Example #1
  * Return a simple associative array format for template output of all versions which apply to the supplied topic.
  * @param PonyDocsTopic $pTopic Topic to obtain versions for.
  * @return array
 public function getVersionsForTopic(PonyDocsTopic &$pTopic)
     global $wgArticlePath;
     $versions = array();
     foreach ($pTopic->getProductVersions() as $productVersion) {
         $versions[] = array('name' => $productVersion->getVersionName(), 'href' => str_replace('$1', 'Category:V:' . $productVersion->getProductName() . ':' . $productVersion->getVersionName(), $wgArticlePath));
     return $versions;
  * Updates or deletes Doc Links for the article being passed in.
  * @param string $updateOrDelete possible values: "update" or "delete"
  * @param Article $article the article to be updated or deleted
  * @param string $content content of the article to be updated or deleted
 public static function updateOrDeleteDocLinks($updateOrDelete, $article, $content = NULL)
     $dbh = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     if ($updateOrDelete == "update") {
         // Match all links in the article
         /* Breakdown of the regex below:
          * two left brackets
          * followed by zero or more misc chars ($match[1]), until
          * a pound followed by one or more misc chars ($match[2]) -- but this section is optional
          * followed by an optional |
          * followed by zero or more misc chars ($match[4]) ($match[3] is the misc chars plus the |)
          * followed by two right brackets
          * Things that would match:
          * [[TextHere:OtherTextHere#MoreText|StillMoreText]]
          * [[TextHere:MoreText:Text:Text|StillMoreText]]
          * [[TextHere:MoreText:Text:Text:Text|StillMoreText]]
          * [[TextHere:OtherTextHere|StillMoreText]]
          * [[TextHereStillMoreText]]
          * etc.
          * For PonyDocs, this maps to:
          * [[Topic]]
          * [[Documentation:Product:Manual:Topic]]
          * [[Documentation:Product:Manual:Topic:Version]]
          * [[OtherNamespace:Topic]]
         // TODO we really should refactor this regex; for now, leaving intact
         $regex = "/\\[\\[([A-Za-z0-9,:._ -]*)(\\#[A-Za-z0-9 _-]+)?([|]?([A-Za-z0-9,:.'_?!@\\/\"()#\$ -]*))\\]\\]/";
         preg_match_all($regex, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     // Get the title of the article
     $title = $article->getTitle()->getFullText();
     $titlePieces = explode(':', $title);
     $fromNamespace = $titlePieces[0];
     $toAndFromLinksToInsert = array();
     $fromLinksToDelete = array();
     // $titlePieces[3] is the version
     // if this is not set, we're not looking at a Topic (probably we're looking at a TOC) and we don't need doclinks
     if ($fromNamespace == PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME && isset($titlePieces[3])) {
         // TODO only process this topic if it's not a TOC.
         // Do PonyDocs-specific stuff (loop through all inherited versions)
         // Get the versions associated with this topic
         $topic = new PonyDocsTopic($article);
         PonyDocsProductVersion::LoadVersionsForProduct($titlePieces[1], true, true);
         $ponydocsVersions = $topic->getProductVersions();
         // Add a link to the database for each version
         foreach ($ponydocsVersions as $ver) {
             // Make a pretty PonyDocs URL (with slashes) out of the mediawiki title (with colons)
             // Put this $ver in the version spot. We want one URL per inherited version
             $titleNoVersion = $fromNamespace . ":" . $titlePieces[1] . ":" . $titlePieces[2] . ":" . $titlePieces[3];
             $humanReadableTitle = self::translateTopicTitleForDocLinks($titleNoVersion, $fromNamespace, $ver, $topic);
             // this will add the version
             // Add this title to the array of titles to be deleted from the database
             $fromLinksToDelete[] = $humanReadableTitle;
             if ($updateOrDelete == "update") {
                 // Add links in article to database
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     // Get pretty to_link
                     $toUrl = self::translateTopicTitleForDocLinks($match[1], $fromNamespace, $ver, $topic);
                     // Add this from_link and to_link to array to be inserted into the database
                     if ($toUrl) {
                         $toAndFromLinksToInsert[] = array('from_link' => $humanReadableTitle, 'to_link' => $toUrl);
     } elseif ($fromNamespace != PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME) {
         // Do generic mediawiki stuff for non-PonyDocs namespaces
