function pluginsids_select($conn, $pid) { $select = ''; if ($pid != '' && $pid != '0') { $sids = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id={$pid}"); $select = "<select id='linkname' name='newlinkname' style='width:300px'>"; if (is_array($sids) && count($sids) > 0) { foreach ($sids as $sid) { $select .= "<option value='" . $sid->get_sid() . "##{$pid}'>" . $sid->get_name(); } } else { $select .= "<option value=''>" . _('No items found') . "</option>"; } $select .= "</select>"; } return $select; }
/** * Prints the html code on the output.Should be called to render the current rule * (and all of its sub-rules) in a navigator. This method only display <tr> elements, and so * other markups (eg <table>) must be printed in order to obtain a valid HTML * code. */ function print_rule($level, &$rules) { global $conn; list($id_dir, $id_rule, $id_father) = explode("-", $this->id); $newid = new_id($this->id, &$rules); $newlevel = $this->level + 1; $ilevel = $this->level; $directive_id = $_GET['directive']; if ($this->level <= $level) { if ($this->is_new()) { ?> <tr bgcolor="f48222"><?php } elseif ($level - $ilevel == 0) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><?php } elseif ($level - $ilevel == 1) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php } elseif ($level - $ilevel == 2) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#999999"><?php } elseif ($level - $ilevel == 3) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#9999CC"><?php } elseif ($level - $ilevel == 4) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#6699CC"><?php } if ($ilevel - 1 != 0) { ?> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" colspan=<?php echo $ilevel - 1; ?> > </td> <?php } ?> <td class="left" colspan=<?php echo $level - $ilevel + 1; ?> > <?php if (isset($_SESSION['rule'])) { $newrule = unserialize($_SESSION['rule']); list($id_dir2, $id_rule2, $id_father2) = explode("-", $newrule->id); if ($id_father2 == $id_rule && $id_dir2 == $id_dir) { $this->nb_child = $this->nb_child + 1; } } if ($level - $ilevel == 0 && $this->nb_child > 0) { ?> <a TARGET ="right" href="../viewer/index.php?directive=<?php echo $directive_id; ?> &level=<?php echo $level + 1; ?> "><img border="0" src="../viewer/img/fleched.gif"></a> <?php } elseif ($this->nb_child > 0) { ?> <a TARGET ="right" href="../viewer/index.php?directive=<?php echo $directive_id; ?> &level=<?php echo $ilevel; ?> "><img border="0" src="../viewer/img/flecheb.gif"></a> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($ilevel + 1 > $level) { $newlev = $ilevel + 1; } else { $newlev = $level; } if ($level > 1) { $uplevel = $level - 1; } else { $uplevel = 1; } //addRule button if (!$this->is_new()) { print '<td>'; print "<a TARGET=\"right\" href=\"../include/utils.php?query=add_rule&id=" . $newid . "\" TITLE=\"" . gettext("Add a rule") . "\">+</a>"; print '</td>'; //removeRule button print '<td>'; print "<a onclick=\"javascript:if (confirm('" . gettext("Are you sure you want to delete this rule ?") . "')) {'../include/utils.php?query=del_rule&id=" . $this->id . "','right'); }\" style=\"marging-left:20px; cursor:pointer\" TITLE=\"" . gettext("Delete this rule") . "\">x</a>"; print '</td>'; //left button print '<td>'; print "<a TARGET=\"right\" href=\"../include/utils.php?query=move&direction=left&id=" . $this->id . "\">←</a>"; print '</td>'; //right button print '<td>'; print "<a TARGET=\"right\" href=\"../include/utils.php?query=move&direction=right&id=" . $this->id . "\">→</a>"; print '</td>'; //up button print '<td>'; print "<a TARGET=\"right\" href=\"../include/utils.php?query=move&direction=up&id=" . $this->id . "\">↑</a>"; print '</td>'; //down button print '<td>'; print "<a TARGET=\"right\" href=\"../include/utils.php?query=move&direction=down&id=" . $this->id . "\">↓</a>"; print '</td>'; } else { print '<td>     </td>'; print '<td>'; print "<a TARGET=\"right\" href=\"../include/utils.php?query=del_new_rule&level=" . $uplevel . "\" TITLE=\"Delete this rule.\">-</a>"; print '</td>'; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { print '<td>     </td>'; } } if ($this->is_new()) { ?