protected function getCachedArray() { global $globals; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('pix')) { PlCache::setGlobal('pix', $this->loadFile('http://pix/frankiz.xml'), $globals->cache->pix); } return PlCache::getGlobal('pix'); }
public static function get() { global $globals; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('concert_array')) { PlCache::setGlobal('concert_array', self::response(), 3600); } return PlCache::getGlobal('concert_array'); }
public static function get() { global $globals; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('meteo')) { PlCache::setGlobal('meteo', new GoogleWeather(), $globals->cache->meteo); } return PlCache::getGlobal('meteo'); }
public static function get($destination = 'toParis') { global $globals; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('rer_' . $destination)) { PlCache::setGlobal('rer_' . $destination, self::response($destination), $globals->cache->rer); } return PlCache::getGlobal('rer_' . $destination); }
public function run() { global $globals; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('ik')) { $ikapi = new API('', false); $json = json_decode($ikapi->response(), true); if (isset($json['ik']['id']) && $json['ik']['id'] != '') { $json = $json['ik']; $filename = $globals->spoolroot . '/htdocs/data/ik/' . $json['id'] . '.jpg'; file_put_contents($filename, base64_decode($json['base64'])); $ik = array('id' => $json['id'], 'title' => $json['title'], 'url' => $json['url']); PlCache::setGlobal('ik', $ik, $globals->cache->ik); } } $this->assign('ik', PlCache::getGlobal('ik')); }
public static function getBars() { global $globals; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('bar_array')) { PlCache::setGlobal('bar_array', self::response(), 720); } return PlCache::getGlobal('bar_array'); }
public function run() { global $globals; // google calendar pour la prochaine émission // MAJ 1x/jour $gc = ""; // Check if cache needs to be refreshed : if emission < now or if last check was 12h ago if (PlCache::hasGlobal('xray_calendar')) { $xray_calendar = PlCache::getGlobal('xray_calendar'); if (!isset($xray_calendar['time']) || !isset($xray_calendar['next_time']) || time() > min($xray_calendar['next_time'], $xray_calendar['time'] + 43200)) { PlCache::invalidateGlobal('xray_calendar'); } } if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('xray_calendar')) { $calendar_api = new API($gc, true); $json_calendar = json_decode($calendar_api->response(), true); // First emission $feed = $json_calendar['feed']['entry']; $next_show = "surprise !"; // Update no-emission every minute $next_time = time() + 60; for ($i = 0; $i < count($feed); $i++) { $entry = $feed[$i]; $title = $entry['title']['$t']; if ($title[0] == '_') { $name = substr($title, 1); $start = new DateTime($entry['gd$when'][0]['startTime']); $next_show = $name . " à " . strftime('%Hh, %A', $start->getTimestamp()); $next_time = $start->getTimestamp(); break; } } $xray_calendar = array('emission' => $next_show, 'next_time' => $next_time, 'time' => time()); PlCache::setGlobal('xray_calendar', $xray_calendar, $globals->cache->xray_calendar); } /* // feed x-ray pour le dernier podcast // MAJ 1x/jour $podcasts_xml = "http://x-ray/blog/?feed=podcast"; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('xray_podcast')) { $podcast_api = new API($podcasts_xml, false); $podcasts = $this->xml2array($podcast_api->response()); $last_podcast = $podcasts['rss']['channel']['item'][0]; $xray_podcast = array('titre' => utf8_decode($last_podcast['title']), 'url' => $last_podcast['link'], 'description' => utf8_decode($last_podcast['itunes:subtitle'])); PlCache::setGlobal('xray_podcast', $xray_podcast, $globals->cache->xray_podcast); } */ // titre en cours // MAJ toutes les 2 mn $nowplaying_xml = "http://x-ray/cache/info.xml"; if (!PlCache::hasGlobal('xray_nowplaying')) { $nowplaying_api = new API($nowplaying_xml, false); $nowplaying = $this->xml2array($nowplaying_api->response()); if (isset($nowplaying['info'])) { $song = $nowplaying['info']; $xray_nowplaying = array('title' => $song['title'], 'artist' => $song['artist'], 'album' => $song['album'], 'cover' => $song['cover']); PlCache::setGlobal('xray_nowplaying', $xray_nowplaying, $globals->cache->xray_nowplaying); } } $this->assign('xray_calendar', PlCache::getGlobal('xray_calendar')); //$this->assign('xray_podcast', PlCache::getGlobal('xray_podcast')); $this->assign('xray_nowplaying', PlCache::getGlobal('xray_nowplaying')); }