function plugin_fields_checkFiles() { $plugin = new Plugin(); if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']) && $plugin->isInstalled('fields') && $plugin->isActivated('fields')) { Plugin::registerClass('PluginFieldsContainer'); Plugin::registerClass('PluginFieldsDropdown'); Plugin::registerClass('PluginFieldsField'); if (TableExists("glpi_plugin_fields_containers")) { $container_obj = new PluginFieldsContainer(); $containers = $container_obj->find(); foreach ($containers as $container) { $classname = "PluginFields" . ucfirst($container['itemtype'] . preg_replace('/s$/', '', $container['name'])); if (!class_exists($classname)) { PluginFieldsContainer::generateTemplate($container); } } } if (TableExists("glpi_plugin_fields_fields")) { $fields_obj = new PluginFieldsField(); $fields = $fields_obj->find("`type` = 'dropdown'"); foreach ($fields as $field) { PluginFieldsDropdown::create($field); } } } }
static function addNewProfile(Profile $profile) { $containers = new PluginFieldsContainer(); $found_containers = $containers->find(); $fields_profile = new self(); foreach ($found_containers as $container) { $fields_profile->add(array('profiles_id' => $profile->fields['id'], 'plugin_fields_containers_id' => $container['id'])); } return true; }
<?php include "../../../inc/includes.php"; PluginFieldsContainer::showFormItemtype($_REQUEST);
<?php include "../../../inc/includes.php"; if (empty($_GET["id"])) { $_GET["id"] = ""; } $container = new PluginFieldsContainer(); if (isset($_POST["add"])) { $container->check(-1, CREATE, $_POST); $newID = $container->add($_POST); Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/fields/front/container.form.php?id={$newID}"); } elseif (isset($_POST["delete"])) { $container->check($_POST['id'], DELETE); $ok = $container->delete($_POST); Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/fields/front/container.php"); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["purge"])) { $container->check($_REQUEST['id'], PURGE); $container->delete($_REQUEST, 1); Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/fields/front/container.php"); } elseif (isset($_POST["update"])) { $container->check($_POST['id'], UPDATE); $container->update($_POST); Html::back(); } elseif (isset($_POST["update_fields_values"])) { $container->updateFieldsValues($_REQUEST); Html::back(); } else { Html::header(__("Additionnal fields", "fields"), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "config", "pluginfieldsmenu", "fieldscontainer"); $container->display(array('id' => $_GET["id"])); Html::footer(); }
<?php include "../../../inc/includes.php"; Html::header(__("Additionnal fields", "fields"), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "config", "pluginfieldsmenu", "fieldscontainer"); Session::checkRight('entity', READ); PluginFieldsContainer::titleList(); Search::show("PluginFieldsContainer"); Html::footer();
static function prepareHtmlFields($fields, $items_id, $canedit = true, $show_table = true, $massiveaction = false) { if (empty($fields)) { return false; } //get object associated with this fields $tmp = $fields; $first_field = array_shift($tmp); $container_obj = new PluginFieldsContainer(); $container_obj->getFromDB($first_field['plugin_fields_containers_id']); $items_itemtype = ucfirst($container_obj->fields['itemtype']); $classname = "PluginFields" . $items_itemtype . preg_replace('/s$/', '', $container_obj->fields['name']); $obj = new $classname(); //find row for this object with the items_id $found_values = $obj->find("plugin_fields_containers_id = " . $first_field['plugin_fields_containers_id'] . " AND items_id = " . $items_id); $found_v = array_shift($found_values); // find profiles (to check if current profile can edit fields) $fprofile = new PluginFieldsProfile(); $found_p = $fprofile->find("`profiles_id` = '" . $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['id'] . "'\n AND `plugin_fields_containers_id` = '" . $first_field['plugin_fields_containers_id'] . "'"); $first_found_p = array_shift($found_p); // test status for "CommonITILObject" objects if (is_subclass_of($items_itemtype, "CommonITILObject")) { $items_obj = new $items_itemtype(); $items_obj->getFromDB($items_id); if (in_array($items_obj->fields['status'], $items_obj->getClosedStatusArray()) || in_array($items_obj->fields['status'], $items_obj->getSolvedStatusArray()) || $first_found_p['right'] != CREATE) { $canedit = false; } } //show all fields $html = ""; $odd = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['type'] === 'header') { $html .= "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; $html .