         // Add this title to the array of titles to be deleted from the database
         // We don't need to translate title here since we're not in the PonyDocs namespace
         $fromLinksToDelete[] = $title;
         if ($updateOrDelete == "update") {
             // Add links in article to database
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 // Get pretty to_link
                 $toUrl = self::translateTopicTitleForDocLinks($match[1]);
                 // Add this from_link and to_link to array to be inserted into the database
                 if ($toUrl) {
                     $toAndFromLinksToInsert[] = array('from_link' => $title, 'to_link' => $toUrl);
     // Perform database queries using arrays populated above
     // First, delete to clear old data out of the database
     if (!empty($fromLinksToDelete)) {
         foreach ($fromLinksToDelete as &$fromLinkToDelete) {
             $fromLinkToDelete = $dbh->strencode($fromLinkToDelete);
         $deleteWhereConds = implode("' OR from_link = '", $fromLinksToDelete);
         $deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM ponydocs_doclinks WHERE from_link = '" . $deleteWhereConds . "'";
     // Now insert new data, if we have any
     if (!empty($toAndFromLinksToInsert)) {
         $insertValuesAry = array();
         foreach ($toAndFromLinksToInsert as $toAndFromLink) {
             $insertValuesAry[] = "'" . $dbh->strencode($toAndFromLink['from_link']) . "', '" . $dbh->strencode($toAndFromLink['to_link']) . "'";
         $insertValuesString = implode("), (", $insertValuesAry);
         $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO ponydocs_doclinks (from_link, to_link) VALUES (" . $insertValuesString . ")";
     return true;
  * Replace a version on an existing Topic
  * @param $topicTitle string The internal mediawiki title of the article.
  * @param $sourceVersion PonyDocsVersion The source Version
  * @param $targetVersion PonyDocsVersion The target Version
  * @returns boolean
 public static function changeVersionOnTopic($topicTitle, $sourceVersion, $targetVersion)
     global $wgTitle;
     // Clear any hooks so no weirdness gets called after we save the change
     $wgHooks['ArticleSave'] = array();
     if (!preg_match('/^' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*):([^:]*)$/', $topicTitle, $match)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid Title to Rename Version: {$topicTitle}");
     $productName = $match[1];
     $title = $match[3];
     // Get PonyDocsProduct
     // TODO: Why don't we just pass the product in instead of re-deriving it from something else and then loading it?
     $product = PonyDocsProduct::GetProductByShortName($productName);
     $title = Title::newFromText($topicTitle);
     $wgTitle = $title;
     $article = new Article($title);
     if (!$article->exists()) {
         // No such title exists in the system
         throw new Exception("Invalid Title to Rename Version: {$topicTitle}");
     $content = $article->getContent();
     $oldCategory = '[[Category:V:' . $product->getShortName() . ':' . $sourceVersion->getVersionName() . ']]';
     $newCategory = '[[Category:V:' . $product->getShortName() . ':' . $targetVersion->getVersionName() . ']]';
     $message = '';
     $editTopic = TRUE;
     // Get conflicts.
     $conflicts = PonyDocsBranchInheritEngine::getConflicts($product, $topicTitle, $targetVersion);
     if (!empty($conflicts)) {
         // If there's already a topic with the target version,
         // then we just want to remove the source version from the source topic
         foreach ($conflicts as $conflict) {
             $conflictingArticle = new Article(Title::newFromText($conflict));
             // No big deal.  A conflict no longer exists?  Continue.
             if (!$conflictingArticle->exists()) {
             // Conflict was same as source material. Do nothing with it.
             if ($conflict == $topicTitle) {
                 // Remove source version from source article
             } else {
                 $content = str_replace($oldCategory, '', $content);
                 $message = "Removed version category {$oldCategory} via RenameVersion";
     if (empty($message)) {
         // If the Topic doesn't contain the source version, it may have been branched, or already processed
         if (strpos($content, $oldCategory) === FALSE) {
             $lastColon = strrpos($topicTitle, ':');
             $baseTopic = substr_replace($topicTitle, '', $lastColon);
             $topicTitle = PonyDocsTopic::GetTopicNameFromBaseAndVersion($baseTopic, $productName);
             // We found an instance of this title with the source version! Let's recurse just this once to handle it.
