public function getLocationsForPlayer($gameId, $intPlayerID, $lat = 0, $lon = 0) { $arrayLocations = array(); //Gets all non-spawned locations $query = "SELECT game_locations.*, gamefountains.fountain_id, gamefountains.spawn_probability, gamefountains.spawn_rate, gamefountains.max_amount, gamefountains.last_spawned, FROM (SELECT * FROM locations WHERE game_id = {$gameId}) AS game_locations LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM spawnables WHERE game_id = {$gameId}) AS gamespawns ON game_locations.type = gamespawns.type AND game_locations.type_id = gamespawns.type_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM fountains WHERE game_id = {$gameId}) AS gamefountains ON game_locations.location_id = gamefountains.location_id WHERE game_locations.latitude != '' AND game_locations.longitude != '' AND (spawnable_id IS NULL OR = 0)"; $rsLocations = Module::query($query); if (mysql_error()) { return new returnData(3, NULL, "SQL Error" . mysql_error()); } $query = "SELECT full_quick_travel FROM games WHERE game_id = '{$gameId}'"; $fqtresult = Module::query($query); $fullQuickTravel = mysql_fetch_object($fqtresult)->full_quick_travel == 1 ? true : false; while ($location = mysql_fetch_object($rsLocations)) { //If location and object it links to meet requirments, add it to the array //Does it Exist? switch ($location->type) { case 'Item': $query = "SELECT icon_media_id FROM items WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND item_id = {$location->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'Node': $query = "SELECT icon_media_id FROM nodes WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND node_id = {$location->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'Npc': $query = "SELECT icon_media_id FROM npcs WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND npc_id = {$location->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'WebPage': $query = "SELECT icon_media_id FROM web_pages WHERE web_page_id = {$location->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'AugBubble': $query = "SELECT icon_media_id FROM aug_bubbles WHERE aug_bubble_id = {$location->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'PlayerNote': $query = "SELECT public_to_map FROM notes WHERE note_id = {$location->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; } if ($location->type == 'PlayerNote') { $rsObject = Module::query($query); $object = @mysql_fetch_object($rsObject); if (!$object || $object->public_to_map == 0) { continue; } } else { $rsObject = Module::query($query); $object = @mysql_fetch_object($rsObject); if (!$object) { continue; } } //Deal with qty (whether empty, or fountain) if ($location->fountain_id && $location->active) { $secondsOfSpawning = strtotime("now") - strtotime($location->last_spawned); while ($secondsOfSpawning > $location->spawn_rate && $location->item_qty < $location->max_amount) { if (rand(0, 100) < $location->spawn_probability) { $location->item_qty++; } $secondsOfSpawning -= $location->spawn_rate; $query = "UPDATE fountains SET last_spawned = now() WHERE fountain_id = " . $location->fountain_id; Module::query($query); } if ($location->item_qty >= $location->max_amount) { $query = "UPDATE fountains SET last_spawned = now() WHERE fountain_id = " . $location->fountain_id; Module::query($query); } $query = "UPDATE locations SET item_qty = " . $location->item_qty . " WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND location_id = " . $location->location_id; Module::query($query); } if ($location->type == 'Item' && $location->item_qty < 1 && $location->item_qty != -1) { continue; } //Does it meet it's requirements? if (!$this->objectMeetsRequirements($gameId, $intPlayerID, 'Location', $location->location_id)) { continue; } //Special Case for Notes if ($location->type == 'PlayerNote') { $query = "SELECT public_to_map, public_to_notebook, owner_id FROM notes WHERE note_id='{$location->type_id}' LIMIT 1"; $result = Module::query($query); $note = mysql_fetch_object($result); //If note doesn't exist, or if it is neither public nor owned by the owner, skip it. if (!