Example #1
Addressing is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Addressing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Addressing. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original Author of file: Alexandre DELAUNAY
// Purpose of file:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
include '../../../inc/includes.php';
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
if (!isset($_POST['ip'])) {
$ip = $_POST['ip'];
$config = new PluginAddressingConfig();
$system = $config->fields["used_system"];
$ping_equip = new PluginAddressingPing_Equipment();
echo $ping_response = $ping_equip->ping($system, $ip);
 function displayReport(&$result, $PluginAddressingAddressing)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $network = $PluginAddressingAddressing->fields["networks_id"];
     $ping = $PluginAddressingAddressing->fields["use_ping"];
     $PluginAddressingConfig = new PluginAddressingConfig();
     $system = $PluginAddressingConfig->fields["used_system"];
     // Set display type for export if define
     $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
     if (isset($_GET["display_type"])) {
         $output_type = $_GET["display_type"];
     $header_num = 1;
     $nbcols = 6;
     $ping_response = 0;
     $parameters = "id=";
     $row_num = 1;
     echo Search::showHeader($output_type, 1, $nbcols, 1);
     echo $this->displaySearchNewLine($output_type);
     echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('IP'), $header_num);
     echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Connected to'), $header_num);
     echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, _n('User', 'Users', 1), $header_num);
     echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('MAC address'), $header_num);
     echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Item type'), $header_num);
     echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type, __('Free Ip', 'addressing'), $header_num);
     // End Line for column headers
     echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
     $user = new User();
     foreach ($result as $num => $lines) {
         $ip = long2ip(substr($num, 2));
         if (count($lines)) {
             if (count($lines) > 1) {
                 $disp = $PluginAddressingAddressing->fields["double_ip"];
             } else {
                 $disp = $PluginAddressingAddressing->fields["alloted_ip"];
             if ($disp) {
                 foreach ($lines as $line) {
                     $item_num = 1;
                     $name = $line["dname"];
                     $namep = $line["pname"];
                     // IP
                     echo $this->displaySearchNewLine($output_type, count($lines) > 1 ? "double" : $row_num % 2);
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $ip, $item_num, $row_num);
                     // Device
                     $item = new $line["itemtype"]();
                     $link = Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL($line["itemtype"]);
                     if ($line["itemtype"] != 'NetworkEquipment') {
                         if ($item->canView()) {
                             $output_iddev = "<a href='" . $link . "?id=" . $line["on_device"] . "'>" . $name . (empty($name) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] ? " (" . $line["on_device"] . ")" : "") . "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $output_iddev = $name . (empty($name) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] ? " (" . $line["on_device"] . ")" : "");
                     } else {
                         if ($item->canView()) {
                             if (empty($namep)) {
                                 $linkp = '';
                             } else {
                                 $linkp = $namep . " - ";
                             $output_iddev = "<a href='" . $link . "?id=" . $line["on_device"] . "'>" . $linkp . $name . (empty($name) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] ? " (" . $line["on_device"] . ")" : "") . "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $output_iddev = $namep . " - " . $name . (empty($name) || $_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] ? " (" . $line["on_device"] . ")" : "");
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $output_iddev, $item_num, $row_num);
                     // User
                     if ($line["users_id"] && $user->getFromDB($line["users_id"])) {
                         $username = formatUserName($user->fields["id"], $user->fields["name"], $user->fields["realname"], $user->fields["firstname"]);
                         if ($user->canView()) {
                             $output_iduser = "******" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/user.form.php?id=" . $line["users_id"] . "'>" . $username . "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $output_iduser = $username;
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, $output_iduser, $item_num, $row_num);
                     } else {
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                     // Mac
                     if ($line["id"]) {
                         if ($item->canView()) {
                             $output_mac = "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/networkport.form.php?id=" . $line["id"] . "'>" . $line["mac"] . "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $output_mac = $line["mac"];
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, $output_mac, $item_num, $row_num);
                     } else {
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                     // Type
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $item::getTypeName(), $item_num, $row_num);
                     // Reserved
                     if ($PluginAddressingAddressing->fields["reserved_ip"] && strstr($line["pname"], "reserv")) {
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, __('Reserved Address', 'addressing'), $item_num, $row_num);
                     } else {
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                     // End
                     echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
         } else {
             if ($PluginAddressingAddressing->fields["free_ip"]) {
                 $item_num = 1;
                 if (!$ping) {
                     echo $this->displaySearchNewLine($output_type, "free");
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, $ip, $item_num, $row_num);
                     echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                 } else {
                     if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                     if ($this->ping($system, $ip)) {
                         echo $this->displaySearchNewLine($output_type, "ping_off");
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, $ip, $item_num, $row_num);
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, __('Ping: got a response - used Ip', 'addressing'), $item_num, $row_num);
                     } else {
                         echo $this->displaySearchNewLine($output_type, "ping_on");
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, $ip, $item_num, $row_num);