> <td><a TARGET="right" href="../include/utils.php?query=add_rule&id=<?php echo $this->id; ?> &level=<?php echo $this->level; ?> " TITLE="<?php echo gettext("Click to modify this rule"); ?> "><?php echo $this->name; ?> </a></td> <?php } else { ?> <td><a TARGET="right" href="../include/utils.php?query=edit_rule&id=<?php echo $this->id; ?> " TITLE="<?php echo gettext("Click to modify this rule"); ?> "><?php echo $this->name; ?> </a></td> <?php } ?> <td><?php echo $this->reliability; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->time_out; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->occurrence; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->from; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->to; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->port_from; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->port_to; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->sensor; ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($this->plugin_id != "") { $plugin_id = $this->plugin_id; if ($plugin_list = Plugin::get_list($conn, "WHERE id = {$plugin_id}")) { $name = $plugin_list[0]->get_name(); echo "<a href=\"../../conf/pluginsid.php?id={$plugin_id}&" . "name={$name}\">{$name}</a> ({$plugin_id})"; } } ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($this->plugin_id != "") { $plugin_sid = $this->plugin_sid; $plugin_sid_list = split(',', $plugin_sid); if (count($plugin_sid_list) > 30) { ?> <a style="cursor:pointer;" TITLE="<?php echo gettext("To view or hide the list of plugin sid click here"); ?> " onclick="Menus('plugsid')"> <?php echo gettext("Expand / Collapse"); ?> </a> <div id="plugsid" class="menuhide"> <?php } foreach ($plugin_sid_list as $sid_negate) { $sid = $sid_negate; if (!strncmp($sid_negate, "!", 1)) { $sid = substr($sid_negate, 1); } /* sid == ANY */ if (!strcmp($sid, "ANY")) { echo gettext("ANY"); } elseif (strpos($sid, "PLUGIN_SID")) { echo gettext("{$sid}"); } elseif ($plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = {$plugin_id} AND sid = {$sid}")) { $name = $plugin_list[0]->get_name(); echo "<a title=\"{$name}\">{$sid_negate}</a> "; } else { echo "<a title=\"" . gettext("Invalid plugin sid") . "\" style=\"color:red\">{$sid_negate}</a> "; } } if (count($plugin_sid_list) > 30) { ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } }
if ($plugin->get_sid() == $sid1) { echo " selected='selected'"; } ?> ><?php echo preg_replace("/(.............................).*/", "\\1[...]", $plugin->get_name()); ?> <?php } ?> </select> </td> <td id="sid2" class="nobborder" style="text-align:center;padding:20px"> <?php $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id={$id2} ORDER BY name", 0); ?> <?php echo _('Reference SID'); ?> : <select id="sidajax2" onchange="document.frules.plugin_sid2.value=this.value"> <option value=""><?php echo _('Select Reference SID'); ?> <?php foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $plugin->get_sid(); ?>
ossim_valid($rel, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("rel")); ossim_valid($category, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("category")); ossim_valid($subcategory, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("subcategory")); if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); } if (GET('modify') != "") { Plugin_sid::update($conn, $plugin_id, $plugin_sid, $prio, $rel, $category, $subcategory); Util::memcacheFlush(); ?> <script type="text/javascript">parent.GB_close();</script><?php } // Category $list_categories = Category::get_list($conn); // Plugin sid data $plugins = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id={$plugin_id} AND sid={$plugin_sid}"); $plugin = $plugins[0]; $error_message = ""; if (!isset($plugins[0])) { $error_message = _("Plugin id or plugin sid doesn't exist"); } else { $rel = $plugin->get_reliability(); $prio = $plugin->get_priority(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/av_common.css?t=<?php echo Util::get_css_id(); ?>
