Example #1
* sync LDAP against the DB
function sync_LDAP()
    global $c;
    $ldapDriver = getStaticLdap();
    if (!$ldapDriver->valid) {
    $mapping = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['mapping_field'];
    $attributes = array_values_mapping($mapping);
    $ldap_users_tmp = $ldapDriver->getAllUsers($attributes);
    if (sizeof($ldap_users_tmp) == 0) {
    foreach ($ldap_users_tmp as $key => $ldap_user) {
        $ldap_users_info[$ldap_user[$mapping['username']]] = $ldap_user;
    $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT username, user_no, modified as updated FROM dav_principal where type_id=1");
    $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP', __LINE__, __FILE__);
    while ($db_user = $qry->Fetch()) {
        $db_users[] = $db_user->username;
        $db_users_info[$db_user->username] = array('user_no' => $db_user->user_no, 'updated' => $db_user->updated);
    // all users from ldap
    $ldap_users = array_keys($ldap_users_info);
    // users only in ldap
    $users_to_create = array_diff($ldap_users, $db_users);
    // users only in db
    $users_to_deactivate = array_diff($db_users, $ldap_users);
    // users present in ldap and in the db
    $users_to_update = array_intersect($db_users, $ldap_users);
    // creation of all users;
    if (sizeof($users_to_create)) {
        $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- creating record for users :  %s'), join(', ', $users_to_create));
        foreach ($users_to_create as $username) {
            $principal = new Principal('username', $username);
            $valid = $ldap_users_info[$username];
            $ldap_timestamp = $valid[$mapping['modified']];
            if (!empty($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'])) {
                 * This splits the LDAP timestamp apart and assigns values to $Y $m $d $H $M and $S
                foreach ($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'] as $k => $v) {
                    ${$k} = substr($ldap_timestamp, $v[0], $v[1]);
                $ldap_timestamp = $Y . $m . $d . $H . $M . $S;
            } else {
                if (preg_match('{^(\\d{8})(\\d{6})(Z)?$', $ldap_timestamp, $matches)) {
                    $ldap_timestamp = $matches[1] . 'T' . $matches[2] . $matches[3];
                } else {
                    if (empty($ldap_timestamp)) {
                        $ldap_timestamp = date('c');
            $valid[$mapping['modified']] = $ldap_timestamp;
            sync_user_from_LDAP($principal, $mapping, $valid);
    // deactivating all users
    $params = array();
    $i = 0;
    $paramstring = '';
    foreach ($users_to_deactivate as $v) {
        if (isset($c->do_not_sync_from_ldap) && isset($c->do_not_sync_from_ldap[$v])) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            $paramstring .= ',';
        $paramstring .= ':u' . $i . '::text';
        $params[':u' . $i++] = strtolower($v);
    if (count($params) > 0) {
        $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- deactivating users : %s'), join(', ', $users_to_deactivate));
        $qry = new AwlQuery('UPDATE usr SET active = FALSE WHERE lower(username) IN (' . $paramstring . ')', $params);
        $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP', __LINE__, __FILE__);
        Principal::cacheFlush('lower(username) IN (' . $paramstring . ')', $params);
    // updating all users
    if (sizeof($users_to_update)) {
        foreach ($users_to_update as $key => $username) {
            $principal = new Principal('username', $username);
            $valid = $ldap_users_info[$username];
            $ldap_timestamp = $valid[$mapping['modified']];
            $valid['user_no'] = $db_users_info[$username]['user_no'];
            $mapping['user_no'] = 'user_no';
             * This splits the LDAP timestamp apart and assigns values to $Y $m $d $H $M and $S
            foreach ($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'] as $k => $v) {
                ${$k} = substr($ldap_timestamp, $v[0], $v[1]);
            $ldap_timestamp = $Y . $m . $d . $H . $M . $S;
            $valid[$mapping['modified']] = "{$Y}-{$m}-{$d} {$H}:{$M}:{$S}";
            $db_timestamp = substr(strtr($db_users_info[$username]['updated'], array(':' => '', ' ' => '', '-' => '')), 0, 14);
            if ($ldap_timestamp > $db_timestamp) {
                sync_user_from_LDAP($principal, $mapping, $valid);
            } else {
                $users_nothing_done[] = $username;
        if (sizeof($users_to_update)) {
            $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- updating user records : %s'), join(', ', $users_to_update));
        if (sizeof($users_nothing_done)) {
            $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- nothing done on : %s'), join(', ', $users_nothing_done));
    $admins = 0;
    $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS admins FROM usr JOIN role_member USING ( user_no ) JOIN roles USING (role_no) WHERE usr.active=TRUE AND role_name='Admin'");
    $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP', __LINE__, __FILE__);
    while ($db_user = $qry->Fetch()) {
        $admins = $db_user->admins;
    if ($admins == 0) {