$note || !($note->public_to_map || $note->owner_id == $intPlayerID)) { continue; } if ($note->public_to_notebook || $note->owner_id == $intPlayerId) { $location->allow_quick_travel = 1; } } //If location's icon is not defined, use the object's icon if (!$location->icon_media_id) { $objectsIconMediaId = $object->icon_media_id; $location->icon_media_id = $objectsIconMediaId; } $location->delete_when_viewed = 0; if ($fullQuickTravel) { $location->allow_quick_travel = true; } //Add it $arrayLocations[] = $location; } //Get all spawned locations (needs separate calculations, as requirements are not associated with each location) $query = "SELECT * FROM spawnables WHERE game_id = " . $gameId . " AND active = 1"; $results = Module::query($query); while ($spawnable = mysql_fetch_object($results)) { //If spawnable and object it links to meet requirments, add it to the array //Does it Exist? switch ($spawnable->type) { case 'Item': $query = "SELECT name as title, icon_media_id FROM items WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND item_id = {$spawnable->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'Node': $query = "SELECT title, icon_media_id FROM nodes WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND node_id = {$spawnable->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'Npc': $query = "SELECT name as title, icon_media_id FROM npcs WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND npc_id = {$spawnable->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'WebPage': $query = "SELECT name as title, icon_media_id FROM web_pages WHERE web_page_id = {$spawnable->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'AugBubble': $query = "SELECT name as title, icon_media_id FROM aug_bubbles WHERE aug_bubble_id = {$spawnable->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; case 'PlayerNote': $query = "SELECT public_to_map FROM notes WHERE note_id = {$spawnable->type_id} LIMIT 1"; break; } $rsObject = Module::query($query); $object = @mysql_fetch_object($rsObject); if (!$object) { continue; } $spawnable->icon_media_id = $object->icon_media_id; $spawnable->title = $object->title; //Does it meet it's requirements? if (!$this->objectMeetsRequirements($gameId, $intPlayerID, 'Spawnable', $spawnable->spawnable_id)) { continue; } else { } //Create spawnables if ($spawnable->location_bound_type == 'PLAYER') { if ($lat == 0 && $lon == 0) { //Find player location from log and set lat and lon accordingly $query = "SELECT event_detail_1, event_detail_2 FROM player_log WHERE player_id = {$intPlayerID} AND (game_id = {$gameId} OR game_id = 0) AND event_type = 'MOVE' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = Module::query($query); if ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $lat = $obj->event_detail_1; $lon = $obj->event_detail_2; } } } else { if ($spawnable->location_bound_type == 'LOCATION') { $lat = $spawnable->latitude; $lon = $spawnable->longitude; } } if ($spawnable->amount_restriction == 'PER_PLAYER') { //Special case for calculating max on a per_player basis with a set spawn location if ($spawnable->location_bound_type == 'LOCATION') { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT player_id FROM player_log WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND deleted = 0 AND timestamp >= NOW() - INTERVAL 20 MINUTE"; $result = Module::query($query); $spawnable->amount *= mysql_num_rows($result); } $radius = Module::mToDeg($spawnable->max_area); $query = "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND type = '" . $spawnable->type . "' AND type_id = " . $spawnable->type_id . " AND latitude < " . ($lat + $radius) . " AND latitude > " . ($lat - $radius) . " AND longitude < " . ($lon + $radius) . " AND longitude > " . ($lon - $radius); $result = Module::query($query); $numLocs = mysql_num_rows($result); } else { if ($spawnable->amount_restriction == 'TOTAL') { $query = "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND type = '" . $spawnable->type . "' AND type_id = " . $spawnable->type_id; $result = Module::query($query); $numLocs = mysql_num_rows($result); } } $secondsOfSpawning = strtotime("now") - strtotime($spawnable->last_spawned); while ($secondsOfSpawning > $spawnable->spawn_rate && $numLocs < $spawnable->amount) { if (rand(0, 100) < $spawnable->spawn_probability) { $numLocs++; $spawnLoc = Module::randomLatLnWithinRadius($lat, $lon, $spawnable->min_area, $spawnable->max_area); $newLat = $spawnLoc->lat; //$lat+Module::mToDeg(((rand(0,100)/50)*$spawnable->max_area)-$spawnable->max_area); $newLon = $spawnLoc->lon; //$lon+Module::mToDeg(((rand(0,100)/50)*$spawnable->max_area)-$spawnable->max_area); Locations::createLocationWithQrCode($gameId, $spawnable->location_name, $spawnable->icon_media_id, $newLat, $newLon, $spawnable->error_range, $spawnable->type, $spawnable->type_id, 1, $spawnable->hidden, $spawnable->force_view, $spawnable->allow_quick_travel, $spawnable->wiggle, $spawnable->show_title, '', 0, "You've incorrectly encountered a spawnable! Weird..."); } $query = "UPDATE spawnables SET last_spawned = now() WHERE spawnable_id = " . $spawnable->spawnable_id; Module::query($query); $secondsOfSpawning -= $spawnable->spawn_rate; if (location_bound_type != 'LOCATION') { $secondsOfSpawning = 0; } //Only simulate once unless location bound is a location } if ($numLocs >= $spawnable->amount) { $query = "UPDATE spawnables SET last_spawned = now() WHERE spawnable_id = " . $spawnable->spawnable_id; Module::query($query); } //Destroy spawnables if ($spawnable->time_to_live != -1) { /*$query = "DELETE game_locations, game_qrcodes FROM (SELECT * FROM locations WHERE game_id = {$gameId}) AS game_locations LEFT_JOIN (SELECT * FROM qrcodes WHERE game_id = {$gameId}) AS game_qrcodes ON game_locations.location_id = game_qrcodes.link_id WHERE type = '".$spawnable->type."' AND type_id = ".$spawnable->type_id." AND ((spawnstamp < NOW() - INTERVAL ".$spawnable->time_to_live." SECOND) OR (type = 'Item' AND item_qty = 0))"; */ $query = "DELETE locations, qrcodes FROM locations, qrcodes WHERE locations.game_id = {$gameId} AND qrcodes.game_id = {$gameId} AND locations.location_id = qrcodes.link_id AND locations.type = '" . $spawnable->type . "' AND locations.type_id = " . $spawnable->type_id . " AND ((locations.spawnstamp < NOW() - INTERVAL " . $spawnable->time_to_live . " SECOND) OR (locations.type = 'Item' AND locations.item_qty = 0))"; Module::query($query); } $query = "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE game_id = {$gameId} AND type = '" . $spawnable->type . "' AND type_id = " . $spawnable->type_id; $locresults = Module::query($query); while ($locobj = mysql_fetch_object($locresults)) { //If location's icon is not defined, use the object's icon if (!$locobj->icon_media_id) { $locobj->icon_media_id = $object->icon_media_id; } $locobj->delete_when_viewed = $spawnable->delete_when_viewed && $spawnable->active; //Add it if ($locobj->type != 'Item' || ($locobj->item_qty == -1 || $locobj->item_qty > 0)) { $arrayLocations[] = $locobj; } } } //Add the others players from this game, making them look like reqular locations $playersJSON = Players::getOtherPlayersForGame($gameId, $intPlayerID); $playersArray = $playersJSON->data; foreach ($playersArray as $player) { $tmpPlayerObject = new stdClass(); $tmpPlayerObject->name = $player->user_name; if ($player->display_name) { $tmpPlayerObject->name = $player->display_name; } $tmpPlayerObject->latitude = $player->latitude; $tmpPlayerObject->longitude = $player->longitude; $tmpPlayerObject->type_id = $player->player_id; $tmpPlayerObject->error = "5"; $tmpPlayerObject->type = "Player"; $tmpPlayerObject->description = ''; $tmpPlayerObject->force_view = "0"; $tmpPlayerObject->hidden = "0"; $tmpPlayerObject->icon_media_id = "0"; $tmpPlayerObject->item_qty = "0"; $tmpPlayerObject->location_id = "0"; $arrayLocations[] = $tmpPlayerObject; } return new returnData(0, $arrayLocations); }