                         echo Search::showItem($output_type, __('Ping: no response - free Ip', 'addressing'), $item_num, $row_num);
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                 echo Search::showItem($output_type, " ", $item_num, $row_num);
                 echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
     // Display footer
     echo Search::showFooter($output_type, $PluginAddressingAddressing->getTitle());
     return $ping_response;
 function showForm($ID, $options = array())
     $this->initForm($ID, $options);
     $options['formoptions'] = "onSubmit='return plugaddr_Check(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\")'";
     $PluginAddressingConfig = new PluginAddressingConfig();
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Name') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     Html::autocompletionTextField($this, "name");
     echo "</td>";
     if ($PluginAddressingConfig->fields["alloted_ip"]) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Assigned IP', 'addressing') . "</td><td>";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('alloted_ip', $this->fields["alloted_ip"]);
         echo "</td>";
     } else {
         echo "<td>";
         echo Html::hidden('alloted_ip', array('value' => 0));
         //echo "<input type='hidden' name='alloted_ip' value='0'></td><td></td>";
         echo "</td><td></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Select the network', 'addressing') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     Dropdown::show('Network', array('name' => "networks_id", 'value' => $this->fields["networks_id"]));
     echo "</td>";
     if ($PluginAddressingConfig->fields["free_ip"]) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Free Ip', 'addressing') . "</td><td>";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('free_ip', $this->fields["free_ip"]);
         echo "</td>";
     } else {
         echo "<td>";
         echo Html::hidden('free_ip', array('value' => 0));
         echo "</td><td></td>";
         //echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='free_ip' value='0'></td><td></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Detected subnet list', 'addressing') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     $this->dropdownSubnet($ID > 0 ? $this->fields["entities_id"] : $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"]);
     echo "</td>";
     if ($PluginAddressingConfig->fields["double_ip"]) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Same IP', 'addressing') . "</td><td>";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('double_ip', $this->fields["double_ip"]);
         echo "</td>";
     } else {
         //echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='double_ip' value='0'></td><td></td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo Html::hidden('double_ip', array('value' => 0));
         echo "</td><td></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('First IP', 'addressing') . "</td>";
     // Subnet
     echo "<td>";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipdeb0' value='' name='_ipdeb0' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>.";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipdeb1' value='' name='_ipdeb1' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>.";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipdeb2' value='' name='_ipdeb2' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>.";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipdeb3' value='' name='_ipdeb3' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>";
     echo "</td>";
     if ($PluginAddressingConfig->fields["reserved_ip"]) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Reserved IP', 'addressing') . "</td><td>";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('reserved_ip', $this->fields["reserved_ip"]);
         echo "</td>";
     } else {
         echo "<td>";
         echo Html::hidden('reserved_ip', array('value' => 0));
         echo "</td><td></td>";
         //echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='reserved_ip' value='0'></td><td></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Last IP', 'addressing') . "</td>";
     // Mask
     echo "<td>";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipfin0' value='' name='_ipfin0' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>.";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipfin1' value='' name='_ipfin1' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>.";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipfin2' value='' name='_ipfin2' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>.";
     echo "<input type='text' id='plugaddr_ipfin3' value='' name='_ipfin3' size='3' " . "onChange='plugaddr_ChangeNumber(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");'>";
     echo "</td>";
     if ($PluginAddressingConfig->fields["use_ping"]) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Ping free Ip', 'addressing') . "</td><td>";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('use_ping', $this->fields["use_ping"]);
         echo "</td>";
     } else {
         echo "<td>";
         echo Html::hidden('use_ping', array('value' => 0));
         echo "</td><td></td>";
         //echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='use_ping' value='0'></td><td></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Report for the IP Range', 'addressing') . "</td>";
     // Mask
     echo "<td>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' id='plugaddr_ipdeb' value='" . $this->fields["begin_ip"] . "' name='begin_ip'>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' id='plugaddr_ipfin' value='" . $this->fields["end_ip"] . "' name='end_ip'>";
     echo "<div id='plugaddr_range'>-</div>";
     if ($ID > 0) {
         $js = "plugaddr_Init(\"" . __('Invalid data !!', 'addressing') . "\");";
         echo Html::scriptBlock($js);
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td></td>";
     echo "<td></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td colspan = '4'>";
     echo "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'><tr><td>";
     echo __('Comments') . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><td class='center'>" . "<textarea cols='125' rows='3' name='comment'>" . $this->fields["comment"] . "</textarea>";
     echo "</td></tr></table>";
     echo "</td>";
     return true;
Example #4
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Addressing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Addressing. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
include '../../../inc/includes.php';
$plugin = new Plugin();
if ($plugin->isActivated("addressing")) {
    $PluginAddressingConfig = new PluginAddressingConfig();
    Session::checkRight("config", "w");
    if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
    } else {
        Html::header(PluginAddressingAddressing::getTypeName(2), '', "plugins", "addressing");
} else {
    Html::header(__('Setup'), '', "config", "plugins");
    echo "<div class='center'><br><br>" . "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/warning.png\" alt='warning'><br><br>";
    echo "<b>" . __('Please activate the plugin', 'addressing') . "</b></div>";