             if ($topicTitle) {
                 $editTopic = FALSE;
                 $title = self::changeVersionOnTopic($topicTitle, $sourceVersion, $targetVersion);
                 // We can't find a topic with the source version, so something is odd. Let's complain
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Topic {$topicTitle} does not contain source version " . $sourceVersion->getVersionName());
             // If the Topic already has the new version, just remove the old version
         } elseif (strpos($content, $newCategory) !== FALSE) {
             $content = str_replace($oldCategory, '', $content);
             $message = "Removed version category {$oldCategory} via RenameVersion";
             // Otherwise replace old with new
         } else {
             $content = str_replace($oldCategory, $newCategory, $content, $count);
             $message = "Renamed version category {$oldCategory} to {$newCategory} in {$count} locations via RenameVersion";
     // Finally we can edit the topic
     if ($editTopic) {
         // TODO: doEdit returns a status that we should check
         $article->doEdit($content, $message, EDIT_UPDATE);
     return $title;
Example #4
  * Parse the content of the TOC management page. 
  * It should be loaded and stored and this sort of breaks the design
  * in the way that it returns the template ready array of data which PonyDocsWiki is really supposed to be returning,
  * but I do not see the point or use of an intermediate format other than to bloat the code. 
  * It returns an array of arrays, which can be stored as a single array or separated using the list() = loadContnet() syntax.
  * toc: This is the actual TOC as a list of arrays,
  *	    each array having a set of keys available to specify the TOC level, text, href, etc.
  * prev: Assoc array containing the 'previous' link data (text, href), or empty if there isn't one.
  * next: Assoc array containing the 'next' link data or empty if there isn't one.
  * start: Assoc array containing the data for the FIRST topic in the TOC.
  * These can be captured in a variable when calling and individually accessed or captured using the list() construct
  * i.e.: list( $toc, $prev, $next, $start ) = $toc->loadContent().
  * @FIXME: Store results internally and then have a $reload flag as param.
  * $content = $toc-
  * @return array
 public function loadContent()
     global $wgArticlePath;
     global $wgTitle;
     global $wgScriptPath;
     global $wgPonyDocs;
     global $title;
      * From this we have the page ID of the TOC page to use -- fetch it then  parse it so we can produce an output TOC array.
      * This array will contain one array per item with the following keys:
      * - 'level': 0= Arbitary Section Name, 1= Actual topic link.
      * - 'link': Link (wiki path) to item; may be unset for section headers (or set to first section H1)?
      * - 'text': Text to show in sidebar TOC.
      * - 'current': 1 if this is the currently selected topic, 0 otherwise.
      * We also have to store the index of the current section in our loop. 
      * The reason for this is so that we can remove any sections which have no defined/valid topics listed. 
      * This will also assist in our prev/next links which are stored in special indices.
     // Our title is our url.
     // We should check to see if latest is our version.
     // If so, we want to FORCE the URL to include /latest/ as the version instead of the version that the user is currently in
     $tempParts = explode("/", $title);
     $latest = FALSE;
     if (isset($tempParts[1]) && !strcmp($tempParts[1], "latest")) {
         $latest = TRUE;
     $selectedProduct = $this->pProduct->getShortName();
     $selectedVersion = $this->pInitialVersion->getVersionName();
     $selectedManual = $this->pManual->getShortName();
     // Okay, let's determine if the VERSION that the user is in is latest, if so, we should set latest to true.
     if (PonyDocsProductVersion::GetLatestReleasedVersion($selectedProduct) != NULL) {
         if ($selectedVersion == PonyDocsProductVersion::GetLatestReleasedVersion($selectedProduct)->getVersionName()) {
             $latest = TRUE;
     $cache = PonyDocsCache::getInstance();
     $key = "TOCCACHE-" . $selectedProduct . "-" . $selectedManual . "-" . $selectedVersion;
     $toc = $cache->get($key);
     // Cache did not exist, let's load our content is build up our cache entry.
     if ($toc === NULL && is_object($this->pTOCArticle) && is_a($this->pTOCArticle, 'Article')) {
         // The current index of the element in $toc we will work on
         $idx = 0;
         $section = -1;
         $content = $this->pTOCArticle->getContent();
         $lines = explode("\n", $content);
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
              * Indicates an arbitrary section header if it does not begin with a bullet point.