$sids = explode(",", $sids); $range = ""; $sin = array(); foreach ($sids as $sid) { if (preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)/", $sid, $found)) { $range .= " OR (sid BETWEEN " . $found[1] . " AND " . $found[2] . ")"; } else { $sin[] = $sid; } } if (count($sin) > 0) { $where = "sid in (" . implode(",", $sin) . ") {$range}"; } else { $where = preg_replace("/^ OR /", "", $range); } $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id={$id} AND ({$where})"); foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $id = $plugin->get_sid(); $name = "{$id} - " . trim($plugin->get_name()); if (strlen($name) > 73) { $name = substr($name, 0, 70) . "..."; } echo "<option value='{$id}' selected>{$name}</option>\n"; } } ?> </select><br><span id="msg"></span><br><br> <input type="button" class="button" onclick="makesel()" value="Submit selection"> </form> </body> </html>
function rule_table($dom, $directive_id, $directive, $level, $ilevel) { global $conn; if ($directive->has_child_nodes()) { $rules = $directive->child_nodes(); $branch = 0; foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ($rule->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $rule->tagname() == 'rule') { if ($ilevel != $level) { $indent = "<td colspan=" . ($ilevel - $level) . ">"; } else { $indent = ''; } if ($level == 1) { ?> <tr><?php echo $indent; } elseif ($level == 2) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $indent; } elseif ($level == 3) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#999999"><?php echo $indent; } elseif ($level == 4) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#9999CC"><?php echo $indent; } elseif ($level == 5) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#6699CC"><?php echo $indent; } ?> <!-- expand --> <td class="left" colspan=<?php echo $level; ?> > <?php if ($level == 1 && $rule->has_child_nodes()) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; ?> ?directive=<?php echo $directive_id; ?> &level=<?php echo $ilevel + 1; ?> "><?php echo "+"; ?> </a> <?php } elseif ($rule->has_child_nodes()) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; ?> ?directive=<?php echo $directive_id; ?> &level=<?php echo $ilevel - $level + 1; ?> "><?php echo '-'; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> <!-- end expand --> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('name'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('reliability'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('time_out'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('occurrence'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('from'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('to'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('port_from'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('port_to'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $rule->get_attribute('sensor'); ?> </td> <td> <?php $plugin_id = $rule->get_attribute('plugin_id'); if ($plugin_list = Plugin::get_list($conn, "WHERE id = {$plugin_id}")) { $name = $plugin_list[0]->get_name(); echo "<a href=\"../conf/pluginsid.php?id={$plugin_id}&" . "name={$name}\">{$name}</a> ({$plugin_id})"; } ?> </td> <td> <?php $plugin_sid = $rule->get_attribute('plugin_sid'); $plugin_sid_list = split(',', $plugin_sid); if (count($plugin_sid_list) > 30) { ?> <a style="cursor:hand;" TITLE="To view or hide the list of plugin sid click here." onclick="Menus('plugsid')"> <?php echo gettext("Expand / Collapse"); ?> </a> <div id="plugsid" class="menucache"> <?php } foreach ($plugin_sid_list as $sid_negate) { $sid = $sid_negate; if (!strncmp($sid_negate, "!", 1)) { $sid = substr($sid_negate, 1); } /* sid == ANY */ if (!strcmp($sid, "ANY")) { echo gettext("ANY"); } elseif (strpos($sid, "PLUGIN_SID")) { echo gettext("{$sid}"); } elseif ($plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = {$plugin_id} AND sid = {$sid}")) { $name = $plugin_list[0]->get_name(); echo "<a title=\"{$name}\">{$sid_negate}</a> "; } } if (count($plugin_sid_list) > 30) { ?> </div> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($level > 1) { if ($rule->has_child_nodes()) { $rules = $rule->child_nodes(); foreach ($rules as $rule) { rule_table($dom, $directive_id, $rule, $level - 1, $ilevel); } } } $branch++; } } /* foreach */ } }
