count += $productList[$key]['count']; } } $final_sum = $this->sum - $this->reduce; //总金额满足的促销规则 if ($user_id) { $proObj = new ProRule($final_sum); $proObj->setUserGroup($group_id); $this->isFreeFreight = $proObj->isFreeFreight(); $this->promotion = $proObj->getInfo(); $this->proReduce = $final_sum - $proObj->getSum(); } else { $this->promotion = array(); $this->proReduce = 0; } $this->final_sum = $final_sum - $this->proReduce; return array('final_sum' => $this->final_sum, 'promotion' => $this->promotion, 'proReduce' => $this->proReduce, 'sum' => $this->sum, 'goodsList' => $goodsList, 'productList' => $productList, 'count' => $this->count, 'reduce' => $this->reduce, 'weight' => $this->weight, 'freeFreight' => $this->isFreeFreight, 'point' => $this->point, 'exp' => $this->exp); }