              * This is level 0 in our TOC and is not a link of any type (?).
             if (!isset($line[0]) || $line[0] != '*') {
                  * See if we are CLOSING a section (i.e. $section != -1). If so, check 'subs' and ensure its >0, 
                  * otherwise we need to remove the section from the list.
                 if ($section != -1 && !$toc[$section]['subs']) {
                 if (isset($line[0]) && ctype_alnum($line[0])) {
                     $toc[$idx] = array('level' => 0, 'subs' => 0, 'link' => '', 'text' => $line, 'current' => FALSE);
                     $section = $idx;
                  * This is a bullet point and thus an actual topic which can be linked to in MediaWiki. 
                  * {{#topic:H1 Of Topic Page}}
             } else {
                 if (-1 == $section) {
                 $topicRegex = '/' . PonyDocsTopic::getTopicRegex() . '/i';
                 if (!preg_match($topicRegex, $line, $matches)) {
                 $baseTopic = $matches[1];
                 $title_suffix = preg_replace('/([^' . str_replace(' ', '', Title::legalChars()) . '])/', '', $baseTopic);
                 $title = PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ":{$selectedProduct}:{$selectedManual}:{$title_suffix}";
                 $newTitle = PonyDocsTopic::GetTopicNameFromBaseAndVersion($title, $selectedProduct);
                  * Hide topics which have no content (i.e. have not been created yet) from the user viewing. 
                  * Authors must go to the TOC page in order to view and edit these.
                  * The only way to do this (the cleanest/quickest) is to create a Title object then see if its article ID is 0
                  * @tbd: Fix so that the section name is hidden if no topics are visible?
                 $t = Title::newFromText($newTitle);
                 if (!$t || !$t->getArticleID()) {
                  * Obtain H1 content from the article -- WE NEED TO CACHE THIS!
                 $h1 = PonyDocsTopic::FindH1ForTitle($newTitle);
                 if ($h1 === FALSE) {
                     $h1 = $newTitle;
                 $href = str_replace('$1', PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . "/{$selectedProduct}/{$selectedVersion}/{$selectedManual}/{$title_suffix}", $wgArticlePath);
                 $toc[$idx] = array('level' => 1, 'page_id' => $t->getArticleID(), 'link' => $href, 'toctitle' => $baseTopic, 'text' => $h1, 'section' => $toc[$section]['text'], 'title' => $newTitle, 'class' => 'toclevel-1');
         if (!$toc[$section]['subs']) {
         // Okay, let's store in our cache.
         $cache->put($key, $toc, TOC_CACHE_TTL, TOC_CACHE_TTL / 4);
     if ($toc) {
         $currentIndex = -1;
         $start = array();
         // Go through and determine start, prev, next and current elements.
         foreach ($toc as $idx => &$entry) {
             // Not using $entry. Only interested in $idx.
             // This allows us to process tocs with removed key indexes.
             if ($toc[$idx]['level'] == 1) {
                 if (empty($start)) {
                     $start = $toc[$idx];
                 // Determine current
                 $toc[$idx]['current'] = strcmp($wgTitle->getPrefixedText(), $toc[$idx]['title']) ? FALSE : TRUE;
                 if ($toc[$idx]['current']) {
                     $currentIndex = $idx;
                 // Now rewrite link with latest, if we are in latest
                 if ($latest) {
                     $safeVersion = preg_quote($selectedVersion, '#');
                     // Lets be specific and replace the version and not some other part of the URI that might match...
                     $toc[$idx]['link'] = preg_replace('#^/' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . '/([' . PONYDOCS_PRODUCT_LEGALCHARS . ']+)/' . "{$safeVersion}#", '/' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . '/$1/latest', $toc[$idx]['link'], 1);
          * Figure out previous and next links.
          * Previous should point to previous topic regardless of section, so our best bet is to skip any 'level=0'. 
          * Next works the same way.