function getPluginSidList($plugin_id, $req) { global $conn; if ($plugin_sid_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, 'WHERE plugin_id = ' . $plugin_id . ' ' . $req)) { return $plugin_sid_list; } return ''; }
<?php } foreach ($plugin_sid_list as $sid_negate) { $sid = $sid_negate; if (!strncmp($sid_negate, "!", 1)) { $sid = substr($sid_negate, 1); } /* sid == ANY */ if (!strcmp($sid, "ANY")) { echo gettext("ANY"); } elseif (strpos($sid, "PLUGIN_SID")) { echo gettext("{$sid_negate}"); } elseif (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $rule->plugin_id) && ($plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = " . $rule->plugin_id . " AND sid = {$sid}"))) { $name = $plugin_list[0]->get_name(); echo "<a title=\"" . str_replace("\"", "'", $name) . "\" class=\"info\"><b>{$sid_negate}</b></a> "; } elseif ($rule->product && ($plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id IN (SELECT id FROM plugin WHERE product_type IN (" . $rule->product . ")) AND sid = {$sid}"))) { $name = $plugin_list[0]->get_name(); echo "<a title=\"" . str_replace("\"", "'", $name) . "\" class=\"info\"><b>{$sid_negate}</b></a> "; } else { echo "<a title=\"" . gettext("Invalid plugin sid") . "\" style=\"color:red\" class=\"info\">{$sid_negate}</a> "; } } if (count($plugin_sid_list) > 30) { ?> </div> <?php } } elseif ($rule->category) { // Can not redeclare class Category. Must do queries... $query = "SELECT name FROM category WHERE id = " . $rule->category; $rs = $conn->Execute($query);
$order = "sid"; } $where = "WHERE sid <> 20000000 AND sid <> 2000000000 AND plugin_id = {$id}"; if (!empty($search) && !empty($field)) { if ($field == "category_id") { $pids = Plugin_sid::GetPluginSidsByCategory($conn, $id, $search, $subcategory_id); $plugin_list = implode(",", $pids); $where .= " AND sid in ({$plugin_list})"; } else { $where .= " AND {$field} like '%" . $search . "%'"; } } $start = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limit = "LIMIT {$start}, {$rp}"; $xml = ""; if ($plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "{$where} ORDER BY {$order} {$limit}")) { $total = $plugin_list[0]->get_foundrows(); if ($total == 0) { $total = count($plugin_list); } $xml .= "<rows>\n"; $xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>\n"; $xml .= "<total>{$total}</total>\n"; foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $id = $plugin->get_plugin_id(); $sid = $plugin->get_sid(); $name = $plugin->get_name(); $xml .= "<row id='{$sid}'>"; $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $id . "]]></cell>"; $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $sid . "]]></cell>"; // translate category id
$range = ""; $sin = array(); foreach ($sids as $sid) { if (preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)/", $sid, $found)) { $range .= " OR (sid BETWEEN " . $found[1] . " AND " . $found[2] . ")"; } else { $sin[] = $sid; } } if (count($sin) > 0) { $where = "sid in (" . implode(",", $sin) . ") {$range}"; } else { $where = preg_replace("/^ OR /", "", $range); } $plugin_id_list = $product_type ? get_plugin_list($conn, $product_type) : $rule->plugin_id; $w = $plugin_id_list != "" ? "plugin_id in (" . $plugin_id_list . ")" : "1=1"; $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE {$w} AND ({$where})"); foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $id_plugin = $plugin->get_sid(); $name = "{$id_plugin} - " . trim($plugin->get_name()); if (strlen($name) > 73) { $name = substr($name, 0, 70) . "..."; } $options .= "<option value='{$id_plugin}' selected>{$name}</option>\n"; } } $options .= "</select><br><br><span id='msg'></span><br><br>"; $response['error'] = false; $response['data'] = $options; echo json_encode($response); $db->close($conn);