        $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('Warning: there are no active admin users! You should fix this before logging out.  Consider using the $c->do_not_sync_from_ldap configuration setting.'));
Example #2
function process_ace($grantor, $by_principal, $by_collection, $ace)
    global $cache_delete_list, $request;
    $elements = $ace->GetContent();
    $principal_node = $elements[0];
    $grant = $elements[1];
    if ($principal_node->GetNSTag() != 'DAV::principal') {
        $request->MalformedRequest('ACL request must contain a principal, not ' . $principal->GetNSTag());
    $grant_tag = $grant->GetNSTag();
    if ($grant_tag == 'DAV::deny') {
        $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'grant-only');
    if ($grant_tag == 'DAV::invert') {
        $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'no-invert');
    if ($grant->GetNSTag() != 'DAV::grant') {
        $request->MalformedRequest('ACL request must contain a principal for each ACE');
    $privilege_names = array();
    $xml_privs = $grant->GetPath("/DAV::grant/DAV::privilege/*");
    foreach ($xml_privs as $k => $priv) {
        $privilege_names[] = $priv->GetNSTag();
    $privileges = privilege_to_bits($privilege_names);
    $principal_content = $principal_node->GetContent();
    if (count($principal_content) != 1) {
        $request->MalformedRequest('ACL request must contain exactly one principal per ACE');
    $principal_content = $principal_content[0];
    switch ($principal_content->GetNSTag()) {
        case 'DAV::property':
            $principal_property = $principal_content->GetContent();
            if ($principal_property[0]->GetNSTag() != 'DAV::owner') {
                $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'recognized-principal');
            if (privilege_to_bits('all') != $privileges) {
                $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'no-protected-ace-conflict', 'Owner must always have all permissions');
            // and then we ignore it, since it's protected
        case 'DAV::unauthenticated':
            $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'allowed-principal', 'May not set privileges for unauthenticated users');
        case 'DAV::href':
            $principal_type = 'href';
            $grantee = new DAVResource(DeconstructURL($principal_content->GetContent()));
            $grantee_id = $grantee->getProperty('principal_id');
            if (!$grantee->Exists() || !$grantee->IsPrincipal()) {
                $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'recognized-principal', 'Principal "' + $principal_content->GetContent() + '" not found.');
            $sqlparms = array(':to_principal' => $grantee_id);
            $where = 'WHERE to_principal=:to_principal AND ';
            if (isset($by_principal)) {
                $sqlparms[':by_principal'] = $by_principal;
                $where .= 'by_principal = :by_principal';
            } else {
                $sqlparms[':by_collection'] = $by_collection;
                $where .= 'by_collection = :by_collection';
            $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT privileges FROM grants ' . $where, $sqlparms);
            if ($qry->Exec('ACL', __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1 && ($current = $qry->Fetch())) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE grants SET privileges=:privileges::INT::BIT(24) ' . $where;
            } else {
                $sqlparms[':by_principal'] = $by_principal;
                $sqlparms[':by_collection'] = $by_collection;
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO grants (by_principal, by_collection, to_principal, privileges) VALUES(:by_principal, :by_collection, :to_principal, :privileges::INT::BIT(24))';
            $sqlparms[':privileges'] = $privileges;
            $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $sqlparms);
            if ($qry->Exec('ACL', __LINE__, __FILE__)) {
                Principal::cacheDelete('dav_name', $grantee->dav_name());
                Principal::cacheFlush('principal_id IN (SELECT member_id FROM group_member WHERE group_id = ?)', array($grantee_id));
        case 'DAV::authenticated':
            $principal_type = 'authenticated';
            if (bindec($grantor->GetProperty('default_privileges')) == $privileges) {
            // There is no change, so skip it
            $sqlparms = array(':privileges' => $privileges);
            if (isset($by_collection)) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE collection SET default_privileges=:privileges::INT::BIT(24) WHERE collection_id=:by_collection';
                $sqlparms[':by_collection'] = $by_collection;
            } else {
                $sql = 'UPDATE principal SET default_privileges=:privileges::INT::BIT(24) WHERE principal_id=:by_principal';
                $sqlparms[':by_principal'] = $by_principal;
            $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $sqlparms);
            if ($qry->Exec('ACL', __LINE__, __FILE__)) {
                 *  Basically this has changed everyone's permissions now, so...
        case 'DAV::all':
            //      $principal_type = 'all';
            $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'allowed-principal', 'May not set privileges for unauthenticated users');
            $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'recognized-principal');