         $prev = $next = $idx = -1;
         if ($currentIndex >= 0) {
             $idx = $currentIndex;
             while ($idx >= 0) {
                 if (isset($toc[$idx]) && $toc[$idx]['level'] == 1) {
                     $prev = $idx;
             $idx = $currentIndex;
             // Array is sparse, so sizeof() truncates the end. Use max key instead.
             while ($idx <= max(array_keys($toc))) {
                 if (isset($toc[$idx]) && $toc[$idx]['level'] == 1) {
                     $next = $idx;
             if ($prev != -1) {
                 $prev = array('link' => $toc[$prev]['link'], 'text' => $toc[$prev]['text']);
             if ($next != -1) {
                 $next = array('link' => $toc[$next]['link'], 'text' => $toc[$next]['text']);
          * You should typically capture this by doing:
          * list( $toc, $prev, $next, $start ) = $ponydocstoc->loadContent();
          * @FIXME: Previous and next links change based on the page you are on, so we cannot CACHE those!
          * $obj = new stdClass();
          * $obj->toc = $toc;
          * $obj->prev = $prev;
          * $obj->next = $next;
          * $obj->start = $start;
          * $cache->addKey($tocKey, $obj);
         // Last but not least, get the manual description if there is one.
         if (is_object($this->pTOCArticle) && preg_match('/{{#manualDescription:([^}]*)}}/', $this->pTOCArticle->getContent(), $matches)) {
             $this->mManualDescription = $matches[1];
         // $this->pTOCArticle is empty, we're probably creating a new TOC
     } else {
         $toc = array();
         $prev = array();
         $next = array();
         $start = array();
     return array($toc, $prev, $next, $start);
  * Do a bulk add operation. Take a collection of topics and add them to the TOC if it doesn't already exist.
  * @param $manual PonyDocsManual The manual the TOC belongs to.
  * @param $version PonyDocsVersion The version the TOC belongs to.
  * @param $collection array A multidimensional array of topics. First keyed with section name, then titles.
  * @returns boolean
 static function addCollectionToTOC($product, $manual, $version, $collection)
     global $wgTitle;
     $title = self::TOCExists($product, $manual, $version);
     if ($title == FALSE) {
         throw new Exception("TOC does not exist for " . $manual->getShortName() . " with version " . $version->getVersionName());
     $title = Title::newFromText($title);
     $wgTitle = $title;
     $article = new Article($title);
     if (!$article->exists()) {
         throw new Exception("TOC does not exist for " . $manual->getShortName() . " with version " . $version->getVersionName());
     // Okay, let's search for the content.
     $content = $article->getContent();
     foreach ($collection as $sectionName => $topics) {
         // $evalSectionName is the cleaned up section name to look for.
         $evalSectionName = preg_quote(trim(str_replace('?', "", strtolower($sectionName))));
         foreach ($topics as $topic) {
             if ($topic == NULL) {
             // $topic is the trimmed original version of the topic.
             $topic = trim($topic);
             // $evalTopic is the clened up topic name to look for
             $evalTopic = preg_quote(str_replace('?', '', strtolower($topic)));
             $content = explode("\n", $content);
             $found = FALSE;
             $inSection = FALSE;
             $newContent = '';
             foreach ($content as $line) {
                 $evalLine = trim(str_replace('?', '', strtolower($line)));
                 $topicRegex = PonyDocsTopic::getTopicRegex($evalTopic);
                 if (preg_match("/^" . $evalSectionName . "\$/", $evalLine)) {
                     $inSection = TRUE;
                     $newContent .= $line . "\n";
                 } elseif (preg_match("/\\*\\s*{$topicRegex}/", $evalLine)) {
                     if ($inSection) {
                         $found = TRUE;
                     $newContent .= $line . "\n";
                 } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s?\$/", $evalLine)) {
                     if ($inSection && !$found) {
                         $newContent .= "* {{#topic:" . $topic . "}}\n\n";
                         $found = TRUE;
                     $inSection = FALSE;
                 $newContent .= $line . "\n";
             if (!$found) {
                 // Then the section didn't event exist, we should add to TOC and add the item.
                 // We need to add it before the Category evalLine.