$sids = explode(",", $rule->plugin_sid); $range = ""; $sin = array(); foreach ($sids as $sid) { if (preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)/", $sid, $found)) { $range .= " OR (sid BETWEEN " . $found[1] . " AND " . $found[2] . ")"; } else { $sin[] = $sid; } } if (count($sin) > 0) { $where = "sid in (" . implode(",", $sin) . ") {$range}"; } else { $where = preg_replace("/^ OR /", "", $range); } $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id=" . $rule->plugin_id . " AND ({$where})"); foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $id_plugin = $plugin->get_sid(); $name = "{$id_plugin} - " . trim($plugin->get_name()); if (strlen($name) > 73) { $name = substr($name, 0, 70) . "..."; } echo "<option value='{$id_plugin}' selected>{$name}</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> </table> </td>
</th> <th><?php echo _("Name"); ?> </th> <th><?php echo _("R"); ?> </th> <th><?php echo _("P"); ?> </th> </tr> <?php $sid_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id={$id}"); $i = 0; foreach ($sid_list as $sid) { $bgcolor = $i++ % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#eeeeee'" : ""; ?> <tr <?php echo $bgcolor; ?> > <td class="noborder"><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $sid->get_sid(); ?> " onclick="uncheckall()" name="sid<?php echo $i; ?> " <?php
require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; require_once ''; require_once ''; $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); $ref = explode("_", GET('ref')); $is_pci = GET('pci') != "" ? 1 : 0; $groups = $is_pci ? PCI::get_groups($conn) : ISO27001::get_groups($conn); $sids = $groups[$ref[0]]['subgroups'][$ref[1]]['SIDSS_Ref']; ossim_valid($sids, OSS_DIGIT, ',', 'illegal:' . _("sids")); if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); } $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = 1505 AND sid in ({$sids})"); if (count($plugin_list) > 0) { ?> <table width="100%" align="center"> <?php foreach ($plugin_list as $p) { ?> <tr><td><?php echo $p->get_name(); ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php
<td valign="top" class="nobborder"> <?php if ($link_type == "directive") { ?> <input type="text" name="newlinkname" style='width:99%'/> <?php } elseif ($link_type == "plugin_sid") { $plugins = Plugin::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY name"); echo "<select name='pid' onchange='document.flinks.submit()'>"; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $sel = $plugin->get_id() == $pid ? "selected='selected'" : ""; echo "<option value='" . $plugin->get_id() . "' {$sel}>" . $plugin->get_name(); } echo "</select><br>"; if ($pid != "" && $pid != "0") { $sids = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "where plugin_id={$pid}"); echo "<select name='newlinkname' style='width:200px; margin-top:5px;'>"; foreach ($sids as $sid) { echo "<option value='" . $sid->get_sid() . "####{$pid}'>" . $sid->get_name(); } echo "</select>"; } } else { ?> <select name="newlinkname" style="width:300px"> <?php foreach ($hostnet_list as $hostnet) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $hostnet['name']; ?>
if ($product_type == "null") { $product_type = ""; } if ($plugin_id < 1) { $plugin_id = ""; } ossim_valid($plugin_id, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("ID")); ossim_valid($q, OSS_TEXT, OSS_NULLABLE); ossim_valid($product_type, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Product Type")); if (ossim_error()) { return false; } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); $more = ""; if ($q != "") { $more = preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $q) ? "AND sid like '{$q}%'" : "AND name like '%{$q}%'"; } $plugin_id_list = $product_type ? get_plugin_list($conn, $product_type) : $plugin_id; $w = $plugin_id_list != "" ? "plugin_id in (" . $plugin_id_list . ")" : "1=1"; $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE {$w} {$more} ORDER BY plugin_id, sid LIMIT 150"); if ($plugin_list[0]->foundrows > 150) { echo "Total=" . $plugin_list[0]->foundrows . "\n"; } foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $id = $plugin->get_sid(); $name = "{$id} - " . trim($plugin->get_name()); //if (strlen($name)>73) $name=substr($name,0,70)."..."; echo "{$id}={$name}\n"; } $db->close($conn);
