Example #1
$service = new PlutonService('getfault');
# Should fail as initialization has not been called
$rc = $service->getRequest();
print "Return from getRequest is {$rc}\n";
if ($service->hasFault()) {
    print "service has fault after missing initialize - good\n";
} else {
    print "service does NOT have fault after missing initialize - bad\n";
    #  exit(1);
$ftext = $service->getFault();
$fc = $service->getFaultCode();
$flong = $service->getFaultMessage("LONG", 1);
$fshort = $service->getFaultMessage("SHORT", 0);
print "Fault code={$fc} Text={$ftext}\n";
print "Short={$fshort}\n";
print "Long={$flong}\n";
if (strlen($flong) == 0) {
    print "Long message should not be zero length\n";
if (strlen($fshort) == strlen($flong)) {
    print "Hmm expected short message to be shorter than long message\n";
print "\n Service  getFault test ok\n";