                 $text = $sectionName . "\n" . "* {{#topic:" . $topic . "}}\n\n[[Category";
                 $newContent = preg_replace("/\\[\\[Category/", $text, $newContent);
             $inSection = FALSE;
             // Reset loop data
             $content = $newContent;
     // Okay, do the edit
     $article->doEdit($content, "Updated TOC in bulk branch operation.", EDIT_UPDATE);
     return TRUE;
Example #6
 * This expects to find:
 * 	{{#topic:Text Name}}
 * @param Parser $parser
 * @param string $param1 Full text name of topic, must be converted to wiki topic name.
 * @return array
 * TODO: Much of this function duplicates code above in efGetTitleFromMarkup(), can we DRY?
 *       There really shouldn't be any real code in this file, just calls to class methods...
function efTopicParserFunction_Render(&$parser, $param1 = '')
    global $wgArticlePath, $wgTitle, $action;
    if (PonyDocsExtension::isSpeedProcessingEnabled()) {
        return TRUE;
     * We ignore this parser function if not in a TOC management page.
    if (!preg_match('/' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':(.*):(.*)TOC(.*)/i', $wgTitle->__toString(), $matches)) {
        return FALSE;
    $manualShortName = $matches[2];
    $productShortName = $matches[1];
     * Get the earliest tagged version of this TOC page and append it to the wiki page?
     * Ensure the manual is valid then use PonyDocsManual::getManualByShortName().
     * Next attempt to get the version tags for this page -- which may be NONE -- 
     * and from this determine the "earliest" version to which this page applies.
     * TODO: This comment is duplicated above in efGetTitleFromMarkup, can we DRY?
    if (!PonyDocsProductManual::IsManual($productShortName, $manualShortName)) {
        return FALSE;
    $pManual = PonyDocsProductManual::GetManualByShortName($productShortName, $manualShortName);
    $pTopic = new PonyDocsTopic(new Article($wgTitle));
     * @FIXME: If TOC page is NOT tagged with any versions we cannot create the pages/links to the 
     * topics, right?
    $manVersionList = $pTopic->getProductVersions();
    if (!sizeof($manVersionList)) {
        return $parser->insertStripItem($param1, $parser->mStripState);
    $earliestVersion = PonyDocsProductVersion::findEarliest($productShortName, $manVersionList);
     * Clean up the full text name into a wiki-form. This means remove spaces, #, ?, and a few other
     * characters which are not valid or wanted. It's not important HOW this is done as long as it is
     * consistent.
    $wikiTopic = preg_replace('/([^' . str_replace(' ', '', Title::legalChars()) . '])/', '', $param1);
    $wikiPath = PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':' . $productShortName . ':' . $manualShortName . ':' . $wikiTopic;
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     * Now look in the database for any instance of this topic name PLUS :<version>.
     * We need to look in categorylinks for it to find a record with a cl_to (version tag)
     * which is equal to the set of the versions for this TOC page.
     * For instance, if the TOC page was for versions 1.0 and 1.1 and our topic was 'How To Foo'
     * we need to find any cl_sortkey which is 'HowToFoo:%' and has a cl_to equal to 1.0 or 1.1.
     * There should only be 0 or 1, so we ignore anything beyond 1.
     * If found, we use THAT cl_sortkey as the link;
     * if NOT found we create a new topic, the name being the compressed topic name plus the earliest TOC version
     * ($earliestVersion->getName()).
     * We then need to ACTUALLY create it in the database, tag it with all the versions the TOC mgmt page is tagged with,
     * and set the H1 to the text inside the parser function.
     * @fixme: Can we test if $action=save here so we don't do this on every page view? 
    $versionIn = array();
    foreach ($manVersionList as $pV) {
        $versionIn[] = $productShortName . ':' . $pV->getVersionName();
    $res = $dbr->select(array('categorylinks', 'page'), 'page_title', array('cl_from = page_id', 'page_namespace = "' . NS_PONYDOCS . '"', "cl_to IN ('V:" . implode("','V:", $versionIn) . "')", 'cl_type = "page"', "cl_sortkey LIKE '" . $dbr->strencode(strtoupper($productShortName . ':' . $manualShortName . ':' . $wikiTopic)) . ":%'"), __METHOD__);
    $topicName = '';
    if (!$res->numRows()) {
         * No match -- so this is a "new" topic. Set name.