* * Otherwise you can read it here: * */ require_once 'av_init.php'; Session::logcheck("configuration-menu", "PluginGroups"); $plugin_id = GET('plugin_id'); $q = urldecode(GET('q')); ossim_valid($plugin_id, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("ID")); ossim_valid($q, OSS_TEXT, OSS_NULLABLE); if (ossim_error()) { return false; } $q = addslashes($q); $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); $more = ""; if ($q != "") { $more = preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $q) ? "AND sid like '{$q}%'" : "AND name like '%{$q}%'"; } $plugin_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id={$plugin_id} {$more} ORDER BY sid LIMIT 150"); if ($plugin_list[0]->foundrows > 150) { echo "Total=" . $plugin_list[0]->foundrows . "\n"; } foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { $id = $plugin->get_sid(); $name = "{$id} - " . trim($plugin->get_name()); //if (strlen($name)>73) $name=substr($name,0,70)."..."; echo "{$id}={$name}\n"; } $db->close();
//$rep_src_bgcolor = Reputation::getrepbgcolor($event_info["rep_prio_src"]); $rep_dst_icon = Reputation::getrepimg($event_info["rep_prio_dst"], $event_info["rep_rel_dst"], $event_info["rep_act_dst"], $s_dst_ip); //$rep_dst_bgcolor = Reputation::getrepbgcolor($event_info["rep_prio_dst"]); $c_src_homelan = $homelan_src ? 'bold alarm_netlookup' : ''; $source_link = $src_img . " <a href='{$s_src_link}' class='{$c_src_homelan}' data-title='{$s_src_ip}-{$ctx_src}' title='{$s_src_ip}'>" . $s_src_name . $s_src_port . "</a> {$rep_src_icon}"; $source_balloon = "<div id='" . $s_src_ip . ";" . $s_src_name . ";" . $event_info["src_host"] . "' ctx='{$ctx}' id2='" . $s_src_ip . ";" . $s_dst_ip . "' class='HostReportMenu'>"; $source_balloon .= $source_link; $source_balloon .= "</div>"; $c_dst_homelan = $homelan_dst ? 'bold alarm_netlookup' : ''; $dest_link = $dst_img . " <a href='{$s_dst_link}' class='{$c_dst_homelan}' data-title='{$s_dst_ip}-{$ctx_dst}' title='{$s_dst_ip}'>" . $s_dst_name . $s_dst_port . "</a> {$rep_dst_icon}"; $dest_balloon = "<div id='" . $s_dst_ip . ";" . $s_dst_name . ";" . $event_info["dst_host"] . "' ctx='{$ctx}' id2='" . $s_dst_ip . ";" . $s_src_ip . "' class='HostReportMenu'>"; $dest_balloon .= $dest_link; $dest_balloon .= "</div>"; // $selection_array[$group_id][$child_number] = $s_backlog_id . "-" . $s_event_id; $s_sid_name = ""; if ($s_plugin_sid_list = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = {$s_id} AND sid = {$s_sid}")) { $s_sid_name = $s_plugin_sid_list[0]->get_name(); $s_sid_priority = $s_plugin_sid_list[0]->get_priority(); } else { $s_sid_name = "Unknown (id={$s_id} sid={$s_sid})"; $s_sid_priority = "N/A"; } $s_last = Util::timestamp2date($s_alarm->get_last()); $timestamp_utc = Util::get_utc_unixtime($s_last); $s_last = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp_utc + 3600 * $tz); $s_event_count = Alarm::get_total_events($conn, $s_backlog_id); $aux_date = Util::timestamp2date($s_alarm->get_timestamp()); $timestamp_utc = Util::get_utc_unixtime($s_alarm->get_timestamp()); $s_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp_utc + 3600 * $tz); if ($s_backlog_id && $s_id == 1505 && $s_event_count > 0) { $aux_date = Util::timestamp2date($s_alarm->get_since());
$sids_keys[$newsid] = true; $sids_str = preg_replace("/^\\,|\\,\$/", "", implode(",", array_keys($sids_keys))); $table = $groups[$ref[0]]['subgroups'][$ref[1]]['table']; if ($pci) { PCI::update_sids($conn, $table, $ref[1], $sids_str); } else { ISO27001::update_sids($conn, $table, $ref[1], $sids_str); } } } $groups = $pci ? PCI::get_groups($conn) : ISO27001::get_groups($conn); } $sids = $groups[$ref[0]]['subgroups'][$ref[1]]['SIDSS_Ref']; $title = $groups[$ref[0]]['subgroups'][$ref[1]]['Security_controls']; $sids_keys = get_sids($sids); $directives = Plugin_sid::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id=1505"); ?> <html> <head> <title> <?php echo gettext("OSSIM Framework"); ?> - <?php echo _("Compliance"); ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/style.css"/> <script src="../js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script> </head>