public function indexAction()
     // Start with row 0 at the beginning...
     $range = 0;
      * Feed Pagination
     if ($this->config->feed_pagination) {
          * If the config option, feed_pagination is set, we will spit up the feed into pages.
         // Get total number of publically available posts
         $sql = "SELECT count(`id`) FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}'";
         $this->total_posts = (int) Pixelpost_DB::get_var($sql);
         // Determine the total number of pages
         Pixelpost_Uri::$total_pages = (int) ceil($this->total_posts / $this->config->posts_per_page);
         // Verify that we're on a legitimate page to start with
         if (Pixelpost_Uri::$total_pages < Pixelpost_Uri::$page) {
             // @todo this error displays if the database call doesn't work.
             throw new Exception("Sorry, we don't have anymore pages to show!");
         // The database needs to know which row we need to start with:
         $range = (int) (Pixelpost_Uri::$page - 1) * $this->config->posts_per_page;
     $posts_sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT {$range}, {$this->config->feed_items}";
     // Grab the data object from the DB.
     $this->posts = (array) Pixelpost_DB::get_results($posts_sql);
      * The RSS feed can't have altered published dates,
      * so we need to completely nuke "filter_published" 
      * before we can run processPosts().
      * Run the posts through the Plugin system, and apply any 
      * necessary data before sending the array to the view.
      * If index is called, without specifying a feed type,
      * auto-run the default rss method.
     if (empty($this->feed_type) || !method_exists($this, $this->feed_type . 'Action')) {
 public function indexAction()
     if (!is_array($this->posts)) {
         // Page Title
         $this->view->title = 'The Past';
         if ($this->config->posts_per_page > 0) {
              * If the config option, posts_per_page is set, we will spit up the archive into pages.
             // Get total number of publically available posts
             $sql = "SELECT count(`id`) FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}'";
             $this->total_posts = (int) Pixelpost_DB::get_var($sql);
             // Determine the total number of pages
             Pixelpost_Uri::$total_pages = (int) ceil($this->total_posts / $this->config->posts_per_page);
             // Verify that we're on a legitimate page to start with
             if (Pixelpost_Uri::$total_pages < Pixelpost_Uri::$page) {
                 throw new Exception("Sorry, we don't have anymore pages to show!");
             // The database needs to know which row we need to start with:
             $range = (int) (Pixelpost_Uri::$page - 1) * $this->config->posts_per_page;
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT {$range}, {$this->config->posts_per_page}";
         } else {
              * the config option, posts_per_page, isn't set, so display ALL the posts
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' ORDER BY `published` DESC";
          * The posts to list:
         $this->posts = (array) Pixelpost_DB::get_results($sql);
     // !is_array($this->posts)
      * Run the posts through the Plugin system, and apply any 
      * necessary data before sending the array to the view.
      * Assign the variables to be used in the view
      * $this->view->myVar can be accessed in the template as $myVar
     $this->view->thumbnails = $this->_thumbnails();
     $this->view->posts = $this->posts;
Example #3
 private function __construct()
      * Set the controller
     $this->_controller = $this->_view = Pixelpost_Uri::fragment(0) ? ucfirst(Pixelpost_Uri::fragment(0)) : Pixelpost_Config::getInstance()->default_controller;
      * If the URI fragment points to an non existent controller,
      * we'll try the page controller.
     if (!$this->controllerExists()) {
         $this->_controller = Pixelpost_Config::getInstance()->static_controller;
      * Set the Action
     $this->_action = Pixelpost_Uri::fragment(1) ? Pixelpost_Uri::fragment(1) . 'Action' : Pixelpost_Config::getInstance()->default_action;
Example #4
  * Get the current uri string
  * Possible ways to get the current page:
  *   Pixelpost_Uri::$uri;
  *   Pixelpost_Uri::uri();
  * @param string $uri (optional) override the current uri string
  * @return string self::$uri current uri
 public static function uri(string $uri = NULL)
     if (!empty($uri)) {
         self::$uri = $uri;
     return self::$uri;
Example #5
set_include_path(APPPATH . 'classes/');
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
$autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
// Load any namespace
 * Initialize Language and Model Autoloader
$resourceLoader = new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Module(array('basePath' => APPPATH, 'namespace' => ''));
$resourceLoader->addResourceType('models', 'models', 'Model');
$resourceLoader->addResourceType('modules', 'modules', 'Module');
 * Initialize Uri Class
 * Initialize Config Class
$config = Pixelpost_Config::getInstance();
 * Initialize DB Class
switch ($config->database['adapter']) {
    case 'sqlite':
        Pixelpost_DB::connect('sqlite:' . $config->database['sqlite']);
    case 'mysql':
 public function indexAction()
      * Determine the image ID we need to lookup, and verify that it is a positive integer:
     $this->id = (int) Pixelpost_Uri::fragment(1);
     $this->id = $this->id > 0 ? $this->id : 0;
      * Check if there is a Current Image, else get Current image
     if (!is_object($this->posts['current'])) {
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             // If no ID is specified, grab the latest image:
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT 0,1";
         } else {
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' AND `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' LIMIT 0,1";
         // Assign the current image to the $posts array
         $this->posts['current'] = Pixelpost_DB::get_row($sql);
      * Verify that the image exists, either from a plugin or from the code above:
     if (!is_object($this->posts['current'])) {
         // Error? Splash Screen?
         throw new Exception("Whoops, we don't have anything to show on this page right now, please to back to the <a href=\"?\">home page</a>.");
      * Check if Next Image exists, else get Next image
     if (!is_object($this->posts['next'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE (`published` < '{$this->posts['current']->published}') and (`published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}') ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT 0,1";
         $this->posts['next'] = Pixelpost_DB::get_row($sql);
          * If we are on the last image, there isn't a next image, 
          * so we can wrap around to the first image:
         if (!is_object($this->posts['next'])) {
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' ORDER BY `published` DESC LIMIT 0,1";
             $this->posts['next'] = Pixelpost_DB::get_row($sql);
      * Check if Previous Image exists, else get Previous image
     if (!is_object($this->posts['previous'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE (`published` > '{$this->posts['current']->published}') and (`published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}') ORDER BY `published` ASC LIMIT 0,1";
         $this->posts['previous'] = Pixelpost_DB::get_row($sql);
          * If the first image, we can't go back any further, 
          * so we can wrap around to the last image:
         if (!is_object($this->posts['previous'])) {
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pixelpost` WHERE `published` <= '{$this->config->current_time}' ORDER BY `published` ASC LIMIT 0,1";
             $this->posts['previous'] = Pixelpost_DB::get_row($sql);
      * Run the posts through the Plugin system, and apply any 
      * necessary data before sending the array to the view.
      * Assign the variables to be used in the view
      * $this->view->myVar can be accessed in the template as $myVar
     $this->view->title = $this->posts['current']->title;
     $this->view->posts = $this->posts;
      * Inclusion of the actual template needed is handled in the destruct
      * function of the base controller.