Example #1
 function LogManualWattage($Wattage)
     $oldpdu = new PowerDistribution();
     $oldpdu->PDUID = $this->PDUID;
     $oldreading = $oldpdu->GetLastReading();
     $oldpdu->Wattage = $oldreading->Wattage;
     $Wattage = intval($Wattage);
     $this->Wattage = $Wattage;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO fac_PDUStats SET Wattage={$Wattage}, PDUID={$this->PDUID}, \n\t\t\tLastRead=NOW() ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Wattage={$Wattage}, LastRead=NOW();";
     class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this, $oldpdu) : '';
     return $this->query($sql) ? $this->GetLastReading() : false;
Example #2
 if (count($tags) > 0) {
     // We have some tags so build the javascript elements we need to create the tags themselves
     $taginsert = "\t\ttags: {items: " . json_encode($tags) . "},\n";
 // Since a device exists we're gonna need some additional info, but only if it's not a copy
 if (!$copy) {
     // clearing errors for now
     $LastWattage = $LastRead = $upTime = 0;
     $pwrConnection->DeviceID = $dev->ParentDevice > 0 ? $dev->GetRootDeviceID() : $dev->DeviceID;
     $pwrCords = $pwrConnection->getPorts();
     if ($dev->DeviceType == 'Switch') {
         $linkList = SwitchInfo::getPortStatus($dev->DeviceID);
     } elseif ($dev->DeviceType == 'CDU') {
         $pdu->PDUID = $dev->DeviceID;
         $lastreading = $pdu->GetLastReading();
         $LastWattage = $lastreading ? $lastreading->Wattage : 0;
         $LastRead = $lastreading ? strftime("%c", strtotime($lastreading->LastRead)) : "Never";
 if ($dev->ChassisSlots > 0 || $dev->RearChassisSlots > 0) {
     $childList = $dev->GetDeviceChildren();
 if ($dev->ParentDevice > 0) {
     $pDev = new Device();
     $pDev->DeviceID = $dev->ParentDevice;
     $parentList = $pDev->GetParentDevices();
     //JMGA: changed for multichassis
     $cab->CabinetID = $pDev->GetDeviceCabinetID();