= "<th colspan='4'>" . $field['label'] . "</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; $odd = 0; } else { //get value $value = ""; if (is_array($found_v)) { if ($field['type'] == "dropdown") { $value = $found_v["plugin_fields_" . $field['name'] . "dropdowns_id"]; } else { $value = $found_v[$field['name']]; } } if (isset($_SESSION['plugin']['fields']['values_sent'])) { if ($field['type'] == "dropdown") { $value = $_SESSION['plugin']['fields']['values_sent']["plugin_fields_" . $field['name'] . "dropdowns_id"]; } else { $value = $_SESSION['plugin']['fields']['values_sent'][$field['name']]; } } //get default value if (empty($value) && !empty($field['default_value'])) { $value = $field['default_value']; } //show field if ($show_table) { if ($odd % 2 == 0) { $html .= "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; } $required = $field['mandatory'] == 1 ? "<span class='red'>*</span>" : ''; if ($container_obj->fields['itemtype'] == 'Ticket' && $container_obj->fields['type'] == 'dom' && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], ".injector.php") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], ".public.php") === false) { $html .= "<th width='13%'>" . $field['label'] . " : {$required}</th>"; } else { $html .= "<td>" . $field['label'] . " : {$required}</td>"; } $html .= "<td>"; } $readonly = $field['is_readonly']; switch ($field['type']) { case 'number': case 'text': $value = Html::cleanInputText($value); if ($canedit && !$readonly) { $html .= "<input type='text' name='" . $field['name'] . "' value=\"{$value}\" />"; } else { $html .= $value; } break; case 'textarea': if ($massiveaction) { continue; } if ($canedit && !$readonly) { $html .= "<textarea cols='45' rows='4' name='" . $field['name'] . "'>" . "{$value}</textarea>"; } else { $html .= nl2br($value); } break; case 'dropdown': if ($canedit && !$readonly) { //find entity on current object $obj = new $container_obj->fields['itemtype'](); $obj->getFromDB($items_id); ob_start(); if (strpos($field['name'], "dropdowns_id") !== false) { $dropdown_itemtype = getItemTypeForTable(getTableNameForForeignKeyField($field['name'])); } else { $dropdown_itemtype = PluginFieldsDropdown::getClassname($field['name']); } Dropdown::show($dropdown_itemtype, array('value' => $value, 'entity' => $obj->getEntityID())); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $dropdown_table = "glpi_plugin_fields_" . $field['name'] . "dropdowns"; $html .= Dropdown::getDropdownName($dropdown_table, $value); } break; case 'yesno': //in massive action, we must skip display for yesno (possible bug in framework) //otherwise double display of field if ($massiveaction) { continue; } if ($canedit && !$readonly) { ob_start(); Dropdown::showYesNo($field['name'], $value); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $html .= Dropdown::getYesNo($value); } break; case 'date': if ($massiveaction) { continue; } if ($canedit && !$readonly) { ob_start(); Html::showDateFormItem($field['name'], $value); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $html .= Html::convDate($value); } break; case 'datetime': if ($massiveaction) { continue; } if ($canedit && !$readonly) { ob_start(); Html::showDateTimeFormItem($field['name'], $value); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $html .= Html::convDateTime($value); } case 'dropdownuser': if ($massiveaction) { continue; } if ($canedit && !$readonly) { ob_start(); User::dropdown(array('name' => $field['name'], 'value' => $value, 'entity' => -1, 'right' => 'all', 'condition' => 'is_active=1 && is_deleted=0')); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $showuserlink = 0; if (Session::haveRight('user', 'r')) { $showuserlink = 1; } $html .= getUserName($value, $showuserlink); } } if ($show_table) { $html .= "</td>"; if ($odd % 2 == 1) { $html .= "</tr>"; } $odd++; } } } if ($show_table && $odd % 2 == 1) { $html .= "</tr>"; } unset($_SESSION['plugin']['fields']['values_sent']); return $html; }
/** * Load Fields classes in datainjection. * Called by Setup.php:44 if Datainjection is installed and active **/ function plugin_datainjection_populate_fields() { global $INJECTABLE_TYPES; $container = new PluginFieldsContainer('is_active = 1'); $found = $container->find(); foreach ($found as $id => $values) { $classname = "PluginFields" . ucfirst($values['itemtype'] . preg_replace('/s$/', '', $values['name'])) . 'Injection'; $INJECTABLE_TYPES[$classname] = 'fields'; $INJECTABLE_TYPES[$classname . 'Injection'] = 'fields'; } }
<?php include "../../../inc/includes.php"; PluginFieldsContainer::showFormSubtype($_REQUEST);
