* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ require_once 'modules/Prices/Price.php'; $sugarbean = new Price(); // perform the delete if given a record to delete if (empty($_REQUEST['record'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->info('delete called without a record id specified'); } else { $record = $_REQUEST['record']; $sugarbean->retrieve($record); if (!$sugarbean->ACLAccess('Delete')) { ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } $GLOBALS['log']->info("deleting record: {$record}"); $sugarbean->mark_deleted($record); } // handle the return location variables $return_module = empty($_REQUEST['return_module']) ? 'Prices' : $_REQUEST['return_module']; $return_action = empty($_REQUEST['return_action']) ? 'index' : $_REQUEST['return_action']; $return_id = empty($_REQUEST['return_id']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['return_id']; $return_location = "index.php?module={$return_module}&action={$return_action}"; // append the return_id if given if (!empty($return_id)) { $return_location .= "&record={$return_id}"; } // now that the delete has been performed, return to given location header("Location: {$return_location}");