  * Create a new PrimitiveIO object that allows for selection from an authority
  * list
  * @param <##>
  * @return <##>
  * @access public
  * @since 5/1/06
 static function createComponentForPartStructure($partStruct)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($partStruct, ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("PartStructure"));
     $partStructType = $partStruct->getType();
     // get the datamanager data type
     $dataType = $partStructType->getKeyword();
     // 		printpre($dataType);
     $authoritativeValues = $partStruct->getAuthoritativeValues();
     if ($authoritativeValues->hasNext()) {
         $authZManager = Services::getService("AuthZ");
         $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
         if ($authZManager->isUserAuthorized($idManager->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.modify_authority_list"), $partStruct->getRepositoryId())) {
             $component = new PrimitiveIO_AuthoritativeContainer();
         } else {
             $component = PrimitiveIOManager::createAuthoritativeComponent($dataType);
         while ($authoritativeValues->hasNext()) {
     } else {
         // get the simple component for this data type
         $component = PrimitiveIOManager::createComponent($dataType);
     return $component;
  * Returns the a string for the passed part structure corresponding to a {@link WizardComponent} that is added automatically.
  * @param object WizardStep $wizard The wizard step to add components.
  * @param object Record $record The Record to modify.
  * @param object PartStructure $partStructure The partStructure to add the step for.
  * @return string
  * @access public
  * @since 8/30/04
 function _addComponentForPartStructure($wizardStep, $record, $partStructure)
     $partStructureId = $partStructure->getId();
     $partStructureType = $partStructure->getType();
     $parts = $record->getPartsByPartStructure($partStructureId);
     // get the display name
     $name = $partStructure->getDisplayName();
     // get the id
     $id = str_replace(".", "_", $partStructureId->getIdString());
     // get the datamanager data type
     $dataType = $partStructureType->getKeyword();
     // get the correct component for this data type
     $component = PrimitiveIOManager::createComponent($dataType);
     if (!$component) {
         return '';
     $m = '';
     if ($partStructure->isRepeatable()) {
         // replace $component with a wrapper.
         $mult = new WRepeatableComponentCollection();
         $mult->addComponent("value", $component);
         $mult->setAddLabel(dgettext("polyphony", "Add New ") . $partStructure->getDisplayName());
         $mult->setRemoveLabel(dgettext("polyphony", "Remove ") . $partStructure->getDisplayName());
         $component = $mult;
         $m = "<table border='0'><tr><td valign='top'><b>{$name}</b>:</td><td valign='top'>[[{$id}]]</td></tr></table>";
         // set our values
         while ($parts->hasNext()) {
             $part = $parts->next();
             $collection = array();
             $collection['value'] = $part->getValue();
     } else {
         $m = "<b>{$name}</b>: [[{$id}]]";
         // set the default value.
         if ($parts->hasNext()) {
             $part = $parts->next();
             $value = $part->getValue();
     // add the component
     $wizardStep->addComponent($id, $component);
     return $m;
     		// Switch for any special partStructure types
     		switch (TRUE) {
     			// default Works for most part types
     				$property =$step->createProperty(strval($partStructureId->getIdString()),
     									new AlwaysTrueValidatorRule,
     				print "\n<em>".$partStructure->getDescription()."</em>\n<hr />";
     				print "\n<br /><strong>".$partStructure->getDisplayName()."</strong>:";
     				print " <input type='text'";
     				print " name='".$partStructureId->getIdString()."'";
     				print " value='[[".$partStructureId->getIdString()."]]' /> ";
     				print " [[".$partStructureId->getIdString()."|Error]]";
     				if ($partStructure->isRepeatable()) {
     					print "\n<br />[Buttons] <em>"._("Click here to save the value above.")."</em>";
     					print "\n<br /><hr />";
     					print _("Already Added:");
     					print "\n<table>";
     					print "[List]\n<tr>";
     					print "\n<td valign='top'>[ListButtons]<br />[ListMoveButtons]</td>";
     					print "\n<td style='padding-bottom: 20px'>";
     					print "\n\t<strong>".$partStructure->getDisplayName().":</strong>"
     						." [[".$partStructureId->getIdString()."]]";
     					print "</td>\n</tr>[/List]\n</table>";
     				// If we have parts, load their values as the defaults.
     				while ($parts->hasNext()) {
     					$part =$parts->next();
     					$currentPartStructure =$part->getPartStructure();
     					if ($partStructureId->isEqual($currentPartStructure->getId())) {
     						$valueObj =$part->getValue();
     						if ($partStructure->isRepeatable()) {
     						} else {