return array('captcha' => array('class' => 'CCaptchaAction', 'backColor' => 0xffffff), 'page' => array('class' => 'CViewAction')); } /* * @author Lam Huynh */ public function actionIndex() { if (empty($_GET)) { $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('site/home')); } // build breadscrumb $searchParams = array('index'); $breadcrumbs = array(); // property type (child) if (isset($_GET['property_type_code'])) { $typeIds = $_GET['property_type_code']; if ($typeIds && ($type = ProPropertyType::model()->findByPk(current($typeIds)))) { $searchParams['property_type_code[]'] = $type->id; $breadcrumbs[$type->name] = $searchParams; } } // district if (isset($_GET['location'])) { $locationIds = $_GET['location']; if ($locationIds && ($location = ProLocation::model()->findByPk(current($locationIds)))) { $searchParams['location[]'] = $location->id; $breadcrumbs[$location->name] = $searchParams; } } // buidling name if (isset($_GET['building']) && ($building = $_GET['building'])) { $searchParams['building'] = $building; $breadcrumbs[$building] = $searchParams; } // listing type: sale/rent if (isset($_GET['listing_for']) && ($listingFor = $_GET['listing_for'])) { $typeText = $listingFor == 'for_rent' ? "For Rent" : "For Sale"; $searchParams['listing_for'] = $listingFor; $breadcrumbs[$typeText] = $searchParams; } $this->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs; Yii::app()->theme = 'onehome'; Yii::app()->clientScript->coreScriptPosition = CClientScript::POS_BEGIN;
public static function GetInfoMapAd($model) { /* --------------------------------------------------- * DTOAN * ADD LOCATION * lay 2 so dau * -------------------------------------------------- */ if (!empty($model->postal_code)) { $postaCode = substr($model->postal_code, 0, 2); $checkLocation = ProLocation::model()->find("t.postal_code like '%{$postaCode}%'"); if ($checkLocation && isset($checkLocation->id)) { $model->location_id = $checkLocation->id; } } // if ($model->map_config_distance != Yii::app()->params['distance']) { $position = explode('-', $model->postal_code_xy); if (count($position) == 2) { $dist = Yii::app()->params['distance']; $limit = Yii::app()->params['limit_result']; $long = $position[0]; $lat = $position[1]; $mrt_distance = array(); $mrt = ApiNearRmt::model()->findAll(); foreach ($mrt as $item) { $tmp = Listing::findDistance($long, $item->long_street, $lat, $item->lat_street); if ($tmp <= $dist) { $mrt_distance[$item->id]['v'] = $item->name . "({$tmp} Km)"; $mrt_distance[$item->id]['x'] = $item->long_street; $mrt_distance[$item->id]['y'] = $item->lat_street; } } //near school $school_distance = array(); $school = ApiNearSchool::model()->findAll(); foreach ($school as $school_item) { $tmp = Listing::findDistance($long, $school_item->long_street, $lat, $school_item->lat_street); if ($tmp <= $dist) { $school_distance[$school_item->id]['v'] = $school_item->name . "({$tmp} Km)"; $school_distance[$school_item->id]['x'] = $school_item->long_street; $school_distance[$school_item->id]['y'] = $school_item->lat_street; } } //building nam $building_distance = array(); $allBuilding = ApiBuilding::model()->findAll(); foreach ($allBuilding as $building) { $tmp = Listing::findDistance($long, $building->long_street, $lat, $building->lat_street); if ($tmp <= $dist) { $name = substr($building->building, 6, 45); $building_distance[$building->id]['v'] = $name . "({$tmp} Km)"; $building_distance[$building->id]['x'] = $building->long_street; $building_distance[$building->id]['y'] = $building->lat_street; } } /* 51 => 'Nearest MRT Stations', 23 => 'Nearest Schools' 1093 => 'Nearest Building', 'car' => 'Nearest bus stop', */ //$nearBy = @file_get_contents('' . trim($position[0]) . '&y=' . trim($position[1]) . '&dist=' . $dist . '&start=0&limit=' . $limit . '&country=sg'); /* $link = '' . trim($position[0]) . '&y=' . trim($position[1]) . '&dist=' . $dist . '&start=0&limit=' . $limit . '&country=sg'; $ch = curl_init(); $domain = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$link"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "domain=$domain"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $nearBy = curl_exec($ch); $arrCat = Listing::$nearBy; $data = json_decode($nearBy, true); $dataCat = array(); if (is_array($data) && count($data) > 0) { foreach ($data as $item) { if (isset($item['cat']) && isset($arrCat[$item['cat']])) { $dataCat[$item['cat']][] = $item; } } }*/ $dataCat[51] = $mrt_distance; $dataCat[23] = $school_distance; $dataCat[1093] = $building_distance; $dataCat['car'] = array(); // ANH DUNG Oct 27, 2014 tinh property_house_blk_no // 1. co postal code // 2. House/blk no = building Number (trong table walkup ) + $model->property_house_blk_no = self::getHouseBlkNo($model->postal_code); $model->property_street_name = self::getStreetName($model->postal_code); $model->map_config_distance = $dist; $model->map_config_result = $limit; $model->json_map = json_encode($dataCat); } }
protected static function parseLocation($dom) { $a = $dom->find('.summarytitle a', 0); if (!$a) { return null; } $matches = null; preg_match('/\\(D(\\d+)\\)/', $a->plaintext, $matches); if (!isset($matches[1])) { return null; } $district = (int) $matches[1]; $model = ProLocation::model()->findByAttributes(array('district' => $district)); if (!$model) { return null; } return $model->id; }
if ($model->user_id == Yii::app()->user->id) { $model->delete(); } } } /** * @Author: ANH DUNG Jul 25, 2014 * @Todo: build li photo for inventory photo * @Param: $model model * @Return: string li */ public function builLiPhoto($model) { $file_path = ImageProcessing::bindImageByModel($model, 160, 160); $pathPhotoBig = ImageProcessing::bindImageByModel($model, -1, -1); $link_remove = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('enquiry/ajaxRemoveFileAll', array('id' => $model->id)); if (isset($_GET['admin'])) { $link_remove = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('admin/tenancy/inventoryPhoto', array('id' => $model->transaction_id, 'InventoryPhotoId' => $model->id)); } $res = ""; $res .= "<li>"; $res .= "<a href='{$pathPhotoBig}' class='FancyPhoto' rel='group'>";
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { try { $model = ProLocation::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { Yii::log("The requested page does not exist."); throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; } catch (Exception $e) { Yii::log("Exception " . print_r($e, true), 'error'); throw new CHttpException("Exception " . print_r($e, true)); } }