Example #1
 * @PlayJoom Component
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by www.teglo.info
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
 * @date $Date: 2011-05-19 21:40:50 +0200 (Do, 19 Mai 2011) $
 * @revision $Revision: 187 $
 * @author $Author: toto $
 * @headurl $HeadURL: http://localhost/repos/playjoom/components/com_playjoom/views/infoabout/tmpl/default.php $
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// load tooltip behavior
// add style sheet
if ($this->params->get('css_type', 'pj_css') == 'pj_css') {
    $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
    $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_playjoom/assets/css/infoabout_view.css');
//Set variablen
$type = JRequest::getVar('type');
$about = base64_decode(JRequest::getVar('about'));
$source = JRequest::getVar('source');
echo '<fieldset class="infoabout">';
$WikiText = PlayJoomWikiHelper::getcontent(JRequest::getVar($type), 'de');
$content = $WikiText['parse']['text']['*'];
echo preg_replace('/href="\\/wiki/', 'href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki', $content);
//Out the footrow
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo '<center><button type="button" onclick="window.parent.SqueezeBox.close();">' . JText::_('COM_PLAYJOOM_ADDTRACK_LABEL_CLOSE') . '</button></center>';
echo '</fieldset>';
Example #2
 function CheckWikiContent($title, $wikilang)
     $title = preg_replace("/ /", "_", $title);
     $data = array('action' => 'query', 'prop' => 'info', 'rvprop' => 'content', 'titles' => $title, 'format' => 'php');
     list($header, $content) = PlayJoomWikiHelper::PostRequest('http://' . $wikilang . '.wikipedia.org/w/api.php', 'http://' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $data);
     $content = unserialize($content);
     $info = $content['query']['pages'];
     foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
         $pageid = $k;
     $pagedata = array();
     $pagedata['pageid'] = $pageid;
     $pagedata['ns'] = $info[$pageid]['ns'];
     $pagedata['title'] = $info[$pageid]['title'];
     $pagedata['missing'] = isset($info[$pageid]['missing']) ? (int) 1 : (int) 0;
     return $pagedata;
Example #3
 public static function checkInfoAbout($type, $AboutInfo, $params)
     if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'wiki') {
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/apis/wiki.php';
     if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'lastfm') {
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/apis/lastfm.php';
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     switch ($type) {
         case "album":
             $About = base64_decode($AboutInfo['album']);
             $query->where('title = "' . $About . '"');
             $checkResult = $db->loadObject();
             if ($db->loadObject() && $checkResult->infotxt != '') {
                 return array('source' => 'db', 'album' => $About, 'artist' => null, 'genre' => null);
             } else {
                  * wiki source
                 if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'wiki') {
                     $PageID = PlayJoomWikiHelper::CheckWikiContent($About, 'de');
                     if ($PageID['pageid'] != '') {
                         return array('source' => 'wiki', 'album' => $PageID['pageid'], 'artist' => null, 'genre' => null);
                     } else {
                         return array('source' => null, 'artist' => null, 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
                 } else {
                     if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'lastfm') {
                         $ContentExist = PlayJoomLastfmHelper::CheckLastfmContent($type, $AboutInfo);
                         if ($ContentExist == true) {
                             return array('source' => 'lastfm', 'album' => $About, 'artist' => base64_decode($AboutInfo['artist']), 'genre' => null);
                         } else {
                             return array('source' => null, 'artist' => null, 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
         case "artist":
             $About = base64_decode($AboutInfo['artist']);
             $query->where('name = "' . $About . '"');
             $checkResult = $db->loadObject();
             if ($db->loadObject() && $checkResult->infotxt != '') {
                 return array('source' => 'db', 'artist' => $About, 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
             } else {
                  * wiki source
                 if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'wiki') {
                     $PageID = PlayJoomWikiHelper::CheckWikiContent($About, 'de');
                     if ($PageID['pageid'] != '') {
                         return array('source' => 'wiki', 'artist' => $PageID['pageid'], 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
                     } else {
                         return array('source' => null, 'artist' => null, 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
                 } else {
                     if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'lastfm') {
                         $ContentExist = PlayJoomLastfmHelper::CheckLastfmContent($type, $AboutInfo);
                         if ($ContentExist == true) {
                             return array('source' => 'lastfm', 'album' => $About, 'artist' => base64_decode($AboutInfo['artist']), 'genre' => null);
                         } else {
                             return array('source' => null, 'artist' => null, 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
         case "genre":
             $About = base64_decode($AboutInfo['genre']);
             $query->where('extension = "com_playjoom"');
             $query->where('title = "' . $About . '"');
             $checkResult = $db->loadObject();
             if ($db->loadObject() && $checkResult->description != '') {
                 return array('source' => 'db', 'album' => null, 'artist' => null, 'genre' => $About);
             } else {
                  * wiki source
                 if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'wiki') {
                     $PageID = PlayJoomWikiHelper::CheckWikiContent($About, 'de');
                     if ($PageID['pageid'] != '') {
                         return array('source' => 'wiki', 'value' => $PageID['pageid']);
                     } else {
                         return array('source' => null, 'artist' => null, 'album' => null, 'genre' => null);
                 } else {
                     if ($params->get('info_source', 'owndb') == 'lastfm') {
         case "track":
             $query->where('id = "' . $about . '"');
             $checkResult = $db->loadObject();
             if ($db->loadObject() && $checkResult->description != '') {
                 return array('source' => 'db', 'value' => 'true');
             } else {
                 return null;
             return null;