static function findContainer($itemtype, $items_id, $type = 'tab', $subtype = '') { if ($type === 'tab' || $type === 'dom') { $sql_type = "`type` = '{$type}'"; } else { $sql_type = "1=1"; } $entity = isset($_SESSION['glpiactive_entity']) ? $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] : 0; $sql_entity = getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "", "", $entity, true, true); $sql_subtype = ''; if ($subtype != '') { if ($subtype == $itemtype . '$main') { $sql_subtype = " AND type = 'dom' "; } else { $sql_subtype = " AND type != 'dom' AND subtype = '{$subtype}' "; } } $container = new PluginFieldsContainer(); $found_c = $container->find($sql_type . " AND `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}' AND is_active = 1 " . $sql_entity . $sql_subtype); if (empty($found_c)) { return false; } if ($type == "dom") { $tmp = array_shift($found_c); $id = $tmp['id']; } else { $id = array_keys($found_c); if (count($id) == 1) { $id = array_shift($id); } } //profiles restriction if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['id'])) { $profile = new PluginFieldsProfile(); if (is_array($id)) { $condition = "`plugin_fields_containers_id` IN (" . implode(", ", $id) . ")"; } else { $condition = "`plugin_fields_containers_id` = '{$id}'"; } $found = $profile->find("`profiles_id` = '" . $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['id'] . "'\n AND {$condition}"); $first_found = array_shift($found); if ($first_found['right'] == NULL) { return false; } } return $id; }
static function getAddSearchOptions($itemtype, $containers_id = false) { global $DB; $opt = array(); $i = 76665; $query = "SELECT, fields.label, fields.type, fields.is_readonly,\n as container_name, containers.label as container_label,\n containers.itemtypes, as container_id, as field_id\n FROM glpi_plugin_fields_containers containers\n INNER JOIN glpi_plugin_fields_fields fields\n ON = fields.plugin_fields_containers_id\n AND containers.is_active = 1\n WHERE containers.itemtypes LIKE '%{$itemtype}%'\n AND fields.type != 'header'\n ORDER BY ASC"; $res = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($containers_id !== false) { // Filter by container (don't filter by SQL for have $i value with few containers for a itemtype) if ($data['container_id'] != $containers_id) { $i++; continue; } } $tablename = "glpi_plugin_fields_" . strtolower($itemtype . getPlural(preg_replace('/s$/', '', $data['container_name']))); //get translations $container = ['itemtype' => PluginFieldsContainer::getType(), 'id' => $data['container_id'], 'label' => $data['container_label']]; $data['container_label'] = PluginFieldsLabelTranslation::getLabelFor($container); $field = ['itemtype' => PluginFieldsField::getType(), 'id' => $data['field_id'], 'label' => $data['label']]; $data['label'] = PluginFieldsLabelTranslation::getLabelFor($field); $opt[$i]['table'] = $tablename; $opt[$i]['field'] = $data['name']; $opt[$i]['name'] = $data['container_label'] . " - " . $data['label']; $opt[$i]['linkfield'] = $data['name']; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['jointype'] = "itemtype_item"; $opt[$i]['pfields_type'] = $data['type']; if ($data['is_readonly']) { $opt[$i]['massiveaction'] = false; } if ($data['type'] === "dropdown") { $opt[$i]['table'] = 'glpi_plugin_fields_' . $data['name'] . 'dropdowns'; $opt[$i]['field'] = 'completename'; $opt[$i]['linkfield'] = "plugin_fields_" . $data['name'] . "dropdowns_id"; $opt[$i]['forcegroupby'] = true; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['jointype'] = ""; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'] = $tablename; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['joinparams']['jointype'] = "itemtype_item"; } if ($data['type'] === "dropdownuser") { $opt[$i]['table'] = 'glpi_users'; $opt[$i]['field'] = 'name'; $opt[$i]['linkfield'] = $data['name']; $opt[$i]['right'] = 'all'; $opt[$i]['forcegroupby'] = true; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['jointype'] = ""; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'] = $tablename; $opt[$i]['joinparams']['beforejoin']['joinparams']['jointype'] = "itemtype_item"; } switch ($data['type']) { case 'dropdown': case 'dropdownuser': $opt[$i]['datatype'] = "dropdown"; break; case 'yesno': $opt[$i]['datatype'] = "bool"; break; case 'textarea': $opt[$i]['datatype'] = "text"; break; case 'number': $opt[$i]['datatype'] = "number"; break; case 'date': case 'datetime': $opt[$i]['datatype'] = $data['type']; break; default: $opt[$i]['datatype'] = "string"; } $i++; } return $opt; }