        $topicName = PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':' . $productShortName . ':' . $manualShortName . ':' . $wikiTopic . ':' . $earliestVersion->getVersionName();
    } else {
        $row = $dbr->fetchObject($res);
        $topicName = PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ":{$row->page_title}";
    $output = '<a href="' . wfUrlencode(str_replace('$1', $topicName, $wgArticlePath)) . '">' . $param1 . '</a>';
    return $parser->insertStripItem($output, $parser->mStripState);
Example #7
 public function prepareDocumentation()
     global $wgOut, $wgParser, $wgScriptPath, $wgTitle, $wgUser;
      * We need a lot of stuff from our PonyDocs extension!
     $ponydocs = PonyDocsWiki::getInstance($this->data['selectedProduct']);
     $this->data['manuals'] = $ponydocs->getManualsForProduct($this->data['selectedProduct']);
      * Adjust content actions as needed, such as add 'view all' link.
      * Possible topic syntax we must handle:
      * Documentation:<topic> *Which may include a version tag at the end, we don't care about this.
      * Documentation:<productShortName>:<manualShortName>:<topic>:<version>
      * Documentation:<productShortName>:<manualShortName>
      * Based on the name; i.e. 'Documentation:Product:Manual:Topic' we need to parse it out and store the manual name and
      * the topic name as parameters. We store manual in 'manualname' and topic in 'topicname'. Special handling
      * needs to be done for versions and TOC?
      * 	0=NS (Documentation)
      *  1=Product (Short name)
      *  2=Manual (Short name)
      *  3=Topic
      *  4=Version
     $pManual = null;
     $pieces = explode(':', $wgTitle->__toString());
     $helpClass = '';
      * This isn't a specific topic+version -- handle appropriately.
     if (sizeof($pieces) < 4) {
         if (!strcmp(PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':' . $this->data['selectedProduct'] . PONYDOCS_PRODUCTVERSION_SUFFIX, $wgTitle->__toString())) {
             $this->data['titletext'] = 'Versions Management - ' . $this->data['selectedProduct'];
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>* Use {{#version:name|status}} to define a new version,' . ' where status is released, unreleased, or preview.' . ' Valid chars in version name are A-Z, 0-9, period, comma, and dash.</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>* Use {{#versiongroup:name|message}} to set a banner' . ' message that will appear on every topic in every version following the versiongroup.</i></span>');
         } elseif (!strcmp(PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':' . $this->data['selectedProduct'] . PONYDOCS_PRODUCTMANUAL_SUFFIX, $wgTitle->__toString())) {
             $this->data['titletext'] = 'Manuals Management - ' . $this->data['selectedProduct'];
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Use {{#manual:manualShortName|displayName|categories}} to define a new manual.');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Prepend manual short name with ' . PONYDOCS_PRODUCT_STATIC_PREFIX . ' to define a static manual.' . '</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '">' . '<i>* If you omit display name, the short name will be used in links.</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '">' . '<i>* Categories is a comma-separated list of categories</i></span>');
         } elseif (!strcmp(PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_PRODUCTS_TITLE, $wgTitle->__toString())) {
             $this->data['titletext'] = 'Products Management';
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Use {{#product:productShortName|displayName|description|parent|categories}} to define a new product.' . '</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Prepend product short name with ' . PONYDOCS_PRODUCT_STATIC_PREFIX . ' to define a static product.' . '</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* displayName, description, parent, and categories can be left empty.</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '">' . '<i>* If you leave displayName empty, productShortName will be used in links.</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '">' . '<i>* Categories is a comma-separated list of categories.</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '">' . '<i>* Each product here <b>MUST</b> also be listed in $ponyDocsProductsList,' . ' usually configured in LocalSettings.php.</i></span>');
         } elseif (preg_match('/(.*)TOC(.*)/', $pieces[2], $matches)) {
             $this->data['titletext'] = $matches[1] . ' Table of Contents Page';
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Optionally start this page with {{#manualDescription:Manual Description.}}' . ' followed by two line-breaks to set a manual description for the Manual this TOC belongs to.' . '</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Topics are grouped into sections by section headers.' . ' Any line without markup is considered a section header.' . ' A section header is required before the the first topic tag.</i></span>');
             $wgOut->addHTML('<br><span class="' . $helpClass . '"><i>' . '* Topic tags must be part of an unordered list.' . ' Use {{#topic:Display Name}} after a * (list item markup) to create topics.</i></span>');
         } elseif (sizeof($pieces) >= 2 && PonyDocsProductManual::IsManual($pieces[1], $pieces[2])) {
             $pManual = PonyDocsProductManual::GetManualByShortName($pieces[1], $pieces[2]);
             if ($pManual) {
                 $this->data['manualname'] = $pManual->getLongName();
             } else {
                 $this->data['manualname'] = $pieces[2];
             $this->data['topicname'] = $pieces[3];
             $this->data['titletext'] = $pieces[2];
         } else {
             $this->data['topicname'] = $pieces[2];
     } else {
         $pManual = PonyDocsProductManual::GetManualByShortName($pieces[1], $pieces[2]);
         if ($pManual) {
             $this->data['manualname'] = $pManual->getLongName();
         } else {
             $this->data['manualname'] = $pieces[2];
         $this->data['topicname'] = $pieces[3];
         $h1 = PonyDocsTopic::FindH1ForTitle($wgTitle->__toString());
         if ($h1 !== FALSE) {
             $this->data['titletext'] = $h1;
      * Get current topic, passing it our global Article object.
      * From this, generate our TOC based on the current topic selected.
      * This generates our left sidebar TOC plus our prev/next/start navigation links.
      * This should ONLY be done if we actually are WITHIN a manual, so special pages like TOC, etc. should not do this!
     if ($pManual) {
         $p = PonyDocsProduct::GetProductByShortName($this->data['selectedProduct']);
         $v = PonyDocsProductVersion::GetVersionByName($this->data['selectedProduct'], $this->data['selectedVersion']);
         $toc = new PonyDocsTOC($pManual, $v, $p);
         list($this->data['manualtoc'], $this->data['tocprev'], $this->data['tocnext'], $this->data['tocstart']) = $toc->loadContent();
         $this->data['toctitle'] = $toc->getTOCPageTitle();
      * Create a PonyDocsTopic from our article. From this we populate:
      * topicversions:  List of version names topic is tagged with.
      * inlinetoc:  Inline TOC shown above article body.
      * catcode:  Special category code.
      * cattext:  Category description.
      * basetopicname:  Base topic name (w/o :<version> at end).
      * basetopiclink:  Link to special TopicList page to view all same topics.
     $context = $this->skin->getContext();
     $article = Article::newFromTitle($context->getTitle(), $context);
     $topic = new PonyDocsTopic($article);
     if (preg_match('/^' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*)/', $wgTitle->__toString()) || preg_match('/^' . PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':.*:.*TOC.*/', $wgTitle->__toString())) {
         $this->data['topicversions'] = PonyDocsWiki::getVersionsForTopic($topic);
         $this->data['inlinetoc'] = $topic->getSubContents();
         $this->data['versionclasses'] = $topic->getVersionClasses();
         $this->data['versionGroupMessage'] = $this->data['pVersion']->getVersionGroupMessage();
          * Sort of a hack -- we only use this right now when loading a TOC page which is new/does not exist.
          * When this happens a hook (AlternateEdit) adds an inline script to define this JS function,
          * which populates the edit box with the proper Category tag based on the currently selected version.
         $this->data['body_onload'] = 'ponyDocsOnLoad();';
         switch ($this->data['catcode']) {
             case 0:
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Applies to latest version which is currently unreleased.';
             case 1:
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Applies to latest version.';
             case 2:
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Applies to released version(s) but not the latest.';
             case 3:
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Applies to latest preview version.';
             case 4:
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Applies to one or more preview version(s) only.';
             case 5:
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Applies to one or more unreleased version(s) only.';
             case -2:
                 /** Means its not a a title name which should be checked. */
                 $this->data['cattext'] = 'Does not apply to any version of PonyDocs.';
     $this->data['basetopicname'] = $topic->getBaseTopicName();
     if (strlen($this->data['basetopicname'])) {
         $this->data['basetopiclink'] = '<a href="' . $wgScriptPath . '/index.php?title=Special:TopicList&topic=' . $this->data['basetopicname'] . '">View All</a>';
     $temp = PonyDocsTopic::FindH1ForTitle(PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':' . $topic->getTitle()->getText());
     if ($temp !== false) {
         // We got an H1!
         $this->data['pagetitle'] = $temp;